Rama sends the draft law of public assets looting to the Parliament; he invents the “investment corporation” as the latest maneuver to give the clients the coast and free properties in the main cities of Albania
The theft and economic damage of € 1.7 billion from the Edi Rama’s government, its branches and mayors, within a year, will be a bed of roses. Recently, Edi Rama has taken another mafia decision and with catastrophic consequences for Albania. With only one signature, Rama and his soldiers in government have decided to give the oligarchs the coast without a competition. The decision foresees that Edi Rama will divide the Albanian coast with the oligarchs and its clients as if it was a spoil of war. With this decision, the public but also the private part of the coast will goto the hands of a group of oligarchs, while the rest of the Albanians will be tourists or slaves of the oligarchy. In addition to the coastline which is the most desirable, this law will also share other properties, especially in the main urban centers.
We are talking about the draft law on the Albanian Investment Corporation, which the government has brought for approval to the Parliament. This initiative initially plans to create corporations from government clients. Subsequently, according to the draft law, the corporation will develop and manage state properties, will design investment projects on state property and, where applicable, will undertake their implementation, will act as the owner of properties acquired by the Corporation or state owned property transferred to it. So the corporation will rob state properties.
But how does the corporation rob the properties?
The draft law states that “State properties, in the sense of this law, are movable, immovable state properties, the real rights on them, exploitation rights, and state property titles on the capital of commercial companies and / or state-owned enterprises. When the Corporation identifies state propertieswhich are of interest to carry out investment projects, it proposes to the Council of Ministers, through the Minister responsible for the economy, their transfer to the Corporation. A transfer means the transfer of the right of use and / or of the right of ownership of state property by the central or local government of the corporation.
The problem is not the establishment of corporations, but the robbery consists of the privileged status this draft law gives to the corporates, which in the present case will be a mask for the oligarchs who together with Rama, want to seize the properties on the coast. According to the draft law, the corporation is excluded from the competition. This means that the corporation picks up a coastal area and Rama decides to give it or not. But this is not the end. According to the draft law “On the development and implementation of an investment project, the Corporation may be supported by state institutions with supporting infrastructure, such as roads, water supply, sewerage, electricity and telecommunications. The ministry responsible for the economy, in cooperation with other ministries, examines and verifies the needs and requirements forsupportinginfrastructure, as well as estimates the approximate cost for its completion, a cost that should not be disproportionately high in relation to the value and importance of the investment project. The support with supporting infrastructure is approved by a decision of the Council of Ministers, upon the proposal of the minister responsible for the economy “.
This practice defiles the constitution, democracy, competition and the first consequence it can bring is the final blocking of the EU integration process, because the EU cannot accept a privatized country by 4-5 “sultans”. All governments are looking to grasp the coast, to acquire it through its clients. SaliBerisha managed to acquire and transform some of the most strategic areas, by giving them to the wolves of the politics. But, Edi Rama, with the last law, surpasses not only SaliBerisha but also all the invaders since the Roman occupation./Pamfleti
Angela Merkel, wie Steinmeier, empfängt die dümmsten Verbrecher der Albanischen Regierung und ‚Schwuchtel Clubs
Nov 24, 2019., 06:29 •
Ein Super Mafiosi in Elbasan: Elton Kila erhielt in seinem Restaurant ein Bußgeld, weil dort geraucht wurde. Die Inspektoren wurden frei gestellt, weil das Bußgeld von 300.000 alte Lek nie gezahlt wurde
Gjobë fiktive ndaj biznesit për duhanpirje? ISHSH në Elbasan: Pronari dhunoi inspektorët dhe më pas u arrestua, masa u vendos sipas ligjit
Nov 25, 2019., 01:49 •
[…] Ein Super Geschäft von Ilir Meta damals bis heute. Ebenso von Berisha, Fatos Nano, Edi Rama. Landräuberei als System und Dokumenten Fälschung. und Edi Rama ist einschlägig bekannt, bei dem EU Menschenrechtshof, wenn er Alt Eigentümer ihre […] Viele prominente Politiker erhielten Grundstücke von Pellum Petraj, der 1997 die Grundstücks Urkunden zusammen fälschte, Nun sind 28 Jahre Gefängniss für die Bande beantragt, wo am 13 Dezmber die nächste Verhandlung ist.
Shtyhet gjyqi në Vlorë për Pëllumb Petritaj, akuza ka kërkuar dënim me 28 vite burgim
Prej 12 nëntorit Petritaj ndodhet në burg, kërkon nga Apeli lirimin nga qelia
Die gesamte Politik ist überall, beim Grundstücks Raub dabei.
„Mali e Robi“ mit 200 Namen von Politik Kriminellen, südlich Durres. Jede Gangster Familie aus dem Kosovo, Mazedonien hat dort illegale Immobilien, als Geldwäsche Projekte, inklusive Morde jedes Jahr und Lebensmittel Vergiftungen. Grundstücksraub von 353 Hektar Land, über Pellumb Petritaj,Gjoka
Nov 25, 2019., 01:53 •
Deutschland finanziert seit langem die Infrastruktur der Albaner Drogen Mafia, mit den unendlichen illlegal errichteten Hotels, Villen, Lokalen an der Küste. Tausende von Hektars, hat die Kosovo besetzt, bebaut, wie der Verbrecher Clan, des Enver Shala, oder Gentian und Ilir Majlindi, Dod Doci, Lulzim Berisha, mit dem Gashi Clans. Testamente wurden gefälscht, was lange bekannt ist. Jahre nach dem Tote, werden Testamente angefertigt, von Notaren, vor allem Berisha beglaubigt, ein Altes System wo Bamir Topi, ebenso mit der Methode zu Grundstücken kam, wie viele Richter und Politiker!
22:50 - 06/11/19
“Pse nuk regjistroheshin pallatet në Sarandë, kush bën presion në Vlorë”
22:49 - 06/11/19
Lame: 2 mijë pronarë në kodrën e Porto Palermos
22:48 - 06/11/19
Artan Lame: Si u ‘vodh’ Pylli i Spillesë
22:36 - 06/11/19
Lame: Njëri ishte ankuar, kërkonte tokë brenda në lagunë
Sea Not For Sale
“And these abuses occur in areas of economic interest. So it is precisely in areas where the country and the economy need to be more open to the map of investment, development and free initiative that have inherited property problems that block most of the investment,” said Lame. According to Lame, no individual should be able to own the land of ports, such as in Shëngjin, or areas of actual sea. “We will face these issues further on the Gjiri i Lalzit and Shëngjin coasts. In Shëngjin, it turns out that the land which hosts the port dock somehow has a private owner today. “We will encounter these problems on the coast of Velipoja, where parts of marshes that have been under water for thousands of years have been divided as if they were wheat crops,” said Artan Lame.Die Fälscher Politik Mafia: Grundstücks Urkunden wurden im 100.000er Paket für ungültig erklärt.
GIZ: Mafia Boss „Gjergi Luca“ seine Firma: „Rozafa“, die Fischräuberei, die illegale Verbrechens Zentrale: „Fish City“ Teilweise gibt es 4 Eigentümer für Grundstücke, weil jeder Grundstücks Direktor, reine Dumm Kriminelle, die selben Grundstücke, wegen totaler Unfähigkeit Mehrfach verkauften und wohl auch nicht lesen konnte, noch einfachste Topografie verstanden.Problemet me pronat/ 'Riviera e Jonit e Butrinti del me nga 4 pronarë' Artan Lame: Skandal edhe në Spille e Shëngjin
Lame ka deklaruar se abuzimet me pronat është bllokim i jetës ekonomike të vendit. Kreu i Kadastrës ka thënë se denoncimi i rasteve është e vetmja mënyrë që të pakësohen konfliktet sociale dhe të ndikojmë në vendosjen e drejtësisë së pronës. Lame... 29 Tetor, 10:18 | Përditësimi i fundit: 13:01Die Ilir Meta, Lefter Koka Mafia, welche den „Tomorri National Park“ zerstört mit Genehmigungen und korrupten Richtern, des Verwaltungs Gerichthof
Bau Mafia und 2004, war sogar ein Haftbefehl von dem Staatsanwalt Ferdinand Elezi aufgestellt, wo dann einer Vorladung, Lefter Koka, Abgeordente, Politiker beschuldigte in Durres illegal zu Bauen und schon damals die SP Prtei der Fatos Nano, mit Edi Rama! der Vasil Hila Skandal und dann wurde es Berisha und Co. noch schlimmerTjetërsimi i pronave në Kepin e Rodonit/ 12 mijë m2 tokë e regjistruar në emër të pronarit të Shpresa Al
Lush Osmani
2 Ex-Direktoren und 20 Ex-Mitarbeiter der Grundstücks Agentur Durres wurden verhaftet
Mafiosi:Lush Osmani
Artan Lame tregon kërcënimet që ka marrë: Nuk ruhem nga policia
Publikuar në : 22:10 - 06/11/19 |
22:48 - 06/11/19
Artan Lame: Wie wurde ‚gestohlen‘ Wald Spille
Eldorado für Drogen und Geldwäsche, wie Frauen und Kinder Handel: Durres. 80 % der Grundstücks Urkunden sind gefälscht, an der Küste auch über 95 %. Straffrei, werden alle Dokumente gefälscht, auch von der Familie Kapiti, oder Haradinaj, die Familie Laku: DCI Company, erneut in 2019. „Jale“ ein anderes Verbrecher Zentrum, Das Albanische Parlament Vangjush Dako Bau in Durres, ohne Bautafel und Spartak Braho Basel Institute: Albanien unter den ersten 10 Ländern der Welt für die Geldwäsche100 vjet vjedhje e tokës publike: historia e grabitjes së mijëra hektarëve në Gjirin e Lalzit
Ka mjaftuar vetëm një dokument tre-faqësh i falsifikuar e disa gjyqtarë të korruptuar dhe gati tre mijë hektarë buzë detit u janë dhënë trashëgimtarëve të pronarëve falsë. Dikujt kjo tokë i mori jetën, ndërkohë jetët e të tjerëve janë në rrezik, ndërsa përplasjet kriminale për këtë tokë vazhdojnë. Bëhet fjalë për tokën bregdetare pranë Gjirit...
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