Ein wenig Regen: Bosnien, Vlore stehen unter Wasser, weil Niemand die Kollektoren, Flüsse, Bäche säubert

Alles normal in der Verbrecher Stadt und die Albanische Art von Tourismus. Wir seit 25 Jahren auch in Durres

Die EU Gelder der Stadt, sind halt gestohlen, wie immer!  Heimat Stadt auch der Italienischen Mafia, und das seit 50 Jahren, rund um Mord, Geldwäsche, Drogen, Zigaretten und Menschen Handel

Deutschland Lehrmeister, Finanzier von kriminellen Banden des Edi Rama, Salih Berisha

Land unter in Durres, Vlore die Deutsche, EU Infrastruktur Mafia zerstört das Land

Ein Super Betrugs Projekt der EU, mit inkompetenden Gangstern und Baufirmen, was man dann gemeinsam organisierte Im unendlichen EU Betrugs Skandal mit dem „lungomare“ Projekt in Vlore

Die Grundstücksverbrecher Banden, des Helidon Gjikoka,in Vlore, Dhermit mit Ardian Mustës

Lockdown Opfer Albanien, wenn man pro Tag hohe Geldsummen bezahlt, für die TEC, angemieteten Energie Generatoren Schiffe in Vlore

Die EU finanzierten Umweltverbrechen in Albanien: Der Wald von „Sode“ bei Vlore

4 Tetor, 10:09 | Përditësimi i fundit: 10:52 18 Politikë
Përmbytjet në Vlorë/ 33 familje kaluan natën në konvikt! Rrugët të kalueshme, problem garazhet Vëngu: Dëmshpërblim për banesat, për bizneset do shikohet gjetja e një formulePamje me dron nga përmbytjet

Përmbytjet në Vlorë/ 33 familje kaluan natën në konvikt! Rrugët të kalueshme, problem garazhet Vëngu: Dëmshpërblim për banesat, për bizneset do shikohet gjetja e një formule

5 Küstenwach Offiziere verhaftet, als Mitglied eines Vlore Schmuggler Ringes

Einer Mord, Verbrecher Familie: Artjan Bylyku, brennt ihr illegales Schmuggler Boot bei Vlore ab

Üble Familie: die 1992 schon in Deutschland auftauchte, wie Viele reine Verbrecher Karrieren haben, oft mit SPD Unterstützung, als Migrations Beauftragte, Morde begannen, heute mit einem illegalem Boot, in der Nähe der „Delta Force“ dem teuren Parade Stück, der Anti Schmuggler Einheit mit Booten der Polizei und der Marie aufflogen, als ihr Boot in Brand … Einer Mord, Verbrecher Familie: Artjan Bylyku, brennt ihr illegales Schmuggler Boot bei Vlore ab weiterlesen

Seit der Edi Rama Regierung; Vlore, das Verbrecher Zentrum für Schmuggel, Geldwäsche

Jagd mit Helikopter am hellichten Tage, weil Schmuggler Boote unterwegs sind, deren Mafia Hotels, direkt von der KfW und den Deutschen mitfinanziert werden, mit kriminelle Partner, mit Mehrfach ID und immer Betrug. Die KfW finanzierte Müll Deponie, der Banden. Jürgen Pilkapi tritt zurück! 7 Grundstücks Direktoren in Vlore in 9 Monaten 8 Grundstücks Direktoren in 9 … Seit der Edi Rama Regierung; Vlore, das Verbrecher Zentrum für Schmuggel, Geldwäsche weiterlesen

Robert Bosch , Agnes Bernhard: Peinlichkeiten der EU Abzock Mafia

Der hoch geputschte Skandal mit dem Bruder des Innenministers: Agron Yhafaj

Die gekaufte Ratte: Knut Fleckenstein promotet die Albaner Mafia in die EU

Gesuchte Mörder, Verbrecher Clans haben die Albanische Küste mit Hilfe von Edi Rama, Berisha, Ilir Meta besetzt

Im unendlichen EU Betrugs Skandal mit dem „lungomare“ Projekt in Vlore

Gift Müll Entsorgung in Albanien, mit der Mafia Fähre: „Brindisi-Vlore“

EU Betrugs Organisation: “ OLAF “ ermittelt gegen die EU Projekte in Albanien, auch gegen die KfW Mafia


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  • Insider
    Okt. 09, 2024., 18:44 •

    Bashkim Ulaj wieder einmal. Fiktive Tender mit Bestechungsgeld   Bashkim Ulaj, Edi Rama   2024-10-07 13:42:00

    Vlora was not flooded by nature, but 62 million Euros stolen with fictitious tenders

     Shkruar nga Pamfleti
    Vlora was not flooded by nature, but 62 million Euros stolen with fictitious
    Vlora flooded /
    The Prosecutor's Office of Vlora has launched an investigation into the negligence of officials, when as the main cause, it should investigate the theft of the sewerage funds of the city of Hidrovor, by the leaders of the Municipality, Water-Sewage, Drainage Board and the National Agency of Water-Sewage. in bargaining and with fake papers with the owners of the companies that received the tenders...
    The whole city of Vlora was flooded with 2 hours of rain, as if there was no sewage network at all, the evacuation and drainage of dirty water, causing great damage to many families and businesses and millions of lek additional costs for cleaning the city from waste The mayor of Vlora, Ermal Dredha, said that the fault for the flood was not the Municipality, nor the Water-Sewage Company and the Drainage Board, but the rains that came suddenly and were as much as the amount of all the rains of the year.
    Vlora was not flooded by nature, but 62 million Euros stolen with fictitious
    Ermal Dredha, head of Vlora Municipality /
    The Prosecutor's Office of Vlora announced that it has started investigations for the negligence of the leaders of the Municipality of Vlora, the Water-Sewage Company, the Cleaning Company, the Water Management Company and the Drainage Board in Vlora, as the persons responsible for the causes of the flooding of the city.
    But the Prosecutor's Office of Vlora, wittingly or unwittingly, left out of the investigation the real cause of the flooding of Vlora: the corruption with the tenders of the Municipality, the Water-Sewage Company, the Water Management Company and the Drainage Board in Vlora. During the last 8 years, 62 million Euro funds have been spent by the Municipality of Vlora Water Supply, the Ministry of Infrastructure, the National Water Supply and Sewerage Agency and the Drainage Board. They were spent on the construction, reconstruction and periodic cleaning of the sewerage network of the city of Vlora, on the repair and maintenance of the hydrovor, and on the network of high water channels, by tendering to private companies. They gave it to the managers, even without a competition, at costs 2-3 times higher than the real costs of the investments, and they signed documents, as if private individuals had made complete and high-quality investments, when according to the KLSH, the investments were not made completely and are without standards and without quality.
    For example, for the construction and operation of the high water canals in Vlora, 28 million Euros were spent in the years 2015-2024, but the high water flooded the city with 2 hours of rain, because this canal network was not built in 4 points of the city and is out of order even where it exists. In the years 2018-2023, the oligarch Bashkim Ulaj received 18 million Euros for the reconstruction of the sewerage network and the central network for the evacuation of rainwater, but the fact showed that Vlora was flooded, because the networks have not been reconstructed, even in February 2024, the Municipality of Vlora gave an additional 3 million Euros to the sewerage fund. The National Water-Sewage Agency and the Drainage Board, in the years 2020-2023, have made 16 million Euro tenders, for which they have also signed the documents, as if the investments were made according to high-quality projects, but in fact the funds were stolen and the rain showed that the sewers are out of order and in some areas they do not exist. The prosecution must investigate, only the fact that Vlora was flooded with 62 million Euro fictitious tenders, made for a network of sewers and water evacuation with hydrovor, which were stolen in negotiations between the leaders of the Municipality, the Water-Sewage Company, the Drainage Board and the National Agency of Water-Sewage of private company owners./ Pamphlet

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