As pressure mounted on the authorities from all sides, Albania’s Minister of Tourism and Environment, Mirela Kumbaro, announced in January that the government had designated the Vjosa, one of the last wild rivers in Europe, a “Natural Park”, which would give the river some legal protection.
Many were relieved when the decision was announced. But the fine detail did not satisfy local farmers at all; the protection created by the decision applies only to the river, not its tributaries.
Scientists that have studied the river say these have great importance, and the river as a whole will be damaged if the tributaries host dams.
Environmentalists and scientists in Albania and abroad have campaigned for years for the Vjosa to be declared a “National Park”.
According to them, this is the only form of protection that guarantees the river inviolability from infrastructure projects.
The status “Nature Park” does not protect tributaries from hydropower plants or other infrastructure projects. However “National Park” status, according to international standards, would offer protection to both the river and its tributaries.
Like many villagers in Brataj, Zahoaliaj, who has spent his entire life working his land there, says diverting the river water into pipelines would be a disaster for residents. “For sure we will oppose them [hydropower plants] in every possible way,” he says.
A survey conducted by the green organization Eco Albania, which focuses on environmental issues, showed that 94 per cent of Albanians support the Vjosa being designated a National Park.
The EU’s 2021 Progress Report on Albania also mentioned the issue. It urged the government to “minimise the impact on biodiversity by stopping hydropower development in protected areas, in particular in areas near the Valbona and Vjosa rivers, and to establish as soon as possible the Vjosa National Park, extending the whole length of the river.”
Photo caption Sotir Zahoaliaj in Brataj village. Photo: BIRN
Long list of dam projects
According to the green organizations Riverwatch, EuroNatur, Save the blue heart of Europe and Eco Albania, authorities have planned a total of 31 hydropower plants along the Vjosa river and its tributaries.
The first was at Kalivaç, which obtained a permit in 1997 and where construction began in 2007.
The work stopped due to liquidity problems with the subcontracting company. In 2017, the government canceled the concession and reopened the tender for the completion of the dam.
The Pocem hydropower plant is another project widely opposed in local communities and by environmental organizations.
Permission to build a dam was given to the Turkish company Kovlu Energy in 2016. It was later discovered that the company had consulted residents of another area about the plant.
Other hydropower projects were planned for the Shushica Valley, the Drino Valley, the Bençe Valley and Langarica.
So far, however, no project has actually been finished, mainly because of strong opposition and campaigns from local and scientific communities.
BIRN visited the Bençe Valley and saw the initial work on a dam, which has also stopped. In that valley alone, two hydropower plants are planned.
Olsi Nika, who runs Eco Albania, told BIRN that they had started protesting long ago against hydropower projects in the area.
“In 2015, we organized a protest with residents throughout the Vjosa Valley, from Selenica, Përmeti, Gjirokastra, in support of the residents of Bënçë who have long expressed concern about the construction of hydropower plants,” he told BIRN.
They organised the protest, “and while we were protesting, excavation in the tunnel continued … but then work stopped and did not continue, because of the company’s liquidity issues. Residents’ opposition and our influence with the campaign also played a role”, he added.
Eco Albania is preparing to follow the case over the Shushica tributary dam in court after the Ministry of Tourism and Environment and the National Agency of Environment approved a decision exempting the project from “in-depth Environmental Impact Assessment procedures”, in November last year.
The organisation is following two other cases, in Pocem and Kalivac.
Start of the work for a hydropower plant in Bence Valley. Photo: BIRN
Strong emotional attachment to the river
Locals consider the river crucial because it is linked in a very direct way to their everyday life. It helps maintain fertile soil and is the only source of summer tourism for them.
Natasa Gregoric, an anthropologist from Slovenia who has spent six years researching the Vjosa Valley, maintains that people are emotionally attached to the river.
“When you ask people about the river, they talk about their land and fields where they grow wheat, corn, potatoes, olives … the river and its water are crucial to their land and its fertility, and thus their wealth,” she said
“Agriculture and pastoralism are among the most important traditions in this area,” Gregoric told BIRN.
Sotir Zahoaliaj’s life fits Gregoric’s findings.
“I was born and raised here and I can tell you … I know very well every aspect of the river: the stones, the fish, the landscape … everything,” Zahoaliaj said.
“You cannot build hydropower plants in this kind of river. Besides biological and eco factors, there are also touristic values. You destroy the natural, biological, atmospheric and climatic balance,” he added.
Drita, an 80-year-old, echoes that protest. “I was born and raised here and that river maintains us,” she told BIRN. “We live by the river, we get water there, we use it for the livestock, our children go there,” she concluded.
März 23, 2022., 06:55 •
der Betrug der Angela Merkel, des World Health Summit, einem Club von korrupten Pharma Vertretern, hat das gesamte Westliche System zum Einstutz gebracht
Pfizer CEO Backpedals, Claims Pressured Into Producing ‘Counterintuitive’ mRNA Injections
March 12, 2022

By Miami Standard News Staff
Bourla explained the mRNA decision “was counterintuitive because Pfizer was mastering- or let’s say we had very good experience and expertise with multiple technologies that could give a vaccine, and the Novartis that some of the vaccines are, we were very good in doing that. Protein vaccines, we were very good in doing that and plus many other technologies.”…
So the reason why they were suggesting something that was more risky clearly than the others was because of the many benefits if we were successful…So, for this and many other reasons, we selected to go with something that was clearly more risky, but if we were successful, it looked like it has all the features that are required to fight a pandemic in an expedient manner and in a mass scale….
Instead of taking credit for developing the mRNA technology, Bourla appears to be distancing himself from the decision to pursue mRNA vaccines, instead foisting responsibility to his “colleagues.”…
Notably, Bayer Pharmaceuticals Division President Stefan Oelrich admitted during the World Health Summit last November that a global pandemic was necessary to convince the world’s population to submit themselves to experimental mRNA technology injections.
“I always like to say: if we had surveyed two years ago in the public – ‘would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?’ – we probably would have had a 95% refusal rate,” Oelrich confessed, adding, “I think this pandemic has opened many people’s eyes to innovation.”…
frei übersetzt:
Pfizer-CEO macht einen Rückzieher und behauptet, unter Druck gesetzt worden zu sein, "kontraintuitive" mRNA-Injektionen zu produzieren
Bourla erklärte: "Die mRNA-Entscheidung war kontraintuitiv [gegen den gesunden Menschenverstand], weil Pfizer - oder sagen wir, wir hatten sehr gute Erfahrungen und Fachkenntnisse mit den anderen Technologien, die einen Impfstoff liefern konnten. Protein-Impfstoffe, darin waren wir sehr gut und auch in vielen anderen Technologien."
BOURLA: "Der Grund, warum sie etwas vorschlugen, das eindeutig riskanter war als die anderen, waren die vielen Vorteile, wenn wir erfolgreich wären… Aus diesem und vielen anderen Gründen haben wir uns für ein Produkt entschieden, das zwar ein höheres Risiko birgt, aber im Falle eines Erfolges alle Voraussetzungen erfüllt, um eine Pandemie schnell und in großem Maßstab zu bekämpfen. …“
"Anstatt die Lorbeeren für die Entwicklung der mRNA-Technologie zu ernten, scheint sich Bourla von der Entscheidung für mRNA-Impfstoffe zu distanzieren und schiebt die Verantwortung stattdessen seinen 'Kollegen' zu."
"Auf dem Weltgesundheitsgipfel im vergangen en November räumte Stefan Oelrich, Leiter der Division Pharmaceuticals von Bayer, ein, dass eine globale Pandemie notwendig sei, um die Weltbevölkerung davon zu überzeugen, sich mit der experimentellen mRNA-Technologie impfen zu lassen."
Oelrich: "Ich sage immer gerne: Wenn wir vor zwei Jahren eine Umfrage in der Öffentlichkeit gemacht hätten - 'wären Sie bereit, eine Gen- oder Zelltherapie in Ihren Körper zu injizieren?' - hätten wir wahrscheinlich eine Ablehnungsquote von 95 % gehabt. Ich glaube, diese Pandemie hat vielen Menschen die Augen für Innovationen geöffnet." …
März 24, 2022., 16:02 •
Alles wird gestohlen in Albanien, nicht nur Chrom, Dokumente auch das Öl. durch die Bankerspetroleum Bande rund um Wesley Clark Geologist Sazan Guri: Albania is robbed of its oil, collaborator is the state 22/03/2022 20:54 In a time of energy crisis and uncontrollable increases in the price of oil, oil engineer Sazan Guri has spoken in the program “Top Talk” denouncing that the Albanian oil is being stolen. Sazan Guri: We (Albania) used to produce oil, once we reached 1.2 million tons of oil per year, reached a maximum of 2.5 million oil and built refineries with some minor shortcomings. Until 2007 and 2008, Albanian oil with sulfur content was produced, not as required by the European standard. In the present conditions it seems that the war is to blame, but the energy crisis has been declared since September or October. “In all Albanian governments it is inconceivable that contrary to the interests of the nation, you have the refinery and destroy it,” said Guri, referring to the recent dismantling of the Ballsh oil refinery. Question: Do we have oil reserves? Sazan Guri: Albanian oil comes from the source of Patos Marinza which has 400 years of oil reserves, but instead of getting the energy that comes with its own oil layers, you come up with third or fourth methods, and you take 2 tons a day, when you may get up to 14 tons a day. This is called exploitation. We are capable of instructing the current prime minister. It used to be the oil institute that decided when a foreign company did a study, which we (the institute) did in parallel”. Top Channel