Die von Clinton, John Bolton, Guiliani aufgebaute MEK Terroristen Zentrum bei Manza in Albanien wurde durchsucht
Die CDU ist auch hier aktiv dabei, bei der uralten Terroristen und Drogen Bande, der Kurdischen MEK Terroristen
Fallen gelassen, vom US Department of State, wegen extremer krimineller Umtriebe mit Mord auch im Iran. Pandely Majko promotete die Verbrecher Bande.
Die MEK Terroristen, haben einen Digitalen Angriff auf den Albanischen Staat gelandet Spiegel
Deutsche Pässe, für die uralt Terroristen und die nächste Pleite, Deutscher und EU Politik, wie mit den Nazis in der Ukraine oder den Kosovo Banden
Die US finanzierten kurdischen MEK Terroristen und die EU klatscht Beifall
1 Toter, die Server wurden beschlagnahmt. Die hatten totale Immunität durch Hillary Clinton in Albanien
Albanian police clashes with the Iranian MEK opposition in Durres complex, one dead body and dozens injured in the camp
A dead body was found today in the MEK camp in Manzë of Durrës, near the capital, after violent resistance of the residents to a general check of the premises required by the authorities.
There are dozens of injured, with breathing problems, eye burns, while others are being treated with oxygen in the camp, after the clashes that started when the police raided the camp for an inspection.
While accusing the police of the death of their member, the members of the camp told the media that they will take the case to court.
The State Police encountered resistance from residents inside the MEK camp, during checks following an order from the Special Court against Corruption and Organized Crime.
The police used tear gas, due to the residents’ resistance, while the Ashraf camp press spokesman, Shahriar Kia, said that one of the residents was killed by the security forces. The police have not yet issued an official announcement.
Iranian spokesman Shahriar Kia politicized the situation saying: A resident of Ashraf was killed by the police attack. This move is only to appease the Iranian mullahs who are falling from power. This action is similar to the one on June 17 that took place in Paris, but this one is on the territory of Albania. This is one of the blackest days for Albania. What I wrote to you is not the official position of the Ashraf authorities, but what the residents of the camp say. Now the situation of the residents of Ashraf is very dangerous”.
Tnsions have increased inside the camp, where MEK members are protesting against the situation created by the police controls. The windows of the police cars were broken by the members of the camp.
The ispection order is reported to come within the framework of the fight against terrorism and the prevention of cyber attacks. Many of the residents of the camp housing the Iranian opposition have been escorted and interrogated, later being released.
Currently, about 3,000 members of the Iranian political group MEK, described as the Iranian opposition in exile, are estimated to live in Camp Ashraf-3 in Manze, west of Tirana. The Mujahideen as the militant opposition is known, started coming to Albania in 2013 after an agreement with the then Albanian government, led at the time by Sali Berisha.
Kontrollet në kampin e MEK, Report Tv siguron vendimin e GJKKO: Dyshohet se nga Manza u kryen 2 sulme kibernetike ndaj Iranit! Në hetim për provokim lufte
Rrjeti i serverave të sekuestruar në bazën e MEK në Manzë, dyshohet se është përdorur për sulmin kibernetik ndaj Ministrisë së Jashtme të Iranit në maj të këtij viti. Report TV ka siguruar vendimin e gjykatës së urdhëroi kontrollet në kampin e…
- Nga ‘Provokimi i luftës’ te ‘Ndërhyrja në të dhënat kompjuterike’, akuzat e ngritura në procedimin penal të nisur nga SPAK
- Si ra SPAK në gjurmët e sulmeve kibernetike të MEK! Media iraniane: Hakeruan 5 mijë kamera sigurie, publikuan emrat e 11 mijë punonjësve të Ministrisë së Jashtme iraniane
21 Qershor, 10:34|Për
Die EU Folter, Mord, Drogen Verteil Camps der MEK Terroristen in Albanien und Berlin und Brüssel schweigen
Wieder eine gezielte Falsch Überschrift des Spiegels, denn die MEK Terroristen in Albanien, Killer Kommandos schon mit Saddam im Irak, Drogen Schmuggel, gaben Millionen um viele US Politiker, auch Deutsche zu bestechen, wie Claudia Klöckner. Tom Bolton, Clinton, Guiliani oder Wesley Clark erhielten schon vor Jahren viel Geld, von der Gruppe, traten auch wie John … Die EU Folter, Mord, Drogen Verteil Camps der MEK Terroristen in Albanien und Berlin und Brüssel schweigen weiterlesen
grooming Mojahedin Khalq (MEK, Rajavi cult) in Tirana part of bigger agenda for Albania
John Bolton und Rudy Giuliani
Es gibt Berichte, die auf unbestreitbar engere Verbindungen der MEK zu Rudy Giuliani verweisen, der bei einem diesjährigen Treffen des Nationalen Widerstandsrates des Iran (engl. National Council of Resistance of Iran – NCRI), der vom MEK geprägt ist, Anfang des Jahres in Paris vom Regime Change in Teheran sprach.
Top Channel
Juni 23, 2023., 07:44 •
Albanian Goverment Turns Blind Eye to Human Rights Abuse in MEK Camp
A recent report from The Guardian has uncovered systematic human rights abuse in the Albanian camp of the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK), a former Iranian terrorist organization exiled from Iraq to Albania. As Exit has reported over the last years, multiple high-ranking US politicians have visited the MEK in Albania, as US administration's interest...
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Maryam Rajavi in Tirana, Albania in September 2017. Photograph: NurPhoto via GettyInsider
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Rama zum Spiegel: Wenn die Mudschaheddin Krieg wollen, muss die MEK Albanien verlassen
Juli 03, 2023., 21:40 •
PM Rama for Der Spiegel: If the Mujahideen want war with Iran, they should leave Albania 30/06/2023 21:12 Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, in an interview for German network Der Spiegel, said yesterday that the Mujahideen cannot use Albania to fight against the Iranian regime. The development comes as a few days ago, by decision of the Special Court, the State Police exercised checks in the premises of the camp of the Iranian opposition MEK, which caused strong clashes with the residents of the camp. Their reaction began when the police approached the servers and began seizing computer equipment. The first reactions were to destroy the documents and memory cards, and then in a physical confrontation with the police they tried to prevent them from being taken. Asked by Spiegel, Rama said that although the MEK are welcome, they should not use Albania as a platform for their political operations. “Our Iranian guests have repeatedly violated this agreement. Albania has no intention of being at war with the Iranian regime. Albania does not accept anyone who has abused our hospitality.” https://top-channel.tv/english/pm-rama-for-der-spiegel-if-the-mujahideen-want-war-with-iran-they-should-leave-albania/ Albaniens Premier über Einsatz gegen iranische Opposition »Das ist nicht unser Kampf« Ende Juni durchsuchten albanische Polizisten ein Lager, in dem iranische Dissidenten untergebracht waren. Hier erklärt Premierminister Edi Rama den Umgang mit den Volksmudschahidin – und warum gegen sie vorgegangen wird. Ein Interview von Susanne Koelbl 03.07.2023, 17.35 Uhr https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/albanien-geht-gegen-iranische-opposition-vor-premier-edi-rama-ueber-die-gruende-a-06a53c10-a10a-4527-bb5d-97195ac879a3