Mit Kriegswaffen unterwegs, auch Handgranaten und Sprengstoff, was bei der Familie nicht verwundern kann.

Der Verbrecher Clan des Dash Gjoka, ist die Ur Quelle, für alle Verbrecher Clans, Financier von Ridvan Bode, Sokol Olldashi, schon im Treibstoff Schmuggel nach Jugoslawien aktiv, für Salih Berisha, Einen eigenen Drogen Super Markt, schon vor 20 Jahren. 1994 war schon bekannt, das die Islamischen Terroristen, das Erste große Investment machten an der National Strasse, bei Vore, Richtung Tirana, was bis heute steht und Bin Laden, war ja mehrfach in Albanien. Eigene Festung, Dorf, Alles illegal gebaut. Elbasan Mafia. Schon 1996 war der Vater für Mord dokumentiert, Attentate, auf die gepanzerte Limousine gab es auch.

Startschuss der Demokratie in Albanien, gleich mit Terroristen.

Salih Berisha 1992

MIt Albanian Airline, kamen Albanische Waffen nach Kabul, 1995, bezahlt mit $ und Heroin, was der Start der lukrativen Geschäfte rund um den Gjoka Clan in Shiak war, es nun zu Verhaftungen der Nachfolger kam, tief verwurzelt vor allem in Deutschland. Albanien war Zentrum des US finanzierten Terrorismus, damals wie heute mit den MEK Terroristen Camp bei „Manza“


3 të arrestuar në Durrës, në makinë iu gjetën 3.4 kg lënë eksplozive tritol dhe C-4, armë, granata dhe municione (VIDEO)

Arrestohen tre persona në Durrës të cilët u kapën me një sasi tritoli dhe armatime në automjet. Gjatë kontrollit të një automjeti tip “Land-Rover Frilander” tek ‘Mbikalimi i Shkozetit’ policia e Durrësit gjeti dhe sekuestroi në total 3.4 kg lëndë eksploziv.

Më konkretisht, 1.2 kg eksploziv C-4, 2.2 kg tritol, 3 granata dore luftarake dhe 4 aparate telefoni celular. Si pasojë, Barim Flora, 42 vjeç, i dënuar më parë për armëmbajtje pa leje dhe vjedhje, Ardjan Gjoka, 33 vjeç, dhe Jemin Flora, 33 vjeç, kanë rënë në prangat e policisë në Durrës.

Blutë e Durrësit njoftojnë se po në funksion të këtij procedimit penal, i cili është nisur një muaj më pare, janë sekuestruar edhe një armë zjarri kallashnikov dhe 1.2 kg lëndë eksplozive tritol, 5 kapsolla detonatore dhe një sasi municioni luftarak. Hetimet vazhdojnë nga organi i akuzës, për të kuptuar mbi destinacionin final të sasive të eksplozivit.

Sipas policisë po vazhdon puna për dokumentimin e plote ligjor të kësaj veprimtari kriminale dhe identifikimin e personave të tjerë të përfshirë në të. Materialet do t’i kalojnë Prokurorisë pranë Gjykatës së Shkallës së Parë për Durrës, për hetime të mëtejshme.


Die Deppen EU Frauen, oder vom Auswärtigem Amte,fuhren Albanien endgültig in den Boden.Einzige Politik: Selfie Show, wie kleine Kinder und Posing. Zu blöde für Alles

Albania Ruling Parties Romp Home in Local Election

EU Verbrecher Bande in Tirana, der Inkompetenz

EU Mafia und Vangjush Dako, Adrian Cela, Hekuran Hoxha, Dash Gjoka, Yassin Avdyli, die Profi Verbrecher von Durrres, im Focus der Internationalen Ermittler

  1. The ‘XHAKJA’ clan, residing in Katund Sukth have a criminal record as follows:
    1. In 1994, the citizen Ilir Xhakja has shot his gun inside the bar of Qerim Maloku in the Sukthi village, has been arrested but then released. The bullet shellsfound in the scene are the same with those found in the murder scene of citizens Gentjan Gjoka and Petrit Lyti, in 1998 in the village Hamallaj, surprisingly uncovered.
    2. In 1998 the Xhakja band (Ilir, Agim etc) have murdered in the village of Hamallja the citizen Gentjan Gjoka (newphew of Dash Gjoka) and Petrit Lyti, friend of Genti both from Hamallja, uncovered event.
    3. In the year 1998, Ilir Xhakja with others has killed the citizen Qerim Maloku in Katund Sukth, an event that was resolved in the year 2003 when an arsenal of weapons of the Xhakja band was found. He is currently being investigated for this murder. Mr. Olldashi is personally taking care for this case to be closed as a reward for the help that the Xhakja clan provided during the 2005 elections. This event is currently being tried by the Court of Grave Crimes in Tirana, where witnesses included former police officers Urim Koka (SPZ at the time, currently arrested in Italy and sentenced to 15 years in prison for prostitution traffic) and Maksut Zhiti (SPK at the time), both friends of the Xhakajs, the latter has been appointed as the Director of the State Reserves in Durrës by Olldashi in return for this favor.
    4. In 1998 Ilir Xhakja has murdered in front of many people the citizen E. Shega from Peqin, during the funeral of his cousin (son of his uncle) Agim Xhaka, Arben’s brother because E. Shega had murdered Agim in Krrabë, Tirana four years ago because of issues about women prostitutes to Italy. This case is also uncovered despite being carried out in public. Both the former police officers U. Koka and M. Zhiti were present at the murder.
    5. In July 1999, the entire Xhakja Clan (Azem, Ilir, Bardhi-deputy chairman of the Katund i Ri commune, Genti and other collaborators) have hit all the residents of the Maloku clan with an arsenal of weapons, even a tank, thus destroying all the houses. They were arrested by the special forces and their weapons arsenal was confiscated, including armored vehicles and also two Moldavian females. After six months in prison the Durrës General Attorney Office released them. This event became quite popular and as a result the attorney Shkëlqim Xhemollari of the General Attorney Office in Durrës was expelled.
    6. In March 2003, Ilir Xhakja and others have murdered the citizen Rudin Shahini from Katundi Sukth in Sallmone for revenge after he came out of prison because the latter had killed his uncle Hamdi (Arben’s father). During this event, an arsenal of various kinds of weapons was confiscated and the experts concluded that one of the weapons was used for the murder of Qerim Maloku in 1998. This case is also uncovered.
    7. All the members have and are engaged in women, drugs and guns trafficking in Albania as well as in Italy. The majority of the Xhakja clan have strong criminal tendencies for murder, and drugs and prostitution traffic.
    8. In March 2006 there was an attempted attack against Fatbardh and Arben Xhakaj in the Sallmone village in the Xhafzotaj commune where Arben was wounded. According to police information they have been shot because of the drugs market in Durrës. They have currently rented a disco named “Fosfor Club” which is next to the Police Directory of the Durrës circuit where all the drug dealers of Durrës are supplied. This disco is the main and current center for mixing and dealing drugs in the city of Durrës since the local police dares not enter the site because this clan and the people there are known as the closest supporters and friends of I.M S.Olldashi. The vehicles that this clan uses to move around are the latest ones, like a gray Mercedes Cabriolet carrying an Italian license plate, a blue Mercedes with license plate DR 5255 D, a Mitsubishi Pajero carrying a DR plate etc; all these vehicles do not possess any documentation and have been stolen in Italy
  1. Dashamir GJOKA and his clan, residing in the Sallmone village have a criminal record as follows: