KAS: European investors do not come to Albania because Justice is lacking.

Diese unnützen Politik Stiftungen, plabbern nur nach, was man vor über 15 Jahren wusste, mit allen Details, aber es müssen wie in Afrika, Afghanistan, Kosovo noch viele Milliarden gestohlen werden und jedes Jahr „entscheidende Fortschritte“ verkauft werden, wie auch in 2013 durch die KAS, bei einer lächerlichen sinnlosen Krankenhaus Konferenz, zuvor eine schlecht vorbereitete Tourismus Konferenz, wo die FH München ablehnte, mit dem Mafia Minister: Ferdinand Yhaferie, eine Partnerschaft zu schliessen. Alles Show, wie damals ein Tourismus Uni ein Italienisch – Albanisches Mafia Projekt.

EU Verbrecher Bande in Tirana, der Inkompetenz

Die dummen Frauen: Genoveva Ruiz Calavera, Agnes Bernhard stehen vor einem Scherbenhaufen der EU Justiz Mission EURALIUS

Ein gesuchter Krimineller kauft sich einen Professoren Titel bei Minister Tafaj, Berisha Regierung und ist seit 2012 in der Uni Tirana tätig, wo er nun verhaftet wurde. Das wird als Bildung verkauft.

Shoraj Dritan

Klare Aussage, das die IRZ-Stiftung, EU Justiz Mission EURALIUS und die Amerikaner mit OPDAT ein Justiz Massaker angerichtet haben, weil es nicht einmal eine Jura Ausbildung gibt, noch eine Funktion der Administriven Hochschule, ebenso ein sinnloses EU Projekt, in der Klientel Politik von Dumm Kriminellen geleitet.

Bereits in 2000, ja sogar in 1995 als die Internationalen schwiegen zum Skandal mit dem höchsten Richter Zef Broci, wo Salih Berisha die Ermordung androhte,  als er Fatos Nano nicht inhaftieren wollte, die KAS für die durchgefallene neue Verfassung in 1994 verantwortlich war und die Duldung der gefälschten Parlaments Wahlen von 1996. Heute ist nur Alles viel Schlimmer. Die Letzten Investoren sprechen von damals von den „Goldenen  Zeiten“, weil zumindest man überall gut ausgebildete Administrative hatte, auch Minister, die noch ihren Job kannten.

Das Verfassungsgericht wurde beerdigt

Peinlich wenn die Fakten zeigen aus 2001, 2002 das schon damals die Skrapari Bande jede Justiz in Albanien verhinderte, wie Internationale Reports u.a. vom IWPR, oder Transparency International Corruption Report 2001 aufzeigten. Zitat: +++Albanian politicians have signalled a rare willingness to unite in the name of national interest. ***„Justiz unerwünscht, wurde damals schon bei Ilir Meta Regierungs festgestellt. Die Grundstücks Mafia war damals schon gut bekannt.

Im dümmsten Staat der Welt: auch die Gebiets Reform funktioniert absolut Nicht

Thorsten Frei, über die Zustände in Albanien

No justice, no investment, europeans need security!

European investors do not come to Albania because Justice is lacking. 

Martin Henze, Chair of the Transport Commission and member of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany, said that the lack of a Constitutional Court and poor implementation of fiscal laws are a major detractors for Western companies.

“How can foreign companies invest when there is no infrastructure, no clear rules and a Court that does not work?

“What do you expect from French and German investors? This kind of a kink cannot be fixed by the European Union. You simply have to improve it.

“If you notice that European companies are not coming to Albania, it is your fault. If you build confidence and solid regulations, then the situation will definitely change. I know specifically that companies are interested,” explained Henze.

With regard to PPP concessions, Henze suggests that important project assessments should be made.

“We have implemented many PPP projects in the EU but I am surprised that such systems are being implemented in Albania as they are not long-term solutions.

“In Germany there is a special government structure where project estimates are made and the deadline is about 50 years, since that is where they remain profitable and do not aggravate the budget,” said Henze.

The Head of the Chamber of Commerce demanded more attention from the European Union for the region, while stressing that PPPs should not become a burden on the budget.

/Ora News.tv/


The EU’s Own Experts Did Not Recommend Vetting

The EU’s Own Experts Did Not Recommend Vetting

Over the last few months I have written extensively about how the justice reform in practice has become a massive problem for the Albanian constitutional order and rule of law. Not only have the delays in the vetting – exacerbated by the initial budget cuts of the Socialist government – led to significant and unconstitutional delays in…




  • navy
    Dez. 11, 2018., 19:24 •

    Die Albanische Bildung, ist wohl die Schlechteste der Welt, gefakte Diplome Standard. Die grössten DP Idioten, wie Lulzim Basha, Arkimed Lushaj, organisieren die Demonstrationen, mit Studenten, welche selbst nie etwas lernen werden, funktionale Analphabeten sind. KAS: European investors do not come to Albania because Justice is lacking. National Employment Service: niedriges Bildungsniveau ist eine schwere Hürde für die Beschäftigung 1 : 1 Übernommen: das dümmliche Quoten Frauen System der „Gender“ Mafia Die EU Mafia, will die gekauften ID, gefakten Diplome, Schulzeugnisse, Fake Ausbildung anerkennen Der Bildungsbetrug: Berufsausbildung mit Regierung nahen Idioten Albanian Protests Channel Wider Anger With Rama Govt

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-RAmYiKuD4&w=560&h=315]
    Behind the protests in Albania over rises in tuition fees, a deeper disappointment with a Socialist government that many say favours the rich seems to be emerging. Gjergj Erebara BIRN TiranaAlbania’s Prime Minister, Edi Rama, repeatedly called for “dialogue” with rebellious students protesting against tuition fees on Sunday and Monday but was rebuffed – as the number of those present at the gates of the Ministry of Education in Tirana began to fall. Albania had a long weekend this week in honour of 8 December, the day when student protesters in 1991 began to topple the country’s now hated communist regime. However, Rama was not on holiday but at his office on Sunday and Monday, vainly calling for dialogue.
    Students protesting in Tirana in this photo of 9 December 2018. The placard reads: We pay high prices to end up working as waiters.
    “This is a golden moment to build a government in collaboration with the students,” Rama said in a video-message on Facebook on Sunday. “The government cannot let this encouraging moment for change slip,” he added. The For the University Movement, a leftwing student group, refused the invitation, however. “You are part of the problem, not the solution,” they said. Rama also left open the possibility of compromise, saying he was ready to discuss higher tax transfers from state budget – and lower tuition fees. “Our joint aims cannot be reached through ultimatums,” he declared, hopefully. The For the University Movement has been protesting against Rama’s reforms to higher education for the last five years, claiming that a new law, approved in 2014, erodes university autonomy.
    Students protesting in Tirana on 8 December 2018. The placards reads: "The Education that We Do not Want" and "We do want books not Google-translated". Photo: Ivana Dervishi/BIRN
    It has denounced moves to increase fees as a way to make universities more economically sustainable. However, the University Movement appears to be losing control over the protests. On Monday, a smaller crowd appeared at the gates of the Ministry of Education, while media close to the opposition centre-right Democratic Party attacked the Movement, calling them communists. The latest protests started last Tuesday, when students at the Faculty of Architecture in Tirana received a notice to pay their annual fees in advance before 15 December because the faculty had incurred high expenses while trying to renovate the premises. Angered by the notice, the students boycotted lessons and marched toward the Ministry of Education.
    A student protesting in Tirana on 9 December 2018. The placard reads: "We end up incompetent medics". Photo: Ivana Dervishi/BIRN
    Students from other departments soon joined in and, two days later, students from universities across the country burst onto the streets. In several other universities, in Korca, Shkodra and Gjirokastra, fees are not a particular concern and life is less expensive for students. However, they still joined the protests out of solidarity. The rallies seemed also to attract the sympathy of some college professors and a wide section of the population. When marching students temporarily blocked Tirana’s main boulevard on Saturday, TV footage showed that not all the drivers were annoyed. Some drivers even got out of their cars and hailed the protesters. Tuition fees are not particularly high in Albania and the student protest appears to be channeling a wider anger against Prime Minister Rama, now in his fifth year in post.
    Protest. Photo: BIRN
    But some of the students with whom BIRN spoke during the protest told stories of poverty and real struggle. Edison Lika, 20, a student of Political Sciences in Tirana, said he had paid for his tuition fees by working during the summer as a welder in Kacanik, in Kosovo, where the US-based contractor Bechtel is building a highway from the Kosovo capital, Pristina, to the Macedonian border. “We had to work up to 6pm in the evening and I had one day off in two weeks,” Lika told BIRN on the sidelines of a student protest held in Tirana city centre. “During the weekends I work as salesman in a shop,” he added. Edison used the money he earned in Kosovo to cover his tuition fee of 40,000 leks [320 euros] a year and other expenditures related to his education. Next year, when he expects to start his master degree studies, his fee will rise to 80,000 leks. His family is in no position to help him. His father lost his job as miner in the chromium industry back in 1997, one year before Edison was born. His father’s pension of 120 euros a month, paid by the government to jobless miners, is the only income that the family currently receives. One of his friends also protesting on the streets said he had paid for his tuition fee by working during the summer months in tourism. “I can earn as much as 80,000 leks in a two-month season, but life here in Tirana is expensive,” he noted. He refused to be quoted by name because his father, the breadwinner of the family, works in the public administration and might face repercussions if his son was seen protesting against the government. “I have worked as waiter since I was 13,” he said with a degree of pride. Liri Kuci, a leftwing activist, blamed Rama’s own economic management for the difficulties, criticizing also the latest wave of the so-called “concessionary agreements”, a much-debated government program that has awarded several billion euros in contracts to a few companies in exchange for public works that some doubt will bring any benefits. “They have become rich at the expense of our parents who survive on salaries of 20,000 leks a month,” she said last Friday to an exalted crowd of protesters. “They want to rob us with concessions, tariffs, taxes and are inventing all kinds of stuff, to steal more,” she added. Read more: Albania Students to Rally Against Education Bill Albanian Students Protest Over Education Law Albanian Students Rally Against University Reforms
    Die grössten Idioten in Tirana:

    Die EU Ratten: Sylvain Gamber, Romana Vlahutin, Andi Dobrus

    3 Mal, hoch Kriminelle als angebliche Justiz Experten, wo Millionen verschwanden. Gerti Shalla (Georg Soros), Jan Rudolph, Marcus Johnson (USAID)
    • und vor allemGenoveva Ruiz Calavera, im enormen Interessen Konflikt, wie eine „Nghradeta“ Organisation aufgebaut
    • Independent Observation Mission (ONM) mit illegalem Selbst Bedienungs Management Board was Verfassungs widrig ist.
    n Albanien, sollten eine Hirnlose NGO Truppe die Justiz übernehmen, was praktisch von den EU Banden gefördert wird. Andere Super Idioten der EU im Betrugs Imperium der EU. Lachkrampf über diesen Idioten, mit seinem Dumm Geschwätz in Tirana, was man in der TV Aufnahme schnell erkennt. Sylvain Gamber (political chief of EU delegation) für die Justiz Reform zuständig, i

  • Balkansurfer
    Dez. 28, 2018., 11:53 •

    die halbe Regierung, inklusive auch Lulzim Basha, hat gefakte Diplome, oft nicht einmal Oberschul Abshluss

    Viel zu spaet, die Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, der SPD, selber Motor der Zerstoerung der Bildung, Justiz mit den kriminellen Georg Soros Banden.

    Dumm faengt in Berlin und Bruessel an, und den Dumm Quoten Frauen, die sogar die neueste und teurste Norwegische Fregatte versenkten, als hohe Frauen Offiziere, Kaffee Kraenzung uebten Zu 6 auf der Bruecke, und ohne Ausbildung die Posten erhielten nicht einmal Angler Boot Kapitaen ERfahrung hatten.

    EU Verbrecher Bande in Tirana, der Inkompetenz

    73% of Students Knows of Corruption in University

    A recently published study by Qendresa Qytetare, a local NGO, with support of the German Friedrich Ebert Foundation, shows that 73% of the students knows of corruption at the university, 19% had no evidence, while only a meager 8% denied the existence of corruption. The study is based on interviews with

    Learning from the Students

    Over the last few days I have had the privilege of sitting on a few meetings of one of the many student groups organizing the student protests and rethinking the Albanian university system. The student protests had started earlier in December seemingly in direct response to the raising of student fees, but quickly encompassed a broad range of issues, including financial aid, education quality, corruption, dorm maintenance, plagiarism, and student representation.

    Initially, the response of the government was aimed at dividing the students, by linking them to various political youth groups and an active deployment of government media keen on finding “internal contradictions.” Despite a variety of opinions on issues such as location and form of protest, the students were able to clearly articulate their demands and how these should be fulfilled, and resisted being drawn into destructive partisan politics. Their stance against the “politicization” of the protest, that is, the appropriation of the protest by party politics, managed to hold.

    What followed during this ongoing protest, was an endless and increasingly pathetic sequence of memes, threats, and pleas of Prime Minister Edi Rama for “dialogue,” while his lauded Center for Openness and Dialogue fearfully kept its shutters down as the students clamored for their rights outside. As one of the students formulated their rejection of “dialogue”:

    Both the students and the Prime Minister lack the necessary academic experience. This means that in their current state the students are only capable of making demands, we cannot talk about something that was already missing in the first place. At the same time, the Prime Minister is not an education expert and he is not in the position of making such statements [concerning education reform], he is not certified for that position.

    In other words, the rejection of dialogue is the students’ own admittance of a lack of knowledge, of a desire for education, and a will to learn. They recognize their own weakness, and act accordingly. This is a form of self-knowledge rarely displayed on the political scene.

    Nevertheless, Rama and his propaganda czar Endri Fuga orchestrated a number of “spontaneous” talk shows with “students” on several government-friendly TV channels, which one after the other were quickly discovered to be filled with youth party members. The protestors debunked in real time any of the so-called student representatives on display, tweeting out snapshots with Socialist Party officials they had posted on their social media. One of the students “dialoguing” with Rama even outed himself as member of the Socialist Youth Party (FRrESh) and complained about discrimination based on political beliefs. In short: overall, a spectacular PR failure.

    This in itself has been an important victory. It has shown that the propaganda machine

    • Balkansurfer
      Dez. 28, 2018., 11:54 •

      Profi Betrueger, wie im zerstoerten Albanischen Bildungs System, nun mal fast Alles ist, wenn Georg Soros auftaucht und die Deutschen Ausland Bildungs und Aufbau Mafia Angefangen mit Lulzim Basha, diverse Minister und Bujar Nishani, die Kosovo Präsidentin, haben alle gefälschte Diplome DAAD und Georg Soros, mit der Open Society sind vor Ort, die Georg Soros Diplome der Phantom Uni UET, wurden nicht einmal im Kosovo anerkannt. international meine Freunde, bitte, wenn Sie diese Nachricht sehen und das Leid der albanischen Studenten fühlen, verteilen diese internationalen Journalisten. Muka schrieb über einige der Probleme, die Studenten zu protestieren sind gekommen, um.

      Schrieben wir schon vor 10 Jahren. Lulzim Basha hat in Utrecht studiert, denn jeder Kriminelle macht Schein Studien Gaenge im Ausland, aber keinen Abschluss, was nun bestaetigt wurde. Das Einschreiben fuer ein Studium dient nur Studenten Vorteilen, um illegales Arbeiten zu tarnen. Er war nur Tuersteher in Utrecht in einem Bordell und Club. Zuvor Kellner am Flugplatz in Tirana. Mit dem gefaelschten Lebenslauf erhielt er Top Jobs bei der UNMIK, wurde Innen. Transport, Aussenminister in Albanien, ist bei wikeleaks einschlaegig dokumteiert, dieser Betrueger. Partner von Argita Berisha im Betrug schon im Kosovo und sein Schwager Erion Isufi, eine identische kriminelle Karriere, und die ganze Familie.

      Shkresa nga Holanda, Lulzim Basha ka gënjyer për shkollën e lartë

      December 28, 2018 00:16

      Shkresa nga Holanda, Lulzim Basha ka gënjyer për shkollën e lartë

      Nga Arkiva

      Lulzim Basha ka gënjyer për diplomimin e tij në Holandë. Dokumentet qè e provojnè kanë dalë rastësisht ndërsa u tentua të përgënjeshtroheshin akuzat e hedhura në media nga ish zëvendësministri pak javor i Arsimit T.Muka, se Lulzim Basha ka nisur studimet në Universitetin e Utrechtit, Holandë, por nuk ka data diplomimi.

      Provohet me dokumente zyrtare se Lulzim Basha ka filluar shkollën në vitin 1993 dhe e ka përfunduar në vitin 2005.

      Në 6-të vitet e para ka mundur të sigurojë vetëm një diplomë 1-vjeçare përgatitore, këtë më pas e ka përdorur kur ka punuar për UNMIK në Kosovë.

      Po ti referohesh CV-së së Lulzim Bashës, publikuar në faqen zyrtare të PD-së, rezulton se i ka nisur studimet në Utrecht në vitin 1993, por nuk shënon një datë se kur i ka përfunduar ato.

      Kur ky detaj u vu në dukje nga ish-zv.ministri Muka, administratori i një portali periferik pranë PD-së dhe familjes të Bashës ka replikuar me Mukën, duke e lënë të hapur portën e verifikimit të këtij fakti dhe duke bërë autogol – shkruan CNA.

      “Që Lulzim Basha ka studiuar dhe është diplomuar në Universitetin e Utrecht-it dhe që ka bërë edhe masterin atje është e verifikuar dhe këtë nuk e manipulojnë dot as rilindasit as “akademikët” e papërcaktuar dhe që bëjnë 10 gabime drejtshkrimore në dhjetë rreshta që shkruajnë….”, shkruante administratori M.M, i cili për të nxjerrë të vërtetën rreth këtij fakti i ka adresuar një kërkesë zyrës Alumni të Universitetit të Utrechtit.

      Dokumenti i Universitetit publikuar nga portali prane PD

      Dhe më pas shkruan:

      Fakulteti më në fund i ktheu përgjigje pyetjes tënde dhe në këtë mënyrë unë mund të të informoj ty se:

      Lulzim Basha mbaroi me sukses vitin e parë për Drejtësi, në Holandë në prill të 1999. Ai ka përfunduar me sukses studimet për Drejtësi Ndërkombëtare dhe Evropiane në maj 2005”.

      Referuar përgjigjes së Universitetit rezulton se që nga viti 1993 deri në 2005 Lulzim Bashës i janë dashur 12 vite për të mbyllur studimet për Drejtësi dhe karrierën politike në PD e ka nisur pa qenë i diplomuar.

      Pa diplomuar ka qenë Lulzim Basha në vitin 2004 kur u promovua nga KOP-i dhe po i  tillë rezulton të ketë qenë edhe gjatë vitit 1999 kur punonte në Kosove.

      I padiplomuar ka qenë Lulzim Basha edhe gjatë kandidimit për deputet.


      „Albanische Studenten im ganzen Land protestieren, weil Universitäten nicht die grundlegende Infrastruktur, einschließlich Heizung, Toiletten, Wi-Fi, Zugang zu Bibliotheken oder wissenschaftliche Artikeln. Albanische Studenten protestieren, weil Lehrer zu Vorlesungen gehen nicht, sie fragen nach Geld oder sexuellen Gefälligkeiten eine Prüfung zu bestehen, die meisten von ihnen haben gefälschte Diplome und gefälschte Titel „, schreibt Muka unter anderem. Taulant muka nach Kategorie Taulant Muka: Niko Peleshi erhielt das Diplom 13 Jahre später, als er die Politik gegangen Taulant Muka prangert: Edi Rama, Basha und Veliaj kein Diplom Profil / Taulant Muka „Larven“, die das Bild von Rama erodiert Taulant Muka an Jurastudenten einreichen erfordert CV akademischen Vetting Taulant Muka: „Der junge Mann mit einem Durchschnitt 9,7 Armierungseisen Arbeiter illegal in Großbritannien arbeiten“ Taulant Muka: Ich werde schleichen Personen verfolgen, die Plagiate gekündigt haben https://lapsi.al/2018/12/17/taulant-muka-i-ben-thirrje-miqve-nderkombetar-qe-te-shperndajne-ate-qe-po-ndodh-ne-shqiperi/

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