Samir Mane und die gefälschten TÜV Zertifikate der US company „Predictive Safety“, für die Bulqize Chrom Minen

Die Bergarbeiter streiken in der Skandal Chrom Mine des Samir Mane: AlbCrom, früher Todes Mine unter der Familie Depisch aus Österreich genannt. Raiffeisenbank Kredite von 250 Millionen €, bis man in die Insolvenz ging und mit viel Bestechungsgeld bei Dritan Prift unter Ilir Meta, die Ĺizenzen gekauft.
Der Bürgermeister von Kukes, will das illegale Kosovo Unternehmen Illyria Mineral Industry JSC stoppen, was ohne Lizenz eine grosse Umweltzerstörung anrichtete, mit einem Trinkgeld Bussgeld davon kam von ca. 8.000 €

Samir Mane ein Profi Fälscher überall, sagt das er Sicherheits Zertifikate hätte von der  US company Predictive Safety,welche gefälscht sind, denn die Firma, war nie in Albanien aktiv. Siehe TÜV-Süd in Brasilien, das Deutsche Modell macht Schule.

Bulqiza Mineworkers Trade Union Responds to AlbChrome’s Denial of Neglect and Unlawful Intimidation

From: Exit Staff 35 min. ago
Bulqiza Mineworkers Trade Union Responds to AlbChrome’s Denial of Neglect and Unlawful Intimidation
Miners in Bulqiza from the Syndicate of Unified Miners of Bulqiza (SMBB) are continuing their strike against AlbChrome, after the company unlawfully fired two of the union’s leaders in November. The SMBB was established to address the dangerous working conditions in the Albanian chrome mines and the lack of investments.As a result of Exit’s reporting, AlbChrome, which is owned by Albania’s richest oligarch, Samir Mane, sent us an official refutation stating that “AlbChrome […] excels as regards the safety of its miners in Bulqiza,” claiming that its mines had been certified by the US company Predictive Safety. Albchrome further claimed it had invested $2 million on the safety of the mines since 2013.Exit reached out to the SMBB for a response to AlbChrome’s claims about improving the safety of the mines. The response of the miners, which live in one of the poorest and underserved regions of Albania, was as follows:
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