Reine Verbrecher Gegend, von den Deutschen finanziert
- Ksmali Inseln 1996
Bild vergrößern Botschafterin Susanne Schütz bei der Einweihung der Wasserinfrastruktur in Saranda, was ein Super Betrugs Skandal war, mit geplatzten Wasserrohren und zweimal Abrechnung auch mit den EU Banden
In the list of murders by the group of Laerti and Renato Çaushi/ They went to Saranda and Tepelena. „Little Reno“ wanted the shot that…
Amidst a long series of murders and „death contracts“ linked to various people, in February 2023, Laert Haxhiu’s group received orders and began mobilizing to shoot Renato Kalivaçin alias Andrea Çau?in.
This new episode is being investigated by SPAK as the criminal group has carried out a series of actions to „Provide the means and conditions“ in order to kill Renato Kalivaci.
Drug and crime boss Andrea Çaushi turns Kalana e Lëkursi into a bar through Vangjel Tavos and Edi Rama. Will SPAK act?
The Leather Castle in Saranda, one of the most strategic points and tourist attractions, has finally fallen into the hands of one of the main figures of crime and traffic in the Saranda Tepelen area, using as camouflage the company Alb Tavos with nephew K44203803A…
It is about Andrea Çaushi alias Renato Çaushi, an international drug lord, with a criminal record in Albania and Italy, with other criminal records; such as armed conflict, serious injury, money laundering, etc.
From July 14, 2023, the Leather Castle has come under the control and management of Andrea Çaushi, subject to the anti-mafia law.
Initially, the Leather Castle was taken over in 2013 by Vangjel Tavo, through his nephew Harallamb Tavo, with the company Alb Tavos. At that time, Tavo was with Ilir Meta, who conditioned Rama in governance, taking whatever he asked for.
In April 2017, the drug lord Andrea Çaushi entered the game, who bought 50% of the shares of the company Alb Tavos from the nephew of Vangjel Tavos, for 740 thousand euros.
Until July 2023, Andrea Çaushi managed to get 100% of the shares in the Alba Tavos company that manages the Leather Castle in Saranda, turning it into bars and restaurants.
Çaushi also bought 50% of the shares of the company Alb Tavos from the grandson of Vangjel Tavos, through his relative, Dritjona Çaushi.
So with two moves, Andrea Çaushi bought the company of Vangjel Tavo’s nephew for 1.5 million euros, to use the Lëkursi castle for private business and most likely to launder dirty money.
The law categorically prohibits the conclusion of contracts by public institutions with persons with criminal records.
What is the source of 1.5 million euros for the buyer of the Alb Tavos company to take over Kalana e Lëkursi?
What other assets does Andrea Renato Çaushi have and how does he justify them?
How did Spiro alias Ermal Iljadhi escape punishment for seriously injuring the local businessman „Orange“ in Saranda?
How did he escape justice the first time, when he left the prosecutor’s office „with a finger in his mouth“, with the coded „Viluni“ drug trafficking operation, a file investigated by the Italian prosecutor’s office and that of Serious Crimes, but which Çaushi was released from prison through the decision of the Court of Appeal for Serious Crimes?
How did he escape justice as a manager of cannabis plots in the area of Tepelena and Saranda, processing and trafficking to Italy?
Has SPAK started any property investigation for Andrea Çaushi alias Remato Çaushi?
What about the contracts of the Ministry of Culture for the return to the castle restaurants, will any SPAK investigation be launched? Continues with new facts…/ Pamphlet
Peinlichkeit rund um den „Duty Free Shop“ und International Cruise Duty Free, die Albanien wieder verlassen
Vollkommen enttäuscht über die Zustände in Albanien, am Flugplatz, kriminellen agieren eines Vize Finanzminsters, wird die grosse US Firma: International Cruise Duty Free, ihren Vertrag nicht wahrnehmen. Da muss man wieder die Frage aufwerfen, wer so eine idiotische Idee hatte, das eine Deutsche Firma EMS, sich Container Lizensen im Hafen Durres mit viel Bestechungsgeld erkaufte, wo längst nur Verbrecher dort das Sagen haben, schlimmer denn je. Promotet von der Verbrecher Organisation: DAW, des Herrn Hans-Jürgen Müller, Experte für Bestechung und mit Steuergeldern finanziert. Fotos, mit Mördern, Terroristen, Drogen Bossen, Bordell Besitzer im Frauen Handel, Banken Betrugs Mafia, direkt auf seiner Website.
Übelste Verbrecher Familie auch in der Justiz

Elona Caushi, Gjin Goni