Die Zentral Partner der Top Drogen Importeure, haben Deutsche und Kurdische Partner, welche tief in den Türkischen Staat mit Heroin Küchen gehen, in Türkische Skandale der Polizei und Geheimdienst, Premierminister Verbindungen, was bei Tanju Ciller schon gut bekannt war. NATO Beitritt der Türkei und im Auftrage des Pentagon, CIA sollte die Türkei sich mit Drogen nach Europa sanieren.
Super Mafia Boss: Senator Eliot Engel und Lalzim Destani
Lalzim Destani, mit Frank Walter Steinmeier, denn beim Aufbau der Drogen Kartelle in Europa, gibt es viel zu besprechen
Freitag, 20. Mai 2016
Markus Söder holte, die Firma Ecolog-Dubai des in Bayern, vorbestraften Lalzim Destani, für die Testzentren an den Flugplätzen nach Bayern. Siehe NATO Untersuchung General Ramms, 2010, Bundestag Memo schon in 2010. Lalzim Destani gehört zu den Super Drogen Import Verteil Gruppe, mit seinem Mazedonischen Bekannten: Daut Kadriovski und auch des Super Drogen Schmugglers: Abdulselam Turgut:: BKA Haftbefehl 1 Tonne Heroin in 2011. nun Test Betrug ohne Ende.. Irgendwie wurde Deutschland ja zum Prostitution, Drogen Zentrum von Europa:
Muslim Albanian gangs, are replacing the Italian mafia as the organized crime outfit in the US, shipping stolen cars from the docks of NY to Dubai UAE in support of terrorism, run by Daut Kadriovski (photo)
Daut Kadriovski aka Mehmed Haidini the reputed boss of one of the 15 Families, embodies the tenacity of the top Kosovar drug traffickers. A Yugoslav Interior Ministry report identifies him as one of Europe’s biggest heroin dealers, and Nicovic calls hhttp://www.tiranaobserver.com.al
Muslim Albanian gangs, are replacing the Italian mafia as the organized crime outfit in the US, shipping stolen cars from the docks of NY to Dubai UAE in support of terrorism, run by Daut Kadriovski (photo) Daut Kadriovski aka Mehmed Haidini the reputed boss of one of the 15 Families, embodies the tenacity of the top Kosovar drug traffickers. A Yugoslav Interior Ministry report identifies him as one of Europe’s biggest heroin dealers, and Nicovic calls him a „major financial resource for the KLA.“ Through his family links, Nicovic says, Kadriovski smuggled more than 100 kilos of heroin into New York and Philadelphia, in 1993 he headed for the United States (New York City), where it’s believed he continues to operate. Daut Kadriovski’s contacts include Albanians living in the Bronx, they had been coordinating their plans from such social hangouts as the Besa, Two Star and Gurra cafes, and across New Jersey, he is wanted in 12 European countries. See FBI Report here on Albanian Mafia or Albanian Organized Crime (AOC). „Group members have specific, well defined tasks… Although they co-operate with other groups, they mistrust non-Albanians. They are known to be violent, apply counter surveillance, frequently change cars and maintain contacts through dozens of mobile telephones with prepaid cards,“ declares Europol report and then, once again, implicates these Muslim Albanian Mafia groups into funding politics: „The proceeds from their criminal activities are used in the Member State where they operate or sent to Albania and Kosovo.“ According to the head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, Antonio Costa, Colombian drug dealers are setting up cocaine supply bases in Albania and the Balkans to penetrate into Europe. According to Nicovic „Through the Albanian port of Durres, Colombian and other South American cartels deliver cocaine for further transport to Western Europe.“ At Durres Port, we once again see the suspicious convergence of Albanian Muslim Mafia and the al-Qaeda,
http://www.billwarnerpi.com/http://www.billwarnerpi.com/2008/07/albanian-islamic-mafia-runs.html Mehmet Haidini, wurde 2002 in der Mafia Hochburg Golem südlich Durres festgenommen, nachdem er durch den Britischen Geheimdienst Mi6 enttarnt wurde, trotz einer Gesichts Operation.
Die Kosovo Verbrecher in Albanien: „Ragip Haxhiajdini“, von Daut Kadrinovsky, Enver Shala, Familie Kapiti, Gashi, Ramuz Haradinaj, Ilir Majlindi, Lulzim Berisha
Machtkampf der Internationalen Drogen Kartelle in Albanien: „Bijan Pooladrag“ erhielt 10 Jahre Gefängnis
Der Sohn des Durres Mafia Anwaltes Ilir Malindi, organisiert Gross Drogen Handel in Albanien in alter Familien Tradition

Several criminal gangs in Albania have been dismantled thanks to the confessions of the repentant justices.
The Review show on Euronews Albania took stock of the people who turned into justice regrets and how much the cooperation they had with it was worth to Albanian justice.
1-Enkeked Agai
Accused of being a member of the gang called „Revenge for Justice“. The only one who, during the interrogation, showed all the activities of the group. After 1997, he was found murdered in the area of ??Dajti.
2-Astrit Muldaka
Witness/participant in the murder of deputy Azem Hajdari September 1998. He was „fished“ by the investigative team of the case in Regina Celi prison in Rome, Italy. Agreed to confess the perpetrators against criminal facilities in Italy and Albania. He testified that Fatmir and Halil Haklaj, Jaho Mulosnani, Naim Çangu, Izet Haxhia, etc. were involved in the murder of Azem Hajdari.
3-Adriatik Coli
Member of the Durrës Gang. Accused of 8 murders. He was evaluated to be an accomplice in order to solve a larger number of crimes of the Durrës Gang.
4-Petrit Lici
Member of the Lushnja gang. Accused of participating in a murder. It was appreciated that he was taken as a repentant collaborator to unravel all the crimes of the Lushnja Gang, alias Alfred Shkurt’s gang, also known as Aldo Bare.
5-Julian Sinanaj
Paid killer. It was appreciated to become a remorseful collaborator of justice in order to reveal the names of those who ordered the murders, considered as the most important part of the investigation.
Fortschritt im EU Modell: Handy Bomben Bastler Familie “ Sinanaj“ erneut verhaftet
Vorbestrafter Vlore Mafiosi: Sinan Idrizi wird Teilhaber Geschäftsführer der Mafia „Albanien Airline“ 3 Auflage
6-Ervis Bardhi
Member of the Çapjave gang in Elbasan. He was evaluated as a repentant collaborator to unravel all the crimes of this gang.
7-Nuredin Dumani and Erjon Alibej
Members of a group that carried out contract killings. They were considered as collaborators of justice in order to solve a number of paid murders.
8- Artan Tafani
The person who robbed 30,000 euros at a currency exchange point in the New Ring area in the capital has turned into a penitent of justice, providing information on about 20 criminal events, six of which are murders in several cities. Part of Laert Haxhiu’s criminal gang, in Lushnje, confessed that two of the murders took place in Greece, while the other 4 took place in Elbasan, Korça, Lushnje and Tepelena.
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Prolific drug dealer with £1M empire and Pinner flat jailed

Jailed: Xhuljan Shehu. Image: National Crime Agency
An Albanian drug dealer with a flat in Pinner who supplied more than £1million of cocaine in just four months has been jailed after a Right Move advert exposed the location of his illicit business.
National Crime Agency investigators identified that Xhuljan Shehu had used the encrypted communications platform EncroChat to deal the class A drug.
The 30-year-old oversaw cocaine importations and distribution in the UK, and arranged for drugs to be sold in the Belgian cities of Anvers and Brussels. Proceeds were then laundered to Albania and the Netherlands.
Shehu supplied 30 kilos of cocaine with a street value of £1.05 million between 23 March and 2 June 2020, which he orchestrated from a flat in Whittington Way, Pinner, Harrow under the EncroChat handle ‘Maidenram’.

He also discussed using his ill-gotten gains to buy property in Albania worth £2 million.
NCA officers arrested Shehu at an address in High Street, Uxbridge, on 24 November 2021.
Further investigations showed he had used a fraudulent Greek passport to secure the tenancy on the Pinner flat, in an attempt to disguise his drug dealing identity. A bank card in the same name was found in his wallet.
When interviewed, Shehu denied owning an Encro phone or having any involvement in drug dealing, instead claiming that he worked in construction and was studying part-time for a degree. He claimed to have no knowledge of the Pinner flat and said he only lived in Uxbridge.
This was disproved by NCA investigators who found a photo on his phone of an Albanian-language TV programme taken inside the Pinner flat, supporting the case it was occupied by an Albanian speaker. The phone also contained other photos of drugs and cash taken inside the same flat.
Property fixtures and fittings from the photos were matched with a Right Move rental advert for the flat.

NCA officers trawled through 20,902 messages on Shehu’s Encro phone. These showed that he’d had conversations with other handles and sent instructions about checking drug quality and deals.
Shehu also delivered some of the drugs in person and helped to count cash profits. The terms “loaf, pieces and bread” are mentioned 204, 47 and 23 times respectively in the messages, which demonstrates knowledge of the language used for drug trafficking and money laundering.
Shehu was charged with conspiracy to import cocaine and pleaded guilty at Isleworth Crown Court on 22 March last year. He was sentenced to 11 years and three months at the same court today (29 September).
The NCA’s investigation formed part of Operation Venetic, the UK law enforcement response to the July 2020 takedown of the EncroChat encrypted communication service.
NCA Branch Commander Matt McMillan said: “There is no doubt that Xhuljan Shehu was involved in every stage of the drug supply chain.
“The crucial evidence my officers painstakingly gathered from his phone was indisputable, and the only option left open to him was to plead guilty.
“The class A drugs trade is inextricably linked to gang violence and real suffering across the UK.
“The NCA works with partners at home and abroad to combat drug trafficking, and we’ll continue to stop people like Xhuljan Shehu in their tracks.”
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