Ekzekutimi i gazetarit grek të kronikës së zezë, George Karaivaz, nuk kaloi pa vëmendjen e mediave botërore, duke hedhur dritë mbi zbardhjen e plotë të kësaj ngjarje të rëndë.
Autoritetet policore në Greqi, janë përpjekur të bëjnë një rindërtim të ngjarjet dhe dyshimet i çojnë në përfshirjen në krim të dy shqiptarëve, të cilët për ekzekutimin sipas mediave janë paguar me “bitcoin”.
Autoritetet po i kushtojnë vëmendje ngjashmërisë së dinamikës së vrasjes së gazetarit, me atë të Manolis Karagiannis, i cili konsiderohej si bosi i mafies greke dhe u vra, në qershor të 2018. Në të dyja vrasjet, autorët kanë ndjekur të njëjtën skemë. https://boldnews.al/2021/04/14/ekzekutimi-i-gazetarit-te-njohur-mediat-greke-vrasesit-jane-shqiptare/
Mai 03, 2021., 19:00 •
20 Hinrichtungen, Morde in Albanien in 4 Monaten
Nov. 10, 2021., 07:51 •
Der International gesuchte Gangster Rruzhdi Hoxha 43 Jahre, wurde in den Dajti Bergen tod aufgefunden: hingerichtet
Gunshot wound to the head, the killer of businessman Rruzhdi Hoxha is revealed
2021-11-06 16:32:45 TiranaPost
Gunshot wound to the head, the killer of businessman Rruzhdi Hoxha is revealed
Police have a name for the suspected perpetrator of the murder of businessman Rruzhdi Hoxha, who was found dead this Saturday morning in an abyss in Qafë-Mollë, behind Dajti.
The person responsible for the crime is thought to be his friend, Fredi Rrushi, who is also the last person who had contact with the victim, who has been missing for two weeks.
The 43-year-old businessman, who has been missing for two weeks, is found dead
Despite the fact that Rrushi claims that he left his friend in the area of ??Tresh in Tirana, for him the authorities are also the person who took the life of the businessman Hoxha. Rrushi was arrested on October 26, 2021 by the Police, as a person declared internationally wanted by the Italian law enforcement authorities for the criminal offense of narcotics trafficking.
According to available information, investigators have found a wound behind his head that is suspected to have been caused by a firearm. It is suspected that after being shot in the head, Hoxha was thrown into the abyss, while the bloodied sweatshirt was found a few meters further. It is suspected that the victim was executed a few days ago.
Rruzhdi Hoxha was declared missing by his family two weeks ago, while he had always last seen coffee with a friend. He had left his apartment in the Kamza area on the evening of October 21, invited by his friend to do a car ride together.
Hoxha was known as a businessman in the field of inerts, but he is suspected of having financial problems recently and taking on a lot of debts, which may have led to the serious even
VIDEO/ Hap pas hapi, Report Tv rindërton të gjithë skemën: Si u rrëmbye dhe u ekzekutua 43-vjeçari Ruzhdi Hoxha nga miku i tij Fredi Rrushi
Report Tv ndërton grafikisht të gjithë itinerarin e lëvizjeve të biznesmenit të inerteve Rruzhdi Hoxha, nga kafja me miqtë deri në udhëtimin me vrasësin drejt Malit të Dajtit.