Bernd Borchardt zu den Wahlen, und der Profi Kriminelle Edi Rama Mann: Pjerin Ndreu, gibt Kommentare zum Polizei „Vetting“ ab

Bernd Borchardt, der OSCE Botschafter ist noch ein Überbleibsel, aus einer Zeit, wo Deutschland noch Diplomaten hatte, wie der Vorgänger Deutsche Botschafter: Hofmann. Heute spricht man von den damaligen „Goldenen Zeiten“, denn mit 1997 dem Kosovo Krieg 1999, kamen nur korrupte Diplomaten und alle Berufsverbrecher und Verbrecher Clans der Albaner nach Albanien, wo in Folge eine Auswanderungs Welle begann, die Zerstörung des Landes. Tummel Gebiet von korrupten Internationalen, welche wie die Deutschen nur noch Korruptions und Zerstörung der Institutionen bringen und nicht nur in Afrika, sondern Weltweit.

Wahlen im NATO und EU Modell, sind in Albanien, ein Show Kampf von Verbrecher Clans, und wer mehr Geld bezahlt, Stimmen kauft, Verbrecher Clans, als Wahlkämpfer hat, gewinnt auch.

Keine einzige Kommune in Albanien hat je funktioniert, noch nie wurden Gesetze implementiert, eine Folge des EU Dezenatralisierungs Desasters, was auch in Italien und Spanien nur ein „state caputure“ von Dumm Kriminellen Clans produzierten, wo man gemeinsam die Infrastruktur, EU Gelder stahl. Ein sehr lukratives Geschäft.

Alles Show, es wird Nichts bringen, wenn man das Wahl Datum ändert, womit Bernd Borchardt Recht hat. Er hatte ja schon vor über 20 Jahren Erfahrung wie die Albaner nur eine Theater Show produzieren, für die Internationalen und vor Nichts zurückschrecken. Der Gangster Pjerin Ndreau, kanditiert für den Posten des Bürgermeisters von Lezhe, einem Kriminellen Construkt, vieler Familien mitz 1.000 von gestohlenen Hektar Land, als Goldgrube auch um Infrastruktur Gelder zustehlen.

OSCE Ambassador: Postponing elections, complicated and useless

23/04 18:43
Und der Berufsverbrecher Pjerin Ndoka, Produkt der Deutschen Dumm Mafia des Auswärtigem Amtes, der reich  wurde mit dem Bundesdruckerei Skankal, höchster Polizist wurde, rund um die Verhaftung von Bujar Himci im Bundesdruckerei Skandal des Ludgar Vollmers im Oktober 2002.  Dann baute er erneut eine Drogen Polizei auf, verkaufte neue Identitäten, was ein Haupt Geschäft inzwischen der jeweiligen Albanischen Regierungen wurde, weswegen man ja NATO Mitglied wurde.  Edi Rama Polizei Chef in Tirana vor Jahren, und bewaffnet lief er heum, als Anpeitscher der Demonstrationen im Januar 2011, wo es 4 Tote in Folge gab.

„Ilir Meta“, lehnt das neue „Vetting“ Gesetz, für die Polizei ab

wo ein weiterer Kollege: Dumm Verbrecher Nard Ndoka, mit seinem Kollegen Mark Froku PDK Partei, dem in die Luft gesprengten Kollegan Alex Keka, Langzeit Kriminelle sind, wie Pjero Ndreu, verhaftet in 2004,

Flasin deputetët e përgjuar Ndreu, Bare dhe Sterkaj: Të hapet proces penal për Visho Likën, na përgjoi pa lejen e kryetarit të Kuvendi

Pjerin Ndreu: in 2004 verhafteter höchster Polizei Direktor, mit eigenen Drogen Netzwerke usw..  Club der Albanischen Gangster, wie Ilir Meta, welche neue Identitäten verkauften. Unter Edi Rama, wurde er der Stadthalter und Vorsitzende der SP in Tirana, vor Jahren.

In 2004, als Polizei Chef verhaftet: Pjerin Ndreu und nun in 2010 SP Partei Chef Vorsitzender der Tirana Mafia um die SP Partei mit Edi Rama und Gramoz Ruci. Pjerin Ndreu, finanziert mit Millionen € die SP Partei und war damals bei der Festnahme: 2.höchster Polizei Direktor von Albanien. Federführend für Drogen Gross Verteilung und Verkauf, von neuen Identitäten mit Bundesdruckerei Pässen.

u.a. weil er als höchster Polizei Direktor von Albanien, neue Identitäten verkaufte, mindestens 380 Stück, einem Modell der Profi Kriminellen Verbrecher der Deutschen Diplomaten und direkt von dem Staatssekretär im Auswärtigen Amte: der Deutsche Mafiosi Ludgar Vollmer und Aussagen des damals verhafteten Vize-Innenministers Bujar Himci im Oktober 2002.

Das Milliardenspiel
Deutschlandradio Kultur: Wie die Bundesdruckerei unter den Hammer ka



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  • Insider
    Apr. 24, 2019., 07:47 •

    Und eine neue Partei gibt es, welche in der Vergangenheit (die Familien), ebenso nach Deutschen Modell Klientel Politik betrieb, in Grundstücks Betrügereien mit gefälschten Urkunden direkt verwickelt sind. Patozi, gehört zu der alten Olldashi Fraktion von der Berisha Partei, welche es versäumte, sich gegen die kriminellen Machenschaften der Familie Berisha, Lulzim Basha, dem Gangster Oerd Bykylbashi Widerstand zu geben, insbesondere auch im illegalen Grundstücks Verkauf für die Parteien Finanzierung Patozi’s and Hajdari’s new opposition party will enter the elections 23/04/2019 17:13 Astrit Patozi officialized the Democratic Conviction by registering it at the Tirana Court and the Central Election Commission, with 4000 signatures, 1000 more than required. The priorities of the Democratic Conviction are for free and honest elections through a new electoral system; the fight against political and state corruption, and stable economic development. For the first time, the logo of this political force was published, similar by color to the Democratic Party. The Democratic Conviction said that the initiators decided to mandate a temporary board that will represent the party until the election of the new leadership. Top Channel

  • Balkansurfer
    Apr. 27, 2019., 05:35 •


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    The Scam of Albania’s Private Schools – Part 1

    The Scam of Albania’s Private Schools – Part 1

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    Unqualified Staff

    A member of the Exit team, posed as someone interested in working in a number of English-language schools. None of the schools approached asked for any documentation relating to qualifications, only one asked to see a CV, and none asked for references or criminal record checks– as should be a standard when working with children. One member of staff working at a private school, who claimed to have decades of experience was found to have made it up– no record exists of the books they said they had written, the academic papers they said they authored, the schools they worked at, or the institutions they studied at. This individual was retained in a senior role, despite allegations of harassment towards children and staff. We were also told that background checks, police conduct checks, and reference checks were not always required, and in some cases staff members had to insist to the Albanian owners that it was necessary to do so. References from previous employers were rarely checked and one source stated that “a school will often give a bad staff member good references, just to get rid of them– they are not worth the paper they are written on.” In terms of private schools, Exit was made aware of two cases where staff did not have the proper qualifications. Under Albanian law, a secondary school teacher must have a degree in the subject that they are teaching, but by browsing some of the private school websites, you can clearly see that this is not always the case.

    Quality of Teaching

    One teacher at a well-known private school explained how teachers would often tell their students that they were failing in a particular subject. This would then cause the parents to “freak out” and come into the school to ask what was going on and what could be done to help them. When this happened, additional tuition would be offered to the children, at a cost, quite often for classes that were not needed. The same thing happened in English language schools, according to a separate source. Teachers would often say a student was at a lower level than they were, in order to extend the length of courses or sell extra lessons either through the school, or privately 1-2-1. It was also found that unless a school is offering an International Baccalaureate Diploma, the exams are not validated externally. This means that results and grades are wholly in the hands of the school, leaving the system open for manipulation or abuse. IB Diplomas are only available in a handful of Albanian private schools and they are only assessed externally in Grades 11-12. Up until that point, a student’s grades can and often are inflated, decreased, bought, discriminated, or penalized, just so the school can make money. In terms of accreditation, one teacher advised us that many opt for the easiest accreditation option available. For example, few opt for accreditation by the Council of International Schools because this requires that the school turn over their financial management books for review. Instead, many opt for Advanced Ed which is less rigorous on the schools finances, meaning that those with more secretive accounting practices, allegedly prefer to go with this option.


    Many schools- both private and English language schools, refuse to give information out about their fees, both online and over the phone– something that was confirmed after multiple attempts by Exit. One source working part time in a private school told us that this is because they change the rate they charge, depending on how they perceive the financial status of the person inquiring. They added that if a company or embassy was paying for the tuition, the price would often double or even triple what they would charge a family funding it themselves. A second source– the ex-director of one of the large international schools that abides by this practice advised us that this was due to tax evasion. By not publishing prices anywhere in public and insisting on giving them verbally, there was no way for the authorities to be able to estimate how much tax they should be paying, or in this case, were not paying. In many cases payment of fees was insisted upon in cash and no fiscal receipts were issued. Those that did advertise their fees, charged between $3000 and $17,000 a year, placing them on a par with the average price of a private school in the UK. In addition to this, fees were often raised with little warning and by as much as 40% year-on-year, leaving many parents struggling to meet costs.

  • Titel Geschichte, da die Zustände in Albanien viel schlimmer sind als in 1997 – Marina Durres – Albanien
    Apr. 29, 2019., 04:05 •

    […] Bernd Borchardt zu den Wahlen, und der Profi Kriminelle Edi Rama Mann: Pjerin Ndreu, gibt Kommentare… […]

  • Gjoka
    Mai 07, 2019., 06:44 •

    Ilir Meta verhindert mit den Edi Rama Banditen ein Vetting der Polizei Interior Minister LLeshaj rejects President Meta’s decree on state police vetting, says it’s personal against him 13:35, 06/05/2019 The Commission of Security has rejected President Ilir Meta’s decree on the vetting of state police. Meta had requested a revision of the Law on Vetting of the State Police, considering it as a threat and possibility to be influenced by the government. Invited to report in the Commission, Interior Minister Sandër Lleshaj described the President’s Decree as was pre judgmental for his institution and used the word “paranoiac” for Meta, implying it was personal against him from the time when Meta refused to decree him as the Interior Minister. “The vetting of the state police is a competence of the Internal Affairs. Vetting is not political”, Lleshaj said in the Commission today

  • Sait Dollapi: Bernd Borchardt, wurde erneut gemobbt, als er die Gewalt, Randale der Lulzim Basha mit Sait Dollapi kritisierte – Marina Durres – Albanien
    Mai 12, 2019., 18:22 •

    […] Bernd Borchardt zu den Wahlen, und der Profi Kriminelle Edi Rama Mann: Pjerin Ndreu, gibt Kommentare… […]

  • Insider
    Mai 26, 2019., 06:40 •

    Faule Banken Kredite, weil man keinen Durchblick, über einfache Dinge hat. Eduard Ndocaj, ehemaliger stellvertretender bereits für die Kommunalwahlen in Lezha läuft, steht vor einer Gerichtsentscheidung, die seine Finanzen macht. Er wird in das Register der notleidenden Kredite, Schulden mehrere hunderttausend Euro eingetragen. „Cowboy“, wie er genannt wird, ist kein Darlehen, die von ihm und seiner Frau auf einer Bank der zweiten Ebene zurückgezahlt, aber da niedergelassen hat Raten leicht hat Ndocaj nicht vor Gericht gegeben. beschlagnahmt der illegale Boot des Dumm Gangsters Eduared Ndocaj, Ex-Abgeordneter und |Fan von Klement Balili in Sarande,dem Pablo Escobar des Balkans

    Vidhnin gomone në Korfuz dhe i fshihnin në shtëpinë e Eduart Ndocajt, arrestohen dy të afërm të ish-deputetit

    Arrestohen dy të afërm të Eduard Ndocaj për vjedhje gomonesh gjatë një aksioni në Sarandë. Burime për bëjnë me dije se të arrestuarit jan

  • Insider
    Mai 29, 2019., 14:47 •

    das Mobbing gegen Borchardt, durch die sogenannte Oppostion geht gegen Borchardt weiter

  • navy
    Juni 18, 2019., 07:42 •

    Der Gangster Pjerin Ndreau, will gegen den Chef Redaktuer vorgehen.

    “Ku do fluturonte drejtori?” Pjerin Ndreu justifikohet pas përgjimit të BILD

    I kapur në përgjime duke kërcënuar drejtorët në zgjedhjet në Dibër, Pjerin Ndreu nga studio e ‘Opinion’, i ka dhënë …

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