„Gjoka Construction“ und gegen die Ex-Chefin der Strassenbehoerde: Sonila Quto, wird nun ermittelt
Die ganz grossen Betrugsfälle arbeitet man auf, rund um Grundstücks Diebstahl, des Salih Berisha
- Gjoka bei Das illegale Mafia „Prestige Resort“, südlich Golem, wird abgerissen (Garten, Schwimming Pools) , der Hysenbelliu Gruppe
- Machtkampf der Internationalen Drogen Kartelle in Albanien: „Bijan Pooladrag“ erhielt 10 Jahre Gefängnis
- Neue Hausdurchsuchungen der SPAK, rund um Edri Dokle, einem Berufsverbrecher
Der Verbrecher Clan des Dash Gjoka, ist die Ur Quelle, für alle Verbrecher Clans, Financier von Ridvan Bode, Sokol Olldashi, schon im Treibstoff Schmuggel nach Jugoslawien aktiv, für Salih Berisha, Einen eigenen Drogen Super Markt, schon vor 20 Jahren. 1994 war schon bekannt, das die Islamischen Terroristen, das Erste große Investment machten an der National Strasse, bei Vore, Richtung Tirana, was bis heute steht und Bin Laden, war ja mehrfach in Albanien. Eigene Festung, Dorf, Alles illegal gebaut. Elbasan Mafia. Schon 1996 war der Vater für Mord dokumentiert, Attentate, auf die gepanzerte Limousine gab es auch.
Startschuss der Demokratie in Albanien, gleich mit Terroristen.

MIt Albanian Airline, kamen Albanische Waffen nach Kabul, 1995, bezahlt mit $ und Heroin, was der Start der lukrativen Geschäfte rund um den Gjoka Clan in Shiak war, es nun zu Verhaftungen der Nachfolger kam, tief verwurzelt vor allem in Deutschland. Albanien war Zentrum des US finanzierten Terrorismus, damals wie heute mit den MEK Terroristen Camp bei „Manza“
The former director of ARRSH ends up in SPAK, DP reacts and warns that Qato is the next victim of the corruption affair of the Kardhiq-Delvina tender, it implicates many SP ministers
The ex-director of ARRSH, Sonila Qato, has ended up at SPAK. Qato was presented yesterday at SPAK, accompanied by her lawyer, after the lawsuit filed by a private firm, following a report by KLSH for violation of equality in tenders on the Kardhiq-Delvina axis. The company „Gjoka Construction“ sued the director of ARRSH, Sonila Qato, for damaging the image. In a reaction to the media, representatives of this company have denied that they submitted false data to win the tender for the construction of the Kardhiq-Delvina road tunnel, which is ‚lot 7‘ and which was cancelled. According to them, the image was damaged after the investigations by the Albanian Road Authority started, which according to the firm had the purpose of favoring the company „Ircop“ Spa Branch of the foreign company, for which they did not spare the accusations. In a brief statement to reporters, Qato said that she has been called to testify as a person that she has knowledge, while she pointed out that she also resigned as director of ARRSH in order to give SPAK the opportunity to carry out investigations and deliver justice. We remind you that in SPAK there is a lawsuit against Sonila Qato from the High State Control. The lawsuit is alleging that a company was unfairly disqualified in the tender for the Kardhiq-Delvin road, costing the state millions of Lek. The audit in ARRSH by the LASH was done for the period of activity from 01.01.2017 to 31.07.2019, but what did the control institution sue Konfindustria for: the Investigative Commission for the management of the energy system Konfindustria has again appealed to the Assembly to create an investigative commission for the assessment of the energy system. In the conditions of the announced energy crisis and the causes of its creation, Konfindustria asks the Assembly of Albania to create an investigative commission for the evaluation of the management of the energy system in the years 2021-2022. At the same time, as part of the above-mentioned process, according to Konfindustria, ERE / The Energy Regulatory Authority is called to a hearing in the Parliament of Albania to provide explanations for the recent decisions on the energy band, the 5-fold price increase and the evaluation of its institutional independence. This is how the week started for the main currencies in front of the Lek. The American dollar has started this week at stable values ??in relation to the strong growth it registered last week as it is bought at 118.5 Lek and sold at 119.8 Lek according to the local exchange rate. Meanwhile, the Swiss Franc, after a slight fall during the weekend, recovered again, being bought at 119.7 Lek and sold at 120.6 Lek compared to last Friday. The British pound has also regained some points compared to the previous week as it was bought at 131.7 Lek and sold at 134.2 Lek in reference to the domestic foreign exchange market. The European currency thus remains unchanged as it continues to be bought at 116.2 lek and sold at 116.8 lek, just like last week. Energy 42 lek/kwh, officially still in force The Electricity Distribution Operator has not been officially notified of changes in the price, with which the Albanian Electricity Corporation will sell electricity to household consumers. OSHEE confirmed the absence of this notice, what this means is that the decision of the Energy Regulatory Body continues to remain in force, for the charging of 42 lek/kwh for consumption over 800 kwh/month and not the statements of Prime Minister Edi Rama about the non-application of this price. This, due to the legal procedures that are followed for the determination of electricity prices, which after the statement on Rama’s social networks, brought the reaction of the Energy Regulatory Body. financial Qato? The HCLA says that „the matter for which we have requested an in-depth investigation by the Prosecution body is related to the legality of the implementation of the procurement procedure with the object: „Construction Kardhiq – Delvinë street, Lot 7, with the limited fund of ALL 2,332,573,946, developed in July 2019“. Tabaku: Shut up, the victim of a corrupt affair Democratic MP Jorida Tabaku has accused the government of this time with the road ‚Kardhiq-Delvinë‘, describing it as a masterpiece of corruption and misuse of taxes. In a post on „Facebook“, Tabaku writes that the former director of ARRSH, Sonila Qato, is the victim of a corruption affair that clearly implicates many ministers and former ministers of socialist governments. „In politics, actions are important, not words, stability is important! A few months after the iso of the beautiful polyphony of Labëria was heard on the „Kardhiq-Delvinë“ Road praising the government’s achievement, one of the key people of this road covered with many corrupt decisions is called to SPAK. At that time, on behalf of the DP, I denounced from the party headquarters that Mrs. Qato is the victim of a corruption affair that clearly implicates many ministers and former ministers of socialist governments. At that time, I denounced from the podium of the DP that the fight for the two companies was entirely for other purposes unrelated to the legality and implementation of the criteria. Both companies were in violation of the criteria for fair competition and how, in that tender, other companies were used to cover the real winner of the tender with the highest offer, 20 million euros. Considering that with so many violations, so many abuses and a scheme that reeks of corruption, today’s invitation to SPAK for Ms. Qato is a good step, but not enough,“ she said. At that time, I denounced from the podium of the DP that the fight for the two companies was entirely for other purposes unrelated to the legality and implementation of the criteria. Both companies were in violation of the criteria for fair competition and how, in that tender, other companies were used to cover the real winner of the tender with the highest offer, 20 million euros. Considering that with so many violations, so many abuses and a scheme that reeks of corruption, today’s invitation to SPAK for Ms. Qato is a good step, but not enough,“ she said. At that time, I denounced from the podium of the DP that the fight for the two companies was entirely for other purposes unrelated to the legality and implementation of the criteria. Both companies were in violation of the criteria for fair competition and how, in that tender, other companies were used to cover the real winner of the tender with the highest offer, 20 million euros. Considering that with so many violations, so many abuses and a scheme that reeks of corruption, today’s invitation to SPAK for Ms. Qato is a good step, but not enough,“ she said.
„Gjoka Construction“
Schlagwörter: Gjoka Constrruction, Sonila Quato
Jan. 25, 2023., 01:01 •
Grosse Mengen von Waffen, Drogen beschlagnahmt im Raun Shiak, im Nebenort Sallmone genau, wo ein Ferdinand Yhaferie, seine Villa baute 85 views Jan 24, 2023 Në zbatim të planit të masave, të hartuar nga Policia e Shtetit, me fokus mbajtjen nën kontroll të situatës kriminale, parandalimin, evidentimin dhe goditjen e veprimtarive kriminale të armëmbajtjes pa leje dhe të kultivimit të bimëve narkotike, në ambiente të mbyllura, me anë të llambave dhe në terrene të hapura, strukturat e Drejtorisë Vendore të Policisë Durrës kanë zhvilluar operacione kontrolli, në terren, me qëllim evidentimin dhe goditjen e paligjshmërive. Në përmbushje të detyrave të përcaktuara në këtë plan masash dhe në vijim të operacioneve të njëpasnjëshme, të zhvilluara më parë, bazuar në inteligjencën informative, se në një ambient (banesë), në fshatin Sallmone, Shijak, dyshohej se kultivoheshin bimë narkotike me anë të llambave dhe se mbahej i fshehur një arsenal armësh, i poseduar nga grupe kriminale, shërbimet e Drejtorisë Vendore të Policisë Durrës, në bashkëpunim me ato të Komisariatit të Policisë Shijak, nën drejtimin e Prokurorisë pranë Gjykatës së Rrethit Gjyqësor Durrës, pas një hetimi me metoda proaktive, kanë organizuar dhe finalizuar megaoperacionin policor të koduar “Krahët e krimit”. Si rezultat i këtij megaoperacioni, në fshatin Sallmone, u zbulua ambient (banesë 4-katëshe) i dyshuar në pronësi të vëllezërve F. K. dhe S. K. Shërbimet e Policisë kanë konstatuar se kati i tretë dhe i katërt i kësaj banese, ishin përshtatur për kultivimin e bimëve narkotike, me anë të llambave. Gjatë kontrollit në këto dy kate, u gjetën dhe u sekuestruan 444 bimë narkotike kanabis, 222 llamba elektrike dhe pajisje të tjera që shërbenin për kultivimin e bimëve narkotike. Gjithashtu, në vijim të megaoperacionit policor të koduar “Krahët e krimit”, bazuar në inteligjencën informative, se në këtë banesë mbahej i fshehur edhe një arsenal armësh, është ushtruar kontroll i imtësishëm në të gjitha ambientet e kësaj banese. Si rezultat, në një ambient me mur të dyfishtë, në këtë banesë, është gjetur i fshehur një arsenal armësh, i përbërë nga 10 kallashnikovë, 1 pushkë, 1 automatik shars, granata dore, një hark luftarak, një jelek antiplumb, një palë dylbi dhe municion luftarak që u sekuestruan në cilësinë e provës materiale.