das peinliche Geschwätz, der unnützen: Mafia identischen EU Botschaft, über Justiz Reformen in Albanien
die Deutschen und die EU entsendet nur Idioten, auch für Justiz Reformen was mehr wie peinlich ist
Viele Millionen wurden für den Dumm Reise Tross schon ausgegeben, wo man Dumm Kriminelle als Partner vor Ort hatte! Das Deutsche Justizministerium, stiehlt mit der Show, damit korrupte Dumme einen Posten haben, jedes Jahr über 150 Millionen €.
vor 6 Jahren
Darian Pavli. Senior Experte der IRZ Stiftung, EURALIUS Justiz Mission ein Betrüger mit gefakten Diplomen
Darian Pavli is senior attorney for the Freedom of Information and Expression Program of the Open Society Justice Initiative. He was previously the southern Balkans researcher for Human Rights Watch and a senior attorney for the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s mission in Albania
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vor 4 Jahren
Brüssel befiehlt jungen Richtern: Schützen Sie die Justizreform!
Der Botschafter der Europäischen Union in Albanien, Silvio Gonazato, hat den neuen Richtern die Botschaft übermittelt, die Reform der Justiz zu schützen.
Er betonte, dass es vor allem darauf ankomme, den Geist der Reform zu bewahren und ihre Arbeit nicht zu behindern. Gonzato nahm heute an einer Veranstaltung teil, die von der School of Magistrates im Rahmen eines Kooperationsprojekts mit den besten Magistratsschulen Europas organisiert wurde.
„Alle Errungenschaften der Justizreform sollten weiter gefestigt werden, nicht nur im strafenden Aspekt der Korruptionsbekämpfung, sondern auch im Warnkrieg.“ Es ist wichtig, den Geist der Justizreform nicht aufzugeben und Elemente zu berücksichtigen, die ihre Umsetzung verbessern oder behindern können, und es ist wichtig, ihn zu schützen. Sie haben unsere volle Unterstützung“, sagte Gonzato.
Am Ende schloss Gonazato seine Botschaft mit einer Gratulation an die Richterinnen, wobei seiner Meinung nach die Zunahme ihrer Zahl an der Schule Fortschritte und Erfolge für Albanien zeige.
„Als ich zur Abschlussfeier kam, war ich beeindruckt und erfreut, dass die Mädchen dominierten. „Es macht mich glücklich, dass Mädchen in der Justiz der Schlüssel zu den Veränderungen sind, die das Land braucht“, fügte Gonzato hinzu.
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Zustände, welche die EU Deppen an Vorderster Fron zu verantworten haben
Entwurf/ Nach der Küste, mit Schwerpunkt auf den Bergen, wird Staatseigentum für 1 Euro an Privatpersonen verkauft! Voraussetzungen: De-facto-Eigentümer seit mindestens 10 Jahren und ein Businessplan
Okt. 03, 2024., 13:32 •
Ultimatum 2024-10-03 10:43:00 EU ultimatum to the "Rama" government: Fight corruption, it has captured the state! Shkruar nga Pamfleti EU ultimatum to the "Rama" government: Fight corruption, it has Silvio Gonzato The ambassador of the European Union in Tirana, Silvio Gonzato, gave a clear message to the "Rama" government, where he asked it to fight the corruption that has "stuck" the institutions. In his speech at the Regional Forum on Good Governance and the Fight Against Corruption, Gonzato said that an independent, strong, empowered civil society that manages to engage in constructive dialogue with public institutions and businesses is a critical element for the fight against corruption. "It is very important that we take measures so that representatives of civil society are actively involved and consulted in efficient ways for the shaping of corruption policies and such initiatives, but also their monitoring, such as the various anti-corruption strategies or integrity plans," he said. Gonzato also emphasized that, "in our cooperation programs, we support the empowering capacities and mobilization of civil society to give their contribution and for these to be efficient". " While the countries of the Western Balkans are continuing their work towards EU membership, the perception of corruption remains higher than the EU average, so we must focus on integrating all anti-corruption efforts into all chapters negotiated, starting from the sectors with the highest risk", he said. Gonzato stated that it is very important that tangible results for reducing corruption are visible and are in fact an important requirement to move forward in EU membership. " The countries of the Western Balkans must continue the fight against corruption with determination through their concrete actions, including the appropriate legal and institutional framework, appropriate resources and also anti-corruption efforts must be visible, including prevention, implementation of law and criminal prosecution. In Albania, we expect the government's work on the 2024-2030 anti-corruption strategy to be completed soon and approved. After the approval we expect the full implementation of this strategy, especially in high-risk sectors such as Cadastre, Tax Administration, Customs, Public Procurement, education and health ", said Gonzato. " The Assembly created a Special Commission with the aim of advancing good governance reforms, anti-corruption and the rule of law. This is an opportunity to strengthen efforts to prevent corruption, thus involving a variety of actors and experts. In fact, an effort throughout the country and of course, considering the results that have been achieved, we must continue ," he added. " Other measures are created, of course, but it is equally important that all partners in the region avoid actions that undermine anti-corruption efforts, for example weakening transparency in public procurement, or commissioned legal acts that bypass standard procedures, or limiting of the mandates of independent anti-corruption bodies ", said Gonzato. Gonzato emphasized that, "the war against corruption will always face resistance from those who benefit from its existence, therefore a strong political will is needed and in the countries of expansion we see that there are still elements of state capture. This hinders the rule of law in the Western Balkans ." The ambassador underlined that the European Commission has prepared an anti-corruption package including the proposal for the directive to fight corruption. Starting this year , Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro were also included in EU reports on the rule of law, putting them on the same level as member states, helping them to identify and handle these problems properly ," he said. Therefore, Gonzato added, " the new EU growth plan for the Western Balkans offers new opportunities for strengthening and accelerating anti-corruption efforts. This plan includes up to 6 billion euros in loans and grants with access to some of the benefits of EU membership and the common market. But these funds depend on the country's key reforms and their implementation. Therefore, a dialogue is taking place with the partners of the Western Balkans to look at these areas of reform and to see where progress will be made. The EU remains committed to supporting anti-corruption efforts in the Western Balkans and to work closely with regional partners, international actors and civil society ". https://pamfleti.net/english/politike/be-ultimatum-qeverise-rama-luftoni-korrupsionin-ka-kapur-shtetin-i246785
Nov. 30, 2024., 10:03 •
Im kriminelle Enterprise der EU Botschaften, der Ursula von der Leyen, will man EU Botschaften schliessen, das Personal verringern