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„These are either in prison or in the cemetery“/ Tritoli in Leonard Duka’s father’s apartment, the well-known expert sheds light on the event: Criminal groups come alive when…

Written by SOT.COM.AL 18 Prill 2023

Invited to a television interview, the Security expert commented on the attack with a tritol on the residence of the father of the head of the Duka Clan. According to him, criminal groups sometimes revive even when it is thought that they have stopped.
According to him, as long as justice does not act on these people with a criminal record, there will always be forms of self-judgment. He emphasizes that these people, mostly young people, are either in prison or in the cemetery.
„From time to time all criminal groups revive. What seem like forbidden conflicts come to life. They have the same revenge and at some point they will act again. These revenges or forms of activity they carry out will not stop, as long as they are not acted upon. These are either in prison or in the cemetery. Albania has no faith in justice, so they choose the form of self-judgment“, said Softa.
According to Softa, the situation with criminal groups will be even more difficult, because the police will already be focused on the electoral campaign.
He emphasizes that crime cannot be hit with actions, but it seems to be done every day, even their economies, which finance criminal activity, should be hit.
„The situation will be even more difficult, because we are also going to the electoral campaign. The police will be focused on the ballot boxes, on order and security, and these spaces can serve. Criminal groups do not work with shares. It requires a daily work, it requires a special record. Of the problematic persons who have served their sentence and are at liberty, the groups that have activities, the connections that they have. It is also economic crime that stimulates crime. As long as Albania has entered the area that has problems with money laundering, with drugs, with the entry and exit of weapons, it shows that the line in Albania is for the entry and exit of these weapons,“ said Softa.
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