Einer der übelsten Gangster in Albanien „Mark Froku“ und sein Bruder, der wegen Polizei Direktoren Mord einsitzt. Arben Froku, einer der übelsten Leute in Albanien
siehe wikileaks cabels
wikileaks: Die Salih Berisha Mord und Mafia Polizei Truppe mit Agron Kulicaj, Hysni Burgaj und mit Lulzim Basha
Arben Froku, mit Polizei Direktor Agron Kulici, dessen Sohn auch als Mörder gesucht wird
Anwesend bei der Feier mit dem in Salonika festgenommen Mafia Boss: Arben Froku, folgende höchste leitende Polizei Direktoren: Met Rrumbullaku, Nikolin Bala, Tonin Vocaj, Agron Kulici: Tonin Vocaj und Agron Kulici, leiten zugleich die Mord Ermittlungen rund um den hingerichteten Polizei Direktor: Dritan Lamaj, der von Arben Froku und einem Freund erschossen wurde. Identisch die Polizei Morde rund um Dritan Dajti im August 2009!
The conflict at Cape Rodoni, the Catholic Church reacts: Here is what really happened

A serious incident, but fortunately without injuries, was recorded this Sunday afternoon in the area of ??Cape Rodoni in Durrës, where 8 people were involved in a physical fight.
It is about a physical clash between some members of the Kaçuli family and representatives of the Catholic Church.
Fortunately, there were no injuries, while the police escorted the 8 people involved in the conflict, BK, ER, YR, OR, NS, MF, ML and PD.
Regarding the situation in Cape Rodon, representatives of the Church inform A2 that: „Some people with an authorization from the Franciscan Province of Shkodra have found a pretext to enter as „observers“ to guard the property, to protect it from damage, but they are actually carrying out illegal works and without any authorization from anyone (even without any permit) and are surrounding the land of Mr. Bajram Kaçuli, who has a regular certificate of ownership“.
The conflict over the property in „Cape Rodoni“, another charge is added to Mark Frroku

Written by SOT.COM.AL 30 Tetor 2023

New details have been revealed regarding the arrest of former MP Mark Frroku, who along with 7 other people was arrested after a conflict over properties in „Cape Rodoni“.
Frroku was questioned by the Durra Police about the incident, but he did not tell the truth about the conflict.
In spite of the fact that the police have administered film footage documenting acts of violence, Frroku told the investigators that he knew nothing, nothing had happened and no one had conflicted.
Because of his statements, the criminal offenses of not reporting the crime and actions that prevent the discovery of the truth have been added to the charge.
He justified his presence in the area as the builder of the wall and was agreed by the representatives of the church.
During the conflict, Frrok’s companion shot with a firearm, for this reason the police announced the search for Besnik Toma.
Kjo nuk është hera e parë që ndodh konflikt në këtë zonë mbi këtë çështje, ndërsa policia thotë se kallëzimet janë kryer në prokurori prej disa vitesh. Këta persona janë shoqëruar disa herë. Njësia administrative, prokuroria, bashkia Durrës, Inspektorati Kombëtar i Mbrojtjes se Territorit dhe policia kanë qenë në dijeni të situatës konfliktuale, por deri me tani nuk ka pasur asnjë vendim në lidhje me dokumentacionin.
Me rreth të kuq zona ku do ndërtohet moli, prek edhe tokën për të cilën u bë sherri
Konflikti në Kepin e Rodonit, shkak mbivendosja e pronësisë së tokës! 8 të arrestuar, mes tyre ish-deputeti Mark Frroku! Në kërkim truproja e tij, qëlloi me armë
‘Lufta’ për pronën në Kepin e Rodonit një ditë më parë, ka çuar në pranga 8 persona, mes tyre edhe ish-deputetin Mark Frroku. Bëhet fjalë për 5 dynym e 400 m2 tokë, për të cilën pretendojnë se kanë certifikatë pronësie edhe Kisha Katolike dhe familja Kaculi.
vor 10 Jahren waren es schon über 10.000 Tote rund um Schießereien rund um Grundstücke. Rein kriminelle Geldwäsche Investoren dort aus dem Drogen Handel
Aktuell:Cap Rodoni, auch hier haben Berisha Leute, Mehrfach Grundstücks Urkunden an Banditen ausgestellt bei der Katholischen Kirche dort.
Schiesserei mit 8 Personen
DURRES – Heute Nachmittag wurden im Gebiet von Cape Rodoni in Durres Schüsse registriert. Report TV hat erfahren, dass 8 Personen in eine körperliche Auseinandersetzung verwickelt waren, es handelt sich dabei um Bewohner der Familie Kaculi sowie Vertreter der katholischen Kirche. Glücklicherweise gab es keine Verletzten, während die Polizei die acht am Konflikt beteiligten Personen, BK, ER, YR, OR, NS, MF, ML und PD, eskortierte
In einer offiziellen Antwort gab die Polizei an, dass der Grund für die Schlägerei eine Eigentumsfrage gewesen sei. Die Vertreter der katholischen Kirche umstellten das Anwesen, für das sie eine Eigentumsurkunde besitzen. Die Bewohner der Gegend erlaubten ihnen diese Belagerung nicht, da sie auch über eine Eigentumsurkunde verfügen, die sie angeblich für dieses Grundstück besitzen.
Für das neue Durrës-Stadion mit Turm wählt ADF dasselbe Unternehmen für den Masterplan und die Umgebung
das neue Durrës-Stadion mit Turm wählt ADF dasselbe Unternehmen für den Masterplan und die Umgebung
Der Konflikt eskalierte durch den Einsatz starker Gegenstände, außerdem wurde am Tatort eine Patronenhülse gefunden. Die Polizei gibt in ihrer Antwort nicht an, wer die Waffe abgefeuert hat, Quellen von Report TV teilten jedoch mit, dass auch andere Personen an der Schlägerei beteiligt waren.
Part of the drug baron’s gang, the Court takes the decision for the former head of the Kurbin police station

Written by SOT.COM.AL 30 Tetor 2023

The court has left in prison the former chief of the Kurbin police station, Dritan Metaj, who was arrested as part of the „Flame at Sea“ operation.
Metaj was aware of the exchange of drugs at sea and had connections with the gang of drug barons, Gëzim Çela.