Management of Kukës Airport Awarded to Consortium With No Experience
European Commission “Fights” Corruption in Albania, While Refusing to Address Its Own
It has become a common sight on the social media feeds of the Eurocrats that visit Albania or are stationed in its mission to post frequently about the anti-corruption „initiatives,“ „conversations,“ and „projects“ they have with the Albanian government. Also the justice reform, produced by the now infamous black box of EURALIUS, is an attempt…
A working arrangement was then signed with the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) this week, to step up their work to prevent drug trafficking and drug-related crime.
All of this is the result of the European Commission’s delusion that corruption can be addressed by collaborating with a political class soaked in corruption, as public tender after concession after appointment shows.
Worse, however, than the delusion that corruption can be addressed through top-down imposed legislation drafted by bureaucrats with very little stake in or connection to the reality they are claiming to shape, is the stunning hypocrisy with which the European Commission deals with the corruption, intransparency, malpractice in its own ranks.
Rather than providing openness about how the residence of the Head of the EU Delegation ended up in a compound built by Albania’s richest oligarch, with former US Ambassador Donald Lu’s symbol of judiciary corruption, Gjin Gjoni, as its neighbor, the Commission stonewalled systematically all freedom of information requests, failing to provide openness about the tender procedure, which, according to the available material, seemed a classic example of rigged procurement.
Also when it came to the maladministration of EU IPA funds, the EU Delegation in Tirana failed to address its deficient internal mechanisms. After an external audit had previously found maladministration during the years 1996–2001, later EU Ombudsman cases found several other instances. More recently, several other projects funded under the same IPA funds turned out to be complete failures.
But perhaps the clearest indication that the European Commission doesn’t practice what it preaches with all the haughtiness of an old-fashioned schoolmaster, is a recent decision of the EU Ombudsman regarding the appointment of one of the most influential Eurocrats, Secretary-General of the European Commission Martin Selmayr.
The EU Ombudsman concludes quite clearly: “Mr Selmayr’s appointment did not follow EU law, in letter or spirit, and did not follow the Commission’s own rules.” Even though the European Parliament denounced the appointment, even though the EU Ombudsman released several damning findings, even though EU Parliament passed a resolution insisting that Selmayr should resign… Selmayr continues to be at his post……
März 28, 2019., 23:26 •
Was man von der korrupten EU so hält, oder von der Deutschen und extrem dummen Justiz Ministerin Katharina Barley. Edi Rama machte den Vorschlag mit den EU finanzieren Flüchtlings Zentren in Albanien, jetzt lehnt der Verrückte und Super Mafia Boss Edi Rama ab, hat seine MEK Terroristen in Albanien dafür umso lieber Migration
Balkanländer wollen keine EU-Asylzentren in ihren Staaten
27.06.2018, 13:40 Uhr | dpa
Albaniens Ministerpräsident Edi Rama: "Wir werden niemals solche EU-Flüchtlingslager akzeptieren." Foto: Michael Kappeler/Archiv. (Quelle: dpa)
Apr. 06, 2019., 18:32 •
Klientel Wirtschaft der EU, mit Kriminellen, die Fake Diplome von Mafia Unis haben, oder 4 Appartments, vorbestrafte Ehepartner Profi Kriminelle, Terroristen „Zivile Gesellschaft“, stahlen überall Millarden der Aufbauhilfen Die halbe EU ist von Georg Soros gekauft, also macht man weiter im Betrugs Modell, wo die Dümmsten noch einen Job finden. Eu support to civil society
Jetzt bestätigt die Leiterin des KLG, das die Justiz leidet: Nichts funktioniert mehr seitdem die IRZ-Stiftungs Banden kamen – Marina Durres – Albanien
Juli 22, 2019., 21:20 •
[…] der Deutschen und EU Gestalten. Wie sollte es funktionieren, wenn Idioten Justiz bringen sollen, wo Niemand Erfahrung als Richter, Staatsanwalt hat, oder in der […]