Die Elbasan Wald Massaker in neuer Auflage
Aufforstungsgelder wurden nur gestohlen unter Lefter Koka, Salih Berisha. Vorbild Deutschland, die Regierungs Mafia bei jedem Betrug ohne Beispiel und Vorneweg
Der CO2 und Aufforstungs Betrug des BMZ, UN, wo nur Fake Wälder stehen, mit dem Pleitier: von „Plant for the Planet“, Greta und“ fryday for Future“
Die Paten
- Drogen Pate: Edmond Panariti – Christian Schmid
- Gangster und der Lesben Club der SPD HIrnlosen: Lefter Koka, Lesbe Hirnlos: SPD: Barbara Hendricks
- Currilla 2014. Projekt Lefter Koka
EU finanziert, von der KfW, Chistian Schmid, oder Barbara Hendrick
Überall in Europa das Selbe
Denn der Diebstahl von über 10 Milliarden € wurde schon damals festgestellt. In 2009 auch in einer 215 starken Studie
Das BMZ beauftrage das Hamburg Weltwirtschafts Institut (HWWI), welches in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Saarbrücken folgende feststellten. Es werden für Kontrollen nur 0,03% ausgegeben, statt 2-3%! 40% der Gelder verschwinden in den eigenen Abteilungen
Die EU, KfW Mafia finanziert das Desaster das die Wälder und Vogel Kolonien zerstört werden
Environmental massacre in Krasta forest in Elbasan, services: There are many entry roads, the perpetrators escaped us
15/06/2022 21:04

The Krasta forest in Elbasan, also known as the “Peripheral Park” of the city, is being degraded every day by illegal logging. The show Fiks Fare has previously reported this fact, but cutting continued in the same way, even though the state institutions promised to stop them.
Tonight Fiks Fare reported on large areas of forest where only the cut stumps were visible, although 3 months ago the authorities said that the cuttings would be stopped and immediate inspections would be carried out.
Fiks Fare has provided images of new indiscriminate cuttings, which have left desolate areas without pines.
Journalists talked with the Director of the city’s Forest Service, Shpëtim Cullhai, who admits that the logging continued.
The director blamed this on the difficult terrain leading to the forest, which favored the authors.
Acknowledging the colossal damage done to the forest by pine felling he says that after many field inspections some of the perpetrators were caught.
The director says that for the issue of a reforestation, a tender was opened but was later canceled, because according to him, the entities did not complete the necessary criteria and documentation. He adds that since it is not the right season for reforestation, it should be expected that the tender will be reopened in September.
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Aug. 19, 2022., 07:52 •
Chaos Null Gesetze überall genau bekannt: auch von Deutschland, im Mafia Stile finanziert und die Regierung selbst, als Geldwäsche, Betrugs Projekt