While the show was airing on Syri Televizion, Kim sent a text message to Meta and also tweeted about Sunday’s election, responding to a warning Meta gave this week that Albanians would take up pitchforks and other tools if the prime minister attempts to manipulate voting or the results.
“It is unacceptable for anyone to threaten that citizens will take up “pitchforks” on April 25 or if they don’t like the result of elections,”’ the ambassador wrote. ”These threats deserve condemnation. Those who incite violence will be held responsible for the results of their words and actions. Stop.”
Albania’s two largest political parties are bitter election rivals. Confrontations between supporters of Rama’s government and of the opposition culminated Wednesday with the death of a leading supporter of the governing Socialist Party. Police have said the victim was shot, allegedly by a member of the opposition Democratic Party, during an argument involving members of the opposing camps.
Meta has denounced Rama for allegedly running a “kleptocratic regime” that concentrated all legislative, administrative and judicial powers in the prime minister’s. He also accused Rama of bungling Albania’s pandemic response and delaying the country’s integration into the European Union.
The president holds the post without a party affiliation. Meta previously led the left-wing Socialist Movement for Integration, which is now led by his wife.
During Friday night’s talk show, Meta called Rama a “gangster” and a “psychic ill person.” He also became visibly agitated after receiving Kim’s text and made extreme claims about the U.S. ambassador. At one point, the president hinted that Kim could be part of an international lobbying campaign against him led by Serbia.
“There are corrupt circles. There is lobbying paid by Serbia, there (in the U.S.) and in other countries, which use America’s representatives against Ilir Meta,” he said.
Meta alleged that Kim told him during one telephone call, “We know some things about you.”
“I have told (Washington) that if you have any issue with me, please let me know because I know that you may even kill me,” he said. Meta added that he would go to a nearby mountain and then “you may launch a missile on me, so that I don’t damage other people.”
After meeting with Lulzim Basha of the main opposition center-right Democratic Party, the U.S. ambassador on Saturday reiterated that Washington “does not support any party or candidate.”
“But we absolutely support the right of all citizens to vote freely & in peace,” Kim tweeted.
Election campaigning was not permitted in Albania on Saturday. Meta sent a letter to the country’s opposition parties asking them not to allow “any effort to spoil the electoral process.” He also called on prosecutors, police and election commissioners to be impartia
Apr. 25, 2021., 14:21 •
Die Ilir Meta Verbrecher Kartelle. Wichtige Leute kanditeiren nicht mehr für die LSI, sondern für SP, Edi Rama, Nasic Naco, Lefter Koca! usw.. Die wichtigsten Financiers, sitzen in Haft, Drogen Bosse 2 wichtige LSI Leute von Durres, wurden verhaftet, beim Stimmen Kauf Nach der Arbeit zur Verhütung und Bekämpfung der Illegalität von Wahlverbrechen wurden Spezialisten für die Untersuchung von Wirtschafts- und Finanzkriminalität in der örtlichen Polizeidirektion von Durrës in flagrante delicto wegen der Straftat "Aktive Korruption bei Wahlen" festgenommen, Bürger NM, 37 Jahre alt, wohnhaft in Qerret und Xh.T., 23 Jahre alt, wohnhaft in Qerret, Durrës, Vertreter einer Wählerschaft politischer Einheiten, an einem Ort namens Bishti Kamëz, hielten an und wurden in flagrante delicto zwei Bürger gefangen.
Aksioni i mesnatës/ Kapen edhe dy anëtarë të tjerë të LSI-së në Durrës, me zarfet plot me lekë gati për t’i shpërndarë
21 zarfet e sekuestruara me 50 dhe 100 mijë lekë.
Model flete votimi e sekuestruar
https://shqiptarja.com/lajm/aksioni-i-mesnates-kapen-edhe-dy-anetare-te-tjere-te-lsise-ne-durres-me-zarfet-plot-me-leke-gati-per-ti-shperndareDas Verbrecher Kartell des Ilir Meta, Ehefrau: Monika Kryemadhi mit Al Qaida, den Drogen Kartellen Teil II
Mord Drohungen von "Nard Koka" gegen den Journalisten "Carlo Bollino, weil Fotos von Ilir Meta, mit Super Drogen Gangstern wie Altin Hajri und Xhevdet Troplini publik wurdenIn "Politik Mafiosi"
40 Internationale Medien, berichten das der Präsident, Strafanzeige stellt, gegen die Justizministerin Etilda Gjona und 2 BeamteIn "Politik Mafiosi"
Ilir Meta, Ilir Doci, Steinmeier und Alban Mollaymeri Kernstück einen Geldwäsche Ringes aus DrogengeschäftenIn "Allgemein"
President Meta: When institutions collapse, the people rise
OFL u kërkon të justifikojnë pasurinë dy vëllezërve të dënuar për trafik droge! Njëri u mor peng në Tiranë
Apr. 25, 2021., 14:32 •
Von der besten Dolmetscherin der US Botschaft begleitet, ist die US Botschafterin: Yuri Kim in Shiak, eine der ältesten Mafia Zentral Stellen in Albanien, vor der Hafen Stadt Durres, wo alle Transporte durch fuhren früher: Der Gjoka Clan, baute das kriminelle Construct auf mit Ridvan Bode, Sokol Olldashi, aber auch Anderen Banden, für Fatos Nano, Ilir Meta. Auf die unnützen Suppen Kaspars der OSCE; hat man weitgehenst verzichtet oder auf EU Deppen, die nur die Sex und Drogen Clubs besuchen und Umsatz machen Ein wohl unter Drogen stehender Jugendlicher, machte eine Terror fahrt auf dem Zentral Platz in Tirana
Apr. 25, 2021., 19:24 •
Die US Botschafterin, besuchte in kritischen Gegenden, wie Elbasan, Durres, Shiak, Wahl Büros, aber die meisten Wahlfälschungen, geschehen, beim Auszählen, nach Beendigung der Wahlen,wo noch nie ein Wahlbeobachter vor Ort war Eletronisches Abstimmungs System funktioniert, wohl mit technischen Problemen, der ID Identifizierung Soreca: Sistemi i ri i votimit po funksionon, në disa qendra probleme teknike, por janë rregulluar shpejt! Votoni, ditë e rëndësishme për Shqipërinë në BE (VIDEO) https://shqiptarja.com/lajm/shqiptaret-sot-votojne-parlamentin-e-ri-soreca-50-ekipe-te-be-dhe-zvicres-do-te-monitorojne-procesin
Apr. 26, 2021., 06:17 •
Wahl Verlierer wird wie 2017: Die Mafia Partei des Ilir Meta sein LSI, die Wahl wird wohl Edi Rama gewinnen, DP übernimmt die Verluste, der LSI, und anderer Gangster Parteien im Parlament. Das war im wesentlichen voraus zu sehen
Das Albanische Parlament, stimmt für die Absetzung des Mafia Präsidenten: Ilir Meta – Marina Durres – Albanien
Juni 09, 2021., 22:07 •
[…] Washington Post: Nach einer Schiesserei, um Wahlkampf Stimmen Kauf, beschuldigt Ilir Meta, die US Bo… […]