Uralt bekannt, vor über 20 Jahren von den Deutschen mit Wasser Projekten, für Sarande usw.. finanziert, aufgebaut. EU, Deutschland hat dort Justiz gebracht, mit Partner, die gefälschte Jura Diplome hatte Wegen Mord in Italien verurteilt und an der Albanischen Küste, ist fast alles in Hand solcher Verbrecher Clans. Deshalb wandern die Albaner aus, weil es kein Staat ist, sondern ein Dumm Verbrecher Geldwäsche System, mit fast allen Politikern, den Internationalen vor Ort, sie 30 Jahren
Im Mai 2009 wurde er in Italien wegen Mordes an seinem Landsmann Fatmir Kala in Florenz und illegalem Waffenbesitz zu 21 Jahren und acht Monaten Gefängnis verurteilt.

PORTUGAL – Arben Kaçorri, 52, wurde in Lissabon wegen internationalen Drogenhandels verhaftet, während portugiesische Medien ihn als eine der Hauptfiguren der Balkan-Mafia bezeichnen. Ja, laut portugiesischen Medien ist Arben Kaçorri der Schwager von Ervis Martinaj, der seit August 2022 vermisst wird.

Der in Italien wegen Mordes verurteilte Albaner lebte elf Jahre lang in einem Luxusgebäude in Lissabon. Zusammen mit dem 52-jährigen Albaner wurde auch sein portugiesischer Nachbar, der ebenfalls einen niederländischen Pass besaß, Ícaro Leddy Gouveia, 48, verhaftet, der mit der marokkanischen Mafia verbunden ist, aber hauptsächlich in den Niederlanden operiert.

Arben Kaçorri leitete zusammen mit dem 48-jährigen Portugiesen ein internationales Drogenhandelsnetzwerk, das in Portugal und den Niederlanden operierte. Das Netzwerk wurde in der Wohnung in Lissabon koordiniert. Der internationale Kokainhandel hatte sein Epizentrum in den belgischen Häfen Rotterdam und Antwerpen.

SPAK merr në pyetje Arben Kacorrin, i kontrollon zyrën dhe banesën ...
Pamfleti › anti-mafia › sarande-ujesjellesi-ne…
Arben Kaçorri nga Tepelena, kunati i kryetarit të bashkisë. … Sarandë/ Ujësjellësi në duart e bandës “Tepelena”; në krye Oltion Çaçi e kunati Arben Kaçorri.

Një nga emrat kryesorë të mafies ballkanike/ Arrestohet Arben

PORTUGALI- Autoritetet portugeze kanë vënë në pranga, shqiptarin Arben Kaçorri, i dënuar në Itali me gati 22 vite burg për vrasje dhe është shpallur në …

15 assets of Arben Kaçorri, brother-in-law of Ervis Martinaj, are …

26.12.2023 Operation Force of the Law has confiscated 15 assets of Arben Kaçorri, Ervis Martinaj’s brother-in-law.

Arben Kaçorri

Part of the Balkan mafia, the Albanian drug boss Arben Kaçorri is …

vor 10 Stunden The much-wanted Albanian, Arben Kaçorri, who has been sentenced in Italy to almost 22 years in prison for murder, has fallen into the hands ..

Anti-Mafia2024-04-09 10:48:00

The black profile of Arben Kaçorri, Director of Landfills and Waterworks of Albania

 Shkruar nga Pamfleti

The black profile of Arben Kaçorri, Director of Landfills and Waterworks

Arben Kaçorri with Gad Demi /

 BKH interrogated him, found numerous evidences in the office and apartment and even the „Sky“ phone, but discovered that the director Arben Kaçorri, from June 1, 2020, employed the son as a supervisor at the Tirana Landfill, while at the landfill of In Fieri and in 4 waterworks, his family members have received salaries for allegedly „Part-Time“ work and services…

Arben Kaçorri, for 5 years Director of Monitoring and Supervision at the National Agency of Water, Sewerage and Landfills, is one of the central directors, called to SPAK on January 26, 2024 for landfills.

The agents of the National Bureau of Investigation have discovered that the director Arben Kaçori, together with Klodian Zoto and Mirel Mërtir, is implicated in forgeries and fraud in the Fier and Tirana landfill projects.

Before the call to SPAK, director Arben Kaçorri was subjected to a surprise search, at the same time in his office and apartment, where his computers, USB and documents, wristwatch, camera, etc. were seized, even in his apartment, phone cards, telephones and 1 telephone were found. „Sky“, which are being dismantled by BKH.

The investigators have discovered that the central director Arben Kaçorri who supervises the landfills and Waterworks of Albania, since June 1, 2020 has employed his son, Martin Kaçorri, as a supervisor at the Tirana Landfill, while at the Fier landfill and at 4 waterworks, his family members have received payments for allegedly „Part-Time“ work and services.

The son’s employment and the payments of his family members coincide with the false audits that Arben Kaçorri has done in the landfills of Tirana and Fier, as if the projects for the construction of incinerators had been fully implemented; even BKH revealed that director Arben Kaçorri has assigned himself the task of Head of the Units for the implementation of Projects for the construction of these two incinerators.

These actions have become an indication for the investigation of his wealth, because the director Arben Kaçorri, until September 7, 2012, was a teacher in Tepelena, while for 7 years until the beginning of 2019, he was the Director of the Tepelena Waterworks.

He was dismissed from this position for corruption with 17 million Euro tenders for the Tepelena, Memaliaj and 4 municipalities water supply systems, where 3.5 million Euros of „dry“ theft was found only from the non-implementation of projects and 1.5 million Euros with the tender amounting to 99-100% of limit fund.

In fact, for breaking deals in these thefts, director Arben Kaçorri was beaten 3 times by Earthquake Peçi and his group; while with the intervention of Gramoz Ruçi, he was transferred to Tirana, where Edi Rama appointed him Director of Monitoring and Supervision at the National Agency of Water, Sewerage and Landfills at the Ministry of Infrastructure.

The clue of SPAK for the investigation of the wealth of the director Arben Kaçorri, is the fact that with a teacher’s salary, the salary of his wife’s educator and with two children not yet at work, he has bought and built 4 houses and a commercial building with 2 floors.

These assets belong to the time when, under the guise of an alleged immigrant from 1 month a year, he was involved in drug trafficking and was caught by the police in Gjirokastër and released since he was the president of the SP.

For assets worth 300 million lek, in addition to the apartment and the bar in Tirana, the director Arben Kaçorri declares that he also invested 5 bank loans and parallel debts with income from salary in education, which in total are 12 times less than the value of the assets that there is, not counting living expenses.


Arrestohet në Portugali Arben Kaçorri, trafikanti i drogës, kunati i Ervis Martinajt! Prej 11 vitesh jetonte në një pallat luksoz në Lisbonë Ervis Martinaj

Arrestohet në Portugali Arben Kaçorri, trafikanti i drogës, kunati i Ervis Martinajt! Prej 11 vitesh jetonte në një pallat luksoz në Lisbonë

Është arrestuar në Lisbonë të Portugalisë, Arben Kaçorri, trafikanti i drogës, kunati i Ervis Martinajt.  Shqiptari, i dënuar për vrasje në Itali, jetonte prej 11 vitesh në një ndërtesë luksoze në Lisbonë. Bashkë me 52-vjeçarin shqiptar u arrestua edhe fqinji i tij portugez, i lidhur me mafian marokene, por që vepron kryesisht në Holandë

20 Korrik, 07:54 | Përditësimi i fundit: 09:02