Nachdem Bundesminister Christian Schmid, zeigt eine aktuelle Festnahme das Entwicklungshilfe aus den EU Agrar Funds, nur ueber die Deutsche KfW Bank : ProCredit dem Kokainimport, oder dem Cannabis Anbau dient, was aber in 1998 mit Kolubinanern auch schon bekannt war
Drogen Kartell der Albaner Regierung mit dem Pablo Escobar des Balkans: KLement Balili und in Sarande dabei: die Deutsche Botschafterin Susanne Schütz! Erinnert Alles an die Kolumbianischen Experten, welche mit dem Kosovo Krieg, angeblichen Hilfs Organisationen, der Welthungerhilfe in Albanien auftauchten, in Süd Italien festgenommen wurden, als Coka Anbau Experten. Deutsche Entwicklungshilfe halt, welche das Land zerstörte, von der Albaner Mafia seit 1999 und korrupten Diplomaten kontrolliert wird und wurde, wie der Visa Skandal schon zeigte.

Drogen Pate: Edmond Panariti – Christian Schmid

Venezuelan agriculture expert arrested for cannabis cultivation in Permet

07/09/2018 17:37

The Ministry of Interior and the State Police have declared that they have won the battle against cannabis, but there have also been cases of plantations, found in  remote areas.

Some of them were discovered in Vlora, Tepelena, Puka, Gramsh, Kruja, and other areas.

The plantations were found out in the wild, in lands not owned by anyone. In most of the cases the information for the media has been partial, without anyone announcing the quantity of the cannabis that was eliminated.

This August, Police discovered a plantation in Frasher, Permet, well-organized with more than 3000 plants. Two persons were arrested, one of whom was from Venezuela.

His name was Arturo Morales, an agriculture expert by profession, who admitted that he arrived in Albania to work in exchange of several thousands of Euros.

The cannabis cultivation has been reduced, but it is still present in Albania.

Venezuelan agriculture expert arrested for cannabis cultivation in Permet

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