Vor 20 Jahren schon eine reine Verbrecher Hotelsiedlung, der Kosovo Mafia, praktisch Alles illegal gebaut. Reine Verbrecher Ansiedlung, der berüchtisten Mord und Drogen Clans
Das Gloria Palace Hotel und immer Bauschrott Bauen in Golem. Sauna Technik auf Albanisch, durch Analphabeten gebaut. Die Website: https://www.gloria-palace.com
Tragedy in Kavaja, four Russian tourists are found dead in a sauna
A serious event was recorded last night in a hotel in Qerret of Kavaja.
Four Russian tourists have been found dead in a hotel sauna. The first suspicions of the police are that the Russians, two women and two men were asphyxiated and consequently died

„At around 22:20, in Qerret, Kavaja, in the sauna of a hotel, it is suspected that Russian citizens, K. S, 31 years old, N. L, 58 years old, N. A, died asphyxiated and died as a result. , 37, and S. A, 40.
GloriaThe investigative group under the direction of the Prosecution is at the scene and they are working to fully clarify the circumstances of the event „ , the police informs.
Vdekja e turistëve rusë në Qerret, zbardhet dëshmia e recepsionistit: I thirra disa herë, s’u përgjigj njeri! Kur hapa derën i gjeta të asfiksuar
4 turistë rusë humbën jetën mbrëmjen e djeshme në saunën e hotelit luksoz ‚Gloria‘ në Qerret të Kavajës. Report Tv mëson se trupat e pajetë janë gjetur nga recepsionisti i hotelit, i cili në deklaratën e tij ka thënë se i ka thirrur disa herë por nuk…
16 Tetor, 09:33|Përditësimi fundit: 09:53