FBI: „Open Society“ Mafia mit Georg Soros

Die Georg Soros Mafia kontrolliert das US Department of State und Teile des FBI, gibt Hillary Clinton und Podest, die Vorgaben. Gekaufte Politiker sind Standard
was bei der Deutschen Regierung, vor allem im Dumm, korrupten Auswärtigem Amte anfängt.

Spezialität. Alle Institutionen eines Staates korrumpieren, wo dann Nichts mehr funktioniert, wie in Albanien



DiGenova Calls Out Soros’ Control Over State Department and FBI

Joe DiGenova committed a grievous crime indeed, calling out the unspeakable “philanthropist” George Soros on Fox News’ Lou Dobbs Show.

713 George Soros Photos Stock Photos, High-Res Pictures, and Images ...

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Johannes Hahn mit dem Gangster Georg Soros

Fred Abrahams, Dumm Schwuchtel des Georg Soros und Chef der Open Society in Albanien 1991/92. Einzige Kompetenz: Freund von Sohn Alex Soros, in der Schwuchtel Philosophie

Submitted by Canadian Patriot, authored by Matthew Ehret…

The Open Society and Anti-Defamation League have gone ballistic last week demanding for the unprecedented eternal banning of Joe diGenova from Fox News… or else.

DiGenova (former Federal Attorney for the District of Columbia) committed a grievous crime indeed, calling out the unspeakable “philanthropist” George Soros on Fox News’ Lou Dobbs Show on Nov. 14 as a force controlling a major portion of the American State Department and FBI. To be specific, DiGenova stated: “no doubt that George Soros controls a very large part of the career foreign service of the United States State Department. He also controls the activities of FBI agents overseas who work for NGOs — work with NGOs. That was very evident in Ukraine. And Kent was part of that. He was a very big protector of Soros.” DiGenova was here referencing State Department head George Kent who’s testimony is being used to advance President Trump’s impeachment.

Open Society Foundation President Patrick Gaspard denounced Fox ironically calling them “McCarthyite” before demanding the network impose total censorship on all condemnation of Soros. Writing to Fox News’ CEO, Gaspard stated: “I have written to you in the past about the pattern of false information regarding George Soros that is routinely blasted over your network. But even by Fox’s standards, last night’s episode of Lou Dobbs tonight hit a new low… This is beyond rhetorical ugliness, beyond fiction, beyond ludicrous.”

Of course, the ADL and Gaspard won’t let anyone forget that any attack on George Soros is an attack on Jews the world over, and so it goes that the ADL President Jonathan Greenblatt jumped into the mud saying “Invoking Soros as controlling the State Dept, FBI, and Ukraine is trafficking in some of the worst anti-Semitic tropes.” He followed that up by demanding Fox ban DiGenova saying: “If Mr. DiGenova insists on spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, there is absolutely no reason for Fox News to give him an open mic to do so. Mainstream news networks should never give a platform to those who spread hate.”

Even though the MSM including the Washington Post, NY Times and other rags, not to mention countless Soros-affiliated groups have come out on the attack, DiGenova’s statements cannot be put back in the bottle, and their attacks just provoke more people to dig more deeply into the dark dealings of Soros and the geopolitical masterclass that use this a-moral, former Nazi speculator as their anti-nation state mercenary.

A Little Background on Soros

As has been extensively documented in many locations, ever since young Soros’ talents were identified as a young boy working for the Nazis during WWII (a time he describes as the best and most formative of his life), this young sociopath was recruited to the managerial class of the empire becoming a disciple of the “Open Society” post-nation state theories of Karl Popper while a student in London. He latter became one of the first hedge fund managers with startup capital provided by Evelyn Rothschild in 1968 and rose in prominence as a pirate of globalization, assigned at various times to unleash speculative attacks on nations resisting the world government agenda pushed by his masters (in some cases even attacking the center of power- London itself in 1992 which provided an excuse for the London oligarchs to stay out of the very euro trap that they orchestrated for other European nations to walk into).

After the Y2K bubble, Soros began devoting larger parts of his resources to international drug legalization, euthanasia lobbying, color revolutions and other regime change programs under the guise of “Human Rights” organizations which have done a remarkable job destroying the sovereignty of Sudan, Libya, Iraq, and Syria to name a few. Since the economic crisis of 2008-09 (which his speculation helped create through unbounded currency and derivatives speculation), Soros has begun to advocate a new world governance system centred on what has recently been called the “Green New Deal” which has less to do with saving nature, and everything to do with depopulation.

So when the ADL, and Open Society attacks someone for being anti-semitic, you know that whomever they are attacking are probably doing something useful.

Matthew Ehret is the founder of the Canadian Patriot Review and Director of the Rising Tide Foundation. He has authored three volumes of the Untold History of Canada, and can be reached at matt.ehret@tutamail.com


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