Ron Koka und Ex-Polizei Chef Durres: Perlat Cullhaj ging vor Gericht auf Wieder Einstellung in den Polizeidienst
Alte Tradition: Die Söhne von Politikern, wie Polizei Direktoren, welche kriminelle Netzwerke betreiben. Der Sohn von Perlat Cullhaj, verursachte Unfälle in Durres, fuhr weiter, mit der Bemerkung: ich bin der Sohn des POlizei Chefs. Eine rein Kriminelle Familie auch bei wikileaks gut dokumentier die Familie Duka und KokA, Partner auch von dem Serien Mörder aus dem Kosovo: Lulzim Berisha und der Familie des Spartak Braho.
Der frühere Polizei Chef von Durres, Perlat Cullhaj, klagt auf Wiedereinstellung in den Polizeidienst, eine reine Verbrecher Familie im Raum Durres, inklusive dem Aufbau von Drogen Plantage, der Besetzung des neues Fischereihafen und Anarchie Zustände, wie bei allen Polizei Chefs an der Küste unter Innenminister Samir Tahiri.
Der durchaus im Ausland gut ausgebildete Ron Koka, Sohn des Nard (Leonhard) Koka wird obwohl er keinerlei Berufserfahrung hat, Berater von Edi Rama und auf dem Niveau sind praktisch alle Berater des Edi Rama und tief verbunden mit der Prominenz der Verbrecher Kartell.
2 Mal Edi Rama Partner uralt Verbrecher Clans bei wikileaks
¶1. (C) Despite the relative calm on Election Day, it has
very much come to our attention that there is a strong
undercurrent of people tied to organized crime that
participated and/or were involved in possibly manipulating
the June 28 elections. The three major parties, the
Democratic Party (DP), the Socialist Party (SP) and the
Movement for Social Integration (LSI) all have MPs with links
to organized crime. While Post cannot legally prove these
links, the conventional wisdom, backed by other reporting, is
that the new parliament has quite a few drug traffickers and
money launderers. During the electoral campaign, one
politician, Alex Keka, a local head of the Christian
Democratic Party (CDP) in northern Albania, was even killed
by a car bomb. Keka was suspected of being involved in the
trafficking of arms and narcotics. (NOTE: Keka was not
running for Parliament, although other members of his party
were. END NOTE).
Law Breakers Turned Law Makers
¶2. (C) Some of the more noteworthy MPs with ties to organized
crime are:
– Tom Doshi: An SP MP from Shkoder, Doshi, singled out in
the Human Rights Report for physically assaulting a
journalist in the Sheraton Hotel, was a key figure in
financing SP electoral efforts. He is known as the richest
MP, with a declared fortune of more than $15 million and is
also suspected of trafficking narcotics. Doshi served in the
previous parliament as a DP MP, before switching sides to the
SP shortly before the election.
Lefter – Nard Koka – Agron / Armando Duka Mafia: specialist für fraud election in Durres / Spitale

Gangster und der Lesben Club der SPD HIrnlosen:
Lefter Koka, Barbara Hendricks
– Lefter Koka: Representing LSI from Durres, Koka is a
member of perhaps the most notorious organized crime family
in Albania, with ties to narcotics and human trafficking and
other illicit activities.
Ron Koka, wurde zuletzt verhaftet, als er mit gefälschten ausl. Kennzeichen und ohne Versicherung (nicht verzolltes Fahrzeug) im Raum Durres fuhr. Das war erst vor 2 Jahren.
Ron KOka, Sohn des Nard Koka, Neffe von Lefter KOka, eng befreundet mit den Verbrecher Kartellen des Lulzim Berisha, Spartak Braho.
Fatos Nano Drug Allegations
……………. Below is the translation of a document that was provided to me by a friend in Tirana. The report was assembled from conversations with three separate sources, one who works for an Albanian intelligence agency and two others who work within Nano’s circle. The translation tracks the original. ….. 4. The route controlled by Agron Duka *, Minister of Food and Agriculture and Leonard Koka. This group handles the transport of cocaine. Leonard Koka is the brother of Agron Duka’s wife, and a close friend of Fatos Nano. He was the personal donor of Fatos Nano while he had resigned as prime minister in 1998-2001 and the person who introduced Nano with his second wife, Xhoana Nano, who at the time worked in Greece. Under this group’s control is the drug route Turkey-Durres- Kosova- Germany as well as Turkey –Durres- Italy. This group is also known as “Shijak’s Group”. In this group participate Ilir (“Ronnie”)Hoxha, Arben Shabani, the brothers Tusha (Shijak). Some of them used to be Democratic Party activists and have been involved with this group after Agron Duka, the socialist representative of the Shijak area (close to Durres) helped to get out of prison a person close to them in 2001, during the elections. Arben Shabani was arrested in 2001 in a random police stop and search because they found elements of a drug laboratory as well as drugs in his house, but he was later freed by under pressure from Agron Duka, minister of food and agriculture.

Diber Wahlfälscher Team. PDUI Gangster: Ymer Lala, Tom Doshi

Der Bruder von Edi Rama, Olsi Rama, ein Georg Soros Mann mit dem Gangster Tom Doshi
Nard Koka: Mafia Boss rund um Frauen und Drogen Handel, Prostitution und Zoll Betrug, der einmal den kompletten Hafen Durres beherrschte
Fatos Nano – Ex Prime Minister of Albania
By Gary Kokalari – Political Analyst – Exclusively for ACLIS The current drug trafficking routes in Albania and their relations with Prime Minister Fatos Nano. Albania has become an important country for the trafficking of drugs, establishing itself as a safe transit route between East and West. Albania has made available to this kind of traffic its human resources and its political power. Before 1997, the drug trafficking in Albania was blooming through the planting of drug related plants and their sale outside Albania. Strong drugs such as heroin or cocaine were not present at the time because of the lack of serious partners and partners with political power. Former Minister of Interior Agron Musaraj (1993-1996) was a supporter of such groups, but his limited political power could not empower these groups. After Agron Musaraj left, the new interior minister of the Democratic Party, Halil Shamata, proposed new tough legislation against organized crime which was approved in the parliament in Autumn 1996. The legislation included strong punishment for drug and weapon traffickers and very often fixed prison terms. Agron Duka, Mafia Clan with Fatos Nano und Lefter Koca 7. The group of Edmond Pustina and “Tota” in the Fortuzi street (approximately 45 years old). Mond Pustina is the first cousin of Nano’s brother in law, Fatos Pustina, and has been previously convicted seven years ago for drugs. Currently he works in customs. In this group also participate Ilir Arbana (officer in the customs police) and Ardian Resuli, former police chief in Saranda and Durres who currently invests his profits in construction. They keep relations with Gramoz Ruci, head of the parliamentary group of the socialist party and Ilir Gjoni**, former minister of interior. Kane and collaborators in the Albanian Secret Services. 8.Igli Toska in the route Macedonia-Albania A person close to Igli Toska controls the drug route Macedonia-Albania. He was accidentally arrested several months ago with 30kg of heroin and later the news was transformed as if he was caught with only 30gs of heroin. The trafficker is the son of Leonidha Taoksa, Director of the Tirana Municipality. [Igli] Toska did not make any comments about the accusations. He is trying to substitute the group previously led by former minister Luan Rama through the group of Ymer Lala. 9.The personal bodyguard of former prime minister Pandeli Majko, now minister of defence, called “Majko’s Elidon” controls the transportation from Bulgaria trouh Albania. He does the transportation through the help of Arjan Rugji, the director of the border police in the ministry of interior and also collaborates with Fatmir Meto, former police chief arrested after the murder of the opposition member of parliament Azem Hajdari. The control of these transportation routes is done through Arjan Rugji and, in some occasions, from the border entry point called “Three Bridges” where chief of police is “Bilali” a former bodyguard of Fatos Nano. These re the most important groups which deal with drug trafficking in Albania and use for this purpose the political power and the connections with persons close to prime minister Fatos Nano. The accuracy of these data has been verified/corroborated by at least three source and has had the contribution of segments of the Albanian Secret Service, outside the control of prime minister Fatos Nano. ACL – 01 December 2006 Current Narco-trafficking Routes in Albania Linked with Former Prime Minister Fatos Nano Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis – July 17, 2006 aus Balkanblog
Rama “provokon” demokratët, merr nipin e ish-ministrit të LSI-së në zyrë dhe pozojnë në foto
Kryeministri Edi Rama dhe nipi i Lefter Kokës, Ron Koka
Kryeministri Edi Rama është i njohur për “ngacmimet” e tij ndaj demokratëve. Të gjithë i mbajnë mend batutat e Ramës në fushatën për zgjedhjet qendrore të 2017-ës, kur Kryeministri përdori shenjën e dy gishtave për të kërkuar edhe votën e elektoratit të djathtë. Ndërkohë që muajt kalojnë dhe në shtator ndizen ethet e fushatës, kryeministri ka ‘zgjedhur’ të dalë në një foto me nipin e ish-ministrit të Mjedisit në qeverinë Rama 1, Lefter Kokës, me Ron Kokën.
Fotoja e siguruar nga tregon Ramën duke shkrepur një selfie me një detaj interesant “dy gishtat e demokratëve”.
Nuk dihet nëse vizita e Kokës në zyrën e Ramës ka qenë rastësore, por ajo që mund të themi është fakti se Koka ka qenë pjesë e kabinetit Rama 1, pas shkollimit të tij në Angli. Miq të Ron Kokës pohojnë se ai ka dëshirë të jetë pjesë e politikës aktive duke ndjekur në këtë mënyrë rrugën e xhaxhait të tij.
Të mos harrojmë se ishte i ati i Ron Kokës, Leonard Koka, njeriu që pajtoi Ramën me Metën në vitin 2013, në darkën e famshme të “ngjalave” në Gjirin e Lalzit.
U shkarkua nga Çako, ish-kryepolici i Durrësit padit Policinë në Gjykatë
Ish-drejtori i Policisë së Durrësit, Perlat Çullhaj
Ish-drejtori i Policisë së Durrësit, Perlat Cullhaj ka paditur në Gjykatë Policinë e Shtetit dhe ka kërkuar rikthimin e tij në detyrë.
Çullhaj ka depozituar një padi në Gjykatën administrative të Tiranës, ku ditën e djeshme është zhvilluar edhe seanca e parë. Në seancën e djeshme nuk është marrë asnjë vendim, por është bërë vetëm njohja me çështjen.
Ish-kryepolici i Durrësit, Perlat Çullhaj u largua nga Policia e Shtetit në prill të vitit 2017 nga ish-drejtori i Përgjithshëm i Policisë, Haki Çako. Çullhaj u shkarkua bashkë me disa drejtorë të tjerë policie. Ai u vu në qendër të akuzave nga opozita për lidhje me trafikun e drogës.
Kryetari i PD-së, Lulzim Basha e akuzoi nga “çadra” për lidhje me eksponentë të krimit, akuza që nuk u provuan dot më pas.Sot Çullhaj kërkon rikthimin në detyrë duke shfuqizuar urdhrin e mëparshëm të Haki Çakos.
Juni 19, 2018., 16:48 •
Die Ehefrau von Erion Veliaj, war Anwältin der übelsten Verbrecher aus Rumänien, welche auch mit Berisha verbunden waren: im Drogen und Frauen Handel, wie der Geldwäsche 150.000 gefälschte € wollte ein Georgier in Tirana umwechseln. Georgier sind die wohl im Moment kriminellste Ethnie in Europa, deshalb erhielt man Visa Freiheit für Europa
Sozialistische Partei MP, Paulin Sterkaj, geht durch einen schwierigen Gesundheitstest. Die schlechte Nachricht wurde von Premierminister Rama gegeben, der schreibt, dass die Sozialisten sind .. TV-Bericht erfährt, dass Sterkaj zerebrale Ischämie erlitten.
Editorial 19. Juni 16.11 | Zuletzt aktualisiert: 19. Juni 18.44
Sozialistische Partei MP, Paulin Sterkaj, geht durch einen schwierigen Gesundheitstest. Die schlechte Nachricht hat sich der Premierminister Edi Rama gegeben, durch einen Status auf ‚Twitter‘. Bericht Tv lehrt , dass socliast Stellvertreter eine zerebrale Ischämie erlitten, aber sein Zustand hat sich verbessert und zur Zeit unter der Kontrolle von Ärzten im Krankenhaus, obwohl keine Garantien.
Der Regierungschef bittet MP Sterkaj als Meister diesen schwierigen Test nach einer Überraschung Gesundheit leisten. Nach Rama, haben die Sozialisten Gesetzgeber als Champion in der frühen Jugend überhaupt, bekannt gelassen, und alle sind in diesem schwierigen Moment.
(Der Premierminister Post Edi Rama)

Shqetësimit se Shqipëria mund të hapë dyert për të pritur refugjatet, i është bashkuar edhe deputeti Dashamir Shehi. I ftuar ne emisionin “Politika Online” te gazetares Marsela Karapanço në, Shehi thotë se këto janë llogaritjet propagandistike të Ramës, për tu dukur mirë në sytë e Europës, e për të përfituar favore.
“Shqipëria nuk ka as kapacitetet për këtë punë. Rrezikon shumë. Kush do ta shkatërrojë edhe këtë pak mirësi që na ka mbetur, në lidhje me fenë, në funksion që të përfitojë diçka. Ndonjë shkelje syri, kjo është gabim”.
Por Dashamir Shehi ka të tjera këshilla se si mund të merret një “PO” në fund të këtij muaji, nga Brukseli për negociatat.
“Do zoti Rama për Europën, meqë ky bën çdo sakrificë për Europën, t’i heqë ata ministra që thotë opozita. Të marrë kryetarin e opozitës, t’i hipi avionit bashkë dhe t’i bien përqark Europës. Ky nuk bën këtë, ky thotë unë nuk e dorëzoj Fatmirin siç dorëzova Tahirin”.
Shehi ishte kritik edhe për projektin e prishjes se Teatrit, teksa u shpreh se Rama është i fiksuar si diktator për t’i vënë qytetit fytyrën e tij, por fundin do ta ketë njësoj si të Enver Hoxhës.
“Personalisht fshihet i gjithë mania e këtij personazhi, për të qenë i fiksuar si të gjithë diktatorët. Për të qenë i fiksuar dhe nëpërmjet veprave publike.
Siç bëri dhe Enver Hoxha disa shëmtira këtu në qytet. Qyteti është i të gjithëve, është gjë publike. Çdo gjë që vihet këtu, sidomos në qendër duhet t’i nënshtrohet një debati publik. Si na e dashka sipërmarrësi, kush është ky sipërmarrësi”./BW/
Lajmin e gjeni ne

Georgian citizens, pretending to be businessmen, exchange 150,000 EUR in counterfeit banknotes 18/06/2018 20:42
Chances of Albanians to be defrauded by foreign citizens, pretending to be foreign businessmen, have increased considerably.
After several frauds reported by businessmen from Italy and Turkey, there is another one from Georgia.
Two Georgian citizens, Davit Bakhatsvhilli and Revazi Akobia have given 150,000 Euros in counterfeit banknotes to a Tirana money exchange shop.
When the shop owner realized the counterfeit money, the Georgian criminals had last their tracks.
There has been no answer from Georgian authorities, and even the Tirana Court can’t start a case without the generalities of the accused.
Top Channel
Juni 19, 2018., 18:58 •
Paulin Sterkaj leidet Schlaganfall ins Krankenhaus, Rama: Wir sind alle mit Ihnen, sind Sie als Champion bewältigen
Paulin Sterkaj und Edi Rama
Juni 20, 2018., 01:06 •
Schlaganfall der Super Gangster und Schläger: Paulin Sterkaj, natürlich Edi Rama Freund, wie Elidon Habilaj, Yhon Alite, Almir Rrapo Unser Freund Paulin Sterkaj geht durch eine schwierige Prüfung nach einer Überraschung Gesundheit, die die Champion zu tragen sind wir seit meiner frühen Jugend gekannt haben, wenn Sportfan Gewicht Herzen angehoben innen und außen vendit?Forca mik?Jemi all mit ty? „, sagt Rama. nbsp; Lulzim Berisha
world news dailymail
Elidon Habilaj (pictured) claimed to be fleeing torture in war-torn Kosovo
After sneaking into Dover illegally on a lorry, Elidon Habilaj claimed to be fleeing torture in war-torn Kosovo.
In truth, he had come from Albania – but he was able to claim asylum by using a fake name.
Having hoodwinked the authorities and won the right to stay, he might have kept a low profile. Instead, he conned his way into a job with the 'British FBI' hunting fugitives – only to go on the run himself when he was finally found out.
iPhone transfer softwareThe 40-year-old was jailed for 18 months in his absence after gaining UK citizenship by lying to officials.
Now the Mail has tracked down the former Scotland Yard and Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) intelligence officer to his bolthole in the seaside resort of Vlore in his homeland.
He has spent six years there hiding from the UK authorities he once worked for – even boasting of his experience with the British police to gain security work in Albania. Ironically, Soca – now part of the National Crime Agency, nicknamed the British FBI – had been investigating Habilaj without realising he was one of its employees.
The Albanian arrived in Britain in 1998, and claimed he was a Kosovan named Bekim Ademi. He said his brother had been tortured to death and his father killed by the Kosovan Liberation Army.
British authorities believed him, and he was granted full asylum in November 2001, and citizenship five years later.
He was hired by the Metropolitan Police and later Soca, where he worked as an intelligence officer in its London-based 'fugitive location team', helping to find suspected criminals wanted for extradition. He was finally unmasked after checking his own file on a work database of people of interest. Habilaj even

Albanian who sneaked into the UK on the back of a lorry is tracked down to his ...
Mafiozi shqiptar tregon vrasjen e parë: Dikush duhej t'ia mbyllte gojën
Xhon Alite, ish-mafiozi shqiptaro-amerikan ka treguar historinë e jetës së tij në emisionin ‘Zonë e Lirë’ në Klan. Ish-...Mafiozi shqiptar njeh Moisi Habiljan?! John Alite flet për lidhjet e gjyshit me Enver Hoxhën
I njohur si njëri ndër personat e afërt të familjes mafioze Gambino në SHBA, shqiptari John Alite ka folur këtë të premte në
Juni 20, 2018., 20:03 •
Einer der wenigen seriösen alten Politiker, fordert die Verhaftung von Edi Rama! ‚Explodiert‘ Dashamir Der Scheich Rama Diktator sollte im Gefängnis sein. Die Zeit wird es entfernen ... 20/06/2018, 19.20
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