Der Mörder „Arben Golemi“ stellt wieder Bilder aus
rund um die MAC Albania Anlage, schoss man sich ein Grundstück frei, erschoss Wächter der Anlage ca. in 2012. Komplett gefälschte Grundstücks Dokumente, wie Tausende Anderer vor allem Berisha Anhänger an der Küste
Trees and the city in the paintings of Arben Go…
Trees and the city in the paintings of Arben Golem, the painter’s personal exhibition with 20 works being exhibited for the first time
Written by Nga Julia Vrapi 12 Janar 2023
The trees and houses of Berat come to picture. The well-known painter Arben Golemi starts his artistic activity this year with a personal exhibition. Twenty paintings in the exhibition „Trees and the city“, which are exhibited for the first time to the public and are the newest works of the painter Arben Golemi, which he started in the last months of the year we left behind. Painter Arben Golemi shows that the twenty works in oil painting on canvas in the exhibition, which has opened in „Golemi Art Gallery“ in Tirana, are of 120 by 80 cm format. He says that the works for this exhibition were started with a gift, which was a box of paints. „There was an exhibition initiative „Trees and the city“. I was given a big box of Chinese colors, which are good quality and are bright colors. I work with colors and paint every day, but this time it was a gift. I closed this exhibition with paintings from November 25 of the last year until December 28. It was this gift that was given to me, which made an exhibition“, says the well-known painter Arben Golemi. Berat is the ideal place to inspire an artist and painter, and in this exhibition he brings the houses of the city into paintings. Painter Arben Golemi says that six paintings are of city landscapes. „There are twenty works in painting, of which 6 works are of cityscapes and the rest are of trees. Tree with powerful colors. Painting trees is one of the most difficult things in painting,“ says Arben Golemi. Berat is the ideal place to inspire an artist and painter, and in this exhibition he brings the houses of the city into paintings. Painter Arben Golemi says that six paintings are of city landscapes. „There are twenty works in painting, of which 6 works are of cityscapes and the rest are of trees. Tree with powerful colors. Painting trees is one of the most difficult things in painting,“ says Arben Golemi. Berat is the ideal place to inspire an artist and painter, and in this exhibition he brings the houses of the city into paintings. Painter Arben Golemi says that six paintings are of city landscapes. „There are twenty works in painting, of which 6 works are of cityscapes and the rest are of trees. Tree with powerful colors. Painting trees is one of the most difficult things in painting,“ says Arben Golemi.
Gallery and exhibitions
This personal exhibition of the painter Arben Golemi this January of 2023 comes after the one entitled „Golden afternoon“, which was opened at the „Golemi Art Gallery“. A gallery that has already become a very favorite space for various artists who have exhibited works in painting. The painter Arben Golemi says that in the absence of a network of galleries in Tirana, these few galleries that exist are important for artistic activity. „Tirana does not have a network of art galleries. Without a network of galleries, even the state does not help you. We need to build a network of private galleries, where artists are identified and works are sold. Only the FAB gallery remains, the GKA is under reconstruction, but it has no duty to open our exhibitions. Like the whole world, we should have the exhibition hall of modern art, which should have been set up in Tirana“, says the painter. In the past year, various exhibitions have been opened in his gallery „Golemi Art Gallery“, but the painter Arben Golemi says that this year too, this gallery will have a series of exhibitions in the future. „My friends who are artists will definitely have their free exhibitions in this gallery,“ he says. Arben Golemi has been described as one of the important painters of modern Albanian art. The wide artistic culture, numerous trips to Europe, Japan, the USA, visits to world museums and contact with the creativity of classical and modern contemporary masters strongly influenced the artist in his orientation towards a modern, decorative art, where images from architecture and nature. but the painter Arben Golemi says that even this year this gallery will have a series of future exhibitions. „My friends who are artists will definitely have their free exhibitions in this gallery,“ he says. Arben Golemi has been described as one of the important painters of modern Albanian art. The wide artistic culture, numerous trips to Europe, Japan, the USA, visits to world museums and contact with the creativity of classical and modern contemporary masters strongly influenced the artist in his orientation towards a modern, decorative art, where images from architecture and nature. but the painter Arben Golemi says that even this year this gallery will have a series of future exhibitions. „My friends who are artists will definitely have their free exhibitions in this gallery,“ he says. Arben Golemi has been described as one of the important painters of modern Albanian art. The wide artistic culture, numerous trips to Europe, Japan, the USA, visits to world museums and contact with the creativity of classical and modern contemporary masters strongly influenced the artist in his orientation towards a modern, decorative art, where images from architecture and nature.
Feb. 14, 2023., 18:05 •
14/02/2023 Auf Antrag von SPAK werden 4 Beamte der Gemeinde Dimal festgenommen Vier Beamte der Gemeinde Dimal wurden auf Antrag von SPAK festgenommen. Es ist bekannt, dass der Direktor des Stadtplanungsamtes in der Gemeinde Dimal, der ehemalige Leiter des Verkehrswesens in dieser Gemeinde, derzeit der Leiter der Notaufnahme, ein ehemaliger Leiter der Stadtplanung und der ehemalige Leiter des IKMT in dieser Einrichtung waren von der Polizei auf Ersuchen der SPAK festgenommen, nachdem sie wegen Korruption und Amtsmissbrauch angeklagt worden waren. 2 Angestellten einer Privatfirma wurden ebenfalls Handschellen angelegt. Alle wurden im Gefängnis zurückgelassen, mit Ausnahme des ehemaligen Leiters von Urbanism. VOLLSTÄNDIGER HINWEIS: Die Sonderstaatsanwaltschaft gegen Korruption und organisierte Kriminalität hat in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Nationalen Ermittlungsbüro und der Generaldirektion der Staatspolizei Ermittlungen im Rahmen des Strafverfahrens Nr. 214 von 2020 wegen der Straftaten „Passive Bestechung von ausübenden Personen“ durchgeführt öffentliche Funktionen", "Rechtswidrige Einflussnahme auf Personen, die öffentliche Funktionen ausüben" und "Pflichtmissbrauch", vorgesehen in den Artikeln 259, 245/1 und 248 des Strafgesetzbuches. Nach Durchführung zahlreicher Ermittlungsmaßnahmen hat auf Antrag der Sonderstaatsanwaltschaft das Sondergericht erster Instanz für Korruption und organisierte Kriminalität mit Beschluss Nr. 8 vom 12.02.2023, hat beschlossen: Die Feststellung der Sicherungsmaßnahme „Festnahme im Gefängnis“, vorgesehen durch § 238 der Strafprozessordnung für die untersuchte Person A.Ç. (mit der Pflicht des Verkehrsleiters zum Zeitpunkt der Begehung der Straftat in der Dimal-Gemeinde), der der Straftaten der "Ausübung eines illegalen Einflusses auf Personen, die öffentliche Funktionen ausüben" verdächtigt wird, die in Zusammenarbeit durchgeführt werden, wie in Artikel vorgesehen 245/1/2 und 25 des Strafgesetzbuches und "Passive Bestechung von Personen, die öffentliche Funktionen ausüben", vorgesehen in Artikel 259/1 des Strafgesetzbuches.