2 Wild West Camperinnen, verloren ihr Leben, als man trotz Warnung, über den gesperrten „Valpona“ Pass gehen wollten
Wild West Camperinnen mit Smartphone Bildung und Erfahrung, was in Deutschland für einen Ministerposten schon reicht und Expertin
So deppert sind die Smartphone-Navi Touristen heute und nicht das Erste Mal. Ohne Erfahrung, Warnungen das der Weg gefährlich ist Anfang Mai, dort Schnee und Eis ist, ging man mit mangelhafter Ausrüstung in Richtung Pass. Oft kommen diese Gestalten auch noch wegen Drogen ins Land. Zu Blöde für Arbeit, aber ins Ausland gehen
Nudo, Cannabis Tourisen der Asozialen Klasse, bei Kavaje und der Albaner Mafia
„Jedem Touristen, der in unseren Herbergen schläft, ob in Theth oder in Valbona, wird, wenn er dem Besitzer der Herberge mitteilt, dass er über den Valbona-Pass gehen möchte, davon abgeraten, der Weg ist gesperrt, es ist gefährlich und unüberwindbar. Zumindest für die erste Maihälfte. Es gibt diejenigen, die ein gewisses Selbstvertrauen verspüren, weil sie vielleicht aus den alpinen Gebieten Europas kommen und glauben, dass sie mit dem Schnee zurechtkommen. Sie müssen jedoch den Anweisungen der örtlichen Führer folgen“, fügt Gjecaj hinzu. Eiine Französin, Belgerin diesmal
Tour operators say that the loss of life of the mountain tourists comes from refusal of the local guides advice
10/05/2023 21:03
The Valbona Valley is one of the main tourist attractions of northern Albania, but unfortunately the two women, one French and one Belgian, lost their lives there yesterday.
Aida Gjeçaj, an entrepreneur who has owned a guesthouse in Theth for 10 years and is also a National Certified Guide with expertise in the Albanian Alps, says that some tourists do not follow the advice of guides in the area.
“We have certified mountain guides at least two or three for the Valley. 200,000 tourists pass through Thethi or Valbona during the season” – says Gjeçaj.
She adds that tourist agencies in European countries have life insurance for every tourist they bring from abroad.
“Every tourist who sleeps in our hostels, whether in Theth or in Valbona, if he tells the owner of the hostel that he wants to go through the Valbona Pass, he would be advised not to, the path is closed, it is dangerous and insurmountable. At least for the first half of May. There are those who feel a certain self-confidence since they may come from the alpine areas of Europe and think they can manage the snow. But they must follow the instructions of the local guides”, adds Gjecaj.
“The two girls who lost their life were with their group of friends who were the ones that alerted the local residents and consequently the police and the rapid intervention forces,” says Gjeçaj.
She mentions other cases when young tourists who were tent campers come to explore the National Park and do not sleep in any hostels.
“They were looking for the Valbona trail, the moment I realized that they wanted to pass through the Valbona pass, I told them that it was impossible, but I felt a perception that they were not 100% convinced of what I was saying and I was afraid that they could try it,” she adds.
4 Serbische Touristen, wohl Kosovaren, wurden auf der Selben Route vor kurzem gerettet