verurteilter Strassenräuber, in Albanien höchster Richter: Admir Thanza

5 und mehr Identitäten haben Politiker, mehrfach vorbestraft das ist normal. Ein billiger Strassenräuber der in Italien ein Geschäft überfiel, erhielt einen der höchsten Richterposten, was normal ist, wo noch Schlimmere Betrüger, Gangster in Deutschland mit rein erfundenen Professor Titel sich bis ins Verfassungsgericht, oder zu einer Honorar Konsulin hoch arbeiten mit Staatlichen Geldern. Bis zu 51 Appartments hatten Richtere, Grundstücke inklusive den höchsten Richtern des Landes und den Generalstaatsaanwälten

Morgen fällt die Entscheidung, ob einer der prominenten Staatsanwälte bestätigt wird: Adriatik Cama.**

The Supreme Court Judge who has robbed a store

10/07/2018 17:50

The International Monitoring Operation members have made public the fact that the Supreme Court Judge, Admir Thanza, has been sentenced by an Italian Court for robbing a store.

If he was an MP, this fact would have been made public three years ago, but he was protected by his job as Supreme Court Judge.

Thanza has declared at the Vetting Law application form that he hasn’t been convicted about anything in the past. He justified this act by saying that his lawyer had guaranteed him that it was unnecessary, as long as he could obtain a clean certificate of his criminal records from Italy.

Bursting into tears, the Judge, who is also a university professor, insists that he had never stolen anything. It was his sister in law who had been involved in the robbery of a supermarket because she needed money for her sick son, the judge’s nephew.

The judge said he sacrificed his career for her, since she was the only caretaker for his nephew, who, he said, now is 28 thanks to the medical care that she provided for him.

However, Thanza has also been under investigation for corruption. There are a series of cases that have been closed suspiciously by him for lack of evidence. He explains that the police misunderstood a meeting in a café that he had with the wife of a suspect, who happened to be a friend of his family.

The Judge had also declared that he had not received gifts more expensive than 500 EUR, but he had forgotten to declare a garage of 23 square meters he owned in Tirana, which had been gifted to him by a company that had been part of a case he was working on.

There are inconsistencies with the contracts for buying two apartments, one in Tirana and one in Shkoder, and a duplex at the Lalzi Bay.

For all of these facts, Thanza accused the Independent Commission of not calculating his revenues properly.


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KPK shkarkon nga detyra prokurorin e ’21 janarit‘

Postuar: 12/07/2018 – 09:17

KPK nuk konfirmon në detyrë prokurorin Adriatik Cama. Në përfundim të këtij procesi të rivlerësimit, trupa gjykuese vendosi shkarkimin nga detyra të Camës.

Cama, prej disa vitesh ushtron veprimtarinë e tij si prokuror në Tiranë, duke qënë pjesë e hetimit në disa çështje të nxehta dhe të dështuara si ajo e dosjes 21 janari, mosdënimi i Mark Frrokut për vrasjen e Aleksandër Kurtit në Belgjikë dhe çështje të tjera hetimore.




  • navy
    Juli 16, 2018., 16:21 •

    Einer der übelsten Richter wurde entlassen: Gani Dizari, wo nun das Verfassungsgericht nur noch 2 MItglieder hat, ausser Funktion ist. Ein besonders übler des Berufungsgerichtes in Tirana steht gerade vor der Disposition: Tom Ndrecë, der sogar gefälschte Wahlergebnisse zu Gunsten Lulzim Basha bestätigte, als er Mitglied der Wahlkommission war  

    Judge Dizdari discharged by Vetting process, Constitutional Court left with 2 members

    16/07/2018 14:02
    The Independent Commission of Qualification has discharged the Constitutional Court Judge, Gani Dizdari.
    The last of Constitutional Judges had chosen lawyer Sokol Hazizaj to defend him from the Independent Commission of Qualification. Two of the components that put his career in danger was the clarity of his figure as judge, and his wealth The Commission declared that Dizdari has inappropriate relations with a person who is convicted for illegal influence. This person is his own nephew, Agron Lumneshi, the sone of his sister. Dizdari has had inappropriate contacts with this person, according to the Vetting Law. As evidence, they brought data from the TIMS system, which showed that the two had travelled together outside Albania.

  • Nach Jahren wurde Bardhok Pllanaj, „Pate von Shkoder“ festgenommen – Marina Durres – Albanien
    Dez. 04, 2018., 07:07 •

    […] verurteilter Strassenräuber, in Albanien höchster Richter: Admir Thanza […]

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