SPD Banden und Angela Merkel: Die dubiosen Partner deutscher Parteien
Bei DW gibt Angela Merkel ein Interview, das der Antrag der EU Commission abgelehnt wird, auf Anfang Oktober das Thema verschoben wird, ob Beitritts Gespraeche aufgenommen werden, oder nicht. In Albanien Justiz bringen mit Idioten, ein SPD Projekt, korrupter EU Banden ebenso.
Machtkalkül statt Europäische Werte? Die dubiosen Partner deutscher Parteien in Osteuropa
Die duemmste Betruegerin natuerlich Steinmeier Partner, wie der Gangster Ilir Meta.

48. Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz 2012: Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier (li), Vorsitzender der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion, Deutschland, im Gespräch mit Atifete Jahjaga (re), Präsidentin, Republik Kosovo, gefälschte Schulzeugnisse, gefakte Polizei Ausbildungs Diplome und Millionen kassiert als 2 höchste Polizei Direktorin, Präsident des Kosovo
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Steinmeier mit jedem Verbrecher: Destani, bis Ilir Meta und diverse Banditen wie Barzani |
Schon der UN Sonder Gesandte Kai Eibe, kritisierte 2004, die schweren Fehler der Deutschen, der EU und oft auch der US Spinner und Abzocker (damals mit dem Idioten der Pädophilen Partei: Joschka Fischer) siehe auch Visa Skandal.
Mit ihren Bestechungs Orgien rund um die KfW, den korrupten Kadern der GTZ, wurde der Balkan destabilisiert, durch die permanente Bestechung und Phantom Betrugs Projekten.
Mediat gjermane: Merkel shtyn hapjen e negociatave për në tetor

Sipas një raportimi të gazetës së njohur gjermane, Süddeutsche Zeitung“ të premten (07.06) kancelarja gjermane, Angela Merkel i ka bërë një refuzim të qartë kërkesës së Komisionit Europian për hapje të shpejtë të negociatave të anëtarësimit me Shqipërinë dhe Maqedoninë e Veriut. Këtë ajo e ka thënë në një seancë të komisionit parlamentar të Bundestagut për Europën, sipas informacioneve të „Süddeutsche Zeitung“. Merkel ka bërë të qartë, se një vendim për këtë pritet më së hershmi në tetor.
Me këtë kancelarja del qartazi kundër partnerit në koalicion, Partisë Socialdemokrate, SPD, që përkrah votimin pro për hapjen e negociatave në Këshillin e BE më 18 qershor. Ministri gjerman i Shtetit për Europën në Ministrinë e Jashtme, Michael Roth (SPD) është një nga politikanët gjermanë që është angazhuar fort javët e fundit për hapjen e negociatave me dy vendet e Ballkanit. Ai ka theksuar në intervista të ndryshme, se angazhimi i Shqipërisë për reforma duhet të vlerësohet.
Idiot unterwegs: Micheal Roth, im Idioten Meer der SPD Dumm angeblichen Aussenpolitker die nur korrupt sind ohne Ende, Milliarden stehlen, wo die „Scheckbucht Diplomatie“ schon 2009 schwer kritisiert wurde.
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Still und heimlich Karriere gemacht, denn er wurde nun verhaftet, als Vertriebsleiter, Strategischen Kopf mit eigenen Heroin Labors. Die vorbestraften Banden, auch der verhaftete Saimir Gjepali, konnten ungehindert nach Europa reisen, denn die Türischen – Albanischen Wunder Export Netzwerke, werden inklusive der illegalen Geldwäsche Bauten, von der Berufs Aufbau Mafia in Berlin finanziert, wie KfW, BMZ, AA mit der Schwuchtel und LGBT, Gender Abteilung der vollkommen Hirnlosen. Am 20. Oktober 2018, wo in Folge sogar die BKA Chef in Tirana waren, weil man wie immer eigene Klientel Wirtschaft betreibt, weit hinter jeder normalen Polizei Behörde zurück blieb.
Die Neuerung. man heuerte in den Gefängnissen bereits Kriminelle an, schickte mit Hilfe der korrupten EU und Berliner Gangster die Banden nach Deutschland, Europa.
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2 Langzeit Drogen Bosse und Verbrecher: Edi Rama, Arben Ndoka |
Die Deutsche und EU Mafia, inklusive BKA, hat es in sich. Unbekümmert, können solche Leute nach Europa reisen, obwohl einschlägig bekannt. Die Deutsche Botschaft in Tirana, baute diese Drogen Verbrecher Ringe, vor allem mit Sabine Bloch auf, einer gefährlich Sturzdummen Frau und vollkommen korrupt. siehe Visa Skandal, wo über 3.000 Geschäfts Visa für Kriminelle und Drogen Bosse für ungültig erklärt wurden, Albanische Diplomaten der Spartak Braho, Ilir Meta Verbrecher Kartelle, ebenso mit Drogen verhaftet wurden.
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Alte Villa |
100 Kilo Heroin im Auto des Hekuran Hoxha, einschlägig in Haft auch in der Türkei schon 1998. |
Report Tv ka mësuar se Hekuran Hoxha, i njohur si Roni i Shijakut kishte porositur një sasi heroine që do e trafikonte nga Kosova me destinacion final Europën. Në një takim me biznesmenin Admir Hoxha, që ngriti dhe udhëhoqi punën e laboratorit në Has, ata flasin për heroinën që Roni do çonte në Belgjikë. Takimi në hotelin e Hoxhës, bashkë me të ndodhej edhe Saimir Gjepali.
Der Kolumbianische Super Drogen Clan del Golfo, mit seinen Geschäfts Kontakten zu höchsten Albanischen und Deutschen Politikern
- Verhaftet in flagranti sind 5 Staatsangehörigen für Straftaten „Produktion undVerkauf von Betäubungsmitteln“, „Handel mit Drogen“, „Produktion und Herstellung von Betäubungsmitteln“ in Zusammenarbeit, insbesondere der Form von strukturierten kriminellen Gruppe und kriminellen Vereinigung: 1 , Vehbi Berushi 57.
2. Flagge Cela, 48
3. Xhevit Shuti, 48
4. Shuti Mustafa, 76
5. Anila Shuti, 42 - 1. Yassin Kala Jasin Avdyli, alias, Spitznamen „Cine“ von Shijaku;
2. Glow Avdyli, der den Spitznamen „Kitchy“ von Shijaku;
3. Denis Llaftiu von Shijaku;
4. Fatos Llaftiu von Shijaku;
5. Hajri Seferi von Shijaku;
6. Petro Kuci, Abedin Kuçi alias von Delvina;
7. Ilirijan Priest, die Fieri;
8. Elton Shehaj von Tirana;
9. Armand Spiro aus Tirana;
10. Astrit Balliu, alias Avdyli, Solomon, der den Spitznamen „Titus“ von Shijaku;
11. Altin Avdyli, genannt „Nietzsche“ von Shijak;
12. Saimir Gjepali von Shijaku;
13. Gjevi Ndoka, Jewel alias, Spitznamen „Xhevi“ von Lezha;
14. Esat Mehmeti, genannt „cakja“ von Fieri;
15. Samir Sulejmani von Fieri;
16. Orges Jahelezi, Artan Elezi alias, Spitznamen „Nita“ von Tirana;
17. Elis Bahushi aus Elbasani;
18. Elis Stein von Shkodra.
19. Artur Balla, die Elbasani. —
- –Aktualisiert am
- Kompetenz braucht man nicht, auch keinen Beruf: Käuflichkeit und Korruption – der sichere Weg zur Politiker Karriere in Deutschland
- komplett facebook, twitter und smartphone verbloedet das Auswaertige Amt, ueberall da wo SPD und Gruene steht im Klientel Mafia Stile.
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- 01/23/19–23:08: US NAT0 un EU Modell: Vize PM: Tomislav Tolusic von Kroatien, ein Drogen Boss und Zuhälter:
Olaf Scholz und andere Super Idioten der SPD, welche mit Offshore Firmen, US Betrugs Consults ca. 1 Billiarde Vermoegen in Deutschland stahlen, die Landesbanken runierten mit dem korrupten Edmond Stober ebenso.
Juni 10, 2019., 09:37 •
Alles Chaos, und Milliarden werden gestohlen ueber die KfW Projekte, wo nie etwas funktioniert, Betrug und Bauschrott ist, oder nur Phantom Projekte Idioten Minister, egal in Deutschland und Albanien, die identische Klientel Politik im Mafia Stile wo die Duemmsten Posten erhalten ALBANIA ON BRINK OF DISASTER Janusz Bugajski, 7 June 2019 Albania must avoid sliding into conflict and chaos, as the repercussions could be more damaging than the state collapse witnessed over twenty years ago. Political radicalism, violent protests, social unrest, and institutional instability will not only drag the country intodomestic crisis but it mayalso generate regional instability, block Albania’s path toward EU integration, and weaken its relations with the United States. Compared to the economic crashin 1997, Albania’s current “pyramid schemes” are both political and economic. Clientelism and corruption have deeply infected both major parties while there is no viable third alternative. But even worse than official corruption is the extreme polarization of Albania’s politics.All countries in the Balkan region are undermined by profitable links between politics and business, but none of them have experienced Albania’s acute bipolar disorders. Kosova has a viable multi-party system, with at least four major formations competing for office. Even though Montenegro’s politics is divided between Montenegrin and Serbian streams, the pro-independence parties are stronger and have remained in office over several election cycles. North Macedonia may have two major parties but because of the important role played by Albanian parties in coalition cabinets, parliament functions and the government is able to arrange landmark agreements with its neighbors. Albania is stuck in a quagmire where trust in either party is falling but where militants predominate and compromises cannot be reached between political leaders. Boycotting parliaments and elections may seem like a radical form of protest, but this is ultimately self-defeating and reduces public confidence in state institutions. The Democratic Party opposition has abandoned its parliamentary seatsand called for the Socialist Party government to resign while an interim administration takes office untilearly general elections. But a national election without some grand bargain between the major political players will simply reproduce resentment among the next election losers and begin another cycle of protests. The opposition is boycotting Albania’s June 30 local elections and in most municipalities only a single candidate is standing for mayor. The Socialists, who have enough parliamentary seats to run on their own, assert that they cannot violate the constitution and change the Election Day.This is unlikely to weaken the Democrats, but will simply make them more radical and aggressive outside the country’s institutions. Opposition demonstrations against the government have already turned violent and more clashes are expected between protestors and police. Democrat leaders warn of further escalation as Election Day approaches and protestors may try to prevent the ballot from taking place. Unless responsible political leaders rein back the anger and reach some durable compromise, Albania may be heading toward a new disaster. Street protests in Albania are not manifestations of a Ukrainian-type“Majdan” where in 2014 a popular, pluralistic, reformist, and pro-Western movement ousted a deeply corrupted and unpopular pro-Moscow regime. In Albania’s case, the protests are directed by the major opposition party, which primarily aims to replace the current government without eliminatingthe sources and drivers of corruption and clientelism. The cycles of boycotts, demonstrations, and violence have become commonplace in Albania and haveseriously damaged the country’s reputation over the past two decades and can again prevent the start of EU accession talks. Governments in France and Holland, who oppose further enlargement, will point at the violence and political divisions as evidence that Albania does not belong in Europe. Chaos and violence in Albania can alsoimpact on regional stability by drawing into the fray neighboring Albanian politicians and parties, especially in Kosova and North Macedonia. This could contribute toradicalizingand even polarizingpolitics in both states. There is also a nightmare scenario of a repeat of the 1997 “pyramid scheme” collapse, in which the state ceased to function, weapons were pilfered from government arsenals, and armed vigilantes roamed the streets. The descent into chaos of a NATO member and staunch US ally must be prevented through a firmer diplomatic initiative that pushes both sides toward dialogue, reigns in militants, and defuses tensions. Unfortunately, the Donald Trump administration has paid insufficient attention to Albania, having focused primarily on resolvingthe Macedonia-Greece and Kosova-Serbia disputes. For almost a year Albania has had no US ambassador. The absence of a senior envoy sends a signal of indifference and encourages political radicalism. Albanians of all political colors understand that without American involvement the EU remains a weak political player in the Balkans. Albania cannot be neglected if NATO is determined to prevent regional instability and preclude the opening of another doorto Moscow’s subversive interventions. *** http://www.gazetadita.al/klientelizmi-dhe-korrupsioni-shqiperia-ne-prag-te-katastrofes/
Juni 10, 2019., 10:22 •
Einfach laecherlich was die OSCE, EU Botschaft darstellen
Remember When OSCE Deputy Ambassador Wilton Said UK Was “Three Times Worse”?
The news cycle has in the last few days been dominated by new wiretaps from Dossier 339 published by the German newspaper Bild, providing additional evidence for widespread vote-buying practices in Durrës County linking criminal organizations and the Socialist Party. After VOA and BIRN published the first wiretaps from dossier 339 in February, MEP Knut...
Juni 13, 2019., 16:16 •
Ausser Spesen und sichtbar gut geschmiert von Lobbyisten, darf sich eine inkompetende Deutsche Parlamentarier Gruppe äussern, welche selbst erzählt, das man nur mit der Albaner Mafia Gespräche geführt hat, von Journalisten, dem Volke, und dann immer die Vertreter der sogenannten Zivilen Gesellschaft, einem Tausend fach aufgeblähten Monstrum als Tarn Organisation des Organisierten Verbrechens, Terroristen im Milliarden schweren NGO Betrug von Georg Soros und den diversen Deutschen korrupten Ministern der Inkompetenz.
12/06/2019 15:44
Profi Krimineller Langzeit Betrieb: DAW Müller und hier mit der Mord, Verbrecher Familie: Mila Economi]
Johannes Hahn mit dem Gangster Georg Soros
The representatives of the German Delegation on a visit to Albania commented on the political situation in our country and underlined that the Constitution is what determines when the elections will be held.
Gegen Leistung, man vermittelt Berliner Besuche und zahlt die Reisen[/caption][caption id="attachment_3420" align="alignnone" width="221"]
Georg Soros und das Verbrecher Kartell der Deutschen Justiz mit Katharina Barley, SPD
The delegation of the German Parliament was composed of Josip Juratovic, MP and Chairman of the SPD Parliamentary Group; Renata Alt, MP and Vice Chair of the FDP Parliamentary Group; and Hansjörg Müller, MP and member of the Parliamentary Group, said for the media that they had contact with representatives of the Albanian Parliament, chairmen of the Parliamentary Commissions, PM Rama, the Internal and Justice Minister, in order to have a better image of the reform situation: “It has been important for us to learn about the progress of the reforms and understand how much has been Albania prepared for the negotiations. Albania and the entire Balkan region is in the courtyard of the EU and must be part of this union. For me, democracy is a community of values. These are internal matters, but I have understood that there is a Constitution, and the Constitution is the basis of a country.
The Constitution in Germany is the base, and for this reason, I trust what the Constitution has determined. If the Constitution foresees that the elections must be held in a specific time, then they should be held in that time. Only this way, through the Constitution, I think that a representative democracy through the Parliament is the highest democratic institution. The elections represent the competition between political parties. Every party has its right to become part of it or not. It will be the voters who decide. Not all the citizen in the EU are enthusiastic about the enlargement of the Union, but whoever blocks the integration process, is blocking those who believe in the Democratic values”, said Josip Juratovic.

German delegation in Albania: Constitution, the foundation of a country
Top Channel
Juni 21, 2019., 06:10 •
Warum man so dumm sein muss, diese Verbrecher ständig nach Berlin einzuladen, was bei Steinmeier und Angela Merkel anfängt. Von den Opposition Politikern, identische Verbrecher wie Ridvan Bode, Sokol Olldashi, Lulzim Basha, Enkeled Alibeaj, sind identische Partnerschaften mit Verbrechern bekannt, ebenso von Deutschen gefördert, weil man dann Geschäfte machen kann. Der Journalist Artan Hoxha, der immer wieder Insider Informationen hat, weißt darauf hin https://shqiptarja.com/video/perplasjet-per-30-qershorin-dhe-pergjimet-e-bild-pjesa-e-par
Juni 26, 2019., 16:00 •
die fortschritte Etliche POLIZEIBEaMEWURDENVERHAFE https://shqiptarja.com/lajm/arrestohet-agjenti-i-krimeve-qe-shperndante-kokaine-ne-tirane-emrifoto
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