Verhaftungen erneut um Georg Soros, „Open Society“, Weltbank Mafia mit Micro Krediten: „Fondi Besa“

Seit über 20 Jahren, Betrugs Finanzierungen der übelsten Art, vor allem wenn man EU Gelder nur stiehlt umleitet

Die Mafia Geschäfte der BMZ, GIZ, Pro Credit Bank, Deval: Desaster immer in Mafia Geschäften mit IPARD, AZHBR, Kokain, Micro Krediten

3 Qershor 2024, 15:25

Sërish skandal me piramidat financiare, Fondi Besa mashtron qytetarët; 5 persona të proceduar

 Shkruar nga Pamfleti

Sërish skandal me piramidat financiare, Fondi Besa mashtron qytetarët;

Skandali është se punonjësit e Fondit Besaj janë lënë në “arrest shtëpie”, ndërsa një është në kërkim.

Nuk kanë fund skandalet me institucionet e mikrofinancës. Pas Micro Credit Albania, duket se qytetarët janë duke u mashtruar edhe nga Fondi Besa.

Bëhet fjalë për një kioskë kredish, e cila përveçse jep financime me interes stratosferike, duket se fut dhe në kurth qytetarët përmes punonjësve të saj. Prokuroria e Tiranës ka proceduar penalisht 5 persona, teksa skandali është se ata janë lënë në “arrest shtëpie”, ndërsa një është në kërkim.

Gjykata e Tiranës vendosi masën e sigurisë “Arrest në shtëpi”, për shtetasen Majlinda Demollari, 55 vjeçe, banuese në Tiranë, e dyshuar për veprat penale “Falsifikimi i dokumenteve”, parashikuar nga neni 186/3 i Kodit Penal dhe masa e “Pezullimit të ushtrimit të një detyre a shërbimi publik”, parashikuar nga neni 242 i Kodit të Procedurës Penale, për veprën penale të “Falsifikimi i dokumenteve”, parashikuar nga neni 186/3 i Kodit Penal;–i230262

Wieder ein Skandal mit Finanzpyramiden, der Besa-Fonds täuscht die Bürger; 5 Personen wurden strafrechtlich verfolgt Geschrieben von Pamphlet Wieder ein Skandal mit Finanzpyramiden, der Besa-Fonds täuscht die Bürger; Der Skandal besteht darin, dass die Mitarbeiter des Besaj-Fonds unter „Hausarrest“ stehen, während nach einem gesucht wird. Die Skandale mit Mikrofinanzinstituten nehmen kein Ende. Nach Micro Credit Albania scheint es, dass die Bürger auch vom Besa-Fonds getäuscht werden. Es handelt sich um einen Kreditkiosk, der neben der Bereitstellung von Finanzierungen mit stratosphärischen Zinsen durch seine Mitarbeiter auch die Bürger zu umgarnen scheint. Die Staatsanwaltschaft von Tirana hat fünf Personen strafrechtlich verfolgt, da der Skandal darin besteht, dass sie unter „Hausarrest“ standen, während eine Person gesucht wird. Das Gericht von Tirana entschied die Sicherheitsmaßnahme „Hausarrest“ für die Bürgerin Majlinda Demollari, 55 Jahre alt, wohnhaft in Tirana, die der Straftat „Dokumentenfälschung“ gemäß Artikel 186/3 des Strafgesetzbuchs und der Maßnahme verdächtigt wird wegen „Aussetzung der Ausübung einer Pflicht oder eines öffentlichen Dienstes“ gemäß Artikel 242 der Strafprozessordnung wegen der Straftat „Urkundenfälschung“ gemäß Artikel 186/3 der Strafprozessordnung; „Hausarrest“ für die Bürgerin Lindita Ndroqi, 55 Jahre alt, wohnhaft in Tirana, verdächtigt der Straftat „Betrug“, in Zusammenarbeit gemäß Artikel 143/3 und 25 des Strafgesetzbuches; „Hausarrest“ für die Bürgerin Lindita Peci, 39 Jahre alt, verdächtigt der Straftat „Betrug“, durchgeführt in Zusammenarbeit gemäß Artikel 143/3 und 25 des Strafgesetzbuches; Die gleiche Maßnahme gilt für Eros Aliu, 33 Jahre alt, wohnhaft in Tirana, der der Straftat „Betrug“ verdächtigt wird, die in Zusammenarbeit gemäß Artikel 143/3 und 25 des Strafgesetzbuchs begangen wurde. Der Bürger Ledio Vrapi, 34 Jahre alt, wohnhaft in Deutschland, wurde für gesucht erklärt, ihm wurde die persönliche Sicherheitsmaßnahme „Festnahme im Gefängnis“ zugewiesen, verdächtigt der Straftat „Betrug“, begangen in Zusammenarbeit gemäß Artikel 143 /3 und 25 des Strafgesetzbuches. Vrapi hat verschiedene Bürger getäuscht, indem er Ihnen gesagt hat, dass er ihre Informationen benötigt, um Bankkonten zu eröffnen und Geldbeträge von der Bank abzuheben, damit er nicht die Aufmerksamkeit staatlicher Behörden auf sich zieht. Nachdem er die Konten eröffnet und das Geld abgehoben hatte, gab er jedem Bürger 50.000 ALL als Belohnung. Bei den Untersuchungen wurde festgestellt, dass der Bürger L. V. anhand der Fotos der Personalausweise dieser Bürger von mehreren Finanzinstituten Kredite in Höhe von 5 bis 7 Millionen alten Lek erhalten hatte, die auf die Kontonummern von überwiesen wurden den Bürgern und wurden nach dem Rückzug aus L. V. angeeignet. Es ist bekannt, dass die Darlehen vom Besa-Fonds in Zusammenarbeit mit seinen Mitarbeitern erhalten wurden. Beteiligt an dieser illegalen Tätigkeit ist auch der Notar M. D., der verdächtigt wird, Verträge mit nicht anwesenden Bürgern notariell beglaubigt zu haben, diese Verträge nicht unterzeichnet zu haben und denen falsche Angaben zu Adressen, Wohnort und anderen Daten vorgelegt wurden. Am Ende dieser Maßnahmen wurden von den Mitarbeitern des Finanzinstituts, insbesondere L.N. (Büroleiter), L.P. und E.A. (Kreditsachbearbeiter), die Beziehungen und Entscheidungen zur Kreditgenehmigung auf der Grundlage falscher Daten gespeichert, die nicht der Fall sind gehören den Parteien als Schuldner. Dies ist nicht der erste Fall bei Fondi besa. Wie schon in der Vergangenheit wurden viele Mitarbeiter dieses Unternehmens wegen Bürgerbetrugs verhaftet und strafrechtlich verfolgt.



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  • Insider
    Jul 22, 2024., 16:52 •

    Reine Georg Soros Mafia, Finanzmafia und überall bekannt auch vor 20 Jahren 22 July 2024, 12:07

    IuteCredit and the Besa fund should be stripped of their licenses and confiscated; they cheat and steal with fake credit

    Their two owners, Akan Ajdini and Bajram Muçaj, are not being affected because they have strong ties with the mafia leaders of politics and power, who use them as "launderers" of billions of corruption and traffic, as well as for transfers to fiscal havens outside Albania ...
    IuteCredit and the Besa fund should be stripped of their licenses and confiscated;
    Akan Ajdini and Bajram Muçaj /
    The prosecution seized the fraudulent and predatory micro-credit agencies MCA and FINAL, in whose offices 70 applications for fake loans and seizure orders were found, while in the cadastral bank, millions of Euros and hundreds of assets were found, which have extorted from citizens more fake credit. But the State Bank and the Prosecutor's Office are not taking away their licenses or confiscating the other two mafia agencies "IuteCredit" and the "Besa" fund, which, like the MCA and FINAL agencies, deceive and extort citizens with fake loans created by them and purchased from banks. In the activity of "IuteCredit" and the "Besa" fund, the State Bank has found several abuses and has received thousands of complaints, for serious abuses with fraud and theft of many citizens, but their licenses have never been suspended.
    Also, the Besa fund has been prosecuted 6 times in the last 10 years, while the "IuteCredit" agency has been prosecuted 4 times, but the cases against them have been dismissed and the crimes of fraud with false loans and seizures have been allowed to continue. Because their two owners, Akan Ajdini and Bajram Muçaj, have strong ties with the mafia leaders of politics and power, who use them as "launderers" of billions of corruption, traffic and transfers to fiscal havens outside Albania. The micro-credit agencies MCA and FINAL were seized and their employees were arrested, but in the investigative files, there is evidence that the "IuteCredit" agency and the "Besa" fund bought loans from banks and sold them to them at 12- 15% of loan values. This fact shows that we are dealing with forgeries, fraud and financial extortion of citizens included in the blacklists of "IuteCredit" and the "Besa" fund; which are the epicenter of the criminal activity of fabricated fake loans with 300%-700% interest and penalties, to seize assets. IuteCredit and the Besa fund should be stripped of their licenses and confiscated; In addition, "AS IuteCredit" was filed by the USA for laundering the money of Vladimir Putin's Russian oligarchs; who, in Albania, have appointed Akan Ajdin as administrator. Likewise, on June 3, 2024, the Prosecutor's Office of Tirana made public the investigation and arrest measures, for the scandal of fictitious loans in the "Besa" fund, but this is the sixth case within the last 4 years and is not affected, because it is actually in owned by Ilir Meta. According to the data, during the years 2021-2024, more than 20 thousand denunciations were made to the "Besa" fund for fraud and theft and seizures through loans with false documents, but its license was not revoked and it was not seized, while the owner Bajram Muçaj was not arrested. We remind you that on August 22, 2019, 7 officials of the "Besa" fund were arrested, who, through fake loans, had stolen 3.7 million Euros; while through fictitious paper loans inside the treasury, they had cleaned 13.5 million Euros, which did not exist as an entry in the fund's financial portfolio. According to the information provided by "Pamphlet" from the inspection group of the Ministry of Finance, it results that in the period January 2019-March 2024, the "Besa" fund granted 2670 fictitious loans; even 846 of them appear as if they received dead persons in the years 1990-2000. SPAK has an obligation to stop the criminal activity of Bajram Muçaj with the "Besa" fund and of Akan Aydini with the "IuteCredit" agency, even classifying them as a structured group crime with serious consequences, just like the crimes of the MCA and FINAL agencies. ./ Pamphlet

  • Insider
    Aug 16, 2024., 11:56 •

    Uraltes Betrugs System der Weltbank, Pro Credit Bank der Georg Soros Leute
    2024-08-15 16:55:00 WORLD

    Secret document/Traffickers hiding behind the Besa Fund, connections with Meta and Berisha; the black threads of the 'mammoth' of microcredits

    2024-08-16 11:11:00Mafia2024-08-16 11:11:00

    Secret document/Traffickers hiding behind the Besa Fund, connections with Meta and Berisha; the black threads of the 'mammoth' of microcredits

     Shkruar nga Pamfleti
    Secret document/Traffickers hiding behind the Besa Fund, connections with Meta
    Two of those selected to run the mammoth microcredit "Besa Fund" since the creation of the foundation in 1999, are Bajram Muçaj and Altin Muça, for 26 years forced to stay together, one Director and the other Deputy Executive Director of the "Besa" Fund .
    Besa Sha Fund, one of the first microfinance companies in Albania that holds Niptin K81911023C, was licensed by the Bank of Albania on December 26, 2008. Originating from the "Soros" Foundation, the Besa Fund has as current owners the "Albanian Besa Capital Foundation" 66.47%, Bajram Muçaj with 20% and some of his employees, about 46, who have the remaining shares in small percentages, enough for silent on the truth underlying it.
    The Besa Fund has one of the main microcredit licenses in Albania, a license it received on December 26, 2008 from the Bank of Albania. It also has its own satellite, which no one talks about, "Agro & Social Fund" with K71616007M, which is a microcredit company with 100% ownership by the Besa Fund. Agro & Social Fund was licensed by the Bank of Albania on December 30, 2009. With this company, Fondi Besa does the dirty work through open and secret movements and transactions. In 1998, "Soros" created the Besa Foundation, as a non-governmental and non-profit organization. On April 28, 1999 with VKM No. 207, the 30-year-old Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Majko & Meta, with the help of "experts" Anastas Angjeli and Ermelinda Meksi, signed one of the strangest acts in the history of the Albanian state. The backstage brings the document for the first time. Secret document/Traffickers hiding behind the Besa Fund, connections with Meta According to Majko and Meta, a department called the "Rural Financing Fund" should be separated from the (state) Albanian Development Fund. Secret document/Traffickers hiding behind the Besa Fund, connections with Meta This fund, with the permission of the government, should be transferred to the Besa Foundation, with all the assets it had in the form of a grant. The assets included 3 million dollars, which a state institution "forgave" a private Foundation, i.e. the Besa Fund. Ilir Meta was the proposer and mediator. Pandeli Majko, since that year, for the first time sees this classified document for sure today. If SPAK existed in 1999, there is no doubt that the 4 signatories of VKM No. 207, including the two "teenagers" at the head of the government. This is how Fondi Besa began its journey. With 3 million dollars donated by Majko & Meta in 1999, while in 2006 it received a 7 million Euro loan from the Spanish Agency for Cooperation and Cooperation, a fund brokered by Sali Berisha with Ridvan Boden. In June 2008, the "Besa" foundation was transformed from a non-profit organization into a joint-stock company. Ministri i Financave të asaj kohe Ridvan Bode, miratoi një akt po aq të çuditshëm sa VKM-ja Nr. 207. Fondacioni joqeveritar “Besa” i shndërruar në “Fondi Besa” sh.a, tashmë të gjitha asetet dhe detyrimet që duhej t’ia kishte borxh qeverisë shqiptare, po ia transferonte ato një biznesi privat. Për të filluar një aktivitet mikrokredie fondit i duhej një licensë që e jepte Banka e Shqipërisë me Guvernator Ardian Fullanin në atë kohë. Në 26 dhjetor 2008, supozohet se Këshilli Mbikëqyrës i Bankës së Shqipërisë, është mbledhur për të miratuar licensën Nr. 10 të kompanisë mikrofinancë “Fondi Besa”. Asnjë mbledhje të zhvilluar nuk ka të pasqyruar në këtë datë dhe vit Banka e Shqipërisë. Një nga anëtarët e Këshillit Mbikëqyrës të asaj kohe, pretendon se licensa është “fake”. Dy nga të përzgjedhurit për të drejtuar mamuthin e mikrokredive “Fondi Besa” që me krijimin e fondacionit në 1999, janë Bajram Muçaj dhe Altin Muça, për 26 vjet të detyruar të qëndrojnë bashkë, njëri Drejtor dhe tjetri Zëvendës Drejtor Ekzekutiv i Fondit “Besa”. Të dy aksionerë, por Bajrami ka në “shpinë” shumë aksione të dikujt tjetër… Altin Muça, nip i Selim Muçës, ish kryetarit të Komunitetit Mysliman, njihet si “dora” e Sali Berishës në tregtinë e armëve. Në 1992, me ardhjen në pushtet të Berishës, Safet Zhulali, ministër Mbrojtje, e emëron Altin Muçën “Shef të shitjeve” në kompaninë “MEICO” që merrej me eksport-importin e armëve. Emri i tij lakohet në 1993 për zhvillimin e një trafiku të jashtëligjshëm armësh në aksin Tiranë-Bengazi. Nga ana tjetër, Bajram Muçaj, i rritur në Leshnjë të Skaraparit, me një njohje të afërt familjare me prindërit e Ilir Metës, dërgohet në Universitetin Bujqësor të Kamzës, ku atje njihet me studentin Ridvan Bode. Bajrami, me lidhjet familjare të kohës së komunizmit, emërohet pas shkolle, drejtor i fermës së Thumanës në rrethin e Krujës. Nga 1987 deri në 1990, Bajram Muçaj caktohet të mbulojë edhe ish Kooperativën Bujqësore Borizanë, Thumanë dhe Bushnesh. Pas ardhjes së demokracisë largohet emigrant në Gjermani. Altin Muça, “eminenca” gri e “Fondit Besa” pas misionit të përbushur të kontrabandës së armëve deri në 1994, largohet për një vit për në SHBA. Nuk dihen të sakta rrethanat se si i “puqën” Altin Muçën nga Dibra dhe Bajram Muçajn nga Skrapari, pas 1997 për t’i vendosur në drejtimin e “Mamuthit Besa” në 1998. Lidhjet familjare të Altin Muçës me pushtetin e Berishës janë të njohura. Të gjithë kushërinjtë e parë “lundruan” nga pushteti i Berishës tek Meta duke përfunduar tek “Rama”. Arjan Muça (djali xhaxhait), nga ish drejtori famëkeq i Skuadrës së Operacioneve Specialeve në erën “Berisha”, sot i shërben Edi Ramës si drejtor i Antinarkotikëve në Policinë Kriminale. Alma Muça, (vajza e xhaxhait), nga 2001 prokurore, sot në Prokurorinë e Përgjithshme. Ermal Muça, (djali i xhaxhait), nga ish kryekancelar i Ambasadës së Shqipërisë në Ankara, emëruar nga Berisha në 2005, konsull në Japoni emëruar prej Ramës këtë vit. Ervin Muça, (uncle's son), "accused" by Berisha of being the thief of the "TIMS" system, is another thread that has infiltrated the branches of government. Bajram Muçaj's family ties are stronger with the Metaj tribe of Ilir Meta than with Berisha. Only the "Hajdarmataj" clan is connected with the latter. After 15 years, the Besa Fund has transformed from a non-profit foundation into a financial superpower that modestly maintains the profile of a microfinance company. Bajram Muçaj, like the Botox image of the Besa Fund, is the personification of this transformation of the cooperative into a wholesale banker. Thefts, forgeries, fornication along with bribes in the entire state spectrum have turned the Besa Fund into a financial mammoth that is moving slowly in the banking system of Albania, stepping on everything. Who are Edlira Qole, Robert Lukaj, Alban Kokalari, Enida Lluka and what role do these names have or have had in the Besa Fund? What about Çapajev Gjokutaj and lawyer Hajdari, what do they have to do with the "Besa" story?/ Continue.../ Backstage


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