Earthquake destroyed 7905 buildings, 448 apartment buildings in Tirana, 62 in Durres
Deutsches Bestechungs System:
US Department of State Diplomat „Hoyt Yee“: „Schande, die ständigen Foto Termine der EU“ mit kriminellen und korrupten Balkan PolitikernOrden sind reine Bestechung in der Regel, und der Gangster Ilir Meta, wo man gerade seinem Drogen Baron Partner Klement Balili etlisches beschlagnahmt hat, sprich seit 20 Jahren Bände.
Immer mit Kriminellen als System Betrug Gelder in den Schwarzen Löchern des Nepotismus, verschwinden zulassen, die einzige Aussenpolitik, wie ein billiger Bank Räuber. 2009: Nato-Experte Hamilton: „Deutscher Trend zur Scheckbuch-Diplomatie macht Sorgen“
Basha: Prestigious “Fitch” agency lists Albania as a dangerous country to invest
09/01/2020 11:29

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, declared that according to the prestigious international agency Fitch, Albania had become a dangerous country to invest in 2019.
“Our chances to attract the much needed investments are getting smaller each day.
“The international community is tired by the failures of this government.
“It doesn’t have to be like that. Our country has the right people and resources to progress.
“What we need is serious and well-studied policies that would stop the crisis and would give our country that platform that it needs for success”, Basha wrote attaching this link to his post.
The extent to which support can be factored into PCBA’s ratings is constrained by Fitch’s assessment of transfer and convertibility risks in Albania. Absent of these constraints, Fitch would likely maintain a one-notch differential between the ratings of the bank and PCH. PCBA’s Long-Term Local-Currency IDR is constrained by Fitch’s assessment of country risks in Albania.
Staffrei korrupt sein dürfen, was einmalig in der EU und in der Welt ist. Wolfgang Hetzer: Zu den EU – Beamten, der EU Commission und Deutschen – und EU Politikern: aus Polizei News Letters: Wolfgang Hetzer