Hotel „Germany“ der SHIAK Drogen Mafia mit Yassin Avdyli
Am Flugplatz noch ein Hotel, für die Drogen Verteil Stelle, wer nach Deutschland Europa fliegt, das alte Modell, mit dem direkten Hekuran Hoxha Partner: Saimir Gjepali.
Hier Luxus ‚Ador‘ Hotel in Rinas , im Besitz von „Baron Droge‚Hat (FOTO + Anklagedokument)
3 mal Mafiosi. Vangjush Dako, Edi Rama, Elvis Rroshi
Die Shiak Mafia wie in 2000-2006 rund um den Visa Skandal der Deutschen Botschaft wieder einmal. Nur hat man heute eigene Heroin Küchen, KfW – Pro Credit finanzierte Kokain Import Firmen mit Bananen, welche dann in Bayern auftauchen.
Die Top Drogen Schmuggler Clans, erneut aus Shiak, wo Vangjush Dako herkommt, finanzierten Vangjush Dako den Wahlkampf kauften die Stimmen im Bezirk Durres, was eine Tradition ist, der Verbrecher Banden, neben Mehrfach wählen, mit mehreren ID Karten.Wahlhelfer mit AK-47 hier in der Kamze unterwegs in Albanien in 2017So sieht die von der EU promoteten Wahlen in Albanien aus, was sowieso jeder weiß. Man versucht Partner zu haben, wo man möglichst hohe Millionen Summen gemeinsam stiehlt. Knut Fleckenstein, ein Profi Krimineller der Hamubrger SPD Mafia, ignorierte die Fakten, obwohl leicht bei den Wahlen zusehen, wie das abläuft und auch nicht neu war. Wahlen kaufen normal in Albanien. Oder durch die Mehrfach IDs werden im Paket Stimmen eingeworfen in die Wahl Urnen, was ebenso normal ist auch in 2017 nach Wahl Ende vorkam.Afrim Bakaj, militanter Edi Rama Mann und ohne Berufsausbildung Edi Rama, Afrian Bakaj, direkter Arbeitgeber für den Drogen Baron Altin Avdli im Hafen von Durres
Die gekaufte Ratte: Knut Fleckenstein promotet die Albaner Mafia in die EU
Man versuchte die gekauften Wahlen in 2017 mit allen Mitteln zu vertuschen, weil man dafür bezahlt wurde. Jeder Albaner und Ausländer wusste das der OCSR Botschafter Borchardt, Recht hatte, als er Monste vor den Juni Wahlen sagte, das die Albaner Mafia sich mit 2 Milliarden € die Wahlen kauft und das mit den Edi Rama Banden.Albanian Drugs Probe Exposes Alleged Vote-Buying
Albania’s opposition is demanding an investigation of alleged vote-buying by ruling party supporters at the 2017 elections after a police probe into drug-trafficking revealed information about possible wrongdoing.
The mayor of Durres, Vangjush Dako. Photo: Malton Dibra/LSA Albania’s opposition leader Lulzim Basha said on Friday that he wants an in-depth investigation into alleged vote-buying by the ruling Socialists, claiming that the party secured its comfortable victory in the 2017 elections through collaboration with criminals.
After Albanian police concluded a large-scale operation against four interlinked groups of drug-trafficking suspects last week, Basha’s opposition Democratic Party published intercepted conversations and snippets from the police investigation file, revealing two alleged cases of suspected criminals involved in vote-buying practices for the Socialist Party.
„Now it is clear to everybody that [Albanian Prime Minister] Edi Rama had a plan all over the country to steal the elections in the collaboration with criminals,“ Basha alleged in a message on Twitter.
„A special and independent investigation is urgently needed over this criminal operation,“ he added.
The opposition also claims that Albania’s prosecution service has attempted to downplay the links between crime gangs and the Socialist Party and has not properly investigated the Socialist mayor of Durres, Vangjush Dako.
The first leaked snippet from the investigators file states that Gjevi Ndoka, brother of former Socialist MP Arben Ndoka, was covertly recorded buying votes for the party.
Both Arben and Gjevi Ndoka have been arrested and charged with falsifying documents and appropriating state-owned land, but not with vote-buying.
Both pleaded not guilty at the Serious Crime Court but were remanded in custody.
However, the biggest prize for the opposition came from an intercepted conversation between Durres mayor Dako and Altin Avdyli, a drug-dealing suspect, in which Dako says he wanted to meet Avdyli’s brother, who was also arrested as a suspect, and thank him.
In a second intercepted conversation, Avdyli speaks with an unidentified person, who tells him that a family of six voters would like to sell their votes and urges Avdyli to tell Dako to pay them.
Speaking on Opinion talk show on Thursday evening, Dako didn’t deny he had spoken to the suspect, but said that as a politician, he speaks with anybody.
„There is not any son of a bitch that speaks more than me with voters,“ he told the ‘Opinion’ talk show on Klan TV on Thursday evening.
He denied the vote-buying allegations: „I have not won the elections by vote-buying,“ he said.
Read More:
Vote-Buying ‘Rampant’ Ahead of Albania Poll
Albania Ruling Parties Romp Home in Local Election
EU Verbrecher Bande in Tirana, der Inkompetenz
29 Minuten und einen Tag,nach Beendigung der Wahlen, ein Statement über die Wahlen abzugeben, ist schon auffällig, wo der Fälschungs Prozeß, der Stimmen Auszählung noch nicht begonnen hat, der OSCE Bericht, erst nach 3 Monaten veröffentlicht ist.
Sep 28, 2017 … While concluding that political parties were able to campaign freely in Albania’s 25 June 2017 parliamentary elections and that fundamental …www.osce.org/odihr/elections/albania/346761Das Wort Justiz, wurde zu einem Wort für Komiker, bei dem Desaster.
Über die SPD Ratten in Tirana schrieb ein bekannter Journalist.