Wegen einem Streit, auf einem Parkplatz in Tirana, mit seinem Sohn, wurde der sehr einflussreiche frühere Richter: Alaudin Malaj verhaftet. Er hat ein unerklärliches Vermögen von 1,7 Millionen €. Gefäktes Grundstücks Eigentum und war immer ein Skandal. Beste Voraussetung, um Partner der EU, Deutschen Justiz Mission zusein. Profi Kriminelle sitzen in Berlin und Brüssel! Unabhängige Justiz, Medien verlangen, selbst im Gestapo Reich der Angela Merkel, mit Stasi Methoden den Corona Betrug zelebrieren, halb Europa mit korrupter Idiotie erpressen.

Washington Times, über die gekaufte Justiz Mission EURALIUS, IRZ-Stiftung durch die Albaner Mafia

Die dümmsten Mätressen, erhalten Botschafter Posten in Berlin, Brüssel: hier die Kroatin. Kaufte eine Villa, um eine Million € überteuert bei der Mafia, was ein Super Skandal war, vor wenigen Jahren


2 Schwerbewaffenete Leibwächter für Romana Vlahtuin

die dumme EU Botschafterin: Romana Vlahutin lügt herum, über EU Jobs die es nicht gibt.

Prodi krimineller SPD Mann aus Hamburg, des ASB, Knut Fleckenstein. EU Delegationsleiter, der nur Berichte fälschte, heute Berater Verträge mit dem Albanischen Parlament hat


Darian Pavli. Senior Experte der IRZ Stiftung, EURALIUS Justiz Mission ein Betrüger mit gefakten Diplomen

Wenn Frauen als bunte Truppe ins Ausland schickt, als Experte, ist es der typische Betrugsfall der Idiotie. Posten, für Leute, die in einer Firma gearbeitet haben, oft keinen Beruf gelernt haben, und die Albaner wandern aus, allein 2019, 14.34 % der Bevölkerung, weil das Deppen Modell aus Brüssel, Berlin, den Staat ruiniert haben. Und die USA machten sowieso immer mit.

Over 360,000 Albanians Left the Country in 2019

Die korrupten und dummen Gestalten der IRZ-Stiftung und EURALIUS Mission, haben ein Chaos in der Staatsanwaltschaft angerichtet

Abcnews.al ka siguruar momentin e shoqërimit në polici të ish-gjyqtarit Alaudin Malaj. Nga pamjet shihet se Malaj është marrë me forcë nga efektivët e policisë.

Gazetarja Xhensila Kodra raportoi se ish-gjyqtari është shoqëruar në Komisariatin nr.2 pas konfliktit me djalin për shkak të një automjeti në një vend parkimi pranë Liqenit Artificial.

Malaj është dorëhequr në 27 korrik të këtij vitit nga detyra e gjyqtarit. Gjyqtari ka pasur përplasë edhe me ish-ministrin e Brendshëm Fatmir Xhafaj për të cilin kishte dorëzuar kallëzim në Prokurorinë e Posaçme. Përplasjet kanë nisur pasi Malaj ka bërë publik dënimin e vëllait të ish-ministrit Fatmir Xhafaj, Geron Xhafaj në Itali. Por ky kallëzim nuk u regjistua nga SPAK me argumentin se nuk janë gjetur elementët të veprës penale. Përpara se të largohej nga sistemi pa ju nënshtruar procesit të Vetting Malaj paditi në SPAK anëtaren e KPK Suela Zhegu për falsifikim të dokumenteve.

Malaj gjatë karrierës së tij në gjyqësor ka pasur në dorë çështje të rëndësishme. Ndër të tjera Malaj kishte kërkuar mbrojte nga KLGJ për shkak se ndihej i kërcënuar për jetën. Pasi vëllai i tij ishte kërcënuar në 2015 por askush nuk ishte marrë me këtë çështje.  gjyqtari Alaudin Malaj është përfolu edhe për fshehje të pasurisë.

Malaj ka një karrierë të gjatë në sistemin e drejtësisë ndërsa është përfolur edhe për pasurinë e tij.  Ai disponon një pasuri të deklaruar prej 1.7 milionë euro, për të cilën u hetua dhe doli i pafajshëm nga Prokuroria.  Ai u kallëzua në prokurori në shtator 2014 nën akuzën se ka krijuar një sistem pastrimi parash përmes familjarëve të tij.

Por dy muaj më vonë, prokuroria e Durrësit pushoi çështjen me argumentin se faktet e raportuara nga ILDKPKI nuk parashikoheshin nga ligji si vepër penale. g.v/abcnews.al


“The whole judicial system in Albania is corrupt”. Chief of EURALIUS reveals the truth for VOA / VIDEO interview in English (full length)

Tirana – “The justice system has continued to deteriorate in this last 4 years in Albania”, said the head of EURALIUS Mission in Albania, Joaquin Urias. In an interview for “Voice of America”, instead of justice he talks about the missing justice in Albania, where corruption has become systemic, being thus the rule and not the exception. “I think that the whole judicial system in Albania is corrupt. In the Albanian judicial system, the fact that you know somebody or you pay, is understood as something normal. Lawyers give money to judges, judges demand money, and even prosecutors take money. The solution is extremely difficult. I think that the first solution would be to have an independent institution, as the High Council of Justice, that should start taking extremely harsh measures against every kind of corruption. A corrupt person from the inside is not needed to to end the corruption. All measures taken in the last years are good, but they are just a facade,” said Urias. The role of lawyers is one of the challenges of justice, according to EURALIUS chairman. He proposes harsh disciplinary measures for lawyers who abuse their profession. “Disciplinary rules should be strong in two ways. I believe that judges should have the right to directly sentence lawyers who interrupt or try to hamper the progress of work in a court. This should be done by the lawyer, not by the Bar Association, but from the lawyer. Second, the Bar Association is an institution that has been appointed to protect lawyers, but at the same time to control corruption among lawyers. Until now in Albania, during these 11 years, no lawyer has been sentenced for disciplinary violations. And this is unacceptable,” said Urias. EURALIUS head of mission speaks about urgent interventions in Constitution and on the law of the Supreme Court. He says that this is a political court and amends should regard even the work of the High Council of Justice. “Constitution makes it clear that the Supreme Court is part of the judiciary and not a political institution. It’s the last instance of the judiciary. One thing is sure, Albania needs to amend the Constitution, if the country wants to be in line with EU” said Urias. INFOCIP (CPII) is publishing this interview unedited, in English language, in its full length, to provide all those interested in the judiciary reform in Albania an opportunity to listen to objective evaluations and conclusions drown by those in head of international missions in Albania. This interview, taken by Armand Mero, is a courtesy of the Voice of America. http://www.infocip.org/en/?p=1199

Donika Prela, liess auch in Tirana Akten, Anzeigen und Beweise verschwinden, wie der berüchtigte Berufs Richter: Alaudin Malaj erklärt
Rainer Deville, John Simbert der US OPDAT Justiz Mission

Dokumenti tronditës/ Alaudin Malaj: “Më kërcënon banda kriminale e Fatmir Xhafaj”. KLGJ hesht

Alaudin Malaj’s assets year after year; the paradoxes and the gifts


Alaudin Malaj and Gjin Gjoni are not accidentally seen by the public as the two biggest “beasts” of corruption of the justice which is being destroyed by the Americans. Both have used their wives to justify their assets in relation to their legitimate incomes, and they have managed to escape justice which they are still part of. Only in Albania justice produces rich people.

50% Owner of a 106 m2apartment, worth ALL 7 800 000. (2003)

Mercedes Benz 16 thousand euros. (2004)

Rent from apartment USD 8 100. (2005)

Apartment in Durrës, worth 21 thousand euros (2008)

Sold apartment in Durrës, 31 thousand euros (2009)

His wife, incomes from dividends worth ALL 3 600 000 as a 40% shareholder at Algan ltd (2009)

Wife, incomes from dividends ALL 2 667 712(2010)

Apartment bought for 100 000 euros (2010)

Apartment bought for 35 000 euros (2010)

His wife, loan in the name of Algan, worth 250 thousand euros (2010)

His wife, dividends worth ALL 2 943 145 as a shareholder (2011)

Mercedes Benz bought for 53 thousand euros (2011)

His wife, incomes from dividends worth ALL 2 940 000 (2012)

His wife, selling a car for 60 000 euros (2012)

Selling a BMW for 19 000 euros, earning 9000 euros (2012)

122 m2 apartment in Tirana, a gift to his wife from her father-in-law (2012)

96.6 m2 apartment in Tirana, a gift to his wife from her father-in-law (2012)

His wife, incomes as a notary, ALL 19 254 460(2013)

His wife, incomes from the rent, 7 020 euros (2013)

His wife, incomes from the rent, 219 600 euros (2013)

His wife, incomes from the rent, 7 560 euros (2013)

Other assets of Alaundin Malaj and his wife


His wife, incomes as a notary ALL 8 317 683.Incomes from the rent 5 400 euros, 7 560 euros and ALL 194 400.

His wife, incomes from selling 122 m2 apartmentin Tirana, 120 000 euros.

His wife, incomes from the selling the villa in Kavaja 150 000 euros.

His wife, account balance 9 786 euros, ALL 141 439, ALL 73 405, 60 330 euros, ALL 73 405 andALL 109 318

His wife, loan contract, financial outstanding liability worth 250 000 euros.

His wife, Mrs. Edlira Malaj, incomes from private activity “Notarial Service” ALL10 492 320

His wife, incomes from ‘Rigers” company ltd, net profit worth ALL 2 596 973

Income amounting to 60,000 euros from a citizen as a difference for buying a flat.

Cash balance, ALL 1 200 000 less due to travelling abroad.

Bank account balance, an additional 4 729 euros

His wife, deposit balance, 60 366 euros.

The apartment used as a notarial office is an asset reflected in the balance sheet of the “Notary” company.

His wife, loan to the Kosovo business company in the amount of 150 000 euros.

His wife, the capital of the company in Kosovo started with 1 000 euros in 2014.

His wife, account balance, 340 700 euros less.

A loan is settled to a citizen in the amount of 7 000 euros.

Alaudin Malaj salary income, ALL 1 429 659.

Net income from participation in ZABGJ, ALL 10 696.

Incomes from the rent of an apartment in Tirana, 10 200 euro.

His wife, Mrs. Edlira Malaj, incomes from private activity as a notary, ALL 14 955 430 or about USD 140 thousand.

Edlira Malaj, rental incomes of a. 96 m2 apartment in Tirana, 3 000 euros.

His wife, Mrs. Edlira Malaj, rental income from the rent of the 59.7 m2 store in Vlora, 24 000 euros

Account balance at a second level bank, an additional 1 488.1 euros, 6 799.69 euros balance.

Loan received on 29.06.2011 in the amount of 100 000 euros, the outstanding liability – 68 500.96 euros.

Credit card at a second level bank, 5,000 euros.

His wife, Mrs. Edlira Malaj, account balance at a second level bank, an additional 15 905.16 euros, balance – 43 442 euro.

His wife, account balance – ALL 1 098 614.

His wife, Mrs. Edlira Malaj, a contract for buying a 59.7 m2 store worth ALL 7 200 000.

His wife, personal account balance, an additional ALL 780,000.

Nga Boldnews.al

Gjyqtari i Apelit të Tiranës, Alaudin Malaj, ndihet i kërcënuar personalish dhe familjarisht nga ajo që ai e konsideron si “banda kriminale e Fatmir Xhafaj”, ish-ministrit të Brendshëm.

Në një shkresë zyrtare drejtuar Këshillit të Lartë Gjyqësor në Tetor 2019 ku kërkonte mbrojtje fizike, ish-kryetari i Gjykatës së Apelit të kryeqytetit prezanton detaje tronditëse se si, zyrtarë të lartë policorë, nën drejtimin e Xhafajt, i cili në atë kohë ishte Ministër i Brendshëm, i kanë ushtruar atij dhe familjarëve të tij të afërt presion kriminal.

Rreth 2 muaj pas kësaj kërkese, Këshilli i Lartë Gjyqësor ende nuk ka vendosur mbi kërkesën e Alaudim Malaj, ndërkohë që gjyqtari Malaj vijon të jetë i kërcënuar edhe për shkak të mos-reagimit të institucioneve ligjzbatuese ndaj personave të kallëzuar prej tij.


Der Pate der Skrapari Verbrecher Bande, auch als „Frankenstein“ der Albanischen Politik, vollkommen korrupt in 2000 schon gut dokumentiert auch rund um Drogen Schmuggel. Frank Walter Steinmeier, Weltweit immer auf Partner Suche für Kriminelle und Terroristen, war vor kurzem auf Staatskosten mit Ehefrau, auf den Galapagos Inseln und in Süd Amerika. Seit langem bekannt, das die meisten Albaner, wegen der LSI Partei: Ilir Meta mit Ehefrau Monika, das Land verlassen.

BILD: Shqipëria vend kaotik në duar gangsterëshdefault image„Çfarë po ndodh në shtetin ballkanik?“


Der Präsident und die Drogengerüchte

Und Rama selbst? Der Präsident wird regelmäßig selbst mit Drogen in Verbindung gebracht. So wirft ihm die Opposition vor, mit Drogengeld Wählerstimmen gekauft zu haben. Ein Mitschnitt eines Telefonates soll dies belegen.

▶︎ Demnach hat Rama am 11. September 2016 den Chef einer regionalen Wahlbehörde angerufen, um sich zu erkundigen, ob bei den Wahlen alles abgelaufen sei „wie besprochen“. Die Antwort des Wahlleiters: „Ja, Chef, alles wie besprochen.“ Der Fall ist in Albanien als „Case 184“ bekannt.

Rezultate imazhesh për klement balili interpol

Die LSI Banden haben enorm viele Mitglieder verloren, auch durch Festnahmen, wo die Verhaftung von Ilir Meta, durch den Generalstaatsanwalt in 2015 verhindert wurde.

Zuletzt wollte der Generalstaatsanwalt: Adriatic Llalla 2015: Ilir Meta verhaften, aber schon Generalstaatsanwalt: Rakipi, verlor wegen der bevorstehenden Anklage gegen Monika und Ilir Meta den Job illegal, wo erneut die Steinmeier Bande (Visa Skandal usw.)das duldeten was an den Skandal mit Zef Broci, dem höchsten Richter von Albanien in 1995 erinnerte, dem totalen Versagen der Internationalen vor allem der Deutschen Berufs Politik Mafia. Almir Rapo sein Staatssekretär als Aussenminister, einer der vielen Super Skandale. Almir Rapo, in die USA ausgeliefert 2010, kommt nun im Januar 2019 wieder frei, hat Ilir Meta schwerst belastet, viele Details dem FBI erzählt, weswegen er nur eine so geringe Strafe erhielt, als Kron Zeuge.

Profi Verbrecher unter sich

Der Pate der Verbrecher Kartelle und des Drogen-, Frauen-, Kinder Handels. Frank Walter Steinmeier und gefälschte Wahlen mit Mehrfach Wählern mit ID Karten, oder gezielte falsche Auszählung. http://albania.de2019/05/15/facebook-idioten-der-lsi-partei-haben-den-anschlag-gegen-die-osce-botschaft-organisiert/


Ist jetzt wieder Ministerin: Alt Sigurime Chefin, Mafia Familie des Mordes: Silva Economi


Die frühere Zoll Direktorin Elisa Spriopalli, wird direkt mit den Kokain Lieferungen in Verbindung gebracht, denn schon 2014, wurden Container ohne Registrierung im Hafen von Durres entladen, wo ja mit Bestechung, die EMS Shipping Reederei sich Lizensen kaufte, mit Hilfe eines einschlägig bekannten Schmugglers rund um die Iran Contra Affäre im Waffen Handel. Die Alibi Frau, diente der Täuschung der dummen SPD und EU Banden, denn Frauen mussten es sein, wenn auch noch so dumm, wie in Deutschland

Gjermanët kanë përgjime që lidhin Spiropalin me kokainën

Edi Rama, Samir Tahiri, Ilir Meta haben bewiesen, das man vollkommen dumme weibliche Gestalten auch wichtigste Institutionen, ja zu Ministern ernennt. Junge Frauen, richteten auch in den Zoll und Finanzbehörden (Beispiel: Elisa Spiropali und Nachfolgerinnen, Ex-Ministerin Silva Economi mit ihren Mafia Mord Brüdern)ein Chaos an, weil man real nur Funktionale Analphabeten aus der Partei Jugend seit Jahren in Positionen hievt


Wie Berlin, da werden Pässe, Stempel: Alles gestohlen


Wegen Blanko Pass Diebstahl, wurde die Albanische Botschafterin in Athen: Ardiana Hobdari, das komplette Personal gefeuert

Dere General Konsul in Janies: Pervin Gjikuria, wurde ebenso entlassen. Die Beteiligung des Diebstahles, nicht das Erste Mal, wurde durch Behörden ermittelt. Es erinnert an die Berliner Zustände Shkarkimi i ambasadores shqiptare, mediat greke: Është e përfshirë në vjedhjen e 100 pasaportave vitin e kaluar Lajme të Lidhura: Cakaj shkarkon të gjithë stafin e ambasadës … Wegen Blanko Pass Diebstahl, wurde die Albanische Botschafterin in Athen: Ardiana Hobdari, das komplette Personal gefeuert weiterlesen

Biillig eingekauft: Deutsche Politiker


Mafia Ec-Minister: Edmond Panariti, sagt nun das die Deutsche Agentur die EU IPARD Programme abwickelte, also für die Vergabe der Gelder zuständig war, rund um den Vertrieb mit der Albaner Mafia, deren Finanzierung im Weltweiten Drogen Netz des Top Kolumbianischen Drogen Kartellen „Clan del Golfo“ und Tonnen von Kokain auch nach Deutschland und Amsterdam, und nach Albanien eben mit Arber Kulici alias Arber Cekaj und seiner Firma: Arben Garden Das führt dann direkt zu Noch Bundesminister Christian Schmid mit Edmond Panariti. Da gibt es also sehr viele Millionen zustehlen mit Mafiosi in Albanien.

Aussenminister Heiko Maas – der Supergau der deutschen Diplomatie