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Left-wing billionaire George Soros accused by Albania’s president of ‚conspiracy‘ aimed at destabilizing country

Stavros MarkosumSManalysis – vor 15 Stunden
SManalysis [image: President Ilir Meta of Albania (left on Tuesday) accused left-wing billionaire George Soros of a plot aimed at destabilizing the country following municipal elections Sunday] Chris Irvine By Chris Irvine | Fox News The president of Albania on Tuesday denounced municipal elections that took place on Sunday as a “farce,” accusing left-wing billionaire philanthropist George Soros of being involved in a “conspiracy” Ilir Meta said Soros, something of a bogeyman among right-wing circles, was responsible for “a conspiracy aimed at totally capturing the state”, accordin… mehr »

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Albanian President Claims Country Avoided ‘Soros Destabilisation Plot’

July 2, 2019

President Ilir Meta alleged that Albania had managed to avoid a domestic and international conspiracy to “capture the state”, led by US billionaire philanthropist George Soros, although he offered no evidence for his claim.
Albania President Ilir Meta at a press conference in Tirana on Tuesday. Photo: Gent Shkullaku/LSA

Ilir Meta told a press conference on Tuesday that there had been a domestic and international plot against Albanian democracy aimed at destabilising the country during disputed local elections at the weekend.

The Albanian president accused billionaire investor and philanthropist George Soros of being responsible for what he called “a conspiracy aimed at totally capturing the state”.

Meta offered no evidence to support his claims, and no details about how the alleged plot was intended to unfold or how it was thwarted.

His comments came after the main opposition parties, including Meta’s former party, the Socialist Movement for Integration, refused to participate in the country’s local elections on Sunday.

Meta claimed that the destabilisation plot was supposed to be enacted on Sunday but failed because “Albanians didn’t fall prey to the provocations”.

The opposition had threatened to disrupt Sunday’s polls, but did not do so.

Meta’s allegations come amid heightened political tensions in Albania, where his former party, the Socialist Movement for Integration, currently led by his wife Monika Kryemadhi, has been staging protests in an attempt to oust the Socialist-led government of Prime Minister Edi Rama, which it accuses of enlisting the help of organised crime to control the country’s elections.

Meta was elected president in 2017 with the support of Rama’s Socialists.

But the Albanian parliament, controlled by Rama, has put Meta under investigation and is seeking to fire him from the position of president.

The opposition boycott of Sunday’s polls led to a contest for mayoral and local council seats in which Rama’s Socialists went almost unchallenged.

International observers from the OSCE/ODIHR monitoring mission said the near complete absence of opposition participation in the polls meant that they involved no meaningful choice and were held “with little regard for the interests of the electorate”.

The Socialists, however, claim that the turnout was high enough to confirmation the credibility of the result in the eyes of Albanians.

Rama’s party now controls central and local government, as well as being accused of already controlling or strongly influencing other institutions that should be independent.

Meta claimed at his press conference on Tuesday that the alleged conspiracy’s aim was “total state capture, in Albania but not only here”.

“I do have some words about honoured billionaire George Soros. I failed to listen carefully to [Hungarian Prime Minister] Viktor Orban in January 2000, when I was speaking with love about George Soros because, truth be told, he helped us when we were in opposition, and he [Orban] told me: ‘Be aware because he is not that democratic and often conspires against democracy,’” he said.

Meta also called for fresh parliamentary elections this year.

In recent years, Soros has become the subject of many conspiracy theories about his alleged powers of political manipulation, often circulated by those who oppose his financial support for liberal causes.

Albanian President Claims Country Avoided ‘Soros Destabilisation Plot’

President Ilir Meta alleged that Albania had managed to avoid a domestic and international conspiracy to “capture the state”, led by US billionaire philanthropist George Soros, although he offered no evidence for his claim.