Banka Botrore ka publikuar raportin investigativ lidhur me projektin korruptim dhe jashtë standardeve teknike të TEC-it të Vlorës i cili i ka kushtuar taksapaguesve shqiptar 130 milion USD. Korrupsioni i zbuluar nga BB dhe mospërputhshmëria sipas kritereve të Konventës së Aahrus-t duhet të jenë objekt i nisjes së hetimeve nga SPAK. Ja faktet tronditëse
TECi i Vlorës dhe SPAK – Korrupsioni i publikuar nga Banka Botërore
Lavdosh Ferruni
SPAK duhet ta filloj punën me korrupsionin e madh me TECin e Vlorës, ndoshta më i madhi lidhur me impaktin në taksapaguesit shqiptar, që deri tani është fshehur nga të gjitha qeveritë, gjoja me një difekt teknik. Qeveria vazhdon të fshehë këtë korrupsion duke hapur herë pas here tendera për rikonstruksion. Natyrisht duke njohur fenomenin e korrupsionit në Shqipëri nuk mund të mos vlerësojnë minimalisht një raport të investigimit të vetë Bankës Botrore.
Është njësia e pavarur brenda Grupit të Bankës Botrore, e cila investigon korrupsionin në projektet e financuara nga Banka Botrore, që ka botuar në Mars të vitit 2018 raportin e saj investigativ lidhur me projektin e TECit të Vlorës ( ).
Raporti gjen si shkelje Kompaninë A e cila i ka financuar fshehurazi kompaninë B në këmbim të shërbimeve konsulente për fitimin e tenderit. Banka Botrore ka vendosur saksione për Kompaninë A.
Jan. 10, 2020., 07:09 •
Solche Projekte, dienen dem Steuerbetrug, dem VAT Betrug, wenn Leistungen in Rechnung gestellt werden, die nie existieren. siehe KfW, Betrug und die Deutschen Bank Banden, waren immer dabei auch in Albanien Der gigantische Betrug der EU, nicht nur mit Monsanto, oder das alle importierten Obst und Gemüse, Futtermittel mit verbotenen Gift Mitteln in die EU gelangen und dort verkauft werden. der CO2, Libor Betrug und immer Grosse dabei. Ohne Problem verkauft China, VAT frei Waren in Europa, Deutschland Der £27 Milliarden VAT Betrug von Amazon und eBay in Europa 30. Aug. 2019 AmazonAmazon und eBay
Die 307-Milliarden-Lücke entlarvt Europas großen Mehrwertsteuerbetrug
Handelsdaten der Europäischen Union weisen einer Studie zufolge auf massiven Betrug bei der Umsatzsteuer hin. Einer Analyse zufolge hatten die 28 EU-Staaten untereinander im Jahr 2018 einen Handelsüberschuss - obwohl eine Null unter dem Strich stehen müsste.
Quelle: WELT
Selbstüberschuss in Höhe von 307 Milliarden Euro
..................Digitaler Abgleich könnte Betrug erschweren
Im Durchschnitt seien in den Mitgliedsländern 18 Prozent zu viel Warenexporte und 26 Prozent zu viel Dienstleistungsexporte gemeldet worden. Gerade im Dienstleistungssektor nahmen die überzähligen Exporte in den vergangenen Jahren besonders deutlich zu. Laut Studie sind die Unterschiede zwischen Nachbarstaaten und Mitgliedsländern mit größeren Unterschieden in den Mehrwertsteuersätzen besonders ausgeprägt. der Osterweiterung stieg der Überschuss
Mangels wirksamer Kontrollen lade das Mehrwertsteuersystem im EU-Binnenmarkt Kriminelle zum Betrug ein. Die Regierung müsse sich nachdrücklich im Kampf gegen diesen Steuerbetrug engagieren, fordert er. „Die große Koalition darf die von der EU-Kommission vorgeschlagene Reform des europäischen Mehrwertsteuersystems nicht länger blockieren”, so Giegold.Kann nicht verwundern, Dienstleistungen, also Consult Betrug
Dez. 20, 2020., 09:31 •
falsche Planungen der Durres Verwaltung seit 20 Jahren, welche für den Tourismus, jede Art von Attraktion für Geldwäsche Bauten der Albaner Mafia und für illegale Bauten und Lokale zerstörte, wo im Zentrum Wildwest herrscht
Bumi i hoteleve në qendrën historike të Durrësit frenohet nga pandemia
Apr. 20, 2021., 23:20 •
Exxon Mobil will Tec, Vlore in Betrieb setzen, Bechtel will ein Wasserkraftwerk bauen Marrëveshjet e Shqipërisë me ‘Bechtel’ dhe ‘ExxonMobil’, Enio Jaço: Meritë e bashkëpunimit të ambasadës së SHBA me qeverinë Nga Exit News 1 min. më parë Marrëveshjet e Shqipërisë me ‘Bechtel’ dhe ‘ExxonMobil’, Enio Jaço: Meritë e bashkëpunimit të ambasadës së SHBA me qeverinë Presidenti i Dhomës Amerikane të Tregëtisë, Enio Jaço është shprehur se dy investimet e kompanive të mëdha amerikane “Bechtel” dhe “ExxonMobil” në Shqipëri do të testojnë kapacitetet e Shqipërisë. Në një intervistë për emisonin “Me Pak Fjalë”, Z. Jaço foli për dy investimet – ndërtimi i hidrocentralit të Skavicës nga kompania ‘Bechtel’ dhe futja së gazit të lëngshëm natyror (LNG) në Shqipëri nga ‘ExxonMobil’ përmes konvertimit të TEC-t të Vlorës – që vijnë nga dy marrëveshje që kanë nënshkruar qeveria shqiptare me Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës. Meritën për këto marrëveshje, Z. Jaço tha se e kishte “ambasada e SHBA dhe qeveria shqiptare” pasi sipas tij “kanë punuar shumë mirë me njëra – tjetrën”. Ai nënvizoi faktin se të dy këto investime janë në faza të para dhe theksoi se “kapacitetet e Shqipërisë do të testohen në mënyrë të vazhdueshme gjatë 5 viteve të ardhshme në lidhje me bërjen realitet të këtyre investimeve “Është e mundshme që Shqipëria të bëhet forcë rajonale energjitike me këto investime”, tha Z. Jaço. Sipas tij ato do të ndikojnë edhe për uljen e varësisë për funizimin e energjisë nga Lindja. Fjalë kyçe: Enio Jaço, Me pak fjale
Jan. 22, 2022., 21:47 •
Durch die TAP Gaspipeline, von der EU und Aserbeischan finanziert läuft immer noch kein GAS
Exxon Could be Poised to Take Over Vlora Thermal Power Plant
From: Exit Staff 7 hrs ago
According to US Ambassador to Albania, Yuri Kim, US company Exxon could be set to bring LNG to the Vlora Thermal Power Plant.
She made a comment during an interview with Euronews earlier this week, and it comes just days after the government announced it was looking for a company to take over the running of the plant.
Kim said, “another big American company called Exxon is looking at bringing in LNG into Vlora, which is currently a thermal power plant, but that will be converted.”
Albanian Power Corporation (KESH), which operates the country’s main hydropower plants, announced the call for expression of interest for the technical and economic opportunities for leasing a thermal power generation asset that can be easily integrated into the country’s transmission grid.
The call states that the entity wants to lease the facility for a period of one to three years. The third party should also provide maintenance and operation services for the duration of the contract and in line with the requirements of KESH. Requirements include operating on light and heavy fuel oil.
It must also be “fit to be deployed” near Vlora’s existing thermal power plant so it can easily use the existing interconnection infrastructure.
Reasons given for the call include needing more power for the public supply obligation, creating a reserve capacity to guarantee power supply security, complementing electricity generated by hydro and thermal resources, and creating surplus revenue.
Exxon have been in the news recently after it was found they had concealed payment to some governments and failed to meet transparency guidelines. In particular, they were found to be complicit in oil sector corruption in Liberia. They have also been accused of misleading investors on the real impact of climate change.
Exxon Could be Poised to Take Over Vlora Thermal Power Plant
From: Exit Staff 7 hrs ago
Exxon Could be Poised to Take Over Vlora Thermal Power Plant
According to US Ambassador to Albania, Yuri Kim, US company Exxon could be set to bring LNG to the Vlora Thermal Power Plant.
She made a comment during an interview with Euronews earlier this week, and it comes just days after the government announced it was looking for a company to take over the running of the plant.
Kim said, “another big American company called Exxon is looking at bringing in LNG into Vlora, which is currently a thermal power plant, but that will be converted.”
Albanian Power Corporation (KESH), which operates the country’s main hydropower plants, announced the call for expression of interest for the technical and economic opportunities for leasing a thermal power generation asset that can be easily integrated into the country’s transmission grid.
The call states that the entity wants to lease the facility for a period of one to three years. The third party should also provide maintenance and operation services for the duration of the contract and in line with the requirements of KESH. Requirements include operating on light and heavy fuel oil.
It must also be “fit to be deployed” near Vlora’s existing thermal power plant so it can easily use the existing interconnection infrastructure.
Reasons given for the call include needing more power for the public supply obligation, creating a reserve capacity to guarantee power supply security, complementing electricity generated by hydro and thermal resources, and creating surplus revenue.
Exxon have been in the news recently after it was found they had concealed payment to some governments and failed to meet transparency guidelines. In particular, they were found to be complicit in oil sector corruption in Liberia. They have also been accused of misleading investors on the real impact of climate change.
Exxon Could be Poised to Take Over Vlora Thermal Power Plant
From: Exit Staff 7 hrs ago
Exxon Could be Poised to Take Over Vlora Thermal Power Plant
According to US Ambassador to Albania, Yuri Kim, US company Exxon could be set to bring LNG to the Vlora Thermal Power Plant.
She made a comment during an interview with Euronews earlier this week, and it comes just days after the government announced it was looking for a company to take over the running of the plant.
Kim said, “another big American company called Exxon is looking at bringing in LNG into Vlora, which is currently a thermal power plant, but that will be converted.”
Albanian Power Corporation (KESH), which operates the country’s main hydropower plants, announced the call for expression of interest for the technical and economic opportunities for leasing a thermal power generation asset that can be easily integrated into the country’s transmission grid.
The call states that the entity wants to lease the facility for a period of one to three years. The third party should also provide maintenance and operation services for the duration of the contract and in line with the requirements of KESH. Requirements include operating on light and heavy fuel oil.
It must also be “fit to be deployed” near Vlora’s existing thermal power plant so it can easily use the existing interconnection infrastructure.
Reasons given for the call include needing more power for the public supply obligation, creating a reserve capacity to guarantee power supply security, complementing electricity generated by hydro and thermal resources, and creating surplus revenue.
Exxon have been in the news recently after it was found they had concealed payment to some governments and failed to meet transparency guidelines. In particular, they were found to be complicit in oil sector corruption in Liberia. They have also been accused of misleading investors on the real impact of climate change. Dank für Ihren Kommentar!