Langzeit Krimineller in der Politik, mit Berisha, Edi Rama, dem Vatikan: Tom Doshi

Law Breakers Turned Law Makers

2. (C) Some of the more noteworthy MPs with ties to organized
crime are:

— Tom Doshi: An SP MP from Shkoder, Doshi, singled out in
the Human Rights Report for physically assaulting a
journalist in the Sheraton Hotel, was a key figure in
financing SP electoral efforts. He is known as the richest
MP, with a declared fortune of more than $15 million and is
also suspected of trafficking narcotics. Doshi served in the
previous parliament as a DP MP, before switching sides to the
SP shortly before the election.



Influential Albanian Politician Led Organized Crime Group in Australia, Intelligence Reports Claim



Australia’s top criminal intelligence agency suspected Tom Doshi, a leading Albanian businessman and politician with ties to the prime minister, of leading a criminal group in the country that perpetrates immigration fraud, drug trafficking, and money laundering.

Key Findings

  • Confidential intelligence documents from Australia claimed that Tom Doshi has headed an organized criminal group consisting largely of members of his family.
  • His group, the reports say, forms part of a wider network that has exploited systemic weaknesses in Australia’s immigration system to get its Albanian members into Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth, and New South Wales.
  • According to investigators, these clan-based Albanian gangs specialize in criminal activities like illegal cannabis cultivation, weapons, and drug trafficking.

Tom Doshi, a powerful Albanian businessman and politician tied to the country’s prime minister, is suspected of leading an organized criminal group implicated in money laundering, drug trafficking, and other offenses in Australia, according to confidential intelligence assessments.

This clan is among others from Shkodër, a county in northwest Albania, that have systematically abused Australia’s immigration system to build “an entire Albanian Organized Crime criminal structure” across South Australia, according to the reports.

The documents, produced by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) and circulated to domestic and foreign police agencies, draw on numerous reports from local police forces and information from foreign law enforcement bodies. They were seen by reporters from OCCRP and Australia’s The Age and Sydney Morning Herald newspapers.

The files describe how, since 2000, Albanian clans have used identity fraud and familial links to migration agents to move their people into Australia, setting up cells in Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth, and elsewhere.

Doshi is described in the files as the “head” of a syndicate “principally consisting of his extended family.” Though the documents contain no details about his specific activities, they note that eight of his relatives have been “implicated” in “drug and money laundering investigations,” in some cases as “primary targets.” His relatives are said in the reports to have gained Australian visas using spurious documentation. One is facing drug trafficking charges.

Doshi, who spent years in both countries, has not been charged with any crimes in Australia. In his homeland, he had built a business empire that has benefited extensively from state contracts. He was designated persona non grata by the United States in 2018 for “involvement in significant corruption” and forced out of his parliamentary seat in 2021 following years of high-profile scandals. His alleged involvement in the Australian criminal network has never been previously revealed.

“I have never in my life been involved in any way with drug smuggling, human trafficking, arms trafficking, money laundering, or illegal immigration in Australia, or Albania, or anywhere else,” Doshi wrote in response to reporters’ questions. “In fact, as a Member of the Albanian Parliament, I have been a strong supporter of the fight against these types of activities.”

“I have no connection to any Albanian ‘criminal clans’ based in Australia, or to any Albanian criminals anywhere,” he wrote. “My siblings and their children total 33. I have little to no contact with them other than to encounter them at funerals or family celebrations.”

‘They Like to Dominate’

Albanian criminal groups are highly active in the drug trade in the United Kingdom, Italy, and many other countries on multiple continents.

Their well-organized and systemic operations in Australia highlights the threat posed by their international expansion.

Among their chief skills, current and former law enforcement officers say, is taking advantage of immigration rules to smuggle their members into the countries in which they operate.

“Often applicants will apply for a particular visa knowing it will be rejected,” one of the Australian intelligence files reads, “but [they] exploit the lengthy appeal process so they can generate evidence to support a different visa application.”

“They’ve got facilitators, professional facilitators, to assist them, whether it’s through visa migration issues, legal or other means,” said Victoria Police Commander Paul O’Halloran. “They’re very adept.”

Albanian gangsters in Australia “can show extreme violence,” O’Halloran said, and they are regarded by his detectives as “highly dangerous.”

Tony Saggers, a former high-ranking officer in Britain’s National Crime Agency, has spent years on the trail of Albanian criminals.

“They put a lot of emphasis on being respected for what they do, and for doing it well,” he said of their involvement in the drug trade. “And just doing it isn’t enough for them. They like to dominate by gaining control of volume activity, proving they’re the best, and satisfying customer demand.”

A Criminal ‘Life Cycle’

The Australian intelligence documents seen by reporters outline what they call Albanian organized criminal groups’ five-stage “life cycle.”

First, they say, people are recruited in their home regions in Albania, sometimes on the false promise of finding work abroad. Second, they are brought into the country using false visa claims and fraudulent documents. Third, they manage to remain in Australia by taking advantage of lengthy visa reviews and trusted registered migration agents (some Albanians apply to stay in Australia by claiming that blood feuds back home would endanger them if they returned). Fourth, they carry out criminal activities. Fifth, they are arrested, convicted, and their visas are canceled.

Shkodër is identified as an epicenter from which many of these criminal groups originate, with five out of seven South Australian ACIC investigations between 2015 and 2020 featuring a “primary target” from the Albanian county.

Doshi, a political kingmaker in Shkodër, appears in the documents as the alleged leader of an organized crime group made up of his extended relatives referred to as the “Doshi family syndicate.” Investigators believe the clan engages in money laundering and exploits Australia’s migration system to facilitate its criminal activities.

Members of the clan, the documents say, were placed by Australian officials on an Albanian organized crime “persons of interest list.” This list was then shared with law enforcement agencies in multiple European countries. The document suggests that these agencies identified members of the Doshi clan on the list from their own investigations.

Tom Doshi flanked by police officers

Credit: LSA Photo Tom Doshi is seen here flanked by police officers in March 2015 after being placed on house arrest, having been accused of making false allegations against a senior politician. He was eventually acquitted.

The documents also include a “case study” that describes a woman with “familial links to Doshi” working as a “registered migration agent” in Australia who “likely facilitates [criminal] activity by achieving migration outcomes for syndicate members arrested for cannabis cultivation and/or are closely connected to cocaine trafficking.”

The files do not mention any criminal allegations against the woman, and indicate that there are no “grounds to cancel [her] registration [as a migration agent] on the basis of criminal intelligence surrounding members of her immediate family.”

The files go into greater detail about two of Doshi’s nephews. The two men are said to be members of the Lleshi drug trafficking syndicate, a gang named after another family which, the documents say, uses funds from cannabis grow-house sales to import cocaine and meth into Australia.

Police arrested one of Doshi’s nephews in Adelaide in March 2022 and charged him with drug trafficking and money laundering after finding cocaine worth AU$1.6 million concealed inside a smoke machine.

The nephew had started visiting Europe frequently after acquiring Australian citizenship almost a decade earlier, the intelligence files say. Along the way, he and his family bought up expensive Australian properties, raising questions for investigators about his income. Court officials did not respond to questions about the current status of the case.

Doshi’s other nephew is no longer in Australia, but is suspected to still be involved in Albanian organized crime and high-level drug trafficking. He, too, has had numerous brushes with the law. According to his Australian immigration case file seen by reporters, he has a history of criminal convictions in the country dating back to 2012. The file cites a minister who rejected his visa application as saying: “I reasonably suspect that [he] has been or is a member of a group or organization … involved in criminal conduct.”

Back in Albania, he was accused in 2016 of assaulting a traffic police officer. The officer declined to press charges, and the outcome of the case is unknown.


Profil/ Kush është Tom Doshi. Nga ikja ne Australi, rikthimi i fuqishëm në politikë dhe përplasja me Edi Ramën


Kush është njeriu që u përmend në raportet e ambasadës amerikane në Tiranë dhe njeriu që është akuzuar nga kabllogramet e publikuara nga Wikileaks për trafikim narkotikësh dhe pastrim parash?

Tom Doshi, i përket moshës “së artë” asaj të shumicës së politikanëve shqiptarë. Është 49 vjeç dhe ka lindur në Shkodër. Fëmijërinë e ka kaluar në fshatin e tij të Nënshkodrës, në Trush, pinjoll i një familje të njohur me origjinë nga Kelmendi.

Mit Verbrechern wie Tom Doshi, wurde „Benet Beci“ der neue Bürgermeister von Skhoder

Das Verbrecher Kartell des Edi Rama, Engjëll Agaçi mit Samir Tahiri

Accused of supporting Benet Beci, PD of Shkodra responds to Tom …

31.05.2023 The Democratic Party, Shkodër branch responded yesterday to the statement of the head of the PSD, Tom Doshi, who during a television …

„Benet could not have won Shkodra without me“, Tom Doshi

29.05.2023 In an interview for Top Story, Doshi stated that Basha’s PD supported Benet Beci in Shkodër. „I am surprised that even today Berisha comes out …

Mit Verbrecher Kartellen an die Macht, wie mit Tom Doschi, nicht nur ein alten Wahlkampf Rezept von Edi Rama, sondern von Berisha, Ilir Meta.

Bildung braucht man nicht, man hat Diplome, wie in Deutschland bei Rot, Grün, am Kopierer gebastelt.

Die Berliner, EU Deppen jubelten 2013, als das Edi Rama Verbrecher Syndikat installiert wurde.

Besonders übel in Skhoder, das Benet Beci, Tom Doshi Verbrecher Syndikat, wobei Bennet Beci, von Edi Rama, die klare Vorgabe hatte, dort zu gewinnen

Das „Al Capone! Beni Beci – Edi Rama Syndikat: Wahlkampf Show, und Phantom Dumm Projekte

Benet Beci publikon projektin për Shkodrën: Park buzë Bunës, do kthehet në ‘mushkërinë’ e qytetit


Attentat rund um das Verbrecher Syndikat des Benet Beci – Edi Rama, dem Zivilen Aufbau Fund


Was gibt es zum Jubeln, wenn Edi Rama gewinnt?

Nun nach über 14 Tagen, ein update: 25.6.2013  Edi Rama und die LSI von Ilir Meta, erhalten 84 Parlaments Sitze, Berisha konnte keinen einzigen Bezirk gewinnen. Selbst in Kukes, gingen 2 Sitze an die PD und 2 Sitze an die SP Partei. Viele Abgeordnete konnte die LSI von Ilir Meta ins Parlament bringen, was sehr mysteriös ist. Die FRD von Bamir Topi, konnte mit ca. 2,5 % der Stimmen, keinen Abgeordneten Sitz gewinnen. Stand bei 90 % der Auszählung.

Bei 100.000 Staatsangestellten, sind das ca. 1 Million Stimmen und sehr vorsichtig geschätzt, mit Verwandten, die um ihre Jobs bangen. Salih Berisha hat verloren, weil er von den Familien Mitglieder, oft sogar prominenteren Partei Mitglieder von Innen heraus sabotiert wurde, weil man diese kriminelle Politik nicht mittragen wollte. Da hilft dann auch kein Stimmen Kauf, wo wir vorab berichteten, noch Flieger mit Albanern aus Italien. 1 Millionn Stimmen verlor so die Salih Berisha Partei PD, in Tirana, Durres, Skhoder und Landesweit ebenso. Weder im Volke, noch bei Studenten konnte er noch Teilnehmer an seinen Jubel Paraden finden, wo nur Zwangs verpflichtete Parteigänger und ihre Familien erschienen, so das Famiilen Mitglieder erbost auch die eigenen Partei nicht mehr wählten.

Albaner sind Weltmeister im Verdrängen, ihrer eigen kriminellen Partner und Verbindungen.

Fatos Lobonja: “because Rama is associated with the oligarchs and organized crim”

Die EU Justiz Missionen und IRZ-Stiftung: Peinlichkeiten der Inkompetenz und Organisierten Kriminalität

Die Grünen Ratten, übernahmen die Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland

Sie sind nur durch Emotionen lenkbar. Gehirn ist ausgeschaltet.

Wenn der IQ unter 60 ist, sieht es dann bei den Grünen, der Evangelischen Kirche so aus.

und in Albanien, ist es Tom Doshi, der grosse Langzeit Gangster, mit seinen missratenen Söhnen




Dementer Kardinal von Skhoder

Tom Doshi, Kardinal von Skhoder


Die Welt wundert sich, das Edi Rama nur mit den dümmsten Kriminellen, wie „Tom Doshi“ herumläuft

Die Skandal Justizmission der EU, der IRZ-Stiftung, schützt aktiv die Verbrecher Kartelle in Albanien, dem Kosovo und jede Art von Verbrechen und mit Vorsatz. Albanien ist NATO Mitglied, wo man wegen Anleitung zu Diebstahl, die Soldaten den Irak verlassen mussten vor über 10 Jahren, wo die Grundlage die ersten Bundeswehr Manöver schon in 1996 waren, wo Pseudo Admiräle auftauchten und man stahl was nur ging. Einzige Wirtschaft in Albanien: Betrug, Fälschung von Dokumenten, Verkauf neuer Identiäten an Kriminelle, wo jede Regierung mitmachten, und Geldwäsche in illegale Schrottbauten. Die EU, KfW, IFC, Weltbank finanzieren das Spektakel, mit immer neuen Millionen, deren Verwendung Niemand kontrolliert, inklusive Wahlfälschungen und Verkauf der Wahlen an kriminelle Clans.

Schwuchtel Land des Alex Soros mit Edi Rama

Deshalb entsendet man in diesem Profi Betrieb der EU  Dummen Kader, nur useful idiots, die keinerlei Kenntnisse über Justiz haben. Die Dümmsten von Europa, leiten Justiz Missionen und die Deutsche „Camorra“ Organisation: IRZ-Stiftung, macht eifrig mit, denn Deutschland hat als einziges Land in der EU, auch nur eine Mafia Klientel Justiz System, als sogenannte Weisungsbefugte Organisation. Alle Top Kriminellen, werden mit System illegal in Albanien freigelassen, hatten Freie Fahrt in Albanien, aber schon lange, seitdem Rezzo Schlauch und Co. auftauchten, für Bestechungsgeschäfte, ohne Ende und dem Visa Verkauf vor vielen Jahren.

Georg Soros Justiz Ministerin, ist entsetzt, das der Berufsverbrecher: „Endri Dokle“ freikam Und die Mafia Generalstaatsanwältin: Anita Jella

Genoveva Ruiz Calavera der IOM, schwafelt nur noch herum, weil die Justiz Null Funktion hat! Studium von Philologie

Sot janë sërish miq, dikur rrëfehej për “videon e 21 janarit”

January 21, 2020 00:28

Tom Doshi, Edi Rama

Law Breakers Turned Law Makers —————————— 2. (C) Some of the more noteworthy MPs with ties to organized crime are: — Tom Doshi: An SP MP from Shkoder, Doshi, singled out in the Human Rights Report for physically assaulting a journalist in the Sheraton Hotel, was a key figure in financing SP electoral efforts. He is known as the richest MP, with a declared fortune of more than $15 million and is also suspected of trafficking narcotics. Doshi served in the previous parliament as a DP MP, before switching sides to the SP shortly before the election…… — Lulzim Basha: According to one SP source, FM Basha, who represents the DP in Elbasan, was involved in facilitating the release from prison of a notorious criminal in Elbasan in return for support from the criminal’s family. Relatives of the criminal promised to „organize“ people in Elbasan to support Basha. The criminal was released on June 29, the day after the elections.

Theater ohne Ende, wo nun Samir Tahiri, der Profi Kriminelle Gangster, der den Polizei Apparat zerstörte, nur Bewährung Strafe erhielt, für Amts Missbrauch wie der Super Kriminelle ehemalige Polizei Chef von Vlore;  Jaeld Cela, Der ermittelnde Staatsanwalt wurde während dem laufenden Prozess gefeuert: Hajdarmataj! Orginial Berisha und Ilir Meta, Edi RAma Justiz System was von der peinlichen Weisungs gebundenen Justiz kopiert wurde, wo man mit Betrug, ohne Kompetenz höchste Justiz Stellen besetzt wie jüngst mit Margarete Kopper, Susanne Baer, Grün-Roten Ratten im Mafia Stile.

Martin Henze, Merkels Mann: Lubonja, über „Kathastrophe“ mit der korrupten Politik Klasse in Albanien von Edi Rama, bis Tom Doshi

Der Durres PS Abgeordnete Ulsi Manjes, ein Profi Krimineller, auch als Steuer Inspektor und direkt verwandt mit der Super Drogen Bande, des Vangjush Dako:Astrit Avdylaj Einer der wenigen serösen hohen Polizei Direktoren mit Langzeit Erfahrung: Shemsi Premci, der auch in Diber Polizei Präsident war.

Socialisti i Dibrës, Ulsi Manjës: Rilinde vetëm ti e sorollopi yt. Pështyve çdo socialist, turp të kesh!

Shemsi Premçi: Ulsi Manja ka lidhje familjare me Astrit Avdylin

Die „Camorra“ identische Deutsche IRZ-Stiftung, feuerte den verantwortliche Staatsanwalt Besim Hajdarmataj *, der Samir Tahiri festnehmen liess und Anklage erhob, wobei der korrupte Gent Ibrahimi, ohne Kompetenz (aber ein Neffe von M.Kodheli) als Partner der Albanischen Mafia von Georg Soros, als Berater der EU EURALIUS Justiz Mission, selbst etliche Gestalten ohne Vetting, als neue Sonderstaatsanwaltschaft installieren will, was wie zuletzt in Mazedonien zu einem neuen kriminellen Enterprise der Erpressung führt.

Nur die Britten und Amerikaner kritisieren das Urteil, weil jeder in Tirana weiß, das Samir Tahiri, Edi Rama erpresst, der als Drogen Boss, schon unter der EU Polzei Mission PAMECA II, schon in 2001 gut dokmentiert war und als Haupt Geldwäsche Person zu 100 % von jedem Verbrecher leicht eingekauft, wie der Georg Soros Direktor und Bruder Olsi Rama. Die komplette Polizei an Dumm Kriminelle zu verkaufen, persönlich sich mit E. Shullazi zutreffen, der auch Auftragskiller einschlägig bekannt damals und unter Berisha ebenso bekannt war.

Der Bruder von Edi Rama, Olsi Rama, ein Georg Soros Mann mit dem Gangster Tom Doshi

Diber Wahlfälscher Team. PDUI Gangster: Ymer Lala, Tom Doshi

Die Mafia hat längst auch die neue Justiz übernommen, mit dem Berufs Kriminellen Gent Ibrahimi, ohne Kompetenz, als Berater der IIRZ-Stiftung im Betrugs Modus von Georg Soros.

Gent Ibrahimi, Einzige Phantom Berufserfahrung von Gent Ibrahimi: Chef einer dubiosen Georg Soros NGO (Direktor des Instituts für Politische und Rechtliche Studien in Tirana, was es inzwischen nicht mehr gibt und im Mafia Stile von der EU finanziert
Der Präsident fordert, das man endlich Experten entsendet, so lächerlich das Ganze nur Geldvernichtung pure.

Und dann die Peinlichkeit der neuen Staatsanwaltschaft SPAK, mit einem IRZ-Stiftungs Verbrecher Gent Ibrahimi, der keine Kompetenz hat, aber im Mafia Stile etliche Gestalten einsetzt, die überhaupt im Mafia Stile, das „Vetting“ nicht durchliefen.
Doloreza Musabelliu ein sehr prominenter Mafia Name, und Anita Jella und Ndini Tavani. Arben Kraja, Abteilungsleiter bei der Untersuchung von Korruption, während SPAK Mitglieder als einfache Anwälte Debar Behar, Enkeleda Millonai, Eneid Nakuci und Elida Kaçkini.

Gent Ibrahimi with his villa worth € 237 500, his car worth € 30 thousand and a gift worth € 35 thousand

  • Independent Observation Mission (ONM) mit illegalem Selbst Bedienungs Management Board was Verfassungs widrig ist.


Kleines Land, durch die „CAMORRA“ Organisation: IRZ-Stiftung und die korrupten EU Idioten ruiniert

Albania Opposition Condemns Ex-Minister’s Suspended Sentence

Court gives former Interior minister a suspended jail sentence for abuse of power – but finds him not guilty of the more serious charges of drug trafficking, in a verdict that the main opposition party called ‘shameful’.

The arrested gang members, from a village near Vlora in southern Albania, described Tahiri as a friend, claimed to control the police in the town and had spies in a military radar station to help direct their operations.

The intercepted conversations described a kind of rivalry between the gang members and Tahiri, including boasts that although Tahiri could make 5 million euros a month, they still had more money.


Albania Fires Prosecutor in Ex-Minister’s Drugs Case

May 9, 2018

Temporary General Prosecutor Arta Marku on Wednesday dismissed Besim Hajdarmataj, who was working on a drug-smuggling case against former interior minister and ruling party MP Saimir Tahiri, from his position as head of the Serious Crime Prosecution office.
Prosecutor Besim Hajdarmataj. Photo: Gent Shkullaku/LSA

In a statement released on Wednesday Marku said that his office believes that the sacking of Hajdarmataj “will bring results in fast and effective penal proceedings for cases with a high priority.”

Hajdarmataj however told BIRN that he didn’t knew the reason for his firing, but he expected to be able to continue to work on Tahiri’s case.

Prosecutors have claimed they have reasonable suspicion that Tahiri was involved in drug-trafficking while he was a minister, aiding a drugs smuggling ring directed by his cousins.

“The motivation was not clear but I believe it has to do with the aim of giving a boost to the working of the Serious Crime Prosecution. I assume that the order that fired me makes me also a [lower-level] prosecutor in the same office,” Hajdarmataj said.

“I am unable to say on what grounds I was discharged but the only file with which I am currently involved directly is that of the former minister Saimir Tahiri. I will continue to work on the case for as long as I do not receive another order,” he added.

Hajdarmataj is one of three prosecutors who last year asked parliament’s permission to arrest Tahiri on drug-smuggling charges.



Quazim Sejdini Drogen Baron des Edi Rama und der Gangster Tom Doshi in Aktion, für Edi Rama

Auf Druck der Amerikaner, musste Edi Rama, auch einen Tom Doshi aus der Partei rauswerfen,der aktuelle natürlich wie andere Verbrecher Ex-Abgeordnete wie Prenga, unverändert für die SP Partei aktiv ist. Und dann die Peinlichkeit der Bürgermeister in Albanien, von Sejdini in Elbasan, mit seiner Mafia Frau, welche über ihre Zoll Agentur Gross Drogen Schmuggel organisierte, mit verplomten TIR LKW, welche in Italien dann vor 2 Jahren beschlagnahmt wurden, wo der halbe Hafen von Durres bis zu Ministern aktiv dabei waren. In Elbasan, wo die gefährlich dumme Deutsche Botschafterin das kriminelle Enterprise in Tradition promotet, was schon mit Berlinwasser und den KfW Projekten vor vielen Jahren Höhepunkte hatte, gibt es mit Drogen Bossen unzählige Fotos mit Edi Rama. Tom Doshi ist sogar bei wikileaks verewigt. Ein Club von Kriminellen rund um Edi Rama, Minister mit 10.000 $ Sonnenbrillen, Tom Doshi mit einer 60.000 $ teuren Sonnenbrille usw.. von seinem Vize Alket angefangen.  Edi Rama mit 600 teuren sneakers usw.. wo früher es eine Goldene Uhr schon machte.

Der Bruder von Edi Rama, Olsi Rama, ein Georg Soros Mann mit dem Gangster Tom Doshi

NATO Staat Albanien und 10 Jahre Super Skandale mit dem dem „Pelicani“ Besitzer: Arben Gropa alias Vangjel Ziaj, der nun erneut festgenommen wurde

Quazim Sejdini und Ehefrau Xhuljana Sejdini
mit der Zoll bwicklungsfirma“Ujori”z

Sie frequentierten in Italien mehr als 10 Tonnen Cannabishändler vor Gericht und 24 Zollbeamte und Polizisten

Gehen Sie zu den Court 25 Personen, darunter 24 Zollbeamten beteiligten Handel mehr als 10 Tonnen Drogen in Bezug auf …

Deputeti Tom Doshi ‘ribashkohet’ me Partinë Socialiste (VIDEO)

  • dung. Der Sohn ebenso

    Alles bewiesen mit Zeugen: Polizei Test, wurden manipuliert, für Tom Doshi

Ex-Innenminister Samir Tahiri: Teuerste Silber Brille der Welt: 10.5500 € von Maybach, und Minister die goldene Uhren, von Rolex usw. tragen sind 25 Jahre Tradition, bei Richtern 15 Jahren.


Tom Doshi Brille, von kriminellen Deutschen Firmen gesponsert, sein Sohn eine peinliche Dumm Legende, welche für Geld ständig Straffrei bleibt.

Deputeti Tom Doshi riafrohet me strukturat e Partise Socialiste në Shkodër, teksa kujtojmë se zgjedhjet e fundit ai u zgjodh deputet nën siglën e Partisë Social Demokratike në këtë qark.

Tom Doshi mori pjesë në takimin e strukturave të Partisë Socialiste në Vaun e Dejës, ku i pranishëm ishte dhe ministri i Jashtëm, Ditmir Bushati.

Në takim u diskutua dhe për garën e ardhshme elektorale, ku për të majtët në Bashkinë e Vaut të Dejës pritet të kandidojë Mark Babani, i cili do sfidojë Zef Hilën, e Partisë Demokratike.

Deputeti Tom Doshi është larguar nga Partia Socialiste, rreth 2 vite më parë.

Martin Schulz, Steinmeier die Capo der Capos in Europa, inklusive NAZo Totesschwadronenn in der Ukraine

Sohn des Edi Rama: Gregor Rama, was Alles sagt: 60.000 $ Maybach Brille, mit Sicherheit echt.

  • Abgeordnete Elona Gjebrea, war zuvor im Mafia kontrollierten Innenministerium, des Samir Tahiri, Vize Innenministerin, unternahm eine mehr wie dubiose Reise nach Korfu, um den Audi von Samir Tahiri dort abzuholen, bestreitet diese Reise, obwohl im Polizei Computer die Aus- und Einreise erfasst ist. für Martin Schulz reicht diese Betrugs Show, inklusive Polzei und Militär Stellen der Ausbildung, der Küstenwache, wo die Radar Stationen unter Kontrolle der Mafia stehen. Show pure, für die korruptesten Politiker wie immer, und diese Show gab es schon vor 20 Jahren, auch für Bundestags Delegationen. EBDD auf der offiziellen Website der Europäischen Union europa.euEuropäische Beobachtungsstelle für Drogen und Drogensucht

starke Aussage, Xhafaj: An der Staatsanwaltschaft (ebenso in der Polizei) sind kriminellen Gruppen

Promotet nur Betrug und Gangster. die Deutsche Botschafterin Susanne Schütz

Taulant Balla, Susanne Schütz. Elbasan Mafia

Durch ordinäre Excesse bekannt, auch weil er Journalisten zusammen schlug, diese seine gefakten Tetove Diplome outeten

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