Vermögen von dem Mörder, Gangster „Elvis Martinaj“ wird von der SPAK beschlagnahmt
Große Vermögen eines wohl ermordeten Verbrechers werden beschlagnahmt
Unter Salih Berisha aufgebaut, finanziert
wegen Steuerbetrug wurden die Mafia Clubs in Tirana geschlossen: „Loli Pop“, „Cavliero“ umd The Code“

Ervis Martini, Berugs Krimineller
Betrürger Vorbild die Ausländer, inklusive KfW, EU Banken vor allem. Hoch gejebelte Mafia Clubs der Internationelen, wo man Alles bekam, auch jeder wusste und immer an der Steuer vorbei. Oft in Besitz, von Prominenten Familien, oft die Kinder von Ministern sogar.
Reine Geldwaschanlagen, Kokain und Prostitution Versorgung, welche Politiker finanzieren und auch Auftragsmörder.
Das Drogen Kartell, des Elvis Martinaj, des hingerichteten Santiago Malko: wurden Luxus Autos von „Nard“ Koka, und Tracy Sejdini, Tochter des Bürgermeisters von Elbasan beschlagnahmt
Hinrichtung von Mafiosi: Bujar Lika , des Ervis Martinaj Verbrecher Clans bei Lezhe, Lac
Ex-Polizist aus dem Killer Kommando, des Ervin Martinaj, wurde in Tirana hingerichtet

Dabei handelt es sich um Unternehmen, Immobilien und Bankkonten im Eigentum von Martinaj, die laut SPAK nicht durch rechtliche Quellen gerechtfertigt werden können. SPAK fordert die Beschlagnahmung des Vermögens von Ervis Martinaj und seinen Familienmitgliedern. Die Sonderstaatsanwaltschaft gegen Korruption und organisierte Kriminalität hat beim Sondergericht erster Instanz den Antrag auf Beschlagnahmung der beschlagnahmten Vermögenswerte von Martinaj eingereicht. Dabei handelt es sich um Unternehmen, Immobilien und Bankkonten im Eigentum von Martinaj, die laut SPAK nicht durch rechtliche Quellen gerechtfertigt werden können. „Die Sonderstaatsanwaltschaft hat das oben genannte Verfahren zur Vermögensermittlung des Bürgers Ervis Martinaj eingeleitet, der der Straftaten verdächtigt wird: „Bereitstellung von Bedingungen und materiellen Mitteln zur Begehung eines Mordes“ zum Nachteil des Bürgers Indrit Dokle, begangen in besonderer Zusammenarbeit mit strukturierten kriminelle Gruppe, „strukturierte kriminelle Gruppe“, „Begehung von Straftaten durch eine strukturierte kriminelle Gruppe und kriminelle Organisation“, vorgesehen in den Artikeln 80, 28/4, 333/a/1, 334 des Strafgesetzbuches, sowie Personen damit verbunden. Basierend auf den Bestimmungen des Gesetzes Nr. 10192 vom 03.12.2009 „Zur Verhütung und Bekämpfung von organisierter Kriminalität, Menschenhandel, Korruption und anderen Straftaten durch vorbeugende Maßnahmen gegen Eigentum“, geändert durch Gesetz Nr. 70/2017, wurde Folgendes festgelegt Die Ermittlungen hätten die beweglichen und unbeweglichen Vermögenswerte der Person, deren Eigentumsermittlungen vorliegen, sowie der mit ihr verbundenen Personen identifiziert und „beschlagnahmt“, heißt es in der Mitteilung der SPAK. SPAK gibt bekannt, dass nach Abschluss der Ermittlungen davon auszugehen ist, dass die Vermögenswerte aus kriminellen Aktivitäten der untersuchten Personen und mit ihnen in Verbindung stehender Personen stammen. Bei den beschlagnahmten Vermögenswerten, deren Einziehung beantragt wird, handelt es sich um:
1-Shoqëria “KING KASINO” sha, me aksioner 100% Ervis Martinaj- Statusi pezulluar. 2-50% te aksioneve dhe aseteve te shoqërisë “ALBA TELECOMMUNICATION” shpk, të zotëruara nga shtetasi Ervis Martinaj. 3-Shoqëria “M…. U…..” shpk, me aksioner me 100% shtetasin M.M.- Statusi Aktiv. 4-Shoqëria “M………E.M” shpk, aksioner shtetasin M.M. – Statusi aktiv. 5-Subjekti “Ervis Martinaj”. 6-Shoqëria “REAL FENIX” shpk, me aksioner 100% shtetësja M. – Status aktiv. 7-Subjekti “D…………M….”, PF – Status aktiv. 8-Subjekti “V……K…..” PF. -Status aktiv 9-Shoqëria “S.P.E E…….” shpk, me aksioner 100% V.K. – Status aktiv. 10-21% të aksioneve dhe aseteve të shoqëria “S.P.E Gj….” shpk, të zotëruara nga shoqëria “S.P.E E……”, në të cilën shtetasi V.K. është aksioner me 100% të aksioneve. 11-5 (pesë) automjete të markave të ndryshme. 12-Pasuria apartament me sip.82 m2, me adresë lagjja “Pavarësia” Vlorë, në pronësi të shtetases D.M.. 13-Pasurie me sip.245 m2, e llojit “Arë”, me adresë Piqeras Sarandë, në pronësi të shtetasve E.M. dhe R.M.. 14-Pasuri e llojit “Njësi”, me sip. 137 m2, Tiranë, në pronësi të shtetases V.M.. 15-Pasuria e llojit ullishte, me sip.9800 m2, me adresë Dobresh, Tiranë, e cila disponohet nga shoqëria “M……. EM shpk”. 16-Pasuria e llojit arë, me sip. 3815 m2, me adresë Fushë-Kuqe, Kurbin, në emër të M.M. 17-Pasuria e llojit arë, me sip.7000 m2, me adresë Patok, Kurbin, në emër të M.M. dhe V.M. 18-Pasuria e llojit arë, me sip.12145 m2, me adresë Fushë-Kuqe, Kurbin, në emër të shtetases V.M. 19-Pasuria e llojit arë, me sip.1973 m2, me adresë Patok, Kurbin, në emër të M.M. dhe V.M. 20-Pasuria e llojit arë, me sip.7050 m2, me adresë Patok, Kurbin, në emër të V.M. 21-Pasuria e llojit arë + truall, me sip.1975 m2, nga e cila 815.34 m2 ndërtesë, me adresë Fushë-Milot, Kurbin. 22-Pasuria e llojit arë, me sip.1632 m2, me adresë Fushë-Milot, Kurbin. 23-Pasuri e llojit truall + ndërtesë, me sip.300 m2, nga e cila 119.67 m2 ndërtesë. 24-Pasuri e llojit arë, me sip. 2543 m2, me adresë Fushë-Kuqe, Kurbin. 25-Pasuri e llojit arë + ndërtesë, me sip.410 m2, me sipërfaqe ndërtimi 136.74 m2 (baza) dhe sip. ndërtimi gjithsej 540.29 m2, adresë Fushë-Kuqe, Kurbin. 27-Pasurinë e llojit “Arë” me sip.120 m2 , Tiranë. 28-Pasurinë e llojit “Truall + Ndërtesë”, me sip.580 m2 dhe ndërtesë sip 123.3 m2, Tiranë. 29-Pasurinë e llojit “Apartament”, me sip.105 m2, me adresë rruga “Dervish Hima” Tiranë. 30-Pasuria e llojit “Ullishte”, me sipërfaqe 2000 m2, e ndodhur në fshati Gjilekë-Dhërmi, në vendin e quajtur “Gosqea”, kati i dytë dhe përbën ½, pjesë e një magazine. 31-Pasuri me e llojit Vilë me vendodhje në Surrel, Tiranë. 32-Llogari bankare në vlerën e 1.878.299 lekë (një milionë tetëqind e shtatëdhjetë e tetë e dyqind e nëntëdhjetë e nëntë lekë) ne emër të shtetasit A.K.
Jan. 30, 2025., 18:29 •
Alle Gangster erhalten EU Pässe, vor allem in Deutschland Freund von Aldo Bare: Emiljan Burbën, brachte Drogen nach Montenegro und Österreich, wo er lebte im LKW versteckt.
Die Mörder Gangs in Albanien: Alle haben Freie Fahrt nach Europa, um Drogen, Kinder, Frauen zu verkaufen
Trafikoi 440 kg drogë drejt Austrisë, SPAK çon në gjyq Emiljan Burbën
Akuzohet si organizator i një grupi kriminal në trafikun e drogës ...
Accused of being the leader of a structured criminal group, SPAK sends Emiljan Burba to trial
SPAK has closed the investigations and sent Emiljan Burba for trial, as the leader of a group that trafficked narcotics, where a quantity of 442.084 kg was seized at the Hani i Hotit (Bozhaj) crossing point at the entrance to Montenegro, on 17.09.2023.
The Special Prosecution Office also clarifies the scheme with which the group operated.
SPAK notice:
The Special Prosecution Office against Corruption and Organized Crime has sent on 27.01.2025 for trial to the Special Court of First Instance citizen Emiljan Burba, accused of being the organizer of a structured criminal group, within the framework of criminal proceedings, no. 159 of 2024.
EB is accused of committing the criminal offense of "Drug Trafficking" in collaboration with the form of the structured criminal group "Structured Criminal Group", provided for by articles 283/a/1, 28/4, 333/a/1, 334/1 of the Criminal Code.
On 29.07.2024, the Special Prosecution Office against Corruption and Organized Crime received the acts and registered the criminal proceedings on the basis of the declaration of incompetence in the investigations by the Prosecutor's Office of General Jurisdiction, Shkodër.
Investigations were conducted regarding the incident at the Hani i Hotit (Bozhaj) border crossing point at the entrance to Montenegro, on 17.09.2023, at around 00:30, when a quantity of cannabis-type narcotic substance was discovered and seized, with a total weight of 442.084 kg. This quantity was discovered during the inspection of a heavy-duty motor vehicle of the “Renault” brand with AB948IX license plates and a “Krone” brand trailer, with AJR363 license plates, driven by citizen Ilirjan Orhan and passenger Kristi Orhan. The two citizens were transporting pallets to the Republic of Austria and inside them were hidden 73 large PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) packages and 112 smaller packages, wrapped in natriban. The commercial entity and the truck turned out to be registered in the name of fictitious persons. The two above-mentioned citizens were arrested in flagrante delicto and criminally prosecuted by the judicial authorities of Montenegro.
Investigations showed that the scheme used for drug trafficking was carried out through the creation and registration at the National Business Center (NBC) of several fictitious commercial entities (without commercial activity, real address and with forged documents), in whose name were issued invoices for the export of goods that were then loaded onto means of transport, registered with forged documents, where the narcotic substance was hidden, for the purpose of trafficking. This scheme showed a high degree of organization, sophisticated and typical of a structured criminal group.
For this criminal proceeding, investigations have been separated for other participants in the structured criminal group, identified and unidentified, for the aforementioned episode and other episodes of drug trafficking.