Kein Einzelfall, sondern System. Verurteilte Mörder, erhalten plötzlich Haus Arrest, verschwinden spurlos. Die illegalen Gangster Lokale überall, der Drogen Schmuggel, dient der Finanzierung der 3 Parteien in Albanien, als Erpressungsmodell seit langem. Korrupte NATO Staaten, die EU finanzieren das Kriminelle Spektakel, seit 25 Jahren, finanzieren ihren Wahlkampf von Mailand bis Berlin und München
Alle Drogenbosse, haben Wurzeln, Geschäftsbereich in Deutschland, oft in Shiak, was vor 30 Jahren bekannt war.
Assassination in ‚Don Bosco’/ Journalist Artan Hoxha uncovers new details about Fatjon Murat: At the time he was under house arrest, he was traveling outside Albania

Written by SOT.COM.AL 13 Mars 2023

Journalist Artan Hoxha spoke about the serious event that happened on Sunday evening in Don Bosco, where Mimoza Paja was killed and 5 people were injured.
In the „Opinion“ show, Hoxha said that Fatjon Murati, who is suspected of being the target of the assassination, traveled abroad in December 2022 and returned to Albania on March 6.
Hoxha says that during this time, the court imposed a „house arrest“ security measure on Fatjon Murat, but despite this he moved freely without being stopped by the police.
The journalist says that last night’s assassination was a clear message to the rival criminal groups, while linking it to another serious event where three people were killed, among them Brilant Martinaj.
„Fatjoni left Albania at the end of December and arrived in Albania on March 6. During the time he was under „house arrest“ he was not at home. Even if he was in prison, this event would have happened. It is a chain, this event has been happening for years and will happen. Today, a group of killers are on the loose and are in serious danger for the lives of every citizen. The way they opened fire, only in ’97 such things happened. This event has a message, last year Brilant Martinaj was killed, which is that we will exterminate him and no one will be forgiven. The police goes to cut the wires of the cameras. Cameras are not put in to follow the actions of the police, they are put in to protect them from their adversaries. I was in Shkodër, they came to me there, I took off my hat, they let me know who is dealing with it“, said Hoxha.
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