Edi Rama’s Betrugs Projekte im „Porto Romana“, ein Skandal Projekt im National Park: „Karavaste“, mit einer angeblichen „Photovoltaik“ Anlage

Photovoltaik, Windparks, TEC Gas Kraftwerk bei Vloe, das nie in Funktion trat. Also neuer Auftritt von Betrugs- und Abschreibungs Firmen! Diesmal wird man schnell Hotels, Lokale errichten im Nationa Park, mit seltenen Wasservögeln, denn den Ratten in Berlin, Tirana, Brüssel ist Alles egal, es muss die die Brieftasche stimmen.

Mafia Firmen, gab es schon Viele, auch aus Sizilien, nun angeblich erneut, diese Firma Voltalia, die schon lange Finanzschwierigkeiten hat. Also will man EU Gelder stehlen, was normal ist, denn da geht Alles, für Bestechungsgeld.

Viele kamen und immer mit Subventionen finanziert, die Gelder verschwanden in aufgeblasenen Vorständen, Aufsichtsräten, wie bei der Pharma Mafia

USA: Von Bill Gates finanziertes Virus-Tracking-Projekt von Arzneimittelbehörde gestoppt

“Stifles competition”, Meta rejects the law for concession extension in Porto Romano

Albanian President Ilir Meta has returned to the National Assembly another law, this time the addition to the concession contract in Porto – Romano for the company “MULT (MULTY BUOY MOORING)”, approved on April 30.

According to the president, the procedures followed by the contracting authority (Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy) have bypassed the competition procedures.

Further on, in returning the law on the Porto Romano extension, Meta argues that the additional agreement has created a new contractual relationship, in violation of the principles and provisions provided in the Maritime Code of the Republic of Albania.

The President writes that through the above violations, the hierarchy of normative acts in the Republic of Albania has been violated, as sanctioned in Article 116 of the Constitution.
“Practically under the procedure of an additional agreement, a new concession right was granted, outside the main object of the concession, which requires the Contracting Authority to follow all the procedures of law no. 125/2013, for open and transparent competition”, it is commented in the return of the decree.

Himara is „burning“ the heads of the directors in the Vlora Property Registration Office, the 13th director is leaving, since Edi Rama came to power

Stavros MarkosumSManalysis – vor 18 Stunden
SManalysis [image: Vazhdojnë dorëheqjet në Hipotekën Vlorë, largohet drejtori i 13-të] by SManalysis The new property law is favoring chaos in the most problematic Property Registration Office in Albania, that in Vlora, due to the coveted properties of the autochthonous Greeks, by the Albanian oligarchs and the mafia. It is publicly known that the Directors of the Vlora Property Registration Office, „resigned“ have caused chaos and overlap, corruption but also robbery with false documents, of the territory of Himara, an institution that strangely resides in Vlora, and that has legal… mehr »




  • navy
    Juli 04, 2022., 18:15 •

    Privatisieren den Durres Hafen, für angebliche Milliarden und dafür Porto Romana ausbauenj, wo schon der Südteil des Hafen, Idiotie ist, weil die Entwässerungs Pumpen von Spitela dort nur Lehm Dreck bringen und Abfälle

Wird geladen