FBI Festnahmen der Mafia Familie des Kosovo. der Albanischen Bildungsministerin: Besa Shahini und Vize Kosovo PM: Enver Hoxhaj,

Verbrecher an die Front, welche auch gezielt gefördert und finanziert werden. Die einzige Deutsche, US und EU Politik, möglichst mit Heiko Maas,Steinmeier, Elmar Brok Nazi Todesschwadrongen, oder Terroristen und Kopf Abschneider und Drogen Handel wird geduldet, was dem Spektakel, krimineller Kreise des Auswärtigem Amtes dient. Die Kosovo Verbrecher Banden, welche ab 1997 in Albanien auftauchten haben Albanien ruiniert, die Bürgerliche Gesellschaft, Tausende von Hektar gestohlen. Amerikaner, die eine Villa auf dem Gelände des Hotel Florida hatten mit der Hasanbeliu Mafia, war führend und Sokol Olldashi, Fatmir Mediu machten da direkt weiter mit ihren Drogen Partnern aus New York, der Bronnx, Hillary Clinton und Senator Eliot, wie CIA Partner.


Die lassen wirklich Nichts aus, inklusive Mord, Millionen Betrug in den USA. Die Frau wollte wohl Immunität erkaufen, als ESI Tussi, bei Edi Rama, was gelang.

Kosovo-Polizei verhaftet am Dienstag, Geschäftsmann aus dem Kosovo Imer Shahini, der Onkel des Sohn Besa Shahini, Minister für Bildung in Albanien. Imer Shahin ist auch ein Freund des Vize-Premierminister, Enver Hoxhaj, berichtet Insajderi.

Shahin, die von den Vereinigten Staaten gesucht, wurde unter dem Vorwurf des mit Betrug begangen Millionen Dienstag im Kosovo Polje verhaftet.

Insajderit Quellen innerhalb der staatlichen Justizbehörden haben bestätigt, dass Imer Shahin in den Vereinigten Staaten (US) ausgeliefert zu erwarten als vom FBI gesucht.

Imer Shahin, Bruder Remzi Hoxha-Shahin, die Frau des Vize / Premierminister Hoxhaj, ist unter sieben Menschen durch das FBI für illegalen Gewinn und Betrug in dem südlichen Bezirk von New York angeklagt. Kosovari in Verbindung mit sechs anderen Menschen, einige von ihnen bereits verhaftet, beschuldigt illegal $ 20 Millionen durch Betrug ergriffen.

Mediat në Shqipëri: Arrestohet kushëriri i ministres Besa Shahini


Lapsi.al ka raportuar për arrestimin e Imer Hashinit, biznismeni i cili është në kërkim nga Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës.

Portali Lapsi.al është fokusuar në afërsinë familjare të të arrestuarit me Besa Shahinin, ministren e Arsimit ne Shqiperi.

Imer Shahini akuzohet se ka kryer mashtrime milionëshe.  Ai është vellai i bashkeshortes se zëvendëskryeministrit të Kosovës, Enver Hoxhaj, raporton Insajderi.

Burime të Insajderit brenda autoriteteve shtetërore të drejtësisë kanë konfirmuar se Imer Shahini pritet të ekstradohet drejt Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës (SHBA) pasi eshte i kerkuar nga FBI-ja.

Imer Shahini, vëllai i Remzie Shahini-Hoxhës, bashkëshortes së zv/kryeministrit Hoxhaj, është në mesin e shtatë personave të akuzuar nga FBI-ja për përfitim të jashtëligjshëm dhe mashtrim në Distriktin Jugor të New York-ut. Kosovari, në bashkëveprim me gjashtë persona të tjerë, disa prej tyre tashmë të arrestuar, akuzohen se ilegalisht kanë përfituar 20 milionë dollarë përmes mashtrimeve.

Aksioni i Policisë së Kosovës, i cili nisi me arrestimin e Imer Shahinit të martën, ka vazhduar edhe të mërkurën. Një ditë pas arrestimit të Shahinit, Policia ka arritur të arrestojë edhe Binak Gjergjajn dhe Ramiz Borduniqin, po ashtu të kërkuar nga Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës (SHBA).

Binak Gjergjaj, nga Klina, dyshohet për vrasjen dhe zhdukjen e trupit të gruas së tij në Amerikë, disa vite më parë. Ndërkaq, Ramiz Borduniqi, akuzohet nga autoritetet amerikane për mashtrime milionëshe me trafikim të narkotikëve. Imer Shahini akuzohet për përfshirje në një skemë mashtrimi milionëshe.

Skema e mashtrimit në të cilën ishte përfshirë Shahini, parashihte që fshehurazi të merreshin nën kontroll miliona aksione të kompanisë ‘Gerova Financial Group Ltd’, të cilat fshehurazi do të duhej edhe të shiteshin.

Plani parashihte që gjysma e këtyre aksioneve t’i kalonin në pronësi Shahinit. E për tu realizuar kjo skemë, Vëllezërit Galanis, po ashtu të akuzuar nga FBI-ja për mashtrim dhe përfitim të jashtëligjshëm, ishin përkujdesur t’ia hapnin një llogari Shahinit, ‘Shahini Accounts’, ku do të kaloheshin aksionet e shitura fshehurazi në mënyrë që në ‘Gerova’ të mos vihej re se kush ishte pronari i vërtetë i tyre.

Rrjedhimisht, njeri prej vëllezërve Galanis, Jason, do të vazhdonte ta mbante nën kontroll kompaninë ‘Gerova’ duke përfituar gjithashtu miliona para dhe duke vazhduar ta kontrollonte tregun edhe nga shitja e stoqeve të Gerova-s. Deri në fund të kësaj kurdisjeje, ky grup përfitoi përmes mashtrimit 20 milionë dollarë.

Imer Shahini, i cili është kunati i zv/kryeministrit Enver Hoxhaj, prej disa vitesh është kthyer në vendlindjen e tij dhe banon në Prishtinë.

Në kryeqytetin kosovar, Imer Shahini figuron të jetë bashkëpronar i kompanisë ‘Dorian & Pan Illyrian Partnership’. Ortaku i tij në këtë firmë është një nga bashkëpunëtorët e tij edhe në skemën e mashtrimeve që e ka hetuar FBI-ja, Jason Woodruff Galanis.

Sipas asaj që thuhet në Agjencinë për Regjistrimin e Bizneseve të Kosovës(ARBK), kjo kompani merret me shërbimet e ndërmjetësimit për letra me vlerë dhe kontrata të mallit, nxjerrjet e naftës së papërpunuar dhe me aktivitete mbështetëse për nxjerrjen e naftës.

Studenten und Dozenten demonstrieren gegen ihre Hirnlosen Minister und Professoren

ür Margaret gibt es sehr wenige Daten, während JavaNews erfährt, dass sie im Beruf des Architekten tätig ist. Sie war auch Dozentin an der Universität „Our Lady of the Good Council“.   Man besuchte die Kunst Akademie, nennt sich nun Architektin.

Elva Margariti, aus dem Kosovo: Kultur Ministerin mit Original Mafia Armband Uhr

Bei Edi Rama, wurde die Frau Koordinatorin  nationale Programmkoordinatorin „100 Dörfer“, wo sie zu dumm, für Alle

FOTO/ Kërkohej nga FBI, arrestohet kusheriri i ministres së Arsimit, Besa Shahini

Policia e Kosovës ka arrestuar të martën biznesmenin nga Kosova Imer Shahinin, djali i xhaxhait i Besa Shahinit, ministre e …

Wettlauf der Dummen: Die Deutsche Bildungsministerin und die Hirnlose Kosovo ESI Tussi: Besan Shanini

Wie ein beleidigten Kind, plabbert im Dumm Stile der Hirnlosen Georg Soros Leute, die Albanische Bildungsministerin Shanini ihre Meinung über die Entscheidung, das der Präsident die Entlassung des Uni Direktors Koni verweigerte, weil die Position, direkt von der Verfassung geschützt ist. Frau Shanini, hat weder Schul Zeugnisse, noch irgendeine Bildung, mit Ausnahme des Georg Soros Murks System auch rund um ESI. „functional illerat“ In Deutschland hat man eine identische Positition, mit dem Gender Murks und kriminelle Phantasien, wer da Alles Bildung bringen will. Wenn man keinen Verstand hat, dann macht man Eigen PR Show der Selbstdarstellung, von den Deutschen kopiert. Januar 2019: wo die Vorgängerin Nikolla, nur ein ungültiges Mafia Diplom der geschlossenen „Kristal“ Universität hatte. Gegen die Dummheit der sogenannten Ministerin, wird seit langem protestiert, wobei im Westlichen Modell des Demokratie bringens, die Zerstörung der Bildung, der Justiz und des Gesundheits Systemes ganz Oben steht. Die Weisungs gebundene Deutsche Justiz, ein Absurdum der Bananen Republiken, will auch noch Justiz bringen, im Klientel System der Deutschen, was identisch peinlich ist.

Osi-klDaad-logo Ohne-schrift

Jetzt hat man eine Bildungsministerin Besan Shanini, der extremen Dummheit, welche keine Schulzeugnisse hat, nur eine Georg Soros Bildungsstätte besuchte, welche Weltweit auf dem Rang Nr. 4002 steht. Noch nie gearbeitet, wie Deutsche Minister: Besan Shanini, hatte nur Plabber Jobs, von Georg Soros NGOs.

Georg Soros und das Verbrecher Kartell der Deutschen Justiz mit Katharina Barley, SPD

Für Margaret gibt es sehr wenige Daten, während JavaNews erfährt, dass sie im Beruf des Architekten tätig ist. Sie war auch Dozentin an der Universität „Our Lady of the Good Council“.   Man besuchte die Kunst Akademie, nennt sich nun Architektin.

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  • navy
    Juni 14, 2019., 12:43 •

    FBI Meldung his content has been reproduced from its original source.

  • Gjoka
    Juni 14, 2019., 20:42 •

    Die Kosovo Verbrecher in Albanien: „Ragip Haxhiajdini“, von Daut Kadrinovsky, Enver Shala, Familie Kapiti, Gashi, Ramuz Haradinaj, Ilir Majlindi, Lulzim Berisha Die Gashi Familie sowieso, mit Lulzim Berisha, Enver Shala Fatmir Kuci , ein vorbestrafter Betrüger und Schläger war Partner der Super Idioten, welche den Port Albania bauen wollten, zu dumm für Alles waren, nie einen Antrag stellten auf Baugenehmigung. Namik Sadiko Luska, Festgenommen in der Schweiz, die Rapperin „Loredana Zef“, Mitglied in der Deutschen Politik mit Ramuz Haradinaj, bis zu dem Rapper „Stressi“

  • Mit dem „Maserati“ zur Demonstation der Ilir Meta, Berisha Verbrecher Kartelle: Fatos Nano – Marina Durres – Albanien
    Juni 16, 2019., 10:00 •

    […] FBI Festnahmen der Mafia Familie des Kosovo. der Albanischen Bildungsministerin: Besa Shahini und Vi… […]

  • Gjoka
    Juni 16, 2019., 10:18 •

    September 24, 2015 Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Charges Against Seven Individuals for Multi-Million-Dollar Investment Scheme Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Philip R. Bartlett, Inspector-in-Charge of the New York Office of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (“USPIS”), announced today the unsealing of an indictment charging seven defendants with orchestrating multiple schemes to defraud investors of tens of millions of dollars. Two of the defendants were arrested this morning in connection with today’s charges. JASON GALANIS was arrested in Manhattan and will be presented later today. JARED GALANIS was arrested in the District of Maryland and will be presented later today before a U.S. Magistrate Judge in Baltimore. DEREK GALANIS is expected to surrender today in the Northern District of California and will be presented before a U.S. Magistrate Judge in San Francisco. GAVIN HAMELS is expected to surrender on Monday in the Southern District of New York and will be presented at that time. JOHN GALANIS, a/k/a “Yanni,” GARY HIRST, and YMER SHAHINI remain at large. Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said: “As alleged, Jason Galanis and his co-conspirators used their Wall Street credentials and the veneer of a legitimate-sounding financial firm to manipulate the market and fleece investors. Their alleged market manipulation brought them nearly $20 million in profits, but now also a federal indictment.” USPIS Inspector-in-Charge Philip R. Bartlett said: “Galanis and his co-conspirators exemplified arrogance and contempt for financial regulations when they allegedly devised a scheme to defraud investors to fund a lavish lifestyle. Law enforcement will never tolerate this alleged egregious behavior and will bring those to justice who lie and do not play by the rules.” According to the Indictment unsealed in Manhattan federal court1, the defendants engaged in the following fraudulent schemes: The Gerova Scheme From 2009 to 2011, JASON GALANIS, JOHN GALANIS, JARED GALANIS, HIRST, DEREK GALANIS, SHAHINI, and HAMELS engaged in a scheme to defraud the shareholders of a publicly traded company called Gerova Financial Group, Ltd. (“Gerova”), and the investing public, by obtaining secret control over millions of shares of Gerova stock and then manipulating the market for the stock as the defendants caused their secretly held shares to be sold.As part of the scheme, the defendants fraudulently generated demand for Gerova stock by bribing investment advisers to purchase for client accounts the Gerova stock that was sold by the defendants, thereby enabling the defendants to cash out from the scheme and make millions in illegal profits. As a part of the scheme to defraud, JASON GALANIS obtained such control over Gerova so as to be able to cause Gerova to enter into transactions of his design, and for his benefit, including the issuance of Gerova stock.JASON GALANIS obtained this control without identifying himself as an officer or director of Gerova to avoid the SEC-imposed bar that prohibited him from holding such positions at publicly traded companies.Among other means and methods, JASON GALANIS, with the assistance of GARY HIRST, caused more than five million shares of Gerova stock, which represented nearly half the company’s public float and which was intended for JASON GALANIS’s ultimate benefit, to be issued to and held in the name of YMER SHAHINI, who knowingly served as a foreign nominee for JASON GALANIS.JASON GALANIS, JOHN GALANIS, JARED GALANIS, DEREK GALANIS, HIRST, and SHAHINI understood that the purpose of the stock grant to SHAHINI was to disguise JASON GALANIS’s ownership interest in the stock, and to evade the SEC’s regulations for issuing unregistered shares of stock. At the same time, and as a further part of the scheme to defraud, JOHN GALANIS, JARED GALANIS, and DEREK GALANIS, among others, with the knowledge and approval of JASON GALANIS, opened and managed brokerage accounts in the name of SHAHINI (the “SHAHINI Accounts”), effected the sale of Gerova stock from the SHAHINI Accounts, and received and concealed the proceeds, knowing that this activity was designed to conceal from the investing public JASON GALANIS’s ownership of and control over the Gerova stock. JASON GALANIS and JARED GALANIS also fraudulently induced investment advisers, including GAVIN HAMELS and others, to purchase shares of Gerova stock in the investment advisers’ client accounts by offering compensation and/or other benefits to the respective investment adviser.By causing the purchase of Gerova stock at the time, quantity, and/or price of their choosing, JASON GALANIS and JARED GALANIS were able to, among other things, effectuate the sale of large quantities of Gerova stock from the SHAHINI Accounts that JASON GALANIS controlled while artificially maintaining the price of Gerova stock through coordinated match trading.Such coordinated trading served to manipulate the market for Gerova stock and deceive the investing public.As a result, JASON GALANIS and his co-conspirators reaped nearly $20 million in profits. The Scheme to Defraud Clients of Investment Firm-2 From November 2007 to April 2010, JASON GALANIS and JARED GALANIS, along with an investment adviser identified in the Indictment as “CC-2,” participated in a scheme to defraud the clients of CC-2’s investment advisory firm, identified in the Indictment as “Investment Firm-2.”Oftentimes in exchange for compensation from JASON GALANIS and JARED GALANIS, CC-2 caused Investment Firm-2 clients to invest in notes issued by entities associated with JASON GALANIS and JARED GALANIS. When obligations owed by entities associated with JASON GALANIS and JARED GALANIS became due, CC-2, with the knowledge of JASON GALANIS and JARED GALANIS, used client funds to purchase either notes issued by other entities associated with JASON GALANIS and JARED GALANIS, or publicly traded shares held by such entities.The funds generated were then used to pay the original obligations owed to other Investment Firm-2 clients.Through these securities trades, funds in client accounts of one set of Investment Firm-2 investors were used to pay obligations owed to a different set of Investment Firm-2 investors by entities associated with JASON GALANIS and JARED GALANIS. Charts identifying each defendant, the charges, and the maximum penalties are attached to this release. The statutory maximum sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants would be determined by the judge. The case has been assigned to U.S. District Judge P. Kevin Castel. Mr. Bharara praised the work of the United States Postal Inspection Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and thanked the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for its assistance.He added that the investigation is continuing. The charges were brought in connection with the President’s Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force.The task force was established to wage an aggressive, coordinated and proactive effort to investigate and prosecute financial crimes.With more than 20 federal agencies, 94 U.S. attorneys’ offices, and state and local partners, it’s the broadest coalition of law enforcement, investigatory and regulatory agencies ever assembled to combat fraud.Since its formation, the task force has made great strides in facilitating increased investigation and prosecution of financial crimes; enhancing coordination and cooperation among federal, state and local authorities; addressing discrimination in the lending and financial markets; and conducting outreach to the public, victims, financial institutions and other organizations.Since fiscal year 2009, the Justice Department has filed over 18,000 financial fraud cases against more than 25,000 defendants.For more information on the task force, please visit www.StopFraud.gov. https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/newyork/news/press-releases/manhattan-u.s.-attorney-announces-charges-against-seven-individuals-for-multi-million-dollar-investment-scheme und Albanisch https://insajderi.com/mediat-ne-shqiperi-arrestohet-kusheriri-i-ministres-besa-shahini/

  • Deutsche Politiker und das Betrugs Monopol mit Georg Soros: 6 Festnahmen bei der „BESA Foundtion“, wegen Klein Kredit Betrug – Marina Durres – Albanien
    Aug. 22, 2019., 16:51 •

    […] Betrüger wurden als Minister nicht nur in Deutschland und in der EU installiert, sondern mit Besa Shanini, wurde Profi Kriminelle Clans aus dem Kosovo: Mninster und überall identisch in vielen Ländern. […]

  • Insider
    Aug. 22, 2019., 17:51 •

    Man fordert die Ablösung dieser extrem dummen Frau, welche ohne Rücksprache mit Dritten, ohne Erfahrung und Kompetenz, nur Unfug produziert Auch die Europäische Union nicht Aufgehen in einer einzigen öffentlichen Stellen der einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten erforderlich! Auf diese Weise arbeitet der Spitze des parlamentarischen Ausschusses Punkt für die Reform der albanischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Bürger Besa Shahini, der Minister Funktion, die die rechtliche Pflicht hat, die Identität der Bildung und wissenschaftlichen Institutionen und Behörden zu halten legal im Land betreiben Albanien erklärt, dass gegen diese Engstirnigkeit funktioniert, dann funktioniert es in umgekehrter Richtung ihres Eid als Minister! Mit Größenwahn Idee bedeutet, dass es die Bürger Besa Shahini ist es, die akademische Gemeinschaft und Studenten ohne Rücksprache, die Bürger des Staates Albanien sind, ohne Rücksprache mit entweder dem Regierungsprogramm zu der sie gehört, ohne dass das Albanien zu respektieren, von denen die Verfassung t angenommen hat „die dazu dienen, aber punoka mëvetësive der Akademie der Wissenschaften Albanien zu demontieren, und geht sogar so weit, als ob davon abhängt, die Auflösung der Unabhängigkeit des Kosovo Akademie der Wissenschaften und darüber hinaus. https://boldnews.al/2019/05/10/leter-e-hapur-akademiku-i-njohur-shkarkoni-besa-shahinin/

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