Ein Albaner aus Sarande: Andrea Lagjaj wurde in Kolumbien getödet, wo ebenso in Ecuador einige Albaner ermordet wurden, wohl weil die versprochenen Bezahlungen aus Koka Lieferungen nicht korrupt geleistet wurden
Andrea Lagjaj in Kolumbien
Wie die Opposition an abgehörte Gespräche kommt, ist bereits eine gute Frage.
Alle Premierminister, Innenminister waren in den Verkauf von neuen Identitäten verwickelt, bzw. die höchsten Polizei Direktoren, was ein Lehrstück des Korruptions Betruges war der Deutschen mit Ludgar Vollmer, der Deutschen Bundesdruckerie in Albanien und in der Welt. siehe Visa Skandal: Partner damals schon kriminelle Aussenminister, Staatssekretäre, Diplomaten.
Immerhin war das Abhören auch von Ausländern, Botschaftern damals schon bekannt, über den Militärischen Geheimdienst und die Innenministeriums Spitze unter Flamur Noka, Bujar Nishani.
Agron Xhafaj, eine uralte Story mit neuen Fakten! Die Albanische sogenannte Opposition, läuft nun mal Amok, weil ihre Geschäfte zerstört werden, welche mit Hilfe krimineller EU und Deutscher Politiker aufgebaut wurden, wie schon der Visa Skandal dokumentierte. Die Änderung der Identitäten, hat Deutschland im Bundesdruckerei Skandal hoffähig gemacht mit dem damaligen Staatssekretär des AA: Ludgar Vollmer, wo die Polizei Spitze und der Vize Innenminister von Ilir META im Oktober 2002 verhaftet wurden.
Albanien ist Opfer krimineller Westlicher Politiker und vor allem von Georg Soros und Co. Judicial Watch: State Department Records Show Obama Administration Helped Fund George Soros’ Left-Wing Political Activities in Albania
Schlagzeilen damals! Schon damals steckten Gestalten wie Rezzo Schlauch, Bodo Hombach tief im Sumpf der Albaner Mafia, wie die Botschaft. Man macht gut versorgt Geschäfte!
Am 4. Oktober 2002, nachdem Minister Ilir Gjoni abdankte und in die USA zu seinen Auftrag Gebern floh, wurde dann sein damaliger Vize Innenminister Bujar Himci und die 3 höchsten Polizei Direktoren verhaftet. Ludgar Vollmer versorgte diese Gangster mit 600 Blanko neuen Pässen, wobei Bujar Himci auf Befehl unterschrieb. Ludgar Vollmer musste deswegen im Zeichen des Bundestags Ausschusse im Visa Skandal zurücktreten.
Ilir Gjoni: Heute Botschafter in der Schweiz, Super Drogen Boss, uralter „Sigurime Adel“, ähnlich Arthur Kuka, mit dem Lefter und Nard Koka Clan: Botschafter in Berlin
He is the son of Xhelil Gjoni, a former secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Albania.[1] Xhelil Gjoni was reported to have close ties to Sali Berisha, the former President of Albania, former Prime Minister and leader of the main opposition Democratic Party.[1]
Ilir Gjoni, Innenminister,Mafia Boss – Drogen Schmuggler Clan Chef mit Fatos Nano und Gramoz Ruci, Innenminister im Bestechungs Lobby Fall des Ludgar Vollmer mit der Bundesdruckerei in 2001. Tausende von Pässen, erhielten direkt Terroristen.
So lügen die Amerikaner lustig und munter herum in Albanien seit 20 Jahren.
Albanian Secret Service Chief Fatos Klosi in 16.5.1999 in der “Albania” durch den Albanischen Geheimdienst Chef Fatos Klosi: KLA (UCK) is financed by Bin Laden
A combination of chaos and poverty in Albania paved the way for Bin Laden to move in. The Times of London quoted Fatos Klosi, the head of the Albanian intelligence service, who said that bin Laden sent terrorists to Kosovo. Using the front of funding a “humanitarian agency,” bin Laden muscled into Albania as far back as 1994.
The Times report gets even better:
“Klosi said he believed terrorists had already infiltrated other parts of Europe from bases in Albania. Interpol believes more than 100,000 blank Albanian passports were stolen in riots last year, providing ample opportunity for terrorists to acquire false papers.”
Bin Laden opens European terror base in Albania
Dreist log Ilir Gjoni herum, nachdem Anschlag vom 11.9.2001, im Auftrage des Super Drogen Bosses für Terroristen, dem US Botschafter Josef Limprecht, der dann Mitte Mai 2002 eliminiert wurde
October 2001
Officials Claim Bin Laden Bases, Cells Excised
Washington, D.C. – Minister of Public Order Ilir Gjoni stated that Al Qaeda, the terrorist network led by Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden, the prime suspect behind the attacks on the U.S., did not have bases in Albania.
Gjoni stated that the Albanian government had adopted stringent measures to prevent the infiltration of people into Albania who were sought by other countries for alleged criminal activities. He added that Albania had been working in recent years with the intelligence services of several countries, including the U.S., and had exchanged information with them in this regard.
U.S. Ambassador to Albania Joseph Limprecht stated that the U.S. was appreciative of the support it had received from the Albanian government and intelligence service for Washington’s effort to pursue the perpetrators of the attacks.
In recent years, Albania has taken steps to identify and expel foreign Islamic extremists from the country. Many of them sought out Albania as a safe haven for their operations in the mid-1990s due to the lax government and security measures in place at that time.
In 1998, joint action by U.S. and Albanian intelligence authorities resulted in the arrests of about 10 terrorist suspects, including several alleged to have been associated with bin Laden. Two of those arrested were Egyptian nationals sought by Egypt. They were extradited to Egypt, where they were tried and executed.
300 Nah-Ost Terroristen und Islamische Terroristen, waren in Nord Albanien unterwegs und sind noch heute Ehrengäste im Kosovo. der spiegel brachte auch hier den Artikel.
Defense & Foreign Affairs Daily | Mar.17,2004 | Gregory R. Copley,
Defense & Foreign Affairs Daily
Volume XXII, No. 50 Friday, March 19, 2004
© 2004, Global Information System, ISSA
Exclusive Special Report
“During the first half of August 2003, 300 Albanian-trained guerillas — including appr. 10 mujahedin (non-Balkan Muslims) — were infiltrated across the Albanian border into Kosovo, where many have subsequently been seen in the company (and homes) of members of the so-called Kosovo Protection Corps which was created out of Kosovo Albanian elements originally part of the KLA. In fact, the Kosovo
Protection Force seems almost synonymous with the Albanian National Army (ANA), the new designation for the KLA. The guerillas were trained in three camps inside the Albanian border at the towns of Bajram Curi, Tropoja and Kuks, where the camps have been in operation since 1997.”
Die Verbrecher Kartelle dfr Oppositions lässt Edi Rama auffliegen, weswegen die Oppositions erneut Amok läuft, was auch dem Schutz der alten Edi Rama Verbrecher Kartelle dient, was die einzige Staatform der Internationalen und der jeweiligen Regierungen ist.
Überall fliegen die Kokain Importe der Albaner Mafia in Deutschland auf, welche von der Verbrecher Organisation KfW, ProCredit direkt aufgebaut und finanziert wurden.
Die Foto Termin Botschafterin, ist sowieso bei jedem Betrug mit Verbrechern dabei.
Im Drogen Geschäft schon 2001 festgenommen in Italien und dann ging es immer so weiter mit neuen Identitäten, wo ja Angela Merkel, die Berufsverbrecher der EU erneut erhebliche Fortschritte sahen. Agron Xhafaj, hat in Vlore auch eigene Spiel Casinos, wurde nie angeklagt, als er ohne Lizenz Spiel Casinos mit eingeschmuggelten Geräten betrieb.
Hintergrund ist das in Deutschland, Spanien und Bayern, gerade die von der KfW, ProCredit Bank finanzierten Kokain Import Kartelle auffliegen.
2017, wurde der Name erneut gewechselt, weil ein Auslieferungs Antrag aus Italien vorlag und dann gibt es Albanischen Verbrecher Modell umgehend eine neue Identität. Die Ehefrau von Fatmir Xhafaj, wurde abgehört, wie sie mit Agron Xhafaj, den Namenswechsel organisierte in 2017, denn im Albanischen Modell des Staats Service von dem Interpol Büro und der Polizei Computer, kann man für Geld die Namen Wechseln, weswegen es plötzlich keinen Agron Xhafaj mehr gab in Albanien. Er wechselte den Namen in Geron Xhafaj, wie die Namensregister aufzeigen. Identisch festgenommen gestern, die gesuchten und versteckten Super Verbrecher Astrit und Durim Keci in Shiak (erhielten von der Mafia kontrollierten Deutschen Botschaft, Geschäftvisa vor Jahren, wie über 3.000 andere Verbrecher. Das war die Zeit der Michael Dumke, Sabine Bloch Bande in der Botschaft, ein BKA Bericht hierüber), welche heimlich einer Festnahme in Italien entkamen, durch Flucht nach Albanien, welche den aktuellen Minister Umweltminister Bleni Klosi finanzieren, welche die EU Agrar Funds kontrollieren zur Finanzierung der Drogen Plantagen usw..
10:37, 11/05/2018
New details have come to light in relation with Agron Xhafaj, the brother of Interior Minister Famir Xhafaj, who has been sentenced to seven years and two months in prison by an Italian court. Xhafaj has been found guilty for drug traffic charges in September 2012, but hasn’t spent a day in jail so far and moves freely in Albania, despite an arrest-warrant from Italy.
CNA.al reported it has become impossible to arrest and extradite him to Italy, because actually there is no person Agron Xhafaj. The minister’s brother has changed his name from Agron to Geron. CNA.al has published the certificate with the personal data of Agron Xhafaj, aka Geron.
Lexo edhe:
© SYRI.net
2 Festnahmen in den uralten Drogen Shiak Drogen Kartellen rund um Dash Gjoka: Shabani, Hekuran Hoxha nun: Astrit Keçi und Shkëlqim Sufja. Das waren schon vor 20 Jahren Verbrecher Clans, welche auch mit Lulzim Berisha, in Nord Albanian operierten auch unter dem Deckmantel von „Ben“ Hasani – Hasanbelliu.
Beste Politik Verbindung bis he
Arrestimet e këtyre dy personave janë bërë në Durrës e Lezhë.
Ata janë pjesë e bandës së njohur “Keçi” e cila operonte në Shijak dhe konsiderohej si njëra ndër organizatat më të rrezikshme të trafikut të drogës.
Keçi dhe Sufja, u zunë në befasi në banesa të mbrojtura, që i përdornin për të fshehur praninë e tyre në Shqipëri.
Policia ka arrestuar dy shtetas shqiptarë që ishin shpallur në kërkim prej vitesh nga drejtësia italiane dhe ndaj të cilëve kishte urdhër-arresti për krijim grupi të strukturuar kriminal me qëllim trafikimin e lëndëve narkotike.
Operacioni i kryer në Shqipëri, u mbyll në Itali pas një hetimi të koordinuara nga Prokuroria e Triestes, në bashkëpunim me Antidrogën, zyrën ndërlidhëse të policisë shqiptare në Bari dhe shërbimit të bashkëpunimit ndërkombëtar të policisë.
Dy shtetasit shqiptarë, Astrit Keçi dhe Shkëlqim Sufja, u zunë në befasi në banesa të mbrojtura, që i përdornin për të fshehur praninë e tyre në Shqipëri.
Sky News raporton se në vitin 2006 ata ishin kthyer në Shqipëri për t’iu shmangur kapjes pas një sër hetimesh të kryera më 1998 dhe në 2006 si dhe ndaj masave të nxjerra ndaj tyre nga autoritetet gjyqësore në Milano dhe Rimini.
Nga hetimet del se që të dy ishin figurakyçe të të ashtuquajturit “grupi Keçi”, që vepron në Shijak.
……………………………..s.k. http://shqiptarja.com/lajm/kapen-dy-kokat-e-grupit-keci-ne-itali-te-fortet-e-shijakut-fshiheshin-ne-banesa-te-mbrojtura
Ein Albaner aus Sarande: Andrea Lagjaj wurde in Kolumbien getödet, wo ebenso in Ecuador einige Albaner ermordet wurden, wohl weil die versprochenen Bezahlungen aus Koka Lieferungen nicht korrupt geleistet wurden
Andrea Lagjaj in Kolumbien
Wir berichteten hier mehrfach schon in 2006 über die hoch kriminellen Bestechungs Geschäfte von Mercedes in Albanien und zwar mit einem Fotos schon aus 2001. Inzwischen ist die Sache ja ziemlich aufgeflogen und Weltweit publiziert, welche verbrecherischen Banden, von den GTZ Leute als so willkommener Partner hofiert wird. ARD Bericht mit audio hierüber!
2004: Transport Minister Spartak Poci steht auf der Bezahlt Rolle von Mercedes in Tirana!
Alles über die alte Fatos Nano Drogen und Verbrecher Verbindung auch mit dem „Duka“ – „Koka“ Clan, vor Jahren und heute noch schlimmer.
Current Narco-trafficking Routes in Albania Linked with Former Prime Minister Fatos Nano
Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis – July 17, 2006
Der inkompetende Mafia EU Apparat, bedient sich selbst, owohl es nur dumme Idioten in Tradition. Albanien weigert sich permanent die „absoluten“ Grundstücke einzutragen wie mit dem Gesetz 7665 „Priority Tourism Zone, Militär Stuetzüunkte, Gewergschaftshäuser, Antike Stätten, Schulen usw.. um Grundstücks Raub und Bereichung mit Vorsatz zu ermöglichen.
Natürlich ignoriert der Fussballverband, das die Wahlen per Gerichtsbeschluss nicht anerkannt wurden und macht weiter. Kein Baugesetze, Fischerei Gesetze usw.. implementiert und keine Funktion die Administration was inzwischen normal ist und die Albaner deshalb auswandern. Grundstücke Raub, Umwelt Süden ohne Ende, und der Staat verweigert, auch nur in einem einzigem Falle, die illegalen Bauten auf fremden Grundstücken an der Küste zustoppen, denn man ist Partner im Millionen Geschäft der Unterschlagungen, des Betruges und Bestechung. Armando Duka, Urgestein, des Drogen Handels, Geldwäsche, Manipulation, Urgestein des kriminellen Enterprise: Fatos Nano und mit den Schwagern Lefter und Nard Koka, Top Mafia Clan.Die höchsten Albanischen Richter wie Shpresa Becaj oder Thimjo Kondi fälschten aktiv Grundstücks Urkunden, wobei Thimjo Kondi, aus 400 qm Grundstück in Durres gegeben, einfach 4.000 qm machte. Andere beanspruchten 2,28 Hektar, im Gericht wurden daraus 228 Hektar Land.
System, was die korrupten EU Banden, einfach ignorieren, das die Situation viel schlechter ist, wie vor 5, 10, 15 oder gar 25 Jahren
Steinmeier der Super Mafia Patron im Drogen Handel und das immhin fast 20 Jahre, neben anderen korrupten SPD Profi Verbrechern, auch aus Hamburg in Tradition.
Erfolgreicher Besuch von Staatspräsident Meta bei Bundespräsident Steinmeier in Berlin
Mit besonderer Freude empfing Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier am 26.09.2017 Albaniens Staatspräsident Ilir Meta zu seinem offiziellen Antrittsbesuch im Schloss Bellevue. Steinmeier betonte,
FBI Presse Erklaerung zu dem gesuchten Moerde, Drogen Boss, Folterer: Almir Rrapo, Staatssekretaer des Ilir Meta, als Aussenminister, als er vor der Verhaftung stand, siehe Ausführungen des Generalstaatsanwaltes, wurde Ilir Meta, Staatsprädsident
Alte Super Mafia Verbindungen führen direkt zu Steinmeir
Schlagwörter: Agron Xhafaj, Artur Kuka, Fatmir Xhafaj, Ilir Gjoni
Mai 15, 2018., 07:41 •
Krisen Sitzungen gab es in der Steuer Zentrale der Drogen und Verbrecher Clans ebenso, denn nebenan ist ja die aufgeblähte KfW Mafia Zentrale in Albanien. US Ambassador Lu, Minister Xhafaj, State Police Director Veliu Meet German Ambassador in “Crisis Meeting”
11 hrs ago
German Embassy in Tirana
Yesterday evening, around 7 pm, a curious group of foreign and Albanian officials met at the German Embassy. One after the other, US Ambassador Donald Lu, Minister of Interior Affairs Fatmir Xhafaj, and Director of the State Police Ardi Veliu arrived at the German Embassy on Rruga “Skënderbej” in Tirana, apparently to meet German Ambassador Susanne Schütz.The meeting comes at a moment when Ambassador Lu has come under attack for overstepping diplomatic bounds in demanding the arrest of former Speaker of Parliament and current President Ilir Meta. Yesterday, Ambassador Lu already appeared at an unscheduled meeting with President Meta, which lasted from 12:50 to 13:45.
Although the Presidency released a statement that President Meta and Ambassador Lu “discussed the excellent relations between our two countries and the current regional and international security issues,” the media widely reported that meeting was a form of damage control from the side of the US Ambassador.
It is therefore not unlikely that the evening meeting at the German Embassy was connected to the same issue, namely the blatant interventions of the US Ambassador in Albanian internal affairs.
Ambassador Lu has claimed that former General Prosecutor Llalla “is under active investigation for money laundering and massive unjustified wealth,” and has provided similar comments to foreign media. However, as Exit.al has been able to confirm from sources within the Prosecution Office, as of last week there had been no formally open case against Llalla.
It is publicly known that Llalla’s family lives in Germany, where they have rented a house, and Llalla himself frequently travels there, so it may not be surprising if Ambassador Lu, aided by Minister of Interior Fatmir Xhafaj and Police Director Veliu, were trying to convince the German Embassy in a “crisis meeting” to join in their quest to find actually incriminating evidence to allow a case be opened against Llalla, thus “proving” Lu’s premature accusations…
Donald Lu, ist doch auf dem Foto, organisiete den Obama Termin erneut, wo 2012 schon Edi Rama, sich fuer 80.000 $ fuer Obama einen Termin kaufte, wie das FBI ermittelte
Frank Walter Steinmeier im Solde der Verbrecher Kartelle und der US Super Mafia Nr. 1 dem Gambino Clan mit Hillary Clinton.
Staatsempfang für Verbrecher in Berlin.
Im Solde der „Ilir Meta“ Verbrecher Kartelle und in Tradition: von Frank Walter Steinmeier bis Anduena Stephan
Mit enormen Millionen Summen, finanzierte ebenso die Kurdischen MEK Terroristen den Wahlkampf von John McCain, brachte diese Verbrecher Gruppe von der Internationalen Terroristen Liste, mit John Bolton, Tom Ridge, Hillary Clinton – Partner der US Mafia Clan: Gambino und auch mit Steinmeier u.a.
Juni 05, 2018., 19:01 •
Noch mehr Terroristen aus Syrien und dem Irak kommen noch Albanien, die von den USA ausbildeten Kosovo Terroristen sind nicht nur in Kumanvo, sondern sitzen heute in den Konsulaten in Deutschland sind schon lange in der Bond Steel Anlage im Kosovo oder eben südlich Durres vor allem. Oft ausgestattet auch mit Albaner Pässen. EU Mafia Reise Tourismus für Nichts, damit man Spesen stehlen kann und Georg Soros immer dabei.
57 min. ago
A coordination center for former ISIS fighters returning to the Balkans will be built in Albania.
The news was made public not by the government, but by Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov during a conference against violent extremism, which took place in Tirana with the support of the King of Jordan.
“A coordination center for former ISIS fighters returning to the Balkans will be built in Albania,” Borissov stated in a joint press conference held yesterday alongside Prime Minister Edi Rama.
The Bulgarian PM added that he had “proposed that every country send an officer so that the joint fight will be more organized.”
This will not be the first institution focusing on terrorism located in Albania.
In May 2017, Minister of Defense Olta Xhaçka announced that a research center aimed at studying the phenomenon of foreign fighters in Albania would created.
The idea of opening a research center has been discussed before.
In a BalkanInsight article from June 2016, journalist Fatjona Mejdini quotes colonel Bardhyl Kollcaku, head of the Intelligence and Security Agency, as saying “Albania has undertaken this initiative after noticing a vacuum in NATO.”
Kollcaku explained that the phenomenon has existed for decades before reaching the levels it has during these last few years:
Besides the former ISIS fighters expected to arrive shortly, Albania is also sheltering the Mujahedin-e-Khalq, an Iranian resistance group of about 3000 fighters, previously living at Camp Ashraf in Iraq. A 4-story residence in Babrru, that cost around €950,000, was built to host them.
Former ISIS Fighter Coordination Center Planned in Albania
EU pledges its support for Albania on issues concerning national minorities
Lajme të mira
Elbasan, kultivon trëndafila pasi la emigrimin, Toça: Një bimë mjaft e kërkuar nga rrethet
Mai 16, 2018., 07:35 •
Agron Xhafaj wurde in 2002 bereits in Italien verurteilt, wegen Gross Drogen Schmugel Exit has found out that in Italy Agron Xhafaj’s name was never entered into the list of wanted people in Italy, nor Interpol’s wanted list, even though the brother of Minister of Interior Affairs Fatmir Xhafaj has been convicted for trafficking drugs as part of a criminal organization and has been sentenced in 2002 to 7 years and 2 months in jail, a sentence upheld by both the Lecce Appeals Court, and Italy’s Supreme Court. Exit has also learned from the Albanian authorities that Italy never presented Albania with a request for Xhafaj’s extradition, even though it has done so for all the other members of the gang Xhafaj was affiliated with, who were sentenced in Italy. https://exit.al/en/2018/05/15/italy-failed-to-ask-for-agron-xhafajs-extradition/
Mai 16, 2018., 15:43 •
Im focus der Geschichte: UN Reports über die Zustände und Albanische Politik Kultur No “Freedom Fighters”, Just Criminals and Thugs On the preceding pages, the latest Drugs & Crime UN report offers a rarely accurate analysis of the situation among the ethnic Albanians (both next door to Serbia, in neighboring Albania, and in Serbia itself, mainly in the southern Kosovo province), which led to formation of the Albanian terrorist KLA (UCK) and to the terrorist attacks in Serbia — an unusually honest glimpse at the root-causes of Albanian insurrection and occupation of part of Serbia, impossible to find in the tons of worthless junk produced daily by the Western mainstream media. The following excerpt effectively dismantles the pompous claims of heroic “struggle for freedom and independence” and disingenuous references to the “self-determination” of an ethnic group which has already exercised its right to self-determination with the formation of state of Albania. No, it has nothing to do with “freedom”, “independence” or “self-determination”, it is all about illicit trade, crime without punishment, lawlessness, thuggery and insatiable greed. Criminals, Terrorists or Politicians? In Kosovo-Metohija, all Three. Excerpt from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime report for March 2008 [pg 52] According to an Interpol statement made before the U.S. Congress in 2000: http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/Balkan_study.pdf aus Balkan-Spezial
Mai 17, 2018., 14:10 •
Die Regierung hat heimlich die Gesetze geändert, rund um die Auslieferung von Albanern ins Ausland, vor allem nach Italien, um eine Suche und Auslieferung auch von Agron Xhafaj zu verhindern. Und dann erneut die Gerichtsgutachter, welche Alle vollkommen korrupte Kriminelle sind in Albanien, Beweise oft absurd fälschen. Schon die Generalstaatsanwältin Ina Rama, forderte ausl. Gerichtsgutachten an usw.. Fatos Lugonja erklärt die Fakten http://www.tpz.al/2018/05/17/rasti-xhafaj-pse-rama-genjen-gjithnje-e-me-trashe/
Mai 17, 2018., 19:38 •
Uralter Berisha Stile um von dem eigenen Drogen Schmuggel abzulenken und einem ebenso kriminellen Polizei Apparat The Witness X tells how he sold cocaine with Agron Xhafaj, the borther of Albanian IM Fatmir Xhafaj 14:37, 17/05/2018 The Democratic Party has made public today a video-interview with “Witness X”, a former complicit of Agron Xhafaj, brother of the Albanian Interior Minister Fatmir Xhafaj. The man, identified as Albert Veliu, said he has worked with the minister’s brother in Italy, where they used to sell cocaine. “I have been in Italy, I worked there. I have worked with Agron Xhafaj, with cocaine, with all the things. I used to escort the dinghy boats. Later I renounced, I couldn’t do that thing any longer. I knew Agron through a friend of mine, thanks to the job links in Italy. He was commanding the work, he obtained it, we used to sell it”, Veliu said in the video. Lexo edhe: Paloka në Syri.net: Skenari Xhafaj si ai i Tahirit, por shumë shpejt do plasi bomba... “In 2005… I was sentenced for cocaine, I was caught in Pescara with 12 kilos. I served my sentence there, first I was sentenced with 15 years, the Court of Appellation made it 8 years in prison. When I finished my sentence, I was mad at Agron, because he didn’t even bring me a pack of cigarettes in prison for that much we had done together”. https://www.syri.net/politike/162206/video-deshmia-e-zbardhur-e-deshmitarit-x-kam-shitur-kokaine-per-agron-xhafajn/?gjuha=En http://shqiptarja.com/lajm/zbulohen-gnjeshtrat-n-dshmin-e-dshmitarit-x-report-tv-zbulon-dosjen-italiane-t-albert-veliut Te shtëpia e “Babales” në Vlorë May 17, 2018 19:52 http://www.gazetadita.al/te-shtepia-e-babales-ne-vlore/ Witness x unveiled: "I am Albert Veliu" 17/05/2018 - 18:08 The Democratic Party have now published a video with sound and images, claiming to be an interview with who has been known as witness X following the audio broadcast published by the DP last Monday. The DP claim that the audio published last Monday involves Witness X talking to Agron Xhafaj about drug trafficking. "I am Albert Veliu, 51 years old. I am unemployed and I live off my son's salary. I have been in Italy. I worked in the sea from 1993 to 1999. In 2000 I came back from Italy and then I started working with Agron Xhafaj until 2002. "We sold cocaine in Italy. I had worked as a speedboat companion, but gave it up in 2000 when I could not afford to live anymore and I had had two near death experiences. "Agron and I met in 1999 through a friend of mine. We discussed the prospect of work in Italy. We commenced the work which involved importing drugs and selling them. "In 2005, an accident occurred at work and as a result I was sentenced to seven-years imprisonment. I was caught in Pescara, accused of having 12kg of cocaine in my possession. "I completed the sentence that they decided for me. At the first instance I received a sentence of 15 years in prison, but on appeal it was reduced to 8 years. "As I had already been imprisoned for a year, I was required to serve another 7. Agron Xhafaj did not come to meet me when I was in the prison. When I came out of prison I came to Albania and meet him. "He offered a job for my son as waiter in 2016. That year my 22-year-old son started working. He worked for 6 months as a waiter, but struggled with the home economy and left the job. "Four months ago I asked Agron Xhafaj to do me a favor by selling hashish in Italy. We would take it from Albania and bring it to Italy. I asked him for this favor and he directed me to Ermal. So I put him to a test. "Agron Xhafaj commands Vlora. He has continued doing this job the whole time. Ermal was the deliveryman. He sent the drugs from Albania to Italy via speedboat. http://www.oranews.tv/article/witness-x-unveiled-i-am-albert-veliu
Mai 20, 2018., 20:35 •
Ex-Justitz MInister Ylli Manjani, macht sich lustig über die angebliche neue Task Force des Innenministers, weil es wirklich ein alter Hut ist. Nur die Deutsche Botschaftterin, offensichtlich Geistig behindert, besichtigte den Unfug. http://www.gazetatema.net/2017/11/06/task-force-per-luften-ndaj-krimit-ironia-e-manjanit-nusja-e-re-me-brime-te-vjeter/
Sep. 28, 2018., 06:59 •
Original Edi Rama Financier, der uralte Super Heroin Händler. 2001 von Geheimdiensten in "Golem" unter dem Namen "Ahmeti" festgenommen. Starb ca. 2016 versoffen in Mazedonien.
starke Aussage, Xhafaj: An der Staatsanwaltschaft (ebenso in der Polizei) sind kriminellen Gruppen beteiligt
Veröffentlicht in: politischen , auf 16-04-2018 22.49navy
Mai 22, 2018., 15:37 •
Einzige Politik: Betrug und Geldwäsche für kriminelle Clan und Identitäten Verkauf an Kriminelle. Die Nationalbank kritisiert die Regierung, weil sie mit der Geldwäsche, den Mafia Lokalen an der Küste auch das Währungsgefüge zerstörte, praktisch den Albanischen LEK, erheblich um fast 10 % aufwertete, Exporte erschwerte, vor allem von Gewürzen was ein Erfolgschlager ist. Kredit Betrug mit gefälschten Dokumenten Kredite beantragen, das ist System. 500 Appartment Häuser in Tirana, haben keinen Erbauer, noch Eigentümer. Kredit Betrug mit falschen ID Karten mit Milliarden Schaden. Erfinder: USAID, mit der Amerikan Bank of Albania. Michel Granoff, mit dem AAEF Fund und auch hier war die KfW, DEG Partner 2001: AAEF Reklame Tafeln an der damaligen National Strasse nach Tirana, wo man Tausende von illegalen Grundstücken verkaufte.Die Hinterlassenschaft der US – USAID – AAEF Banken Betrüger … 100 Millionen € versteckte Staatsschulden, durch versteckte aus der VAT Rückerstattung.
Albania: IMF Executive Board Concludes First Post-Program Monitoring
May 22, 2018
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