Chaos an den Albanischen Stränden, wo die illegale Bauten, Lokale eine Invasion der Mücken, Fliegen erleben

Das totale Chaos überall, bei den Albanischen Verbrecher Banden von Durres angefangen, mit ihren illegalen Bauten an der Küste. Keine Abfall Entsorgung, Abwässer ins Meer, und die Mücken, Fliegen Invasion am Abend und in der Nacht. Es fehlen noch die Lebensmittel Vergiftungen Shengin die Verbrecher Banden, oft aus dem Kosovo haben identisch die Küste und den Tourismus ruiniert.

Die Internationale Mafia: Durres Taliban schlägt wieder zu: Mafia Familie Laku: DCI Company und Wild West in Tradition

Jale, LSI Treffen, FES mit Handke, Friedbert Pflüger, die Hofschranze der CDU ebenso ohne Beruf

Geldwäsche Mafia Paradie: Ksmali, Sarande geplatte Wasserrohre in 2017

In Durres brannte es im Archiv des Rathauses, wo gemunkelt wird, das Vangjush Dako, seine 339 gefakten Genehmigungen und Ausschreibungen so entsorgt, was Tradition ist.

Sapo ikën dielli në Durrës, mushkonjat shtrijnë pushtetin! Ankohen pushuesit (VIDEO)

Pas plazhit të Shëngjinit, Tales dhe Divjakës ku mushkonjat kanë shtrirë pushtetin e tyre, i njëjti shqetësim vjen edhe për bregdetin e qytetit të Durrësit. Gazetari i Report Tv, Artur Korriku, tregon se sapo rrezet e diellit bien mbi qytetin e Durrësit, në skenë dalin mushkonjat dhe kjo është kthyer në një shqetësim për pushuesit, të cilët kanë ankesa të shumta për këtë situatë.

Sipas gazetarit këtë vit çështja e dezinsektimit të plazheve duket se është harruar dhe pamjet me avionë të cilët lëshonin helme për dezinsektimin e plazheve tashmë janë një kujtim i largët.

Pas avionëve, për disa vjet, dezinsektimi u krye me pompa manuale. Për të qenë më të qartë me pompa që vihen në kurriz të punonjësve e që ngjajnë me pompat e bojaxhinjve dikur. Këtë proces e kanë kryer ndërmarrjet e pastrim-gjelbërimit, nga shteti. Sivjet një proces i tillë nuk është kryer dhe për pasojë sapo nis të bjerë dielli në skenë dalin mushkonjat. Gazetari veçon faktin se ka ankesa të shumta nga pushuesit për një situatë të tillë e cila ndodh përgjatë gjithë vijës bregdetare duke nisur nga Gjiri i Lalzit dhe deri në Kavajë.

Shqetësim ngrihet edhe mbi bizneset të cilat operojnë në këtë zonë, të cilat mund të kryejnë këtë proces privatisht. Por ndërkohë mbetet detyrë urgjente e pushtetit vendor të dezinfektojë hapësirat publike se qytetarët nuk guxojnë të dalin në mbrëmje buzë detit pasi bien pre e mushkonjave, por situata nuk duket aspak me e mirë në plazhin e Divjakës, apo edhe zona të tjera përgjatë vijës bregdetare ku janë të pranishme edhe hapësirat moçalore.

Në dy plazhet e qarkut të Fierit, ai i Darezezës dhe i Semanit pushuesit nuk po munden të shijojnë ditët e tyre të pushimeve. Për ta dezinfektimi i zonës është një emergjencë. Po ashtu edhe mungesa e rojeve bregdetare. Problematike mbetet edhe infrastruktura rrugore që të dërgojnë drejt bregdetit.



  • Im Wörterbuch speichern

      Idioten haben den Albanischen Staat übernommen seit Jahren, oft vorbestrafte Verbrecher, wie gerade Durres, Shengin, Sarande, Vlore zeigt und Kompetenz ist wie bei Deutschen Ministern nicht gefragt. Nennt sich UNESCO Kultur Erbe, wo die Mafia Baufirmen wie Gener-2 auch schon wild herum betonierten mit gefälschten Dokumenten und Hunderten von illegalen Bauten im Zentrum schon in 2012.

      Das Antike Pflaster in Gjrokastre wird wieder erneuert, in Mitten der Saison, wie es Hirnlose nur organisieren machen können und wahrscheinlich erneut wie so oft mit Beton, ohne Kompetenz, wo mehr zerstört wird, als restauriert.


      Schlagwörter: ,


  • navy
    Jul 08, 2019., 07:53 •

    Der Segel Club, Bar startete erneut eine Regatta, nach Vlore, wo früher das Ziel (vor 10 Jahren)der Yachthafen Orikum ist, der aber nicht mehr direkt angelaufen werden darf, weil jede Yacht Drogen Spuren hatte, ein Wild West herrschte, von ausl. Yachten, die nur Drogen abholen, was man mit dem neuen Fischereihafen Durres ebenso versuchte. Albanische Segel Clubs, sogar eine Optimisten Schule gab es für Kinder einmal, Tauchschulen, Alles waren kurzfristige Phantom Vorstellungen von inkompetenden Leuten.

    • Insider
      Aug 07, 2024., 19:05 •

      zu korrupt, unfähig die Deutsche Entwicklunghilfe, ein rein kriminelles Enterprise. Deshalb gibt es überall Mücken, verstreckte Strände

      The Countries With The Cleanest Swimming Water In Europe, Ranked In A New Report


      Laura Begley Bloom


      Senior Contributor


      Dreaming of a European summer vacation with pristine waters? Whether you envision yourself floating in the crystal-clear Adriatic, sunbathing on the sunny beaches of Greece or enjoying the picturesque Amalfi coastline, the cleanliness of the water is paramount.


      And clean swimming water isn’t just a matter of aesthetics—it’s also a crucial aspect of public health and environmental conservation.


      So where are the cleanest swimming waters in Europe? The European Environment Agency (EEA), in cooperation with the European Commission, just issued its latest report, which covers 22,081 sites across all of the EU member states, as well as Albania and Switzerland. The countries are ranked based on the cleanliness of their swimming waters using data gathered in rigorous annual assessments that monitor bacterial contaminants such as Escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci.







      Jul 31, 2024,11:51pm EDT


      Updated Jul 31, 2024, 11:57pm EDT






      Dubrovnik, Croatia cleanest waters
      A panoramic view of Dubrovnik in Croatia, which has the cleanest coastal waters in Europe—according ... [+]getty


      Dreaming of a European summer vacation with pristine waters? Whether you envision yourself floating in the crystal-clear Adriatic, sunbathing on the sunny beaches of Greece or enjoying the picturesque Amalfi coastline, the cleanliness of the water is paramount.


      And clean swimming water isn’t just a matter of aesthetics—it’s also a crucial aspect of public health and environmental conservation.


      So where are the cleanest swimming waters in Europe? The European Environment Agency (EEA), in cooperation with the European Commission, just issued its latest report, which covers 22,081 sites across all of the EU member states, as well as Albania and Switzerland. The countries are ranked based on the cleanliness of their swimming waters using data gathered in rigorous annual assessments that monitor bacterial contaminants such as Escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci.


      The evaluation process classifies waters into four categories: excellent, good, sufficient and poor. An excellent rating indicates that the water meets the highest standards of cleanliness and safety, making it ideal for swimming and other recreational activities.




      Im Bericht über die Sauberkeit der Strände stuft die Europäische Kommission Albanien auf dem letzten Platz in Europa ein


      Geschrieben von Pamphlet






      Dem Bericht zufolge belegt Albanien in allen Kategorien den letzten Platz, unabhängig von Regierungspropaganda oder Popularität in sozialen Netzwerken.


      Der Bericht über die Sauberkeit der Strände bewertet die Europäische Kommission


      Träumen Sie von einem europäischen Sommerurlaub mit unberührten Gewässern?


      Egal, ob Sie sich vorstellen, durch die kristallklare Adria zu segeln, sich an den sonnigen Stränden Griechenlands zu sonnen oder die malerische Amalfiküste zu genießen, die Reinheit des Wassers ist von größter Bedeutung.


      Und sauberes Wasser ist nicht nur ein ästhetisches Problem, sondern auch ein wesentlicher Aspekt der öffentlichen Gesundheit und des Umweltschutzes.


      Wo gibt es in Europa die saubersten Gewässer zum Schwimmen?


      Die Europäische Umweltagentur (EUA) hat in Zusammenarbeit mit der Europäischen Kommission gerade ihren neuesten Bericht veröffentlicht, der 22.081 Standorte in allen EU-Mitgliedstaaten sowie Albanien und der Schweiz umfasst. Die Rangfolge der Länder basiert auf der Sauberkeit ihrer Gewässer. Dabei werden Daten verwendet, die im Rahmen strenger jährlicher Bewertungen zur Überwachung bakterieller Kontaminanten wie Escherichia coli und intestinaler Enterokokken gesammelt werden.


      Bei der Bewertung werden Gewässer in vier Kategorien eingeteilt: ausgezeichnet, gut, ausreichend und mangelhaft. Eine ausgezeichnete Bewertung bedeutet, dass das Wasser die höchsten Standards an Sauberkeit und Sicherheit erfüllt und sich daher ideal zum Schwimmen und für andere Freizeitaktivitäten eignet.


      Die strengen Kriterien der 2006 verabschiedeten EU-Badegewässerrichtlinie haben die Wasserqualität in ganz Europa deutlich verbessert. Dem aktuellen Bericht zufolge haben 85 % der beliebten Badegewässer in Europa die hervorragende Bewertung erhalten und 96 % erfüllen mindestens die Mindestqualitätsstandards. Nur 1,5 % der Standorte wurden als schlecht eingestuft, was auf die laufenden Bemühungen zur Reduzierung der Verschmutzung und zur Verbesserung der Wasserqualität zurückzuführen ist.


      Dem Bericht zufolge belegt Albanien in allen Kategorien den letzten Platz, unabhängig von Regierungspropaganda oder Popularität in sozialen Netzwerken.


      Insel Brac, das sauberste Wasser in Kroatien


      Laut dem neuesten Bericht ist Kroatien – ein kleines Land, das für seine atemberaubende Adriaküste bekannt ist – das Land mit den saubersten Küstengewässern in Europa. Beeindruckende 99,1 % der 894 getesteten Websites in Kroatien wurden als ausgezeichnet bewertet.


      Auf Kroatien folgen Zypern, Griechenland und Slowenien, die alle wegen ihrer unberührten Küstengewässer einen hohen Stellenwert haben. Diese Orte erfüllen stets die strengen Wasserqualitätsstandards der EU und gewährleisten sichere und angenehme Badeerlebnisse für Touristen und Einheimische gleichermaßen.


      Europas sauberste Binnengewässer


      Für Reisende, die die Ruhe von Seen und Flüssen bevorzugen, bieten einige Orte eine außergewöhnliche Qualität ihrer Binnenbadegewässer. Bemerkenswert ist, dass Bulgarien, Griechenland, Irland und Rumänien alle perfekte Ergebnisse erzielten, wenn auch weniger Gewässer getestet wurden.


      Besonders hervorzuheben ist auch Österreich, wo 96,9 % der 260 im Inland getesteten Länder mit der Note „sehr gut“ bewertet wurden. Die vielen Seen und Flüsse des Landes bieten makellose Badebedingungen und tragen zu seinem Ruf als erstklassiges Süßwasserbadeziel bei.


      Europas sauberste Gewässer überhaupt


      Bei den Küsten- und Binnengewässern liegt Zypern an der Spitze – 97,6 % seiner 123 Gewässer wurden als ausgezeichnet bewertet. Als nächstes auf der Liste stehen Österreich, Kroatien und Griechenland, die alle beeindruckende Ergebnisse vorweisen und ihr Engagement für die Aufrechterhaltung hoher Standards für die Wasserqualität in allen Bereichen unter Beweis stellen.


      Egal, ob Sie die Salzwasserwellen der Küste oder die ruhige Ruhe der Binnenseen bevorzugen, diese Orte bieten die besten Orte für Ihr nächstes Bad.


      Europas sauberste Gewässer im Allgemeinen 1. Zypern – 97,6 %


      2. Österreich – 96,9 %


      3. Kroatien – 96,7 %


      4. Griechenland – 95,8 %


      5. Bulgarien – 94,8 %


      5. Irland – 94,8 %


      7. Dänemark – 94 %


      8. Malta – 92 %


      9. Spanien – 87,6 %


      10. Portugal – 86,2 %


      11. Deutschland – 90,3 %


      12. Italien – 90,3 %


      13. Litauen – 89,3 %


      14. Luxemburg – 88,2 %


      15. Finnland – 87,2 %




      16. Çekia – 79,1%


      17. Slloveni – 78,7%


      18. Francë – 74,9%


      19. Letonia – 74.6%


      20. Zvicra – 74.5%


      21. Suedia – 72.9%


      22. Holanda – 72.3%


      23. Sllovakia – 71.9%


      24. Rumania – 70%


      25. Belgjika 67,7%


      26. Estonia – 66.2%


      27. Hungaria – 62.5%





      28. Polonia – 54,9%


      29. Shqipëria – 41.2%


      16. Tschechische Republik – 79,1 %


      17. Slowenien – 78,7 %


      18. Frankreich – 74,9 %


      19. Lettland – 74,6 %


      20. Schweiz – 74,5 %


      21. Schweden – 72,9 %


      22. Niederlande – 72,3 %


      23. Slowakei – 71,9 %


      24. Rumänien – 70 %


      25. Belgien 67,7 %


      26. Estland – 66,2 %


      27. Ungarn – 62,5 %


      28. Polen – 54,9 %


      29. Albanien – 41,2 %

      Mushkonjat e rrezikshme që po shkaktojnë sëmundje, ISHP: Kujdes higjienën

      Shqipëria nuk i ka shpëtuar as në këtë sezon veror qarkullimit të shtuar të mushkonjave, të cilat gjenden lehtësisht si në zonat urbane ashtu edhe në ato bregdetare.
      Bazuar në studimin entomologjik që Instituti i Shëndetit Publik kreu në fillim të këtij sezoni veror me qëllim marrjen e masave për dezinsektim në vendin tonë janë identifikuar 4 lloje vektorësh, dy prej të cilëve konsiderohen si vektorë të rrezikshëm për shkak të transmetimit të viruseve që shkaktojnë komplikacione të rënda në shëndet. Në Shqipëri qarkullojnë mushkonjat të tipit:
      1. Anopheles
      2. Aedes
      3. Culex
      4. Culiseta
      Aktualisht në zonat urbane qarkullojnë dy lloje kryesore, mushkonja e zakonshme Culex , e cila është vektor i etheve të Nilit Perëndimor dhe mushkonja tigër Aedes e cila është e aftë të transmetojë virusin e Chikungunjës, Zikës dhe ethet Dengue. Ndërsa në zonat bregdetare llojet kryesore të pranishme në këtë periudhë janë variante të moshkonjave Aedes dhe Culex të cilat janë bezdisëse me pickimet e tyre në mbrëmje dhe gjatë natës . Po cilat janë sëmundjet që ato shkaktojnë?
      Mushkonja Aedes është përgjegjëse për transmetimin e viruseve të etheve “Zika” dhe “Etheve Tropikale” Mushkonja Anopheles shkakon sëmundjen e Malaries Mushkonja Culex që dallohet nga segmentët e bardhë që kë këmbë shkakton sëmundjen e etheve të Nilit perendimor, aktulisht prezente në Shipëri Mushkonja Culiseta shkakton sëmundje neuroinvazive, si encefalit etj. Ekspertët e shëndetit publik kanë kalkuar se sipërfaqet që kanë patur nevojë dezinsektim gjatë këtij sezoni veror janë 5.340 ha habitate me laguna, kanale dhe zona urbane si dhe 500 mijë metra katror puseta dhe bodrume. Ekspertët e ISHP thonë se qarkullimi intensive i mushkonjave vjen si pasojë e vatrave të krijuara në mënyrë artificiale nga njerëzit (që përshijnë kova me ujë, fuçi, lodra të harruara në oborr, pishinat e plazhit, pjatat e vazove të luleve, gomat e përdorura të makinave, lulet dekorative, puseta). Kontrolli mbi mushkonjat parashikohet të kryhet deri në muajt tetor me një frekuencë tre javore në varësi të kushteve klimatike dhe problematikave që mund të shfaqen nga mushkonjat.

      • web25492362
        Aug 11, 2024., 18:26 •

        Geldwäsche Staat, seit 30 Jahren. Reise Büros, für Geld Transport und Geldwäsche im Solde der Drogen Clans, wie auch der Autohandel Edi Rama Crime Couriers: How Albanian Gangs Send Their Illegal Profits Back Home Illustration: Jurgena Tahiri/BIRN. Anila Hoxha Tirana BIRN August 5, 202416:06 Police investigations reveal that organised crime groups often use ordinary people and passenger transport agencies to smuggle their illegal profits from EU countries and elsewhere back into Albania. In 2022, ‘Livia’, an Albanian student in France, landed at Tirana International Airport with 30,000 Swiss francs (over 30,000 euros) hidden in a belt tied around her waist. She remembers feeling anxious, but still managed to get past airport security without problems. On two other trips to Tirana, she smuggled a total of 40,000 Swiss francs (over 40,000 euros). Livia, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, doesn’t seem like a typical courier of shady money; she looks like hundreds of other European university students. When asked if she knew about the origin of the money she had carried into Albania, she replied that she did not care. “I earned some good money, which helped me pay off my expenses,” she said at a café in Tirana. “They choose people who can’t be suspected. People who don’t have a criminal record, or who need money – they just have to be clean, without problems,” she added. Livia is one of many couriers of incalculable amounts of cash of dubious origin who regularly cross Albania’s borders without being caught. She was tracked down by a BIRN reporter and agreed to tell her story if granted anonymity. The money that couriers like Livia carry originates mainly from Albanian organised crime groups, which over the last decade have extended their operations to the European Union, Britain, South America and the United States. Although these groups are increasingly transnational, they continue to “clean” their profits in Albania. Data obtained by BIRN from interviews and court files show how crime gangs use ordinary people and ever-more sophisticated mechanisms to smuggle money derived from illegal activities across Albania’s borders. The most-used channel is road transport agencies, licensed in Albania or other countries, such as Britain, Italy or France. Police investigations analysed by BIRN show these companies rely on weak control structures at border crossing points, and on the corruption of border security staff. Meanwhile, couriers carrying smaller amounts usually only risk being charged with “failure to declare cash at the border” if they are caught – a crime that it often fined or pardoned. Albanian justice officials say this flow of dirty money is also facilitated by the lack of proactive investigations and real-time cooperation between foreign police agencies. Erion Bani, a judge at Albania’s Special Court for Corruption and Organised Crime, told BIRN that when undeclared money is detected at border points, investigations need to be oriented towards money laundering. “If someone hides an amount of money for the purpose of having it for themselves, or is helping to hide it for others, knowing that this income is from criminal activity they should bear the responsibility, even if the amount of money is less than the value that must be declared at the border,” he said.Main ‘gateways’: Durres Port, Tirana Airport

        Border control devices at Tirana International Airport. Photo: LSA Data published by the General Directorate of Customs show that the main gateway in Albania for undeclared cash is the Port of Durres, followed by the international airport in Tirana, where seizures of cash have increased year by year. According to police, almost 2 million euros and about 455,000 British pounds were seized at border crossing points in 2023. A rising trend in cash seizures of British pounds, which has nearly tripled since 2022, is evident. Experts say undeclared money found on the border does not necessarily derive from criminal activities but points in this direction. “If you investigate the money earned from illegal narcotics trafficking, it originates from those markets that dominate this trade, such as in the Netherlands, Britain or Italy,” Artan Gjergji, an expert on financial issues, said. Data BIRN obtained through FoIs to District Prosecutors’ Offices show that, from 2020 to 2023, at least 99 criminal proceedings were registered for “non-declaration of money and valuables at the border” – but no suspect was investigated for money laundering. The Prosecutor’s Office of Durres registered the largest number of cases followed by the office in Gjirokastra, on the border with Greece, and the office in Kukes, on the border with Kosovo. The Prosecutor’s Office of Tirana, which has jurisdiction over the airport, did not make figures available. Of that total, 80 cases were sent for trial. But they ended only with fines whose value ​​matched the percentages the couriers earned from transporting the money. The head of the Prosecutor’s Office of Tirana, Arens Çela, told BIRN that none of the cases of non-declared money referred to them by the police was for suspected money laundering. “In all cases, the seizure of undeclared amounts of money at the border was incidental. None was the result of investigations by proactive means – by following certain persons to investigate the flow of money movement, or the intended recipients, their hosts or escorts,” Çela told BIRN. “All these cases were of people caught in the act. It is not [then] possible to follow the amount of money, or follow the people who received or send it [in such cases],” he added. The Prosecutor’s Office of Gjirokastra, in a written response, also noted the difficulties in detecting suspected money laundering. “Citizens investigated for the crime of not declaring money at the border…  cannot be characterised as money couriers, a term which is much broader than the aforementioned criminal offence,” it said. “There are no cases when the suspects have admitted to being a money courier,” it added.Cash transported by minibus Seizures of money in pounds sterling have been high at Albania’s borders. Photo: EPA/ANDY RAIN According to Albania’s Ministry of Infrastructure, up to July 2024, 152 Albanian carriers and 214 foreign carriers were authorised to travel between various European cities and Albania. A number of transport companies run by Albanian citizens are registered in Britain and other European countries, though their number is unclear. Documents analysed by BIRN, referred by police in partner countries, show how Albanian crime groups use licensed international passenger transport agencies to bring money stemming from illegal activities into Albania. The role of courier in these cases is played by the driver or owner of the agency. The payments they receive range from 3 to 7 per cent of the amount being transported. Another factor that determines the percentage is the currency denomination; the smaller the banknotes, the higher the risk of detection, and the higher the percentage paid to the courier. The networks also use code words to evade police detection. Cash units are ​​usually described between themselves as “passengers”, for example. French police tracked down one such Albanian crime group in September 2020, after detaining two Albanians in the same transport minibus twice. The first time they seized 70,000 euros and 800 grams of gold jewelry and the second time they found 10,000 euros and 500 grams of gold. In both cases, the minibuses appeared to have left from a hotel in Villeurbanne, near Lyon, whose receptionist was an Albanian with French citizenship, known as Sokol Balili, alias Sokol Briant. The four-year investigation of the French police, which was then forwarded to Albanian’s special anti-organised crime prosecution, SPAK, pointed to the existence of a structured money laundering group that had three Albanian passenger transport agencies at the centre. SPAK accused the owners of the three companies, Dritan Ulqinaku of Tani Tours, Agustin Mesuli of Erdisa Tours and Altin Doda of Altini Travel, of money laundering and the creation of a structured criminal group. “Numerous minibuses were sent from Albania to Lyon in France to collect the proceeds of the criminal activities of Albanian citizens located throughout the territory of Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes,” a document announcing the charges issued by SPAK reads. “These minibuses have few passengers, which shows the low profitability of these agencies against transport costs. They use a legal non-profit facade that hides illegal and particularly profitable activities,” SPAK quoted the French police report as saying. In addition to minibuses from Lyon, Mesuli also operated minibuses travelling from Switzerland and Italy. The investigations showed that such minibuses smuggled up to 60,000 euros per route to Albania, or their equivalents in Swiss francs and pounds sterling. Wiretapping also revealed the existence of an agreement with Albanian police officers to allow a large amount of money to flow into the country. In 2022, the UK’s National Crime Agency, NCA, said Albanian organised crime groups were smuggling hundreds of millions of pounds a year to Albania, derived from cannabis farms or from cocaine trafficking. In at least one case investigated by the British police, a total of 200,000 pounds was found in the minibus of a transport agency licensed in Britain on its way to Albania in April 2022. “Albanian groups in the United Kingdom, after making money, have as their main objective to leave the country as soon as possible. That’s why they smuggle the money from Britain to Albania, in whatever form they can,” a senior NCA official said

  • BuckZiehsMutter
    Jul 08, 2019., 18:21 •

    EU Gelder werden gestohlen, Wälder abgeholzt, wobei die Albanische Mafia ca. 70 % der Wälder schon abgeholzt hat, vor allem die National Parks und die Küste

  • BuckZiehsMutter
    Jul 09, 2019., 17:31 •

    Tote, Haut Infektionen gibt es erneut überall, durch das dreckiste Küstenwasser in Europa. Urteil im Spille Fall, von extrem kriminellen Beamten und Gangstern, rund um Edi Rama Leute. Die kazazi Mafia mit dem Ex-Präfekten von Tirana Ilir Kaja! Beschlagnahme der Vermögen, der Profite, Abriss der illegalen Bauten Null. Promotet von der Mafia Minister Mimi Economic, mit ihren Mord Brüdern aus Durres. Und Alle sitzen auf ihren illegalen und besetzten Immobilien, Strand Lokalen und machen weiter. Im Vasil HIla Fall, gab es 2004,2006 mehere Haftstrafen bis 15 Jahren in Durres.

    'Miti' se na bën mirë të flemë me ujë deti pas plazhit? Përgjigjen na e jep dermatologia (VIDEO)

    Ankläger Vortäuschung Seit Cikalleshi 4 Jahre Ilir Kaja 5 Jahre Haft Asim Arkaxhiu 3 Jahre Andy Gjeçi 3 Jahre und 6 Monate Haft Dritan Kazaz 3 Jahre Nezir Leçini 3 Jahre Agron Xhelezi 3 Jahre Aldo Kila 2 Jahre und 6 Monate Haft Aida Gjoci 1 Jahr Haft Die Entscheidung des Gerichts Said Cikalleshi 2,8 Jahre im Gefängnis und zwei Jahre Freiheitsrechte für ein öffentliches Amt Andi Gjeçi 2,4 Jahre im Gefängnis und zwei Jahre Freiheitsrechte für ein öffentliches Amt Asim Arkaxhiu zwei Jahre im Gefängnis und zwei Jahre Freiheitsrechte für ein öffentliches Amt Aldo Kila 1,8 Jahre Haft und 2 Jahre Entrechtung für ein öffentliches Amt Ilir Kaja 3 Jahre Haft und 2 Jahre Entzug des rechts auf öffentliche Funktionen. Agron Xhelezi 2 Jahre Haft und 2 Jahre Entzug des Rechts auf öffentliche Funktionen Licht Kazaz 2 Jahre Haft und 2 Jahre Entzug des Rechts auf ein öffentliches Amt Aida Gjoci 8 Monate im Gefängnis zu 120 Stunden Zwangsarbeit umgewandelt in kommunalen Unternehmen von Kavaja Gemeinde.

    Ish-zyrtarët e Kavajës shpallen fajtorë për falsifikimin e pronave në bregdet

    Ish-kryeregjistruesi i Kavajës, Seid Cikalleshi dhe tetë zyrtarë të tjerë u dënuan me 18 vite burg gjithsej për skemën e falsifikimit të pronave shtetërore në zonën e Spillesë, të cilat i përfituan familjarët e Elvis Roshit dhe drejtuesve të tjerë lokalë.
    Nationale Territorium äußerster Schutzbehörde verfolgt bei Kavaja Justizbezirksstaatsanwaltschaft, dem Bürgermeister, Isa Sakja. Kavaja Bürgermeister aufgeladen mit einer Straftat von Amtsmissbrauch. Zusammen mit dem Bürgermeister, IKMT hat kriminell und Leiter der Kontrollabteilung, Stadtentwicklung und Eigentum, und der Chefinspektor der Territorialen Verteidigung Inspektorat (IMT) Kavaja Gemeinde, Dritan Kazazi angeprangert.
    • Dha leje abuzive për shtatë pallate në Kavajë, kallëzohet kryebashkiaku i PD Isa Sakja

      Isa Sakja, kryetari i Bashkise se Kavajes

      Kallëzohet penalisht nga Inspektorati Kombëtar i Mbrojtjes së territorit, kryetari i Bashkisë së Kavajës, Isa Sakja, drejtoresha e Zhvillimit Urbanistik dhe kryeinspektori i Mbrojtjes së Terriorit në këtë bashki. Kryebashkiaku i zgjedhur nga Partia Demokratike, dhe dy zyrtarët e lartë të bashkisë, akuzohen për shpërdorim të detyrës në dhënien e lejeve për shtatë objekteve shumëkatëshe në dëm të territorit publik. Këto abuzime i ka denoncuar më herët edhe kryeministri Edi Rama, i cili më 31 mars, teksa pati një vizitë në Golem, tha se Bashkia e Kavajës nuk bën investime në interes publik, por "ndërton pallate në rërë, akoma sot e gjithë ditën"..."Dhe s’kanë faj përderisa sot akoma s’ka ardhur dora e prokurorisë", theksoi kreu i qeverisë, akuza për të cilat pati edhe një reagim nga kryebashkiaku Sakja. Isa Sakja është në krye të Bashkisë së Kavajës prej dy vitesh. Njoftimi për kallëzimin nga IKMT Inspektorati Kombëtar i Mbrojtjes së Territorit kallëzon penalisht pranë Prokurorisë së Rrethit Gjyqësor Kavajë, kryetarin e Bashkisë, Isa Sakja. Kryebashkiaku i Kavajës akuzohet për veprën penale të shpërdorimit të detyrës. Së bashku me Kryetarin e Bashkisë, IKMT ka kallëzuar penalisht edhe drejtoreshën e Drejtorisë së Kontrollit, Zhvillimit Urbanistik dhe Pronave, si dhe Kryeinspektorin e Inspektoratit të Mbrojtjes së Territorit (IMT) Bashkia Kavajë, Dritan Kazazi. Gjatë kontrolleve periodike që ushtron IKMT në bazë të ligjit në të gjitha bashkitë e vendit, ka vërejtur se në Bashkinë e Kavajës, personat e akuzuar, duke vepruar, apo mosvepruar në dhënien e lejeve të ndërtimit, apo kontrollit të ligjshmërisë, kanë cënuar interesin publik dhe territorin publik në të paktën shtatë objekte shumëkatëshe të ngritura në territorin e bashkisë Kavajë. IKMT shpreh vendosmërinë e saj, në mbrojtjen e territorit kundër abuzimeve të paligjshme, apo “të kopsitura” nga zyrtarë që shkelin ligjet dhe besimin e qytetarëve.

    • Gjoka
      Aug 31, 2020., 11:20 •

      “I was threatened with my life”; Landowner robbed of his property by municipality and building firm in Kavaja

      29/08/2020 15:35
      Xami Uzuni from Kavaja, claims that is being robbed of his land in the centre of Kavaja, which belongs to the Uzuni family since 1912. He says he enjoys his property only on paper as with the permission of the municipality of Kavaja, diggers have come to build there an 8-storey building.
      Xhami Uzuni: “I have cadastral ownership documents since 1912. I have had the restaurant in this place for 30 years. Former mayor Elvis Roshi removed it as he decided to make a sidewalk, exactly where the digger is now, then he turned it in a children’s playground. Then came the other mayor Isa Sakja, whom we asked to build something on our land but not only did he did not give it to us, but he also deceived us by giving 65% of our land to an owner from Tirana and 35% to the municipality. He made these moves two months before he left.” The Uzuni family has presented this injustice to the General Directorate of Cadastre, which so far has not returned any response. Xhami Uzuni: “The owners of the building firm RENIS.SHPK ask me to withdraw so that things can continue comfortably for them. They threaten me with life, they tell me ‘I will pull my heart out’ and ‘I will put the bullet in you’.” Finding no solution from the cadastre directorate, Xii Uzuni knocked on the door of the American Embassy to prevent any possible tragedy. Xhami Uzuni: “The project we are facing here is the project of the firm RENIS SHPK. This project affects me has directly. I went to the American embassy to take me in protection as I am in danger for my life. This dangerous situation for the old family of Kavaja occurs due to the chaos and clutter in the cadastre offices in Albania, with the only aims of stealing private property.

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  • Insider
    Jul 15, 2019., 07:39 •

    Viele ertrinken, oft weil man nicht schwimmen kann, trotzdem auf das Meer fährt. Hier organisierten ohne jede Orts-, oder Wetter Kenntnisse, ohne Ausrüstung diesen Wild West Auflug durch eine Bergschlucht   Eine junge Frau: Desantila Sollaku ertrank, welche in Deutschland lebte, auf Heimat Urlaub war aus Lushnje, welche mit einer Gruppe von 25 Leuten, einen Ausflug zur Schlucht von Holtes machte, diese mit Turnschuhen und Bade Latschen durchquerte, als ein kurzer Regen, den Bach in der Schlucht anschwellen liess. Angeblich war die Frau in Deutschland als Krankenschwester tätig. Erinnert an Deutsche Minister, oder Aktivisten, Influenser, Carola Rackete, Rucksack Touristen: Immer ohne Verstand, denn es gab schon viele Vorfälle in 2019, wo Touristen Wild West Touren machten, sich verirrten, weil man nicht einmal die Richtung bestimmen konnte nach der Sonne, oder dem Mond c

    105 turistë brenda në kanionin e Holtës, vërshimi i ujit rrëmbeu familjen nga Lushnja, mbytet vajza, shpëtohen katër fëmijë (VIDEO-Ekskluzive)

    Një vajzë 25-vjeçare, Desantila Sollaku është mbytur pasditen e se dielës në kanionin e Holtës ndërsa 6 persona të tjerë janë shpëtuar. Shkak për këtë ngjarje është bërë vërshimi i fuqishëm i ujërave të lumit nga shirat. Në momentin e vërshimit të ujërave brenda në kanion ishin 105 persona të cilët kishin ardhur në disa grupe. 14 Korrik, 17:15 | Përditësimi i fundit: 22:43

    • BuckZiehsMutter
      Jul 17, 2019., 12:50 •

      die sogenannten Touristen, werden immer Verrückter und Dümmer! Nachdem Vorfall in der Holtes Schlucht, die nächste Such Aktion! § Deutsche Touristen, wollten durch unwegsames Geländer zur Bucht von "Gjirit të Gjipesë." durch eine Schlucht absteigen, wo es real nicht einmal einen Esels Pfad gibt. Die Schlucht liegt nördlich von Himari Mit Bade Latschen unterwegs, wohl auf Drogen Trip, so Hirnlos sind heute die sogenannten Aktivisten und Rucksack Touristen unterwegs, wo der IQ irgendwo verloren ging im Drogen Rausch Nach mehreren Stunden Suche, konnte die 3 Idioten wohlbehalten gefunden werden, was 2019 ziemlich oft verkommt, diese Hirnlosen Amateure, die irgendwo im Gelände herumsteigen, oft mit schlechter Ausrüstung und ohne Minimal Kenntnisse, von Navigation und Gegenden. Gjirit të Gjipesë.

  • Gjoka
    Jul 16, 2019., 13:40 •

    Sarande, komplett ohne Funktion: Musik Lärm der Mafia Lokale, Dischos, Hotles, alle illegal gebaut und auch noch Baulärm, wie in Durres, seit Jahren wenn die Banden sich austoben Klos: Alte Probleme ohne Lösungen Velipojë 18.44 - 16. Juli 2019 Private Parteien nicht besetzen den öffentlichen Stränden und Autorität des Staates, Steuern zu zahlen, den Mangel an Sicherheit für Urlauber Kontrollen für die Strafverfolgung. Minister für Tourismus, schätzt Blendi Klos, dass diese Sommersaison für alte Probleme geht, noch schlimmer als die weg gehen. Beispiel Klosi ist Velipoja Strand, wo konkrete Zahlen das Scheitern bewiesen Gesetze hier zu implementieren und sparte nicht Kritik noch Untergebene in der Tourismus-Task Force noch die Gemeinde von Shkodra geführt von Demokraten Adam Voltana „Von den 29, nur 17 sind mit dem Finanzamt registriert und nicht bezahlen, aber zumindest sie registriert ist. Der Rest ist nicht registriert. Sind Aussichtspunkten nur 10 ihrer 29. Mit zertifizierten Beobachter haben nur drei. " negative Auswirkungen auf die Situation, die in der ganzen Küste auftritt, Klos erkennt auch die Wahlen vom 30. Juni, trotz der Tatsache, dass seine Touristenzahlen nach wachsen.

    • navy
      Jul 13, 2019., 17:05 •

      Zur Show gab es in Durres, eine Steuer Konrolle und alte Problem mit der Mafis Disco in Durres, oder Dhermi dem "havanna"

      Ksmali, das Verbrecher Zentrum im Süden, wo Alles zubetoniert ist durch Kriminelle, alle Dokumente gefälscht sind, Wild West Kriminelle sich wie immer herumtreiben und von der KfW, der Deutschen Botschafterin finanziert mit Betrugs Projekten und oft identische Projekte nochmal von der EU finanziert, wo real fast nie etwas existiert. Vollkommen überzogene Preise wie immer in Sarande, Ksmali Inseln, ein gigantischer Betrugshaufen, wo auch der Rekord an Lebensmitteln Vergiftungen jedes Jahr produziert wird, der Gesundheits Minister Petrit Vasili, vor den saison Lokalen warnte, wo oft wie bei Durres, Speise Eis, Eiswürfel verseucht sind.

      Çmenduri në Sarandë, 25 mijë lekë një fileto viçi. Fatura bën xhiron e rrjetit (FOTO)

      Në çdo sezon vere një nga shqetësimet më të mëdha të turistëve sidomos në jug të vendit janë çmimet e …
      Ksmali, das Verbrecher Zentrum im Süden, wo Alles zubetoniert ist durch Kriminelle, alle Dokumente gefälscht sind, Wild West Kriminelle sich wie immer herumtreiben und von der KfW, der Deutschen Botschafterin finanziert mit Betrugs Projekten und oft identische Projekte nochmal von der EU finanziert, wo real fast nie etwas existiert. Vollkommen überzogene Preise wie immer in Sarande, Ksmali Inseln, ein gigantischer Betrugshaufen, wo auch der Rekord an Lebensmitteln Vergiftungen jedes Jahr produziert wird, der Gesundheits Minister Petrit Vasili, vor den saison Lokalen warnte, wo oft wie bei Durres, Speise Eis, Eiswürfel verseucht sind.
      Sommersaison: Sonne, Meer, Himmel-hohe Preise in Resorts im Süden und salzigen Rechnungen. Dies sind Schlüsselworte, die den Wein in Albanien beschreiben. Wir können hier die Besetzung des öffentlichen Raums von Resort-Besitzer erwähnen und die Bevölkerung der Chaise auf den öffentlichen Stränden. Mit jedem Jahr, auch weiterhin diese problematischen Situationen verschlechtern. Ksamili, einer der am meisten frequentierten Websites und Favoriten von in- und ausländischen Urlaubern wegen des smaragdgrünen Wasser und weißen Sand. Auch in diesem Jahr die Preise eine Liege an den Stränden von Ksamil zu fangen, die Stratosphäre zu beeinflussen. Durch die hier nicht erwähnt werden, dass zumindest müssen, bevor ein paar Tage zu buchen, eine Chaise dieser Strände im Bereich von 10 bis 20 Euro Tag.
      2007, wurden über 240 illegale Bauten durch das Weltbank Programm: Coastal Integrat Management Plan dort abgerissen und danach wurde es noch schlimmer. Zu tote gefahrene Schwimmer, durch Politker nahe Banditen, die dort Boote vermieteten, zeigen wie auch mit dem Gangster Fatmir Kuci, ein abschreckendes Kathastrophen System der Edi Rama Regierung. Die KfW, EU Mafia finanziert die Verbrecher Banden und illegalen Bauten in Albanien. Safet Rustemi, identisch in Velipoje und die gesamte Küste, auch mit der Kosovo Mafia, wie Enver Shala. Edi Rama und seine uralten Verbrecher Banden Klement Balili - Ilir Meta - Arben Ahmeti, Florian Koka: Hintergrund: Koco Kokedhima Edi Rama, Ilir Meta Regierung der Dummen und Mafiosi: Stefan Cipa, Drogen Boss: Klement Balili Ksmali Inseln 1996 Ksmali Sommer 2017: Fäkälien Kathastrophe Sarande, Ksmali 2017, geplatzte Abwasser Leitungen des neuen KfW Betrugs Projektes der Botschaft ipernity: Ksamil Beach (2) - by tommes

      Ndërtuar në pronë të huaj, IKMT prish lokalin në Ksamil (FOTO+VIDEO)

      Inspektoriati Kombëtar i Mbrojtjes së Territorit (IKMT) me ndihmën e forcave të policisë, kanë prishur një lokal në zonën turistike të Ksamilit. ka siguruar pamjet e aksionit të IKMT teksa çmonton paisjet e lokalit në Ksamil. Lokali ka qenë në kulmin e funksionimit megjithatë IKMT nuk është ndalur në prishjen e tij. Ky lokal ishte vendosur në pronën e një ish-pronari. Ndërsa vetë pronarët e lokalit që është prishur pretendojnë se nuk janë paralajmëruar dhe njoftuar për aksionin e IKMT. Gjatë punës së IKMT edhe pse ka patur kundërshtime nga pronarët e lokalit nuk janë shënuar përplasje dhe incidente.
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    • navy
      Jul 14, 2019., 20:20 •

      Die Fährlinie "Sarande Express" mit 27 Passagieren, 2 Autos funkte SOS, wurde abgeschleppt, weil beide Motoren Ausfall hatten, oder der Sprit verdreckt war. Nicht das Erste Mal in etlichen Jahren Saranda Express “Saranda Expres” Saranda Express

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