Ein unglaublicher Skandal macht sich an der Küste auf, wo wir noch Neue Fotos einstellen, was Edi Rama und die Gangster im Ministerium organisierten, seit 25 Jahren. Unterschrift Edi Rama, Ministerin: Mirela Kumbaro auf der Basis erneut bekannter gefälschter Grundstücks Urkunden, die nur für Gangster vor über 10 Jahren von der Richterin Dhurata Billa ausgestellt wurden, die keinerlei Kompetenz hatte, mit dem in Haft sitzenden Bedri Lukka. Currilla, Durres
Agim Sinojmeri war der Vertrags Partner bei der GTZ Studie der ghh
Alle wichtigen Strände sind verschmutzt, stellt erneut das Gesundheits Ministerium (Ministria e Mjedisit nxjerr fiktivisht nga lista e zezë 11 plazhet e ndotura në vend )fest und genau das verkauft man in Deutschland mit der PR Methoden der GTZ, welche nur noch Mafiös operiert mit dem Lobby Verband DAW, als Tourismus Förderung.
Republic Sazan – das Sazan Projekt der Albanischen US Mafia
was eine Kopie der im Volks Mund auch geannten “Republic Currila” des Projektes der Marian Durres www.albania.de werden sollten.
aus http://karl-kreibich.over-blog.com
Mirela Kumbaro
Mirela Kumbaro Furxhi (* 4. März 1966 in Tirana) ist eine albanische Hochschullehrerin und Politikerin der Sozialistischen Partei Albaniens PSSh (Partia Socialiste e Shqipërisë), die zwischen 2013 und 2019 Kulturministerin war und seit September 2021 Ministerin für Tourismus und Umwelt ist. Falke, Blödsinn Bildung hat die Frau
Mirela Kumbaro Furxhi begann nach dem Schulbesuch ein Studium der Fächer Französische Zivilisation und Literatur an der Fakultät für Geschichte und Philologie der Universität Tirana, welches sie 1988 beendete.
Taulant Balla, will gegen illegale Boote vorgehen und ein Sozialmedia Tourist, musste geborgen werden bei Himari – Marina Durres – Albanien
Mai 02, 2024., 08:19 •
[…] 5 Kadaster Chefs von Durres verhaftet: Leonard Kadrimi, Dashnor Taulla,Bedri Luka und 448.000 qm Lan… […]
Mai 04, 2024., 07:51 •
Aktuell die Tafel später in die Bäume gehängt, zeigt Edi Rama, M. Kumbara Unterschrift, denn für Geld geht Alles vor 10 Jahren wurden überall Mafia Lokale gebaut, mit Abwässer ins Meer und auch Schiessereien 2013 mit Salih Berisha, Vangush Daku wurde es zum Eldorado für Kriminelle, die den Wahlkampf finanzieren
Mai 04, 2024., 09:24 •
die Ministerin, ihre Bande ist Geisteskrank und Extrem dumm. Vollkommen daneben, wenn man mit Umwelt Zerstörung und Beton aktuell so weiter macht und Abwässern, wie seit 25 Jahren. Wer bleibt lange? Niemand „Wir wollen Touristen, die länger bleiben und mehr ausgeben“ Ein wichtiger Faktor für den Tourismus-Boom in Albanien ist allerdings auch, dass bei Ihnen so günstig ist, wie auch der Espresso-Index von TRAVELBOOK zeigt. Könnten die Touristen wegbleiben, wenn die Preise in Albanien irgendwann anziehen? „Vor fünf Jahren war Low-Cost-Tourismus etwas, das aus Sicht von Albanien Sinn ergab. Jetzt ist es immer noch nicht teuer, aber es nicht das, für das wir stehen wollen. Günstig ist nicht immer nachhaltig. Wir wollen Quantität über Qualität stellen und setzen auf Wertigkeit statt auf Masse.“ Was heißt das? „Wir wollen Touristen, die länger bleiben und mehr ausgeben. Darum tätigen wir derzeit sehr große Investitionen in die Infrastruktur: Straßen, Autobahnen, Airports und Häfen. Mithilfe von Investoren aus Dubai bauen wir derzeit den größten Jachthafen im Balkan.“ https://www.travelbook.de/news/interview-mirela-kumbaro-tourismus-albanien Kein Hafen im Bau, nur Beton Wüsten für Appartments überall auch neben dem Hafen Durres
Jul 12, 2024., 16:12 •
9. Juli 2024, 13:58
Im Restaurant „Gzona“ gab Ministerin Mirela Kumbaro 220.000 Euro mehr aus als Ilir Beqja
Te restorant ‘Gzona’, ministrja Mirela Kumbaro ka përlarë 220 mijë Euro më tepër se Ilir Beqja
Mai 06, 2024., 18:28 •
"Kein Interesse an staatlicher Ordnung" Über Thaçi kann sich Berlin nicht im Unklaren sein. Bereits im Jahr 2005 wurden Auszüge aus einem Bericht des Bundesnachrichtendienstes bekannt, in dem es hieß, über "Key-Player" wie ihn bestünden "engste Verflechtungen zwischen Politik, Wirtschaft und international operierenden OK-Strukturen im Kosovo". Die "dahinter stehenden Netzwerke" hätten keinerlei "Interesse am Aufbau einer funktionierenden staatlichen Ordnung, durch die ihre florierenden Geschäfte beeinträchtigt werden können."[5] Zwei Jahre später bestätigte eine im Auftrag der Bundeswehr verfasste Analyse diesen Befund.[6] Dass ein "Key-Player", dessen "Netzwerken" kein "Interesse am Aufbau einer funktionierenden staatlichen Ordnung" nachgesagt wird, auch im Amt des Premierministers von der Bundesrepublik Deutschland unterstützt wird, entbehrt nicht eines gewissen Zynismus: Schließlich gehört Berlin zu den tonangebenden Mächten unter den westlichen Besatzern des Kosovo, die vorgeben, dort staatliche Strukturen aufbauen zu wollen. Zuletzt hat die Bundesregierung dem Kosovo vor zwei Jahren umfangreichere Hilfe versprochen; zugesagt wurden 100 Millionen Euro. Der Nutzen der Finanztransfers bleibt im Dunkel: Die Arbeitslosigkeit im Kosovo ist mit offiziell 45 Prozent die höchste in ganz Europa, fast zwei Fünftel der Bevölkerung leben laut Angaben der Weltbank bis heute in Armut. Selbst das Bundesentwicklungsministerium gibt an, im Kosovo sei "wirtschaftlicher Aufschwung (...) noch nicht zu verzeichnen".[7] ..... http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/de/fulltext/57969
Mai 11, 2024., 12:40 •
der Betrug geht weiter mit der Regierung und Artan Gaci in Himari TIRANA, March 25, 2024 - Himara Municipality, which has one of the most commercially lucrative tourist coastlines in Albania, saw its acting mayor arrested over the weekend, as Jorgo Goro, a representative of the ruling Socialist Party, faces charges of allowing the irregular registration of two coastal properties through forged documents. The arrest is the latest event in a complicated web of political, commercial and ethnic interests that have left Himara municipality in limbo and caused a rift between Albania and Greece. Goro was acting as mayor after his elected mandate had ended last year. The man who won the election, Fredi Beleri, is currently in prison, convicted on charges of vote buying, and has not been allowed by the justice system to be sworn in. Goro’s arrest and Beleri’s conviction, which is still under appeal, leave Himara Municipality in a legal gray zone and without a mayor until new elections can be held or Beleri is allowed to be sworn in. In fact, it was a complaint filed in August by Beleri that led to Goro’s investigation and arrest. The complaint alleged that Goro had facilitated the registration of a land acquisition act in the name of a Himara resident at the former Local Office for Registration of Immovable Property in Vlora, using fraudulent procedures and documents. -Opposition sees PM’s plans in latest arrest- Albania’s opposition and representatives of the ethnic Greek minority, which Beleri says he represents, issued statements that Goro’s arrest is part of Prime Minister Edi Rama’s play to make sure the opposition doesn’t take over Himara’s mayorship. Rama recently placed Vangjel Tavo, a representative of the ethnic Greek minority, as prefect of the Vlora County, which includes Himara. Albanian media have for weeks been reporting that Tavo is being slated to take over running Himara. Beleri is a representative of a political party advocating for the rights of the Greek minority in Albania and he was arrested two days before the May 14, 2023 municipal elections, in which he garnered support from the broader Albanian center-right opposition coalition. Despite being confined to a jail cell, Beleri won the closely contested mayoral race in Himara against SP’s Goro. Beleri and Athens have been asking Albania’s authorities that he be allowed to be sworn in, but those requests have gone on deaf ears in Albania’s justice system, which the Albanian opposition insists is acting on Rama’s behalf, a charge he denies. A large portion of Himara’s population speaks Greek at home, but the area is not recognized as a minority municipality by Tirana, which sees the Greek-speaking residents as ethnic Albanians. Beleri’s arrest has led to a cooling in Albania-Greece relations and threats from Athens to freeze Albania’s EU integration process, which is already going at a snail pace for two decades. -Several others wanted in the investigation- Authorities also issued an arrest warrant for Stavri Mehilli, the original heir to a property in question. Additionally, two officials from the Vlora Cadastre Office have been placed under house arrest. An arrest warrant has been issued for the Director of the Land Defense and Management Directorate in Himara Municipality, Jerasimo Bashi, who remains at large. According to the Special Prosecution Office, Goro in two separate episodes committed actions contrary to the law. “In cooperation with the Municipality Director Bashi, without conducting any concrete verification as required by law, they submitted completely forged documents to the competent authorities, subsequently enabling the registration of a 5512 m2 agricultural land in state ownership in favor of a private entity. This land located in Dhermi, Vlora, after registration in the public records due to unlawful actions by responsible individuals (the two Vlora Cadastre officials), was transferred to a private entity, stripping the state of its ownership," the Special Prosecution Office said in a statement. "This transfer was accompanied by unjust enrichment for another individual under investigation, Stavri Mehilli." According to the prosecution Mehilli has used forged documents and forms multiple times, both at several institutions and procedural authorities. -Ties to SP-linked businessman explored- The properties related to the arrest, after several transactions, ended up in the hands of the entrepreneur Artan Gaçi, the husband of former Socialist Party Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka, for the construction of a tourist complex on the Dhermi coast. Gaçi is also among those named in Beleri's complaint, who alleges that all these practices aimed to transfer the land to the husband of the former minister, including it as part of the area where he has begun constructing a tourist complex. Last October, the Special Prosecution Office announced that this area had been placed under seizure by the court. Xhaçka reacted at the time, stating that this was a measure taken "to investigate the origin of a private property since 1994." However, problems seem not only to involve this part of the land where Gaçi has invested but also another part of the area where Goro has also transferred a piece of land to state ownership through alleged falsifications. TIRANA, March 25, 2024 - Himara Municipality, which has one of the most commercially lucrative tourist coastlines in Albania, saw its acting mayor arrested over the weekend, as Jorgo Goro, a representative of the ruling Socialist Party, faces charges of allowing the irregular registration of two coastal properties through forged documents. The arrest is the latest event in a complicated web of political, commercial and ethnic interests that have left Himara municipality in limbo and caused a rift between Albania and Greece. Goro was acting as mayor after his elected mandate had ended last year. The man who won the election, Fredi Beleri, is currently in prison, convicted on charges of vote buying, and has not been allowed by the justice system to be sworn in. Goro’s arrest and Beleri’s conviction, which is still under appeal, leave Himara Municipality in a legal gray zone and without a mayor until new elections can be held or Beleri is allowed to be sworn in. In fact, it was a complaint filed in August by Beleri that led to Goro’s investigation and arrest. The complaint alleged that Goro had facilitated the registration of a land acquisition act in the name of a Himara resident at the former Local Office for Registration of Immovable Property in Vlora, using fraudulent procedures and documents. -Opposition sees PM’s plans in latest arrest- Albania’s opposition and representatives of the ethnic Greek minority, which Beleri says he represents, issued statements that Goro’s arrest is part of Prime Minister Edi Rama’s play to make sure the opposition doesn’t take over Himara’s mayorship. Rama recently placed Vangjel Tavo, a representative of the ethnic Greek minority, as prefect of the Vlora County, which includes Himara. Albanian media have for weeks been reporting that Tavo is being slated to take over running Himara. Beleri is a representative of a political party advocating for the rights of the Greek minority in Albania and he was arrested two days before the May 14, 2023 municipal elections, in which he garnered support from the broader Albanian center-right opposition coalition. Despite being confined to a jail cell, Beleri won the closely contested mayoral race in Himara against SP’s Goro. Beleri and Athens have been asking Albania’s authorities that he be allowed to be sworn in, but those requests have gone on deaf ears in Albania’s justice system, which the Albanian opposition insists is acting on Rama’s behalf, a charge he denies. A large portion of Himara’s population speaks Greek at home, but the area is not recognized as a minority municipality by Tirana, which sees the Greek-speaking residents as ethnic Albanians. Beleri’s arrest has led to a cooling in Albania-Greece relations and threats from Athens to freeze Albania’s EU integration process, which is already going at a snail pace for two decades. -Several others wanted in the investigation- Authorities also issued an arrest warrant for Stavri Mehilli, the original heir to a property in question. Additionally, two officials from the Vlora Cadastre Office have been placed under house arrest. An arrest warrant has been issued for the Director of the Land Defense and Management Directorate in Himara Municipality, Jerasimo Bashi, who remains at large. According to the Special Prosecution Office, Goro in two separate episodes committed actions contrary to the law. “In cooperation with the Municipality Director Bashi, without conducting any concrete verification as required by law, they submitted completely forged documents to the competent authorities, subsequently enabling the registration of a 5512 m2 agricultural land in state ownership in favor of a private entity. This land located in Dhermi, Vlora, after registration in the public records due to unlawful actions by responsible individuals (the two Vlora Cadastre officials), was transferred to a private entity, stripping the state of its ownership," the Special Prosecution Office said in a statement. "This transfer was accompanied by unjust enrichment for another individual under investigation, Stavri Mehilli." According to the prosecution Mehilli has used forged documents and forms multiple times, both at several institutions and procedural authorities. -Ties to SP-linked businessman explored- The properties related to the arrest, after several transactions, ended up in the hands of the entrepreneur Artan Gaçi, the husband of former Socialist Party Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka, for the construction of a tourist complex on the Dhermi coast. Gaçi is also among those named in Beleri's complaint, who alleges that all these practices aimed to transfer the land to the husband of the former minister, including it as part of the area where he has begun constructing a tourist complex. Last October, the Special Prosecution Office announced that this area had been placed under seizure by the court. Xhaçka reacted at the time, stating that this was a measure taken "to investigate the origin of a private property since 1994." However, problems seem not only to involve this part of the land where Gaçi has invested but also another part of the area where Goro has also transferred a piece of land to state ownership through alleged falsifications. https://www.tiranatimes.com/?p=154376
Crni Labudovi
Aug 09, 2024., 15:59 •
Alle Gesetze ausser Kraft, Edi Rama, verkauft die Küste und Minister: an Fake Firmen und für Geld: Aleksandër Frangaj e Florenc Gjikuria, Durres Port, vor 100 Jahren mit dem Dorf Durres zu korrupt, unfähig die Deutsche Entwicklunghilfe, ein rein kriminelles Enterprise. Deshalb gibt es überall Mücken, verstreckte Strände8. August 2024, 11:25
Dhërmi/Edi Rama erteilte Frangaj aus Gjikuria drei Monate vor der Gründung des Unternehmens „Golden Key“ eine Resortgenehmigung und überließ ihm das Land für 7,8 Millionen Euro
Mai 07, 2024., 22:57 •
Einem der Baumafia mit neuen Durres Touristik Anlagen wurden Bankkonten und Alles beschlagnahmt. Adem Metkola wurde Alles beschlagnahmt. 2 illegale Bauten, 7 Fahrzeuge. 2007 aus England ausgewiesen Prokuroria e Tiranës ka sekuestruar disa pasuri të paluajtshme dhe llogari bankare biznesmenit të ndërtimit, Adem Metkola ku përfshihen 2 troje, 3 ara dhe 7 makina. Sipas Prokurorisë së Tiranës, Metkolës i kanë ardhur para nga Britania e Madhe në disa llogari bankare prej shtetasve me të cilët ai nuk kishte lidhje. Metkola thotë se do blinte një pronë në Durrës. Metkola rezulton i deportuar nga Britania në vitin 2007.
Biznesmenit të ndërtimit iu mbushën llogaritë bankare me paund nga Anglia, i sekuestrohen bashkë me toka e makina luksoze! Adem Metkola: Ishin kapar për të ndërtuar resort në Durrës
LEXO EDHE: Adem Metkolës iu sekuestruan prona e llogari bankare, në zgjedhjet e 2023 kandidoi për anëtar Këshilli Bashkiak në Kamëz si përfaqësues i Mediut
Adem Metkola
Sipas prokurorisë së Tiranës në skemën e pastrimit të parave ku dyshohet se është përfshirë biznesmeni i ndërtimit, ka qenë dhe shtetasja britanike Carolyn Patricia Perry e cila ka kryer transfertat si dhe gjithashtu kanë blerë pasuri në bashkëpronësi me të me vlera të konsiderueshme. Më 28 dhjetor 2022 Këshilli Kombëtar i Territorit miratoi lejen për ndërtimin e resortit turistik me vendndodhje në rrugën: “Currila”, Bashkia Durrës, të biznesmenit të ndërtimit Adem Metkola së bashku me shtetasen angleze Carolyn Patricia Perry.web25492362
Mai 08, 2024., 13:56 •
Illegal constructions were allowed, the IMTV administrator and inspector were arrested
Mai 09, 2024., 08:13 •
riessige Strafen, wenn einer ein Gewächshaus umbaut in einen kleinen Kuhstall, für 3 Kühe
26 Millionen Lek Strafe für den Landwirt wegen Bau eines Stalls für drei Kühe ohne Genehmigung! Der empörte Brace prangert den Fall an: Haben Sie Zweifel?
Bau des Bauernhofs ohne Genehmigung
LESEN SIE AUCH: Steuer für Freiberufler, Debatten in der Versammlung! Tabaku: Die Steuer ist ungerecht! Braçe: Warum zahlt ein Arzt im Staat Steuern und ein „freier“ Arzt nicht?!
Aug 06, 2024., 18:09 •
ex-Juristen des Kadaster Amtes in Durres verhaftet
Nën akuzë për tjetërsim pronash në Gjirin e Lalëzit, arratiset ish-juristi i Kadastrës së Durrësit! Dyshohet për dekonspirim operacioni
der Regierungs Betrug geht weiter mit: Artan Gaci, Edi Rama, – Marina Durres – Albanien
Mai 11, 2024., 13:09 •
[…] 5 Kadaster Chefs von Durres verhaftet: Leonard Kadrimi, Dashnor Taulla,Bedri Luka und 448.000 qm Lan… […]
Mai 12, 2024., 22:54 •
Falsifikim dokumentesh për 7 mijë m2 tokë në Bërxullë, Prokuroria e Tiranës kërkon burg për ish-kryetarin Ymer Marku dhe dy ish-zyrtarë
Prokuroria, hetime për grabitjen e pronave nga Ymer Marku në Bërxullë, tokat kaluan në duart e Arbër Abazit
24 Maj, 10:55