Durres Bau Chaos, und in Korce, werden 23 Gebäude abgerissen
Begins in Kruja the demolition of 39 buildings, damaged by the November 2019 earthquake
n the neighborhood “Gëzim Zeneli” in Kruja has begun the demolition of the first buildings damaged by the devastating earthquake of November 26, 2019, which caused 51 deaths and 3,000 injuries throughout the country.
Within the city there are 23 buildings that will be demolished, while in the Municipality of Kruja there are 39 such that will be rebuilt.
According to the municipality there are about 1800 families, which are being treated with rent bonus. One problem identified by area residents is the smoke that rises from the displacement of inerts.
They claim that only at the beginning of the demolition process were there firefighters who worked n stopping the dust from covering the area.
“These buildings have been built since the time of Enver Hoxha.
“I live in a private house now, I was slightly damaged by the earthquake, but my brother lived in the building and now lives here near the school.”
“I keep the mask as big smoke rises from the demolition.
“We must also protected ourselves from the iron that they are collecting for scrap.”
“Fortunately, there were no injuries to people in the area from the aerthquake, only material damage, but even those that are being thrown on the ground will be rebuilt, the time had come,” said some of the residents
März 06, 2021., 18:40 •
30 Luft Ballons, seiner Freunde, nachdem vor 1 Jahr wegen angeblich Covid erkankt, ein junge Mann in sen Tod sprang: Xhino Koçë "Përqafim për Xhinon", ceremonia prekëse e familjes Koça në kujtim të djalit që nuk jeton më (VIDEO) 06/03/2021 - 12:45 Familjarë, miq dhe bashkëpunëtorë kanë kujtuar një ditë më parë Xhino Koçën, i cili më 5 mars do të mbushte 30 vjeç. Në këtë përvjetor të munguar, të afërmit e të riut durrsak e kanë kujtuar atë me një ceremoni prekëse buzë detit, te sheshi para Sfinksit, duke lëshuar në qiell 30 pëllumba dhe 30 tullumbace të bardha. "Data 5 mars është një nga datat e shënuara për familjen tonë. Çdo prag 5 marsi, ne bëheshim gati të festonim ditëlindjen e të voglit të shtëpisë, Xhinos. Këtë vit është ditëlindja e 30-të e djalit tonë… 30 pëllumba dhe 30 tollumbacë të bardhë do të lëshohen drejt qiellit duke u kthyer në simbol të përqafimit tonë për Xhinon. https://durreslajm.al/sociale/perqafim-xhinon-ceremonia-prekese-e-familjes-koca-ne-kujtim-te-djalit-qe-nuk-jeton-me-video
Feb. 15, 2022., 16:19 •
Man reagiert nun sogar in den Chaos Bergen von Durres, wenn illegal gebaut wird