Leonhard Duka, alias Koka, wurden von Belgien ausgeliefert an Albanien

Einmal einer der Super mächtigsten Verbrecher Clans in Durres, wo auch der Neffe von AGron Duka, Ex-Minister Lefter Koka in Hafen ist.

Rechts: Leonhard Koka, heute Duka, als Nard Koka bekannt

Die SPD Mafia und die Geschäfte mit Lefter Koka, der heute verhaftet wurde




Mord Drohungen von „Nard Koka“ gegen den Journalisten „Carlo Bollino, weil Fotos von Ilir Meta, mit Super Drogen Gangstern wie Altin Hajri und Xhevdet Troplini publik wurden

Teil II, über die Ehefrau: Monika Kryemadhi und der Verbrecher Clans Die Financiers Albanischer Verbrecher Kartelle, der Politiker, des Präsidenten, identisch Edi Rama, Salih Berisha: Also Nichts Neues! EU, NATO, KfW und Weltbank finanziert und für jeden fällt etwas ab, bei Milliarden Umsätzen auch schon vor 15 Jahren. Obwohl der Sohn in England studierte, auf … Mord Drohungen von „Nard Koka“ gegen den Journalisten „Carlo Bollino, weil Fotos von Ilir Meta, mit Super Drogen Gangstern wie Altin Hajri und Xhevdet Troplini publik wurden weiterlesen

Leonhard (Nard) und Lefter Koka, heute als Duka in den Medien: Kennt jeder in Durres, diese Banden, mit den Kosovo Banden, die einmal den Hafen beherrschten

Kronike 2 Gusht 2024, 16:32


Nën masa të rrepta sigurie, publikohen pamjet kur Leonard Duka mbërrin në Rinas

 Shkruar nga Pamfleti

Nën masa të rrepta sigurie, publikohen pamjet kur Leonard Duka

Policia ka publikuar videon e ekstradimit të të shumërkërkuarit të drejtësisë shqiptare Leonard Duka.

Nën masa të rrepta sigurie, Duka mbërriti sot në Rinas nga Belgjika, ku ishte arrestuar pak kohë më parë në bashkëpunim me Interpolin.

Duka akuzohet se ka organziuar atentatin ndaj Santiago Malkos në vitin 2019 në Tiranë, në rrugën Xhanfize Keko. Nga bisedat e aplikacionit Sky, u zbulua se Duka kishte krijuar kushtet për vrasjen e Ervis Martinajt dhe Erigers Mihasi.

Forcat Speciale dhe Operacionale të Drejtorisë së Përgjithshme të Burgjeve kanë bërë shoqërimin e të ekstraduarit Leonard Duka nga Rinasi drejt IEVP-së.

Drejtoria e Interpol Tirana, në bashkëpunim me Interpol Bruksel dhe me strukturat e specializuara të Policisë së Shtetit, realizoi ekstradimin drejt vendit tonë, të shtetasit Leonard Duka. 

Shtetasi Leonard Duka. ishte shpallur në kërkim ndërkombëtar nga Interpol Tirana, pasi Gjykata e Posaçme Kundër Korrupsionit dhe Krimit të Organizuar i ka caktuar masën e sigurisë “Arrest në burg”, për veprat penale „Vrasja me dashje“, kryer në formën e veçantë të bashkëpunimit, „Mbajtja pa leje dhe prodhimi i armëve, armëve shpërthyese dhe municionit“, “Sigurimi i kushteve për vrasje”, „Grupi i strukturuar kriminal“ dhe “Kryerja e veprave penale nga organizata kriminale dhe grupi i strukturuar kriminal”.

Nga hetimet e kryera ka rezultuar se shtetasi Leonard Duka dhe 6 shtetas të tjerë janë autorët e dyshuar të ngjarjes së ndodhur në vitin 2019, në rrugën “Xhanfize Keko”, Tiranë, ku mbeti i vrarë me armë zjarri, shtetasi Santiago Malko.

Gjithashtu, shtetasi Leonard Duka, në bashkëpunim me shtetas të tjerë, ka planifikuar vrasjen e shtetasve Ervis Martinaj, Erigers Mihasi dhe të anëtarëve të tjerë të grupit të tyre.„, thuhet në njoftimin e policisë.

Mord Drohungen von „Nard Koka“ gegen den Journalisten „Carlo Bollino, weil Fotos von Ilir Meta, mit Super Drogen Gangstern wie Altin Hajri und Xhevdet Troplini publik wurden

Teil II, über die Ehefrau: Monika Kryemadhi und der Verbrecher Clans Die Financiers Albanischer Verbrecher Kartelle, der Politiker, des Präsidenten, identisch Edi Rama, Salih Berisha: Also Nichts Neues! EU, NATO, KfW und Weltbank finanziert und für jeden fällt etwas ab, bei Milliarden Umsätzen auch schon vor 15 Jahren. Obwohl der Sohn in England studierte, auf … Mord Drohungen von „Nard Koka“ gegen den Journalisten „Carlo Bollino, weil Fotos von Ilir Meta, mit Super Drogen Gangstern wie Altin Hajri und Xhevdet Troplini publik wurden weiterlesen

Law Breakers Turned Law Makers

¶2. (C) Some of the more noteworthy MPs with ties to organized
crime are:

Tom Doshi: An SP MP from Shkoder, Doshi, singled out in
the Human Rights Report for physically assaulting a
journalist in the Sheraton Hotel, was a key figure in
financing SP electoral efforts. He is known as the richest
MP, with a declared fortune of more than $15 million and is
also suspected of trafficking narcotics. Doshi served in the
previous parliament as a DP MP, before switching sides to the
SP shortly before the election.


Gangster und der Lesben Club der SPD HIrnlosen:
Lefter Koka, Barbara Hendricks

– Lefter Koka: Representing LSI from Durres, Koka is a
member of perhaps the most notorious organized crime family
in Albania, with ties to narcotics and human trafficking and
other illicit activities.

Ron Koka, wurde zuletzt verhaftet, als er mit gefälschten ausl. Kennzeichen und ohne Versicherung (nicht verzolltes Fahrzeug) im Raum Durres fuhr. Das war erst vor 2 Jahren.
Ron KOka, Sohn des Nard Koka, Neffe von Lefter KOka, eng befreundet mit den Verbrecher Kartellen des Lulzim Berisha, Spartak Braho.
Fatos Nano Drug Allegations
……………. Below is the translation of a document that was provided to me by a friend in Tirana. The report was assembled from conversations with three separate sources, one who works for an Albanian intelligence agency and two others who work within Nano’s circle. The translation tracks the original. ….. 4. The route controlled by Agron Duka *, Minister of Food and Agriculture and Leonard Koka. This group handles the transport of cocaine. Leonard Koka is the brother of Agron Duka’s wife, and a close friend of Fatos Nano. He was the personal donor of Fatos Nano while he had resigned as prime minister in 1998-2001 and the person who introduced Nano with his second wife, Xhoana Nano, who at the time worked in Greece. Under this group’s control is the drug route Turkey-Durres- Kosova- Germany as well as Turkey –Durres- Italy. This group is also known as “Shijak’s Group”. In this group participate Ilir (“Ronnie”)Hoxha, Arben Shabani, the brothers Tusha (Shijak). Some of them used to be Democratic Party activists and have been involved with this group after Agron Duka, the socialist representative of the Shijak area (close to Durres) helped to get out of prison a person close to them in 2001, during the elections. Arben Shabani was arrested in 2001 in a random police stop and search because they found elements of a drug laboratory as well as drugs in his house, but he was later freed by under pressure from Agron Duka, minister of food and agriculture.
Nard Koka: Mafia Boss rund um Frauen und Drogen Handel, Prostitution und Zoll Betrug, der einmal den kompletten Hafen Durres beherrschte


Nar Koka unravels: Rama created the scenario of the noise of the incinerators, gave us guarantees for Lefter Koka

2023-12-11 18:43:00Fokus SHKRUAR NGA REDAKSIA VOX

Çim Peka and Leonard Koka

Leonard Koka, brother of Lefter Koka, revealed many behind the scenes in an interview for Syri Tv. He accused Prime Minister Edi Rama of telling Lefter Koka that he had spoken with the Americans and that the former minister, already in prison, would not be non grata. Even, according to Nar Koka, Rama had taken over his brother’s house arrest sentence. But according to Nar Koka,

Fatos Nano – Ex Prime Minister of Albania


By Gary Kokalari – Political Analyst – Exclusively for ACLIS The cu

2005 verhaftet in Durres

Sprengstoff Anschlag, auf das Appartment von dem Vater von „Nard“, Lefter Koka dem Armando Duka Clan

Immer unter Deutschen Politiker und Diplomaten Schutz, schon vor über 20 Jahren. Der Agrar Fund der EU, über die ehemalige KfW Bank abgewickelt, u.a. für Drogeh Waren Häuser, Fischerei, Treibstoff Mafia

FIFA Mafia: Alles Verwandte, des Fussball Präsidenten Armando Duka, Lefter, Nard Koka und Arlen Hasanaj

„Nard Koka“ in der Nähe von Brüssel verhaftet: Partner der Deutschen Politik Mafia, seit 25 Jahren

GIZ: Mafia Boss „Gjergi Luca“ seine Firma: „Rozafa“, die Fischräuberei, die illegale Verbrechens Zentrale: „Fish City“

Die Schlagwörter des BMZ, GIZ, KfW, wie „Nachhaltigkeit“ bedeutet real, nur die Finanzierung von Verbrechen im Ausland und Betrug, was „Nachhaltig“ bedeutet, als Geschäftsmodell für und mit Profi Betrügern.

Fussball Präsident, Kontrolle des Hafens, Motor bei dem illegalen Bauen und Schmuggel aller Art. Duka, Koka, eine Familiem welche viele Jahre Durres kontrollierten

Die Deutschen finanzieren jeden Betrug, auch die Anlagen der Müllentsorgung rund um Lefter Koka

Angela Merkel’s Kokain Handel mit Ramuz Haradinj, Ilir Meta, Dreshaj, Ylli Dogani von Hamburg und in Europa


„These are either in prison or in the cemetery“/ Tritoli in Leonard Duka’s father’s apartment, the well-known expert sheds light on the event: Criminal groups come alive when…

"These are either in prison or in the cemetery"/ Tritoli in Leonard

Invited to a television interview, the Security expert commented on the attack with a tritol on the residence of the father of the head of the Duka Clan. According to him, criminal groups sometimes revive even when it is thought that they have stopped.

According to him, as long as justice does not act on these people with a criminal record, there will always be forms of self-judgment. He emphasizes that these people, mostly young people, are either in prison or in the cemetery.

„From time to time all criminal groups revive. What seem like forbidden conflicts come to life. They have the same revenge and at some point they will act again. These revenges or forms of activity they carry out will not stop, as long as they are not acted upon. These are either in prison or in the cemetery. Albania has no faith in justice, so they choose the form of self-judgment“, said Softa.

According to Softa, the situation with criminal groups will be even more difficult, because the police will already be focused on the electoral campaign.

He emphasizes that crime cannot be hit with actions, but it seems to be done every day, even their economies, which finance criminal activity, should be hit.

„The situation will be even more difficult, because we are also going to the electoral campaign. The police will be focused on the ballot boxes, on order and security, and these spaces can serve. Criminal groups do not work with shares. It requires a daily work, it requires a special record. Of the problematic persons who have served their sentence and are at liberty, the groups that have activities, the connections that they have. It is also economic crime that stimulates crime. As long as Albania has entered the area that has problems with money laundering, with drugs, with the entry and exit of weapons, it shows that the line in Albania is for the entry and exit of these weapons,“ said Softa.

Die Albanische Mafia und der Null Rechtsstaat, zerstörte ebenso die Fischerei im Shkoder See

Putzfrauen, stahlen beim Minister, Mafia Boss: Arben Ahmetaj, Alda Klosi: 500.000 €

Dumme entsandten die Deutschen und EU nur

Desaster der IRZ-Stiftung: Auch gegen das „Vetting“ Kommission “ Mitglied „Alma Vokopola (Faskaj), ist ein Strafverfahren eingeleitet worden

Der Generalstaatsanwalt: Olsjan Cela, lässt den Georg Soros Uni (UET) Eigentümer: Henri Cili und den Edi Rama Financier: Sait Fishta verhaften

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