Ist man dumm, Georg Soros Fan, entsendet man nur die Dümmsten nach Albanien, mit Phantom Professuren, wie die Deutsche Verfassungrichterin und Betrügerin: Susanne Baer und Dumm wird auch Minister und Ministerin in Deutschland, also kein Unterschied. Albanische Studenten demonstrieren auch mit Professoren, gegen die Dumme aus dem Kosovo, welche sich Bildungs MInisterin schimpft: Besa Shanini.
Dardan Molilqaj, Ehemann der Albanischen Bildungsministerin: Besa Shanini wurde im Kosovo verhaftet
In Deutschland angefangen, wo die Dümmsten auch noch den verurteilten Berufsbetrüger: Georg Soros als Vorbild ansehen.
Die sogenannte „Zivile Gesellschaft“ Sammelbeckern der Dümmsten, die Georg Soros in der Welt finden konnte.
ab 0:07 und vollkommen hysterisch diese Frau, beleidigt Studenten. Partner von Terroristen, einem Meer von Lügen und Staaten Zerstörung
„Open Society“ – Georg Soros und die neue Betrugs Masche mit AVAAZ – Aktionen
Protestë e dhunshme para Ministrisë së Arsimit, profesoresha amerikane “kundër” studentëve

Johannes Hahn mit dem Gangster Georg Soros
22/05/2019 13:04
Një grup studentësh është grumbulluar para Ministrisë së Arsimit, duke kërkuar arsim më cilësor dhe punësim në të ardhmen.

‘What the f*** are you”/ ‚Shpërthen‘ profesoresha amerikane, sherr me studentët në sprotestë (VIDEO)

Por gjatë protestës pati edhe disa momente të dhunshme, nga disa prej pjesëmarrësve, të cilët hodhën tymuese dhe gurë ndaj godinës së Ministrisë së Arsimit, duke thyer edhe xhamat e institucionit.
Në këtë moment ka ndërhyrë edhe Lory.E.Amy, profesoreshë e Studimeve Kulturore në Universitetin Georgia Southern në SHBA, e cila raportohet të ketë marrë pjesë edhe në protestat e disa muajve më parë të studentëve.
Ajo u ka kërkuar studentëve t’u japin fund protestës së dhunshme, pasi kjo nuk është forma e duhur për të protestuar për arsimin.
“Si mund të jeni kaq budallenj. Kjo është një godinë për arsimim. Nuk është kjo mënyra se si protestohet për edukim”, dëgjohet ajo t’u thotë në anglisht studentëve.
Georgia Southern University Professor and Fulbright Scholar Lori Amy, Ph.D. Selected to Present Research in Iceland
Georgia Southern University associate professor, Lori Amy, Ph.D., has received a grant from the American Council of Learned Societies Committee on European studies to present her paper, “NGOs and Civil Society in Albania: Where We’ve Been, Where We Are, Where We’re Going.” The presentation is part of the sixth annual European Consortium for Political Research General Conference to be held next month at the University of Iceland.
Amy, who served as a Fulbright Scholar, teaches in the Department of Writing and Linguistics in Georgia Southern’s College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences.
As the last of the Soviet-bloc countries to open its borders, Albania is struggling through a history of violent repression under communism, followed by the many social, economic, and cultural problems accompanying transition. The increasing insecurity of the individual and family in states of emergency, such as Albania’s 1997 economic collapse and the 1999 Kosovo War, reveal deep conflicts between international actors and the civil population about the role of the state in the post-cold war era.
Assisted by the international agencies structuring development aid, the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) sector has been responsible for defining and addressing the many social problems arising from the large-scale dis-investment in the public sphere under the dictates of privatization.
Amy’s analysis will map the nature and scope of the work that NGOs, through the umbrella of International Aid and Donor Organizations, have been doing since the transition to develop the structures of civil society. This mapping allows us to explore the relationship among state, municipality, private enterprise, and the nonprofit sector and to ask how structural realignments in each of these sectors can be evolved to work together to advance health, welfare, and economic development.
This analysis is part of Amy’s ongoing research about traumatic memory under communism and in transition. Her next book, Re-Membering in Transition: Structures of Denial, Trajectories of Violence, and the Struggle for Meaning in Post-Communist Albania, will analyze the unarticulated, unanalyzed, and unresolved memory contests manifesting in the culture and politics of transition.
Prior to her Fulbright tenure in Albania, Amy was Director of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program (WGST) at Georgia Southern, where she brought her research on cultural violence and human rights activism to curriculum development and University-community outreach initiatives. Her current research extends the analysis of cultural violence elaborated in her first book,The Wars We Inherit: Military Life, Gender Violence, and Memory (Temple University Press 2010). Called a “groundbreaking work in the literatures on trauma and survival,” Wars is a memory project that analyzes the structures that evolve violence, explores processes for working through violence, and, ultimately, imagines futures beyond the violences scripting us.
Amy earned her Ph.D. in English with a certificate in Women’s Studies from the University of Florida, a Master of Arts degree in English and American Literature from the University of California at San Diego and a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Bücher, welche nur Unfug verbreiten, werden auch verbrannt. Albanien, Mazedonien, Kosovo hat Professoren, die nur aus einem Buch vorlesen können