Kastriati, Brüder organisierten den Öl Schmuggel, während dem UN Embargo, für Ridvan Bode und Salih Berisha, bauten illegal Appartment Blöcke, reine Ziegenhirten aus dem Raum Tropoje. Aus dem Nichts, ab 1994 unter den Augen der Internationalen, wurden die Brüder eine der reichsten Familien in Albanien

Zuhälter Fahrzeug, was die Monte Mafia einmal 1994, dem Albanischen Innenminister Musaraj schenckte

2004: im illegalem Betrugs und Bestechungsgeschäft mit dem Flugplatz in Tirana
Albanian President Returns Kastrati Concession Extension to Parliament

In December 2020, Kastrati Group purchased the concession for the country’s only operational airport from a Chinese company. This gave Kastrati the right to operate the airport for the remaining 6 years of the 22 years in the original concession contract of 2004. Following the sale, the government proposed extending the concession by 13 years in return for Kastrati pledging to invest some EUR 100 million in the airport. The proposal was approved by parliament and sent to the president.
The law was sent for approval to Meta who refused to approve it. He published his reasons as follows:
- The procedure and extension of the term of the concession contract was done in violation of the constitutional principles of free and fair competition;
- The procedure and extension of the contract term was done without competition, without waiting for the completion of the concession to open a transparent tender;
- ……………………
Albanian President Returns Kastrati Concession Extension to Parliament