Mafia Fischer, blockieren die Zufahrt zum Marine Stützpunkt „Pasha Limani“ und auch in „Orikum“ nördlich Durres

Mafiosi, blockieren den Zugang zum Marine Stützpunk „Pascha Limanj“ , denn die Banden betreiben nicht nur Schmuggel, wie die Fakten zeigen, haben dort auc illegal gebaut und sind vor allem Ortsfremde Politik Banden aus Nord Albanien von Berisha, welche das Land destabilisieren wollen. Prominente Kriminelle aus dem Rathaus Durres, haben dort illegale Lokale an der Küste, Hotels usw. und der Treibstoff und Gas Schmuggel von kriminellen Familien inklusive Auftragsmörder ist legendär! Die Ortsfremden Banden, haben überall illegale Hütten, Molen nur vom fischen haben sie keine Ahnung. Etliche werden nun auch in Orikum! die haben alle max. gefälschte Dokumente und sind von der KfW, EU finaziert, wenn die dummen Banden (Menschen ohne Kultur, wie die Albaner sagen)

Der Touristen Chef von Vlore, wie alle Vertreter, ein Super Mafiosi, nimmt die Anarchisten und kriminellen Clans in Schutz auch im TV.
Präsident der Reiseveranstalter in Vlora Vasil Bediani


Peshkatarë dhe punonjës biznesesh bllokojnë rrugën në Pashalimani! Kundërshtojnë oraret për kalimin në bazën usharake (VIDEO)

Peshkatarë dhe punonjës biznesesh kanë bllokuar mëngjesin e sotëm rrugën që të çon në Pashaliman. Ata kundërshtojnë oraret për kalimin në këtë zonë. Rregullat kalimin e automjeteve në këtë zonë kanë ardhur për të forcuar sigurinë në bazën ushtarake.

VLORË-  Peshkatarë dhe punonjës biznesesh kanë bllokuar mëngjesin e sotëm rrugën që të çon në Pashaliman. Ata kundërshtojnë oraret për kalimin në këtë zonë të cila janë vendosur për të forcuar sigurinë në bazën ushtarake.

Urdhri i bazës ushtarake të Pashalimanit përcakton se orari për lëvizshmëri në këtë zonë do të jetë nga ora 08:00 deri në orën 17:00, ndërkohë që ky vendim është kundërshtuar nga punonjësit të cilët thonë se duhet të punojnë përgjatë 24 orëve

Burime për Report Tv bëjnë me dije se për peshkatarët ekziston një rrugë paralele me atë të bazës ushtarake të Pashalimanit, por ajo nuk përdoret prej tyre.

Ata kanë kërkuar një zgjidhje të situatës së krijuar ndërsa kanë paralajmëruar edhe një grevë urie nëse nuk do ketë një ndryshim të rregullave të reja me ndërhyrjen e institucioneve përkatëse.

Mafia Orikum, Karaburun, welche auch oft noch mit Dynamit fischt

Mafia pure

typische Albanische Fischer Clans, Super Drogen Mafia

EMS Shipping, die Durres Hafen Mafia mit Ilir Majlindi, “Alba Exotic Fruit”, Administrator: Eduart Dauti und der Kokain Import in Fortsetzung

und eine illegale Fischzucht, Fischerboote, gerichtlich schon 2012 auf dem Papier abgerissen

Mihal Kokeshima Bau, in Porto Romano

Die Mafia Familie „Kokedhima“ greift ausländische Touristen an, welche das „Panorama“ Lokal in der Bucht von Borsh besuchten

50 illegale Objekte, der Mafia Fischer in Orikum, will man nun zerstören
Alles Ortsfremde Verbrecher Bande, und extrem Dumm, in Tradition

Mörder, Drogen Bosse, Politiker, Mafia Rathaus Mitglieder wie auch in Spille, Dhermi, Ksmali protestieren natürlich mit ihren illegalen Bauten wie hier in Orikum, wo Niemand war in 1996

Jale, LSI Treffen, FES mit Handke, Friedbert Pflüger, die Hofschranze der CDU ebenso ohne Beruf

Deutsche Politiker sind immer dabei, oder Edi Rama, Ilir Meta und Konsorten


Schlagwörter: ,


  • Balkansurfer
    Sep. 30, 2019., 12:54 •

    Deutliche Worte sagt über die Steinmeier, Monika Bande mit Ilir Meta: K. Spahiu, eine erfahrene Person, mit höchsten Juristischen Ämtern vor über 10 Jahren in Albanien der deutlich sah, wie die kriminellen Banden mit Ilir Meta, Berisha ebenso das Land zersötrten nur Drogen Kartelle aufbauten

  • Gjoka
    Sep. 30, 2019., 15:43 •

    Hemmungslose Landräuberei, von Edi Rama, Ilir Meta Banden in Tradition, wo allerdings nur Edi Rama, jedes Gesetz ausgehebelt hat, für seine peinlichen Erpressungs Modell, heute, aber auch in Tirana, schon vor fast 20 Jahren und jeder weiß es. Seine kriminelle und umd Regierungs Mannschaft ist schon einmalig in der Welt September 28, 2019

    Will Edi Rama Trick the Greek Government Over EU-Albania Accession Talks?

    SManalysis Dr. Francesca Norton September 23, 2019 Citizen Truth Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama (in the left), with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Greece. Date: October 14, 2013. (Photo: Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών, Flickr) (All Peer News articles are submitted by readers of Citizen Truth and do not reflect the views of CT. Peer News is a mixture of opinion, commentary and news. Articles are reviewed and must meet basic guidelines but CT does not guarantee the accuracy of statements made or arguments presented. We are proud to share your stories, share yours here.) Edi Rama must respect Greece and the basic principles of democracy and human rights for all. The European Commission recommended on May 29 to start accession negotiations in the European Union with regards to Albania. However, due to a serious and critical political crisis in Albania and highly disputed recent elections, on June 18 the Council of the European Union announced it would postpone the decision until October 2019. On October 18, the Council will give a final decision on the opening of accession talks with Albania and Northern Macedonia. The latter is expected to get the green light potentially leaving Albania behind with either a decision that refuses the opening of the negotiations or a pending status will a long list of conditions to be fulfilled by the Albanian government. The German Bundestag is expected to vote on September 26 on whether to open or not the accession talks with Albania. In the meantime, a document, which will formulate the German position in the EU Council, is being finalized and will be put to vote at the request of two German majority parliamentary groups, the CDU/CSU and the Social Democratic Party. North Macedonia will start negotiations as early as January, while Albania will only start accession talks once a long list of conditions is met – just last week Germany announced the nine conditions Albania must meet before beginning talks. These conditions include the functioning of justice institutions, such as the Constitutional Court which has been nonexistent for almost two years; adaptation and implementation of the Electoral Reform which might require early elections; a final clarification by the Constitutional Court on the legality of the June 30, 2019 local elections which were held without opponents and in an entirely Communist-style, as well as other important requirements which deal with the fight against corruption, organized crime, administration reform, and more. Germany, France, Holland and a few other EU countries are very skeptical of opening the accession talks with Albania due to a lack of progress made in recent years by the Edi Rama government, especially with multiple allegations of corruption at high levels of his government that involve drug smuggling and organized crime. But bad news for Albania might come also from Greece, which has constantly reminded the Albanian government of its commitments to the Copenhagen Criteria (the set of rules which define eligibility for EU membership), respect for human rights and minority rights. The Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, in Thessaloniki, in the presence of all domestic and foreign media warned that Greece will block the start of Tirana-EU negotiations if the Albanian government does not respect the minority rights of Greeks in Albania. “I am completely clear on this issue, I have transmitted it to both President Macron, the Dutch Prime Minister Route, and Chancellor Merkel after talks are expected at the European Council in October. We’re not there yet. We will have to see a change in the attitude of the Albanian government towards the Greek national minority,” Mitsotakis said. “We are not there yet” was also the message relayed by the Foreign Minister of Greece, Nikos Dendias, who stated that “in the context of the opening of Albania’s integration negotiations (for which the EU has made clear conditionality), we will continue to closely monitor Albania’s fulfillment of the 5 key priorities. We will continue to closely monitor and respect human rights through our actions.” Albanian Investment Corporation – A Corrupt Land Grab Albania has struggled to fulfill the Copenhagen Criteria and meet requirements for democratic institutions and free and fair elections – most recently violated in an absurd and dictatorship style election on June 30, 2019. The elections were held with only one party contending, counted by only one party and unsurprisingly won by only one party and also boycotted by 85% of Albanian voters. Additionally, human rights and the rights of the Greek minority in Albania present a real problem for Greece which recently has been very concerned with a new dubious initiative from Edi Rama’s government called the Albanian Investment Corporation. This new institution will consolidate under its control all public land and further assets, and use them as a tool “to spur private investment.” This institution represents the channeling of any public and private property of Albanian citizens into the hands of the Prime Minister. This means the land owned by the minority citizens in Himara, Vlora and Saranda can be taken from them and given to a few oligarchs positioned very close to Albanian Prime Minsister Rama. The abduction of the land of the ordinary citizens and transferring the ownership to a few investors violates not only the human rights of all Albanian landowners but also the rights of the Greek minority. Furthermore, this initiative is taken purely for money laundering purposes. With the Albanian Investment Corporation, Edi Rama will become the largest de facto oligarch in Albania and the great partner of all other oligarchs. The Albanian Investment Corporation was denounced by former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, who declared on national TV that aggravation of the relations between Albania and Greece over the minorities is related to a mega-scandal on all the land ownerships in Albania, especially those with great value in the seaside.

  • Das grosse Politik Spektakel, des Drogenhandels, Geldwaesche: Grundstuecks Direktor Durres verhaftet: Liridon Pula – Marina Durres – Albanien
    Okt. 05, 2019., 10:32 •

    […] Mafia Fischer, blockieren die Zufahrt zum Marine Stützpunkt „Pasha Limani“ und auch in „Oriku… […]

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