Proteste gegen diese Mafia Polizei, die ein Chaos an der Küste erneut organsierte..der Rücktritt der korrupten Dummbande wird gefordert, denn weder die Polizei, noch das Tourismus Ministerium, die Küsten Agentur, haben irgendeine Fähigkeit, sind korrupte Sauhaufen
Seit der Edi Rama Regierung; Vlore, das Verbrecher Zentrum für Schmuggel, Geldwäsche
Alte Tradition, Polizei Posten werden für Geld verkauft, an Kriminelle.
siehe 2004 Karaburun Tragödie, oder der verurteilt Ex-Innenminister Samir Tahiri
Deutschland, Ludgar Vollmer, Visa und die Bundesdruckerei Geschäfte sind eine Legende schon in 2001
- GTZ Vangjush Dako Mafia, KfW: Betrugs Finanzierung der angeblichen Infrastruktur, wo nie etwas funktioniert
- Verhaftung des Bujar Himci, der 3 höchsten Polizei Direktoren in Albanien im Bundesdruckerei Skandal am 4.10.2002
Man Accused of Killing Child With Boat Was Faced Drug Charges in 2020
The man accused of killing a seven-year-old girl in Himara through dangerous driving of a RIB, Arjan Tase,…
Gomonia goditi për vdekje 7-vjeçaren në Himarë, protestë para Ministrisë së Brendshme dhe Kryeministrisë! Të pranishëm Berisha dhe Meta
Der Täter Polizist, Arjan Tase, keine Genehmigung, keinen Bootsführerschein, einschlägig und örtlich bekannt als Drogenhändler
Protest for the murder of the 7-year-old girl by the boat on the beach moves in front of the Prime Minister’s Office
04/08/2022 20:49
Hundreds of citizens, civil society and opposition members protested today in front of the Ministry of Interior under the motto “The boat didn’t kill her, but the state”, while moving further on in front of the Prime Minister’s Office.
The protest comes after the tragedy on the beach of Potami in Himara, where the 7-year-old girl, Jonada Avdia, was killed a speedboat while bathing at the beach.
The boat was driven by a police officer in vacation. In the citizens’ protest in front of the Ministry of the Interior, as demanded the resignation of the Minister of the Interior Bledi Çuçi, the General Director of the Police, Gladis Nano and that of Minister of Tourism, Mirela Kumbaro.
MPs Lefter Geshtenja, Flamur Hoxha, Luciano Boci and Luan Baçi also joined the protest. 7 year old Jonada had come in Albania on vacation with her parents, who have been living in England in the past two decades.
Uralt Mafia Boss und Ex-Polizei Direktor Pjerin Ndreu, ist nun Chef der SP Partei Mafia in Tirana
Unter dem damals hoechsten Polizei Vize-Direktor Pjerin Ndreu der Albanischen Polizei, wurde die komplette Polizei in Albanien an die Mafia verkauft. Eng dabei angebliche Deutsche Polizei Experten noch aus der Zeit des Klaus Kinkel und mit dem Deutschen Georg Brunner. Eine der vielen Fehl Besetzungen aus Deutschland, weil man nicht die Auswahl fuer die Polizei Ausbildung und Foederung kontrollierte und bestimmt.
In 2004, als Polizei Chef verhaftet: Pjerin Ndreu und nun in 2010 SP Partei Chef Vorsitzender der Tirana Mafia um die SP Partei mit Edi Rama und Gramoz Ruci.
aus: sowas finanziert Non Stop die Deutsche SPD und FES!
Die Anti Terrori Chefs von Skhoder und Vlore organiserten damals diesen Menschen Schmuggel, welche aus Profit Gier, sogar Kasse machen wollten, auch bei schlechtesten Wetter Bedingungen in der Adria. Eine lange Tradition hat die Mafia Polizei von Albanien, wo oft direkt Innenminister, reine Vertreter der Albaner Mafia sind und sogar Polizei Direktoren Stellen an die Mafia verkaufen. Damals kamen 28 Personen, meistens aus Skhoder um in der Adria. Heute läuft mit dem 2 höchsten Polizisten von Albanien: Agron Kulicaj immerhin noch Treibstoff Schmuggel und Zoll Betrug und viele der neuen Tropoje Polizei Direktoren, oder aus Diber, Kukes, Burrel sind dumme Klein Kriminelle, welche unverändert für Geld Alles tun und eng wie bei dem Mörder Dritan Dajti, oder “Lul” Berisha verbunden sind und auf der Cash Kohle Rolle sind in Durres. In Vlore, ist die gesamte Prominenz, verbunden mit der Mafia wie die Verhaftung des Sacro Corona Unita Chefs Albano Prudentino zeigte – zur Ministerin Majlinda Bregu halt, wo man sich Ministerin für Integration schimpft, Stamm Platz der Albaner Mafia, direkt im Kabinett seit über 10 Jahren.
Karaburun tragedy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Karaburun tragedy, also known as 9 January tragedy in 2004 was the fatal trip of 36 people from north Albania, 2 dinghy drivers and 1 of the traffic leaders, who were trying to cross the Strait of Otranto towards Brindisi in the coasts of Puglia by means of an inflatable boat. 28 of them died or were declared lost.[1] Karaburun tragedy is the Albanian emigrants’ marine tragedy with the 2nd highest mortality rate after the Otranto tragedy in March 1997, when the Albanian ship with clandestine was hit by the Italian combat ship Sibilla, causing the death of 84 people[2][3] Unemployment, low incomes and difficult living conditions forced people to go outside Albania, especially in the ’90. But a harsh visa regime and great difficulties for obtaining a visa in foreign embassies, followed by a process that involved lengthy, complex, costly and often humiliating procedures, were the main reasons that lead to illegal emigration.[4] Albania signed its first Readmission Agreement with Italy on November 18, 1997[5] In August 2002, after demonstratively burning some inflatable boats of the illegal traffic in the mole of Radhima, Albanian PM Fatos Nano declared that “… we are burning the past and piracy from our coasts. There’s no more rubber dinghies and traffickers on the waters of the Republic of Albania.“[6][7] Despite the political reforms and successes of the Albanian government in the efforts for stopping illegal emigration, in early 2004 this phenomenon still existed and 9 January was a strong proof of it. Only after almost seven years, on November 8, 2010, Council of the European Union approved visa-free travel to Schengen Area for Albanian citizens.[8]
Investigations and aftermath
The two dinghy drivers were firstly sent to the hospital and then taken into custody. One of them, A. Rrokaj, was the son of the chief of Antiterrorist Police Department in Shkodër and nephew of Vlorë Seaport’ s vice director, while this last one’s brother was the owner of the boat.[7] Also another relative of them, chief of the Circulation Police Department of Vlorë was involved and all of them were sentenced or imprisoned. The opposition leader deputies of the Democratic party accused the government of strong implication in the tragedy and in the traffic of clandestine. They asked the resignation of the minister of Public Order, Mr. Igli Toska, as well as the PM Fatos Nano. An atmosphere of large discontent arose among people towards the government and some peaceful protest were held.[11] On 3 March 2006, despite provoking a broad public debate, the moratorium on motor speedboats took effect; a three-year term law, banning all Albanian motor vehicles to move in the territorial waters of Albania.[12] After 5 years from the tragedy, on 25 February 2009, some of the family relatives of the victims went on a hunger strike.[13] On March 17, 2009 the Court of Appeal in Vlorë decided to reopen the investigations for the tragedy of Karaburun[14] and in December 2009, one of the main organizers of the traffic of clandestine was arrested in Borgo San Lorenzo, Italy, under a fake name. He had been previously sentenced by 25 years of impriosonment from the Court of Appeal in Vlorë.[15] In February 2010, Albanian President Bamir Topi decreted the law on the “Moratorium of motor sailing boats of the Republic of Albania’’. The Democratic majority approved the law by only 72 votes (out of 140), with the explicit disapproval of the opposition. According to the law, the effect of the moratorium on seas, lakes and rivers of the country was extended for 3 more years.[16]
- ^ Tragjedia e 9 janarit, kapet skafisti i vdekjes
- ^ Otranto Tragedy, Session in the Court of Lecce Postponed
- ^ 13 roses for the victims of Otranto, after 13 years from the tragedy
- ^ Mirela Bogdani & John Loughlin, Albania and the European Union: the tumultuous journey towards integration I.B.Tauris and Co. Ltd 2009 ISBN 978 1 84511 308 7
- ^ Republic of Albania, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bilateral Readmission Agreements (in Albanian)
- ^ Gazeta “Zëri i Popullit”, August 29, 2002
- ^ a b c d e f g Archives of articles, interviews and analysis on Karaburun tragedy (in Albanian)
- ^ “Visa liberalisation for Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina” (PDF). Council Of The European Union. 2010-11-08. Retrieved 8 November 2010.
- ^ Anila Dushi Tragjedia e Karaburunit, prindërit akuza qeverisë,, January 10, 2009
- ^ Arben Lagreta Tragjedia, zbardhet deklarata e Bizhgës, 11 March 2009
- ^ Eglantina Nasi FIVE THOUSAND POST CARDS FOR NANO, Koha Jonë, January 15, 2004
- ^ Skafet: ligj për shqiptarët apo për ndërkombëtarët?
- ^ Gazeta Albania Apeli i Vlorës vendos rihetimin e tragjedisë së 9 janarit, March 18, 2009
- ^ K. Kotorri Tragjedia e 9 janarit, kapet në Itali drejtuesi i trafikut,, December 7, 2007
- ^ Topi dekreton ligjin për moratoriumin e skafeve, February 25, 2010
- ^ Kenga e Bujar Qamilit “Zëra në fund të detit”
- ^ “Bujar Qamili – Zëra në fund të detit” listen on
- ^ “Ëndrra të Mbytura / Drowned dreams” movie, Gledis Bica – Tirana International Film Festival 2006
- Die Albanischen Drogen Kartelle, als Partner der Deutschen Politiker
Die Polizei Mafia des Fatos Nano, Igli Toska und des Rrokaj, Duka, Lefter Koca Clans und die Tragödie von „Karaburun“
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