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Minister’s husband gains the status of “strategic investor” in coastal area, DP denounces Prime Minister Rama for abuse
21/06/2022 15:11

MP Gazment Bardhi on behalf of the Opposition Parliamentary Group PD has filed today in the special prosecutor’s office SPAK a criminal report against Prime Minister Edi Rama for abuse of office, after unjustly giving the status of ‘strategic investor’ to the husband of Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka .
‘Minister Xhaçka’s husband has obtained the status of strategic investor for the construction of a 5-star hotel in a development area of 10,592 m worth about 5.5 million euros, in Gjileka, on the coast of Himara.
The company owned by the husband of the Minister Olta Xhacka has benefited from the support measures allowing the use of the beach in front of the hotel for a period of 30 years, and also benefits from the VAT reduction incentive.
“This for the Democrats was done in flagrant violation of the legal prohibitions provided in the law on the prevention of conflict of interest.
“Prime Minister Edi Rama, in his capacity as superior of Minister Olta Xhaçka and as Chairman of the Strategic Investment Committee, has the legal responsibility to implement the prohibitions provided by law no. 9367, dated 7.4.2005 ‘on the prevention of conflict of interest in the exercise of public functions’, which clearly specifies that the deputy / minister cannot benefit from the use of public property and that this rule applies equally to his / her spouse “, writes the PD denunciation.
Typsiches Georg Soros Produkt des Betruges über „Mjfat“ und korrupter EU Kreise, wie auch Bosch Stiftung, Erste Stiftung. Olta Xhacka (Tochter der Natasha Xhacka,) Edi Rama Partner im Drogen und Kinderhandel), ist uralter Kommunisister Hochadel, ebenso Ex-Schwieger Tochter des Super Betrügers, Gangsters. der Pyramid Firma: des Shemsije Kadrisë (in 2017, nochmal verurteilt, wegen Betrug), Pyramid Firma “Gjallica”, ein ganz übler Betrugs Laden vor 20 Jahren. Ihr Ehemann ist ein Langzeit Gangster, der Schmuggler Boote als System ansieht und promotete, als Vlore Gangster.
Die neue sogenannte Ministerin, besucht nur einen in der Nähe von Tirana gelegenen Hubschrauber Stützpunkt, dazu braucht man die National Garde, das Musik Korp eine Truppen Parade und ansonsten denckt man an das Irrenhaus.
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SHBA e BE ndëshkojnë Arben Imamin, Mimi Kodhelin e Olta Xhaçkën për shitjen e pronave të Flotës Detare
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