5 Kadaster Chefs von Durres verhaftet: Leonard Kadrimi, Dashnor Taulla,Bedri Luka und 448.000 qm Land wurden beschlagnamt

Tirane – Kompania “WhiteRoads Hotel” me pronar Florenc Gjikuria merr pa kosto edhe 22.000 metra trualli tjetër në Himarë nga shteti si investitor strategjik, pranë Delta përroit të Palasës, zonë e mbrojtur kategoria e tretë.
Bëhet fjalë për një sipërfaqe toke në total 21 979,4m², pjesë e “Mali i Çikës – Himarë. Përmes një vendimi të miratuar ditën e djeshme Këshilli i Ministrave miratoi ndryshimin e destinacionit nga kategoria e përdorimit të zërit kadastral “kullotë” në zërin kadastral “truall”. Ndësa Bashkia Himarë kryen veprimet për ndryshimet në regjistrin kadastral, thuhet në vendimin e 11 tetorit.
Projekti komplet parashikon ndërtimin e një fshat turistik, hoteli me 190 dhoma, njësi për biznes e evente, sera me lule, ambiente sportive, hapësira për fëmijë, SPA, beach bar, kazino dhe njësi të tjera shërbimi.

How Florenc Gjikuria „pocketed“ the coast from Dhërmiu to Himare …
The „100 villages“ program that started in 2018 in the village of Dhërmi made Florenc Gjikuri the most hated man in the area, after he fraudulently bought about 50 „ruined“ houses of the old village of Dhërmi through a scheme created with Jorgo Goro, the mayor of the Municipality Himara.
Jorgo did not give permission to the villagers for the reconstruction of the old houses that were falling apart…to take them to the „mouth“ of Lenci.
He told them that the houses were no longer worth a single lek, so they were forced to sell them for 3.4 million old lek to Gjikurija.
The Goro-Gjikuria scheme worked before the „revitalization of squares and facades“ project money, because Florenc Gjikuria had to buy the old houses of the village with the money stolen from the „100 villages“ program.
About 30 houses „bought“ by the deceived villagers are at the top of the village the trophy of Florenc Gjikuri, on which he built the „Zoa Hora“ res
Gener 2 ‚kidnaps‘ Rana e Hedh, will build a tourist village with villas and hotels!

The Gener 2 company will engage in the construction of a tourist village in the North of the country, specifically on the border between Rana i Hedhun and the Baks-Rrjoll area in Shkodër .
A project submitted to the institutions seeking permission for this project presents what the project baptized as “ Blue Borgo “ represents.
The property where the “ Blue-Borgo Tourist Resort “ will be developed has an area of ??147.2 hectares.
“The proposed masterplan is designed to be low density and concentrated in the context flat area. This decision allows the existing ecosystems on the mountainside to be intact. Accommodation buildings and mixed-use courtyard buildings range from 3 to 10 stories in height. The service buildings are 1 story, the hotel 1 to 3 stories, and the separate buildings range from 1 to 3 stories. There are also 7 buildings in the project, which are 10 stories high each,“ the document states.
The document clarifies that the coastal village consists mainly of residential buildings with internal courtyards.
„The main vehicular route consists of the ring which passes around the coastal village, creating a pedestrian-oriented settlement. Along the center of the village is a system of pedestrian walkways connected to public squares, which are surrounded by residential buildings that have the ground floor with services and commercial functions. On both sides of this pedestrian street there are buildings with a completely public function with functions such as: theater, conference center, educational functions and a shopping center“, the non-technical report assesses.
The project area is part of the Velipojë administrative unit in the Shkodra district of Albania. The main road near the project is the road Velipojë – Shengjin .
The report clarifies that for the purpose of building the project, the construction of external and internal connecting roads is foreseen, the monitor writes .
In order to enter the project area, it is planned to build the connecting road with the resort with a length of 738 m.