schon 2018 bekannt: OLAF: das Betrugs Kartell der Deutschen, EU Banden, wie man die Prominenz der Drogen Banden finanzierte

Deutsche EU, Auslands Politik dient überall nur kriminellen Clans. Es geht in Drogen Kartelle für die Deutsche Botschaft in 2001 zurück und dem Visa Skandal. Ben Kimja hiess in anderen Skandalen, rund um den Hekuran Hoxha Skandal eben Anders. Man kauft sich neue Identitäten in Albanien, das Frank Walter Steinmeier, Ilir Meta Modell. Garantie für Drogen Export, Geldwäsche, Kinder, Frauen Handel inklusive nach Europa


die Alten Modelle: in 2018-19 und davor geschrieben. unter Hirnlosen Frauen Botschafterinnen errichtet, im Bunten Spektakel des Frank Walter Steinmeir

das Alte Sabine Bloch, Dumm Modell in der Botschaft, was vor 20 Jahren war, das Land ruinierte, mit den DAAD Verbrecher Banden überall.

Korrupte Dumme Frauen aus Deutschland: Susanne Schütz, Barbara Hendricks, Carola Müller-Holtkemper, haben der Organisierten Kriminalität eine Neue Blüte verschafft

Immer mit bei Verbrecher Banden: Edi Rama, von Bledi Shuapi, Hekuran Hoxha,Sait Fista bis zur Elbasan Mafia

Deutsche Politiker, Diplomaten und die Drogen Kartelle mit Hekuran Hoxha, Saimir Gjepali, Admir Hoxha

EU Mafia und Vangjush Dako, Adrian Cela, Hekuran Hoxha, Dash Gjoka, Yassin Avdyli, die Profi Verbrecher von Durres, im Focus der Internationalen Ermittler

Alles war in Fakten 2018 bekannt, wurden von den Verbrecherischen Deutschen, EU Banden vertuscht

Die Mafia Geschäfte der BMZ, GIZ, Pro Credit Bank, Deval: Desaster immer in Mafia Geschäften mit IPARD, AZHBR, Kokain, Micro Krediten

Mafia pure auch mit gefälschten Grundstücks Dokumenten.

Total im Solde der Prominenz der Verbrecher Clans und Edi Rama, um die EU Gelder zu stehlen

Lehrmeister für Betrug, Drogen-, Frauen-, Kinderhandel ist Deutschland und immer die BMZ Banden dabei mit Betrugs Organisationen, welche das absegnen und der absolute Korruptions Weltmeister für Bestechung in der Welt:

in Internationalen Medien: Unten**

Der inhaltliche Bankrott der SPD

BZ: Neues SPD-Duo – „Die Partei ist inhaltlich ziemlich tot“

Immer mit Kriminellen, wobei heute Arben Ahmeti von Interpol gesucht wird.

Müll Geschäfte die im Desaster endeten, der Deutschen

Names / Figures of crime and corruption who received EU funds for agriculture. SPAK continues the investigations!


Names / Figures of crime and corruption who received EU funds for agriculture.

Edi Rama and his accused minister Frida Krifca /

Frida Krifca on the side of traffickers wanted by justice…

The funds granted by the European Union and Albanian taxpayers for agriculture have ended up in the hands of crime and drug lords, oligarchs, realtors, politicians‘ family members, etc., while real farmers have been left empty-handed.

This is the reason why Brussels notified Albania of the termination of these funds, following a report by the European Anti-Fraud Office, OLAF, an institution that investigates suspected abuses of European Union funds.

Three years of OLAF investigations prompted the European Commission to suspend Albania’s most important agricultural aid program in mid-July, due to suspicions of corruption.

The funds of the IPARD program have been allocated by the Agency for Agricultural and Rural Development (AZHBR) headed by Frida Krifca. The corruption affair is being investigated by SPAK.

Names / Figures of crime and corruption who received EU funds for agriculture.

But who are the drug and crime lords who have taken the farmers‘ funds?

The cocaine trafficking company „Arbi Garden“, owned by the trafficker Arbër Çekaj, has benefited from 264 thousand dollars of EU funds, through the Ministry of Agriculture, for the construction of 9 cold storage rooms in Maninas, supposedly for the storage of fruits.

As it turned out later, Arbër Çekaj used the rooms built with EU funds for agriculture as a warehouse for the cocaine he trafficked from Latin American countries, through the Port of Durrës, camouflaged with banana containers.


Names / Figures of crime and corruption who received EU funds for agriculture.

Arber Çekaj /


Elvi Rroshi, a character with several names and convicted of gang rape in Italy, has benefited 250 thousand euros from the IPARD program through the company „KAVALJON“, with fake papers and application.

AZHBR has ‚announced‘ Rroshi, where he is demanding the return of the money after he received the money and did not make the investment.

Names / Figures of crime and corruption who received EU funds for agriculture.

Ervis Roshi /

According to the official documents discovered by the EU and the BKH file, it appears that in the period 2019-2022, with the decisions of the Director of AZHBR, Frida Krifca, the fisherman Gjergj Luca, a large beneficiary of public assets and portrayed by the media as an early drug trafficker , received a total of 1.3 billion ALL from the agricultural funds sent by the EU for Albanian agriculture.

Names / Figures of crime and corruption who received EU funds for agriculture.


Names / Figures of crime and corruption who received EU funds for agriculture.

George Luca /

Agron Metvelaj, an early drug trafficker, subject to the anti-mafia law and who has invested dirty money in businesses, has also benefited from funds for agriculture, through some fishing companies (Fish love) and his son. Metvelaj was a partner with Gjergj Luca.

The drug trafficker’s business was visited by Frida Krifca herself, in August 2023, when she was still Minister of Agriculture, guaranteeing that she would continue the support with funds.

“Erjoni është një prej përfituesve të shumtë nga skemat e mbështetjes së ministrisë së bujqësisë, biznesi i të cilit është rritur falë investimeve që kanë transformuar tërësisht anijen e tij duke siguruar një vinç të ri, i cili e ndihmon në kursimin e kohës për mbledhjen e rrjetave të peshkimit, gjithashtu ka realizuar rinovimin e anijes, zëvendësimin e pjesëve dhe lyerjen e saj. Mbështetja do të vijojë edhe më tej përmes skemave tona, për të fuqizuar zhvillimin e sektorit dhe rritjen e ekonomisë të peshkatarëve ndërkohë që po punojmë për përafrimin e legjislacionit me standardet e Bashkimit Evropian“, u shpreh Krifca.

Agron Metvelaj është arrestuar në maj të vitit 2012, me qëllim ekstradimi në bazë të urdhër arrestit ndërkombëtar ardhur nga Interpol Roma “për pjesëmarrje në organizatë kriminale me qëllim trafik të lëndëve narkotike”.

Agron Metvelaj akuzohej edhe për pastrimin e parave të drogës në pasuri të paluajtshme.

Names / Figures of crime and corruption who received EU funds for agriculture.

Arben Isufaj, i njohur si “Ben Qimja’, i konsideruar si ‘profesori i krimit’ në Fier, me aktivitet kryesisht në trafikun e drogës, rezulton në listë e përfituesve të fondit të BE për bujqësinë, rezulton edhe

Ben Qimja ka përfituar 294 mijë euro për ndërtimin e një sere në Dërmenas të Fierit.

Names / Figures of crime and corruption who received EU funds for agriculture.

Ben Qimja /

Gjithashtu, Anila Isufaj, gruaja e Marjus Isufaj, një ish-drejtori të LSI që për gjashtë vite me rradhë ka drejtuar, Qendrën e Furnizimit dhe Shërbimeve Elektrike Patos, e cila varet nga shoqëria tregtare “Albpetrol”, ka përfituar 255 mijë euro për ndërtimin e një sere në Sheq të Fierit. Marjus Isufaj njihet ndryshe edhe si miku i Ben Qimes.

Dhjetëra mijëra euro ka përfituar Florenc Gjikuria, i njohur edhe si Lorenc, i cili përmes kompanisë Gjikuria, ka marrë 150 milionë euro para publike përmes tenderëve kryesisht me flamur korrupsioni.

Gjikuria ka marrë 190 mijë euro përmes gruas Xheni Gjikuria, e cila është shoqe me Frida Krifcën.

Names / Figures of crime and corruption who received EU funds for agriculture.

Lorenc dhe Xheni Gjikuria /

Mbulesë e një oligarku dhe bosi mediatik, Gjikuria ka zaptuar bregdetin e Dhërmiut, duke grabitur prona me para dhe letra false, duke ndërtuar me leje dhe pa leje, duke shkatërruar zona të mbrojtura dhe Himarën.

Gjikuria është i skeduar për pastrim të parave të pista përmes kompanive që kontrollon, ndërsa ka futur duart edhe tek fondet e BE-së për Bujqësinë, duke korruptuar AZHBR-në.

Përfitues të tjerë

Ardian Tufa, kreu i njësisë administrative Farkë dhe pronar i restorantit të njohur si ‘Nari‘ në Lundër, ka përfituar 240 milionë lekë të vjetra nga fondet që Bashkimi Evropian ka akorduar për bujqësinë në Shqipëri.

Biznesmeni Tufa i ka përfituar paratë nga programi i IPARD, me letrat e kontrolluara dhe të pranuara nga Frida Krifca dhe grupi i saj në AZHBR, përmes kompanisë Nari Lundra shpk, me përshkrim ‘Diversifikimi i fermave dhe zhvillimi i biznesit’.

Kompania Nari Lundra shpk me pronar Ardian Tufën ka në pronësi restorantin Nari në Lundër.

Kompania që financon Shkëlzen Berishën

In 2018, the forest fruit collection and processing company Agromel, with nipt: L59308601M, has received 200 million old lek from the Agency for Agricultural and Rural Development for fruit and vegetable machinery.

The AZHBR is under investigation by the European Anti-Fraud Office under suspicion of corruption with the allocation of EU funds for agriculture, although it should be noted that the company Agromel was financed within the framework of the national scheme to support farmers, i.e. with Albanian taxpayers‘ money and not of European citizens.

Names / Figures of crime and corruption who received EU funds for agriculture.

The Agromel company is on the list of clients who have paid Shkëlzen Berisha for legal services and as a realtor.

The construction company Zdravo, with administrator and co-owner Dashnor Sinani, has also benefited from the funds for agriculture, bent on clientelistic tenders.

Names / Figures of crime and corruption who received EU funds for agriculture.

Piro Karanxha of the Gjirofarm company, filed for faecal yogurt, fraud with serious consequences and scarco products, also benefited, together with the owner of Lufra, a company denounced from time to time for fraud with dairy products, for mixing with palm oil, starch and milk powder./Backstage

2024-07-22 10:24:00

Frida Krifca with houses, shops, villas in Dhërmi, Kodra e Diellit and 1.1 ha of land in Farka, bought for 10 Euro m2 when she was Director of AZHBR

Frida Krifca with houses, shops, villas in Dhërmi, Kodra e Diellit and 1.1

Frida Krifca /

There are doubts that the 39-story „Bound Tower“ of the „Lutaj“ family in Laprakë, approved as a permit 10 days ago, will be financed and built with the millions that the daughter-in-law of the „Lutaj“ family, former Director of AZHBR and former Minister of Agriculture, Frida Krifca, disappeared from the funds that the EU sent to farmers and from state agricultural funds…

If SPAK decides to prosecute the former Director of AZHBR and the former Minister of Agriculture, Frida Krifca, in addition to the theft of the funds that the EU sent to farmers, it should also ask her about the assets, most of them undeclared, hidden to the family members of the second husband, Erti Lutaj.

The declared assets are 1 store worth 160 thousand USD, 100% owned by her; 1 a suite of Kodra e Diellit in Tirana worth 223 thousand Euros and a surface of 149 m2; savings outside the bank in the amount of ALL 8 million; bank account 17 thousand USD.

He bought a house for 130,000, with a loan for 10 years, against the monthly installment of 1340 Euros; and another house of 110 thousand Euros, with another loan of 107 thousand Euros for 13.5 years and a monthly installment of 805 Euros, when the monthly salary was and is 1300 Euros.

There is 1 villa of 210 m2 worth 660 thousand Euros and 1 apartment in Dhërmi, worth 72 thousand Euros, with an area of ​​78.4 m2; while her husband Erti Lutaj, has 5 businesses, opened in the years 2019-2022, when Frida Krifca was Director of AZHBR and Minister of Agriculture, for which she has not submitted tax balances, but only as a „Physical Person“ says she has 13 million lek income.

His businesses are „Tirana Media Lab“, „Lucom Projects“, „Lusaku“ in a 50% partnership with a citizen from Switzerland, as well as he has shares in the company „Le Spot Group“, which also made the advertisements of AZHBR and the Ministry of Agriculture on „Digitalb“ televisions, worth 310 thousand Euros per year (according to KLSH).

In October 2020, when Frida Krifca was Director of AZHBR, she declares that her husband Erti Lutaj has also bought 3000 thousand m2 of arable land in Farka at a price of 10 Euro/m2, making it 11 thousand m2 of land in total, while in December 2020 declares that it has added 35 million ALL.

There are doubts that the 39-story „Bound Tower“ of the „Lutaj“ family in Laprakë, approved as a permit 10 days ago, will be financed and built with the millions that the daughter-in-law of the „Lutaj“ family, former Director of AZHBR and former Minister of Agriculture, Frida Krifca, disappeared from the funds that the EU sent to farmers and from state agricultural funds.

SPAK has the duty to investigate the truth, starting from the fact that Frida Krifca has been criminally charged by OLAF, the EU and EUROJUST, for the theft of 33 million Euros and 110 million Euros, which she donated to the builders of the towers, hotels and resorts, between of Florenc Gjikuriye, Gjergj Lucës, Ylli Shehut of IKMT-Tirana and Klodian Zotos of landfills (following)./ Pamphlet


Gerci Luca, Profi Gangster Kartell, direkt von der GTZ, GIZ finanziert das Verbrecher Kartell


GIZ: Mafia Boss „Gjergi Luca“ seine Firma: „Rozafa“, die Fischräuberei, die illegale Verbrechens Zentrale: „Fish City“

Die Schlagwörter des BMZ, GIZ, KfW, wie „Nachhaltigkeit“ bedeutet real, nur die Finanzierung von Verbrechen im Ausland und Betrug, was „Nachhaltig“ bedeutet, als Geschäftsmodell für und mit Profi Betrügern. Mit Verbrechern zu arbeiten ist Grundsystem, denn gemeinsam stiehlt man Geld, oft über Phantom Projekte von Albanien, Afrika bis Afghanistan. Mehr wie offensichtlich, diese Mafia Firma, … GIZ: Mafia Boss „Gjergi Luca“ seine Firma: „Rozafa“, die Fischräuberei, die illegale Verbrechens Zentrale: „Fish City“ weiterlesen

Grundstücks Räuberei, Diesel Schmuggel, für die Geldwäsche aus Drogen und Betrugs Geschäften rund um die EU Agrar Funds ebenso

EU Betrugs Organisation: “ OLAF “ ermittelt gegen die EU Projekte in Albanien, auch gegen die KfW Mafia

Doppelte Abrechnungen, für identische Projekte, wo nur Bauschrott herauskommt, man hat seine Betrugs Partner Weltweit, von Afghanistan, bis Albanien eben. Beteiligt, direkt die Ex-EU Botschafterin und der korrupte Justiz Aufbau Apparat, Jan Rudolph, und gut bekannte Mafia Baufirmen, wo die Albanischen Politiker, wie Taulant Balla, direkt erneut Luxus Autos geschenckt bekamen, wie von dem vorbestraften Verbrecher Kuci. Diebstahl der EU Agrar Funds, für den Anbau der Cannabis Drogen Plantagen, über die Ehefrau von Vangjus Tavo, bei der ProCredit Bank, Aufbau des Kokain Importes und der Verteil Netzwerke in Europa, über die Bananen ein Deutsches Projekt.

System Lebens Kultur, denn die EU, KfW usw.. finanzieren oft im Betrugs Modell: Doppelt und Dreifach ein Projekt, jeder rechnet es dann ab, mit gefakten Dokumenten, wo man den Partner verschweigt.

Nur korrupte Organisationen kann sich die Aufgaben Stellung erfinden, wie das Wort „Nachhaltigkeit“! Einzige Aufgabe der OLAF Mission ist, das man einen Bericht für die EU Commission macht, wenn ein Land, Projekt, Geld Verwendung korrupt ist, und dann passiert mit Garantie Nichts mehr. Olaf berichtet nur an die EU Commission, es ist keine Strafverfolgungs Behörde, ein Traum der „Mafia“ Straffrei; Milliarden zustehlen, auch über angebliche Ausgaben der Botschaft, was bei angeblichen Hotel und Unterbringungs Kosten des Ratten Schwanzen von Kriminellen anfängt, die vollkommen verblödet für die EU arbeiten, keine Berufs Ausbildung haben, max. Pseudo, Georg Soros Uni, Institute und facebook, twitter Bildung haben, das Gender Geschäftsmodell für Dumme, wenn die Berliner Unis, sogar Phantom Lehrstellen schaffen, wo man nur Doktor Titel produziert, für Unfug.

Wolfgang Hetzer, berichtete als früherere OLAF Chef, über die Zustände im EU Apparat, als kriminelles Enterprise und Milliarden verschwinden spurlos, ohne Kontrollen im Balkan, wo der Vorgänger ÖLAF Chef deswegen gehen musste. Überall sind direkt EU Politiker beteiligt und gegen die Deutschen wurde nicht zum Ersten Mal ein Verfahren eingeleitet. Darunter der Profi Verbrecher Bodo Hombach, mit seinem Balkan Stabiliäts Pakt und nur Skandalen, gegen die IRZ Stiftung, vor wenigen Jahren usw..  Chef bei dem Diebstahl der Migranten Milliarden, die korrupten SPD Kader, haben auch die Justiz, die Profi Gangster und Kriegstrieber des Auswärtigem Ames unter Kontrolle, denn dort sind die Mililarden Profite im Selbst Bedienungs Laden.

Aufgeblähte Botschaften, für Dumme ohne jeden Beruf

Die EU ist am Ende – Es merkt nur keiner

Justiz Ministerinnen der korrupten Hirnlosigkeit im Vergleich: Deutschland, Albanien

Sarande, haben die Profi Verbrecher der KfW, EU zweimal ein Projekt abgerechnet, wo man angeblich 52 km neue Kanalisation Rohre verlegte, doppelt abrechnete, wie es Standard ist, aber die Rohre wurden nie verlegt. Das neue Pumpen Häuschen der Deutschen, eingeweiht von dem Profi Verbrecher Sokol Dervishi, mit der Deutschen Botschafterin Susanne Schütz, sprengte dann sofort die alten Rohre, mit Abwässern über die Strände. Ein altes System der GTZ der Deutschen, wo man schon in Pogradec (in 2003), nur neue Rohre verlegte, über eine Münchner Baufirma, aber keine Anschlüsse. Auch die Unterschrift des Bürgermeistern war aufgedrängt, sprich mit Kick Back Geschäften gekauft worden. Es gibt keine Geologischen Gutachten, Umwelt Gutachten, auch nicht bei Wasserkraftwerken, wo die KfW, EIB, EBRD, IFC Banken, ebenso nur Verbrecher finanzieren. Gegen die Bürgermeisterin von Sarande, laufen deshalb schon lange Verfahren, weil man Rechnungen von Phantom Firmen bezahlte, ohne jede Arbeitsleistung. Identisch von Durres, bis Vlore

GTZ Wasser Rohre, bei Durres 1996

Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau KfW in Albanien hier in Vlore

Herr Björn Thies Leiter der KfW Büros Albanien Foto

Mit der Prominenz der Verbrecher macht man besonders gerne Fotos: Sokol Dervishi, immer mit Susanne Schütz unterwegs, wo die damaligen Direktoren im Dez. 2019, wie Andi Toma, D. Xhiak erneut verhaftet wurden mit ihren Phantom Projekten. Aber sowas braucht die KfW, eine unterbelichtete Botschafterin, für ihre Selfie Kinder Show.

Arben Ahmeti – Susanne Schütz – Sokol Dervishi
Verbrecher Club des Betruges in Albanien-
Vlore Betrugs Geschäfte, wobei auch diese Mafia Minister schon gefeuert wurden

European Parliament Delegation Report: “Albania Can’t Handle More EU Funds”

European Parliament Delegation Report: “Albania Can’t Handle More EU Funds”

In May last year, the Budgetary Control Committee (CONT) of the European Parliament went on its first-ever fact-finding mission to Albania, after ongoing suspicions about the procurement procedure surrounding the new residence of the then Head of EU Delegation, Romana Vlahutin, had led to an investigation of European Anti-Fraud Office OLAF and the…


European Commission “Fights” Corruption in Albania, While Refusing to Address Its Own

European Commission “Fights” Corruption in Albania, While Refusing to Address Its Own

It has become a common sight on the social media feeds of the Eurocrats that visit Albania or are stationed in its mission to post frequently about the anti-corruption „initiatives,“ „conversations,“ and „projects“ they have with the Albanian government. Also the justice reform, produced by the now infamous black box of EURALIUS, is an attempt…

Wo Beton Wüsten heute sind, von der EU den Deutschen finanziert, inklusive Abwasser Entsorgung im Meer, der illegalen Hotels, und Appartment Blocks

Der kriminelle Schwachsinn der EU, der KfW überall muss weiter gehen, obwohl das Land schon zerstört ist, über 70 % der Wälder sind abgeholzt und es gibt bis heute keine einzige Försterei, welche nach Deutschen oder alten System wieder aufforstet. Die Küsten Wälder gibt es fast nicht mehr.
Pinien Wälder an der Küste von Kavaje, Golem, wo heute die Albaner Mafia mit ihren illegalen Bauten, oft aus dem Kosovo nur noch Abwässer ins Meer entsorgen, KfW und EU finanziert, seit 20 Jahren, wo die Gelder in oft nicht existenden Kanalisationen verschwindet.


US State Dept. Criticizes Albania for Its Record on Corruption, Impunity and Media Freedom

In its annual report on human rights, the US State Department criticized Albania for its record on corruption, election fraud, impunity of officials, media freedom, police abuse, respect of rights of women, children, LGBT+ and workers.


Three institutions reach the conclusion the Judiciary Reform in Albania is a failure

Three organizations that have followed closely the Judiciary Reform in Albania said today the process is very slow and the reform is going towards a total failure. The Albanian Committee of Helsinki, the Institute for Political Studies and the Center for Democracy and Governance Studies, with..

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